The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection)

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The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection) Page 14

by Angelo, Judy

  And before she could move Raul was at the top of the steps and by her side. His hands shot out and he turned her to him and before she could flee he locked his arms around her.

  Solie tried to struggle but he was holding her so tight all she could do was wriggle. She lifted her face to glare up at him. “You let me go right now, you-”

  Raul cut her off, capturing her lips with his, cutting off her air as he plundered her mouth.

  Solie wanted to scream. She wanted to fight but, trapped against his body, his big hand holding her head immobile, there was nothing she could do but suffer the indignity of kissing a snake. And, like she knew it would, that kiss left her cold.

  When Raul finally released her the haughty smile was back on his face. “Brought back some good memories, didn’t it?”

  Disgusted by the kiss, Solie stumbled back against the door. That only made him smile wider. He plucked the key from her lifeless fingers, inserted it into the lock then pushed the door open, almost making her fall.

  “I always knew I was a good kisser,” he said. “I just didn’t know I was this good.”

  His words shocked Solie out of her trance. She grabbed the key from him and then the cell phone. She backed inside, intent on slamming the door in his face, but he didn’t allow her the pleasure.

  Grasping the knob he stole yet another kiss, this time a quick peck to her cheek, then pulled the door closed before she’d even regained her balance.

  As soon as Solie righted herself she marched straight to the bathroom. She had to get the feel of that man off her.

  How she’d ever fallen in love with a man like him she would never know.


  Ransom felt the dagger of betrayal sink deep into his heart. So she’d told him to trust her, had she? And now, not even a day later, she was wrapped in the arms of another man.

  Goddamn. How could he have been so stupid? He’d seen the lights of Solie’s car as she pulled into the driveway and, fool that he was, he’d immediately left his yard and headed over to her place, eager to make things up with her. He’d decided to do just what she’d asked. He would trust her.

  He was walking up her driveway when he realized that she wasn’t alone. There in the shadows on the porch beside her was a man, a pretty big guy, and he was kissing Solie like he owned her.

  Ransom stopped in his tracks and so did his heart. He couldn’t believe this was the woman he’d proposed to just the night before.

  He felt like tearing up the driveway and ripping them apart. But no, he wouldn’t make himself more of a fool than he already was. Fists clenched at his sides he backed away, out of her yard and out of her life. For good.

  When he got back to his house he slammed the door shut behind him, startling King Tut who dashed away, barking through the house. He was heading for the kitchen, intent on pouring himself a stiff drink, when his cell phone began to ring. He ignored it. The last thing he wanted right then was conversation. Whoever it was would just have to wait.

  He’d just downed a shot of vodka when the phone began to buzz again. Annoyed, he shook his head then reached for the bottle and refilled his glass. Tonight all he wanted to do was get drunk. He got a second then a third shot down but within thirty seconds after that the phone was ringing again and this time he dragged it out of his pocket ready to bellow into the ear of whoever dared disturb him while he was wallowing in his misery.

  And then he saw who it was. Solie.

  For the second time that night his heart stilled. Solie was on the phone and the sight of the name on the screen was enough to make him want to dash the half empty liquor bottle against the wall. What was she trying to do? Drive him crazy?

  He tapped on the screen. “What? Calling to rub it in?” His voice was a snarl but he wouldn’t apologize for it. The girl had some nerve calling him after what she’d just done. Come to think of it, after what she’d been doing all along. She was a liar and a cheat. That much was obvious.

  “Ransom? Are you okay? What are you talking about?” Consummate actress that she was, she actually sounded confused.

  “I’m talking about the fact that you’re a goddamn liar, that’s what I’m talking about. You’ve been cheating on me the whole time. Christ, you didn’t even have the decency to take it inside.”

  Ransom heard her sharp intake of breath and then she went silent.

  “Oh, so now you don’t need to ask what I’m talking about. Didn’t you think I would see you? You were on the front porch, for God's sake.”

