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Trust The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 3)

Page 14

by Joanna Blake

  Pheonyx didn't even acknowledge me. She just walked over to Apollo and hopped on without a care in the world. I had a flashback to a decade ago.

  Another girl I had known didn't check her straps. A young girl. Sweet and proud as punch to be in her first competition.

  And she'd paid for it with her life.

  I was over the fence and across the paddock before I knew what was happening. I knew her straps were fine. I'd checked them not an hour before. But all I could see was that other girl lying in the dirt.

  Only this time she had red hair.

  Fear and rage were battling inside me as I pulled Pheonyx down and dragged her to the gate. I didn't stop until we were alone in the coolness of the stables. I set her down and rested my boot on a bale of hay, trying to get a hold of myself before I did something reckless.

  Scratch that. More reckless.

  "What are you doing Clint!"

  Well, she was looking at me now. But I was too angry to notice how pink her cheeks were. Or how hurt her eyes looked when she looked at me.

  She could have gotten injured out there. Or worse.

  "Did you check your straps?"

  She stared at me, a frown on her face.


  "Did. You. Check. Your. Straps."

  "Of course. I always check them."

  I grabbed her arm. She stared up at me. Not worried at all. Just annoyed. While I had the fear of God running through my veins.

  Well, that was about to change.

  "Not this time you didn't. Were you too busy making a spectacle of yourself with that fake cowboy?"

  "Luke? No- I-"

  "Stop talking."

  I didn't want to hear another word. I couldn't listen to her talk about him. I just wanted to get through to her so that she never, ever put herself in harm's way again. That nonsense with Luke was the last straw.

  I snapped.

  Her eyes widened as I sat on the bale of hay and hauled her over my lap.

  Face down.

  I rested my hand on her perfect little behind, using my other hand to hold her down in case she started bucking. But she still didn't grasp what was about to happen. I struggled for control before I began, making sure I didn't use too much force.

  I took exactly one minute to savor the feel of her fanny underneath my palm. Then I lifted my hand and smacked it.

  Damn, but that was satisfying.

  Her sweet little tush jiggled like jello. Just a little. But it was enough to send me from rage, to lust in an instant. But I wasn't done. Not even close. I still needed to get my point across.

  I slapped her ass again.

  Not hard. I would never hurt the girl. But I knew she wouldn't like this.

  I rested my hand on her ass and waited. I knew what was coming. Once the shock wore off, I was about to have a Texas sized temper tantrum on my hands.

  Three. Two. One.


  I held her still while she thrashed on my lap. I grimaced as my dick started to get hard. The damn woman was rubbing herself all over me without realizing it!

  "Let me go! How dare you spank me like a child! How-"

  I took that opportunity to smack her ass again.

  "Because you are behaving like a child. If you are ready to act like a young lady again, I will stop."

  She kept hollerin' and so I spanked her again. And again. She kept wiggling in a way that made me want to wrassle her in the sheets. My cock could have cut glass at this point. I didn't stop though. Not until she stilled.

  I rubbed her bottom a bit, trying to soothe it.

  "There, there, it's alright girl. I didn't hurt you."

  She hiccupped. It was the cutest damn sound I'd heard in my life.

  I couldn't help but let my hands wander a bit. Now that she was in my arms, more or less, I didn't have the strength to fight. I squeezed her cheeks, hoping they weren't too sore.

  "Can I sit up now, please?"

  I smiled fondly at her. This was progress. She'd said please.

  She pushed herself up and I caught her around the waist, settling her on my lap. I pushed her wild hair back over her shoulders and tipped her chin up. She'd been crying.

  I frowned. I hadn't been rough. Why was she crying?

  "Hey now babygirl, there's no need for that."

  She hiccupped again, and lifted her hand to slap me. I caught it in mid-air and smiled at her.

  "I'm sure you want to hit me, wildcat. But I think you know I don't deserve it."

  She stared at me, her frown sliding away into something sweet and uncertain.

  "Don't be nice to me, dammit. I can't stand it when you're nice to me!"

  I held her firm, but she wasn't struggling to get away anymore. No, she felt soft and pliant. She felt… willing.

  "You sure about that, darlin'?"

  I used the back of my hand to brush her tears away. That's when it happened. We both tilted forward slightly, our eyes on each other's lips. I groaned as I pulled her hard against me, my mouth crashing down on hers.

  Sweet Jesus, the woman felt right!

  Her skin was living silk in my hands. I held her face so I could kiss the hell out of her. She made a sexy whimpering sound as her lips parted. I took the opportunity to taste her, slipping my tongue inside her mouth. I teased her a bit, stroking and retreating, then darting forward to tangle with her tongue again.

  My hands slid down to her ass, cupping a cheek in each hand. That's how much bigger I was, how small she felt in my arms. My hands swallowed her up completely.

  She wiggled a bit and I bit back a satisfied laugh. All this time wanting her, and she was as agreeable as a kitten! I should have done this to begin with.

  I should have just made her mine.

  I kissed her neck and then lower, unbuttoning her shirt with one hand. The top of her bra came into view and I moaned, letting my lips wander even lower. In no time her buttons were all undone and I was tugging her lacey white bra down, licking and sucking her nipples until the were tight little points.

  Her hands were in my hair as she held me against her. I murmured my appreciation for her beautiful, delicious breasts as I kissed them again and again. One hand slipped lower, stroking her pussy through her jeans.

  I almost lost it when she started to circle her hips against my hand. She was so passionate and natural- there was nothing coy about my wildcat. I wanted her, and she wanted me right back, and made no bones about it.

  Damn if that wasn't sexy as hell!

  I kissed her mouth again, turning her so she was laying flat on a bench made up of bales of hay. I covered her with my body, and fitting myself against her. I replaced my hand with my hard on.

  Right… there.

  Oh sweet lord, have mercy!

  We rocked and rolled together, dry humping like teenagers. My cock felt like it was going to explode, or catch fire. We created that much friction where our jeans rubbed together like kindling.

  Right there. I was right there. So close to getting inside her I could taste it. But we were not completely alone. Hardly anyone came back here, but there was no lock on the door.

  And that just wasn't the right situation for making love to a hellcat. Especially the first time.

  I moaned in frustration but didn't stop. I couldn't. I was going to take what I could get. I wanted anything and everything. But not now. Damn it all to hell, I was going to have to wait. Hours or minutes or days, the thought itself felt like an eternity in hell.

  Either way, I was getting inside her tight little jeans.

  Real damn soon.


  I gasped as Clint's tongue traced my ear. Right before he bit it. His hardness was between my thighs, his fingers busy with my nipples.

  He felt so good- so strong and manly and right. He did want me after all. He was stretched out on top of me, as aroused as I was. At least. The huge bulge in his pants was creating these wondering, hungry feelings in the pit of my belly. Urgent feelings.<
br />
  Something was just out of reach- something wonderful. I could feel it, even though I didn't know what it was.

  I just had to reach for it…

  "Phee… Phee we're gonna have to stop… oh Lord have mercy…"

  He didn't stop though. I was so close. I wanted-


  He cursed and pulled his upper body away. His hips were still wedged between my thighs, his erection pushing against me. He stared down at me, his hair mussed up in an adorable way.

  I circled my hips in need and he chuckled knowingly.

  "I know, darlin'. I want it too. But you're going to have to wait for me to scratch that itch until we have some privacy."

  His words were like a cold splash of water. He was telling me to wait? He made it sound like I was desperate for him. Like I was begging. I had begged, hadn't I? Or nearly. Humiliation washed over me as he rolled away, moaning about his hard on.

  "I need a cold shower, you brazen little hussy."

  A hussy? Did he just call me a hussy???

  My cheeks were flaming as I stood up, pulling my bra cups over my naked breasts. I'd let him look at me. Touch me. And more. In the middle of the stable! Maybe he was right. Maybe I was a hussy.

  I buttoned my shirt in haste. I was so embarrassed I could scream.

  Clint shook his head as I covered myself up.

  "What a shame. Those are the prettiest titties I've ever seen."

  I bristled, hating myself for letting him get the upper hand again. I'd just let him do whatever he wanted. I gave him a cold look and straightened my hair.

  "And I'm sure you've seen your fair share of them."

  He caught me in his arms, chuckling.

  "No need to be jealous, wildcat. I'm a one woman kind of man."

  He squeezed my bottom familiarly, the faint soreness reminding me that he'd spanked me like a child not twenty minutes ago. I didn't think. I just jumped back, lifted my arm and smacked him clean across the cheek.

  "Don't you ever spank me again!"

  "Alright darlin'. I'll let you have that."

  He smiled at me lazily, his eyes roving all over my body. That cocky bastard! I was going to leave him high and dry! Let him stew in his own damn juices!

  "I know you didn't mind the rest of it."

  "That too! I will never let you touch me aga-"

  He reached out like a shot, his hand covering my lips.

  "Don't say it girl. Don't make a promise neither one of us can keep."

  Then he left, denying me my grand exit. I stared after him.

  The bastard was whistling.


  I took my hat off, using it to check my breath. I smiled. Minty fresh and clean, just like the rest of me.

  Oh, I'd taken about three showers since leaving the stables. Cold ones. Not that it did a damn thing to dampen my urges, but I was fresh as a damn daisy.

  My fingernails were trimmed. My shave was as close as it got. My hair was combed and parted. I was ready to come callin'.

  Hell, all I needed was a bow wrapped around my cock. Which was still aching for the girl inside the house. I stood on Pheonyx's front porch and whistled. All I had to do was some sweet talkin' and I'd be spending the night in heaven.

  I hoped so anyway.