  “Ransom, it’s not what you think. You don’t understand.” She’d found her voice and now she was sounding desperate.

  That made him laugh and the sound was bitter even to his own ears. “The man had his tongue rammed down your throat. What’s not to understand about that?”

  “I never wanted him to do that. He took me by surprise.”

  “Yeah, and I’m really Santa Claus moonlighting in Florida.”

  “Ransom, you have to listen to me. You have to believe me. I’ve got proof.”

  He gave a snort. “Tell that to the girl scouts next time they come knocking on your door.”

  Solie gave a shriek that almost burst his eardrum. “Will you listen to me? I’m innocent and I can prove it. I’m coming over.”

  Before he could answer, the phone went dead in his hand. Slowly, his head feeling like it was cracking open, Ransom lowered the phone to the kitchen counter. Downing three shots of vodka on an empty stomach hadn’t been one of his most brilliant moves.

  Ransom slumped onto the stool, rested his elbows on the island’s ceramic top and dropped his face in his hands. On top of his headache Solie had talked about giving him an explanation. He didn’t want to hear it. There was nothing she could say to make things right.

  He was still mulling over that thought when he heard the front door open and footsteps marching down the hallway. That was what he got for giving her a key to his home. She could barge in any time she wanted, including now when he just wanted to be alone.

  “Ransom Kent, I have something to tell you and you’re going to listen.” She’d started talking before she’d even rounded the corner. She burst into the kitchen then pulled up short. He could hear her come to a screeching halt.

  “Ransom. What…have you been drinking?”

  He didn’t lift his head from his hands. “What do you think?” he groaned.

  “But you don’t drink. You know it gives you terrible headaches.” She came over and rested a hand on his shoulder.

  He knew he should shrug it off but it felt good to have it there. He didn’t look up, just continued to sit with his head down, saying nothing.

  Solie heaved a sigh and withdrew her hand then went to sit on the stool beside him.

  He heard the clatter of something she’d dropped on the counter. It made him look up for the first time since she’d come into the room.

  “Listen,” she said and pressed the button on the digital recorder.

  Immediately, Ransom heard the rough voice of Raul and he and Solie were in heated conversation, with Solie demanding to know why he’d barged into her home and why he’d been threatening her.

  She let it run for a minute longer and then she snapped it off. She looked at him, her face devoid of emotion. “He’s my ex,” she said, her voice leaden. “I found him in bed with another woman. I ended the relationship over a year before I met you. Then all of a sudden he shows up on my doorstep, demanding that I take him back.” She shook her head. “The man is crazy.” Then she looked over at Ransom and that was when he saw that the fire was back in her eyes. “I could kick myself. I had this proof and I threatened him with it. I told him if he didn’t leave me alone I was going to the police.” Her lips tightened then she dropped her eyes. “I didn’t.”

  “Because you still have feelings for him.” Ransom’s heart tightened as he stared at her.

  “Are you mad? Why would I have feelings for him? It’s you I love.” She was glaring at him like he’d said t
he stupidest thing in the world.

  “So what was that all about? Tonight on your doorstep?” Ransom never took his eyes off her face. He had to see if this time she would tell him the truth.

  To his surprise she didn’t drop her eyes. She didn’t turn nervously away. Instead, she reached out and took his hand. “I love you, Ransom, more than I’ve loved any man in this world. And that’s why I hope you’ll believe me when I say that what you saw looked terrible but it was not of my doing.” She squeezed his hand. “Raul made a threat against you and the only way I could find out what he was up to was to go out with him. In the end I found out it wasn’t a physical threat. He wanted to use me to mess up your reputation. He threatened to spread rumors that I was transporting drugs from Latin America. Because of our relationship that would have implicated you.” She shook her head. “When he said that, I knew it was time to go to the police. I got out of there real fast.”

  “But then you ended up kissing him.”

  “No, I didn’t. He kissed me. I didn’t know it but he followed me from the restaurant and grabbed me on my front porch. He forced himself on me. That’s the truth, Ransom. I’m not lying.” She stared at him with earnest eyes and Ransom knew that what she said was true. He could see it in her direct, unwavering gaze. He could feel it in the strength of her fingers squeezing his.

  He drew in his breath then expelled it in a whoosh. All of a sudden his headache was gone. “Then there’s just one thing we need to do right now.”

  “Go to the police?”

  He nodded then slid off his stool, pulling her with him. “Let’s go stomp that cockroach into oblivion.”


  "Talk about a man crying like a baby. That's how it usually goes with bullies. All bravado and no backbone." Solie was cracking up as she described the blubbering mess that was Raul when the police took him in for questioning.

  “So how’d you get him to come back?” Kyra asked, in between guffaws.

  “Oh, he was more than willing to come to my house. I just promised him I’d have a surprise for him.” She chuckled. “This was after I told him his kiss stole my breath away.”

  Dominic frowned. “But why invite him back to your place? I thought you wanted to avoid the man.”

  “Weren’t you listening?” Kyra scowled at him.

  “Shh. Leave him alone.” Solie gave Dominic a patient smile. “It was the police who came up with that plan. They knew it would be hard to track Raul down so they decided to make things a whole lot easier by bringing him to us.”

  Dominic cocked an eyebrow. “Makes sense.”

  “Of course it did. What did you expect?” The look Kyra gave him said he was way too slow.

  Solie smiled and shook her head. Poor Dominic. "Anyway, guys, I’ve got to go. Ransom’s picking me up in an hour. He’s taking me to pick out my engagement ring.”

  “Woohoo. You go, girl.” Kyra put her hand up for a high five and Dominic, not to be outdone, hopped up from his chair and leaned over the reception counter to do the same.

  Solie was in high spirits when Ransom pulled into her driveway. She hopped into his car and leaned over to kiss him on the lips.

  “You look delicious today.” He smiled as his eyes roamed over her, taking in the frilly white blouse that fell off one shoulder and the hip-hugging navy blue skirt with the cute slit just above her knee.

  “Aah,” she said, dropping her gaze and playing bashful, “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  He laughed then put the car in drive and headed out for downtown Miami. A half hour later they were in Freddy’s Jewelry and Solie was gazing, wide-eyed, at diamond rings in a variety of shapes and sizes.

  “They’re so beautiful,” she whispered reverently. “I’ve never owned a real diamond before.”

  Ransom laughed. “I’m only too happy to remedy that. Which one do you like?”

  She drew in her breath and let it out in a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know. They’re all so…sparkly. You choose.”

  Ransom gave her an indulgent smile. “What about this heart-shaped one?” Then he shook his head. “Too big for your slender finger.” Then he pointed to a marquise one glittering on its bed of black velvet. “Perfect.”

  “Excellent choice,” the associate said as he drew the ring from its secure chamber so Solie could try it on. Of course he would say that. She could imagine the hefty commission he’d be collecting since the ring Ransom had selected looked like it was the most expensive one in the store.

  And it was indeed perfect. When Ransom slid it onto her finger it fit so perfectly that she wondered if he’d had it custom-made. She gave him a suspicious glance. She would not put it past him. He could be devious sometimes but always in a good way.

  Solie smiled, her eyes filling with sudden tears. It was really happening. She was one step closer to marrying Ransom Kent.

  And then, as if it wasn’t bad enough that she was having a sudden attack of emotion, Ransom went and did the unexpected.

  Right there in front of the store manager, the associates and all the shoppers milling around Ransom went down on one knee, took her hand then gazed up into her eyes.

  “Now that there’s nothing hanging over your head I want to ask you one more time, Solie Felix.” He lifted the hand that now wore his engagement ring and kissed it before looking back at her. “Will you marry me?”

  Okay, so he was determined to reduce her to a blubbering mess. Her face crumpled as she stared down at him. “Yes,” she said, her voice breaking as she began to cry. “Ask me a million times and my answer will always be yes.”

  And as their spectators burst into wild applause Ransom rose to his feet, pulled Solie into his arms and gave her a kiss that sealed her fate forever.

  From this day forward she would be none other’s but Ransom Kent’s.


  “Gimme an R.”


  “Gimme an A.”


  Solie grinned as Trevor hopped back and forth, leading the cheer for Ransom. He’d already done Solie’s name so this was the second round.

  “Gimme an N.”

  “Ay, nina, you have made me a proud madre.” Ignoring the cheers, Niurka pulled her daughter over to the rose bushes a little distance away from the celebration. “I knew that one day you would find a good man.”

  “Gracias, Mamita.” Solie squeezed her mother’s hand. “He is good. And the rest of his family, they’re really nice. They all welcomed me.” Solie smiled as her gaze drifted over to where Ransom’s brothers Rafe, Ridge and Ryder stood around him, laughing and shouting just as loud as anyone else.

  “I was talking with the mother and she’s a wonderful woman. No airs, no nothing. When she saw me she gave me a big hug.” Niurka’s eyes were wide like she was still in shock that she’d been so warmly received.

  “That’s how they all are,” Solie said, happy that her mother was happy. “Now let’s get back to the party before they hunt us down.” She shooed her mother back to where her sisters lounged in wicker chairs on the back patio.

  It was a lovely spring evening, perfect for the engagement party Ransom had organized in his own backyard. Just like they’d done for New Year's Eve they kept it simple, ignoring all suggestions for a grand affair. Instead, they invited family and close friends to a gathering in the back yard.

  “I’ve got the gazebo,” Ransom said. “Why not make full use of it?”

  And so they did. And, as far as Solie was concerned, it was the best engagement party a girl could ever have.

  “Where’s my wife-to-be?”

  Solie snapped out of her reverie when Ransom’s voice boomed over the whoops and calls.

  “I’m right here.” She waved her hand then ran over to stand by his side.

  “Two of Solie’s good friends just told me they have a special surprise for her.”

  At Ransom’s words Solie gave him a quizzical look then her gaze flew to where Kyra and Dominic s
tood by the backyard pond, grinning and waving.

  Solie frowned. The fact that those two were involved was more than enough cause for worry.

  She turned back to Ransom. “What surprise?”

  “Your friends wanted to take the occasion to tell you that you've become their inspiration. They have an announcement to make."

  Solie whipped back round to glare at Kyra and Dominic who were walking toward her. What kind of announcement were they going to make now? If they were planning to reveal any of her embarrassing moments from work she would kill them.

  In three seconds they were standing in front of her and that was when she saw that Kyra had tears in her eyes.

  "Solie, thank you for being so brave and fighting for the love of your life. I will always be grateful to you for showing me what a difference love can make." Kyra reached out and took Solie's hand. "All this time I've had someone trying to get close and all this time I've put up a fight. But not anymore."

  She reached out with her other hand and clasped Dominic's hand with her own, her lips curling in a tremulous smile as she turned to gaze up at him. "It's time we tell her, don't you think, honey?" Then she turned her happy face back to Solie. "Dominic asked me to marry him and I said yes."

  Solie gasped, her eyes wide, as she stared open-mouthed at one then the other. "Are you serious? Is this a joke?" She wouldn't put anything past these two trouble-makers, especially Kyra.

  Dominic laughed. "No, Solie, it's all true. I've been pursuing this girl for ages and she's finally made me the happiest man in the world. And it's all because of you. Thank you." And then he leaned forward and on her forehead he gave her a gentle kiss of gratitude.

  And that was when the back yard erupted in whoops and cheers...and if there was a grumpy neighbor who couldn't deal with a whole lot of noise coming from next door, Ransom would soon have a bulldog jumping onto a rock, peering over the hedge and shouting to him to keep it down.

  Luckily, that neighbor was already in his back yard and was even a part of the commotion. There would be no complaints today.


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