  I knew redheaded women could be ornery, but she'd surprised the hell out of me with that slap. I'd probably deserved it, but it didn't change a damn thing about what had happened between us.

  We had chemistry. With a capital 'C.'

  The kind they wrote stories about. Anthony and Cleopatra. Romeo and Juliet. Bonnie and Clyde.

  I frowned at that last one, hoping she didn't keep a gun in the house.

  For all I knew, she might still want to shoot me.

  I cleared my throat and rang the bell. Phee's place was a very pretty, very charming, very Southern looking house. It wasn't huge, but it was well maintained, with white painted trim and roses climbing up the porch rails.

  A couple of rocking chairs completed the picture.

  I could see us out here, sitting together and sipping lemonade. We'd need to take a break from all the other stuff we were doing inside. Naked, filthy stuff. And lots of it.

  "Who is it?"

  "You know damn well who it is. You saw me drive up."

  I'd seen the curtains twitch. She knew I was out here. I waited. And waited a little bit more.

  Finally the door opened.

  Oh my word.

  My little hellcat stood there, dressed in the girliest little nightgown and bathrobe I'd ever seen. It was white with pink roses and green leaves. The robe had ruffles around the neckline where I could see white lace peeking out.

  I glanced down and noticed how short the outfit was. Those long tanned legs of hers were bare, all the way up her thighs. And her cute little tootsies were stuffed in fuzzy slippers.

  My mouth went dry. This was worse than the damn bikini. That made me think of the beach. This made me think of getting her right into bed.

  And all the things we could do once we got there.

  Hell, I didn't think I'd make it to the bed at this point. I just wanted to make it past the front door.

  There was something so innocent and sweet about the way she looked. I wanted to steal that innocence. I wanted to make her mine.

  And I wasn't just talking about tonight either.

  "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

  She crossed her arms and scowled at me. She looked tee'd off. Pissed, but still way too pretty for this world.

  "You said you didn't like the way I looked! You called me a hussy!"

  My jaw dropped. What the hell was she talking about now?

  "Hell no! I did not."

  "You did! You said I'd have to wait!"

  I braced my arm against the door, realizing she had yet to invite me in. I put my boot in the doorframe, just in case she tried to slam the door in my face. I smiled, real friendly like.

  "I just meant we'd both have to wait for the grand finale."

  She tossed her head and stared over my shoulder, refusing to look at me. I sighed. I was going to have to do some wheedlin, looked like.

  "I was angry about the straps. And I was jealous."

  She made a scoffing sound. But she didn't slam the door. Not yet anyway.

  "Jealous? Of Luke?"

  "I never had to watch you flirt with anybody before. I didn't like it."

  "Well, I guess I decided I didn't want to be the only twenty-two year old virgin in Texas!"

  Right after she dropped that bomb she tried to slam the door. I caught it. Then I stepped inside.

  Her cheeks were bright red as I shut the door behind me. Then I locked it.

  "What do you think you are doing?

  I stared at her, breathing hard.

  "Getting us some much needed privacy."


  "You're really a virgin?"

  She frowned and looked away. Like she was embarrassed. Like she was ashamed.

  She nodded and my heart sang. This gorgeous, precocious, willful woman had never been touched. Not by any man.

  Not until me.

  I hung my hat on a row of hooks by the door.

  "Well, I think it's time we remedied that situation."


  I took a step back as Clint yanked his boots off, leaving them under the bench by the front door. He kept coming towards me as he started unbuttoning his shirt with one hand.

  The man was taking his clothes off and he'd barely set foot in my house!

  "Here honey, hold this."

  "What is it?"

  I took the basket from him, watching him loosen his belt buckle. My mouth was dry as I tried to comprehend what he was doing. I felt inexplicably keyed up and jumpy.

  "It's dinner. For after."


  He reached out and grabbed me, yanking me against his body. He was already hard down there. Heck, the man was hard everywhere.

  "What ar
e you doing?"

  "I'm taking what I've been after since the moment I laid eyes on you."

  I blinked, utterly confused. I pouted a little, not wanting him to let me go, but not sure I should give in too quick either. He took the basket from my limp fingertips and set it on the ground.

  "I thought you didn't like the way I looked."

  "Honey, I like it too damn much."

  His mouth crashed down on mine. Our tongues tangled as he pushed me up against the wall with a thud. He lifted one thigh and pressed himself against me, rhythmically circling his hips.

  I heard a soft moan and realized it was coming from me. I was done fighting. I wanted his hands on me. His mouth too.

  Most of all I wanted his clothes off, right now.

  It was pretty clear he wanted mine off too.

  He grunted as he untied my robe belt and opened it. I heard him whisper 'lord have mercy' as he stared down at my lace nightie. It was slightly see through, I realized with a blush.

  I didn't close my eyes as he pushed the strap off one shoulder so he could get at my breast. He squeezed one in one hand, and held the other up to his lips, devouring me like a starving man.

  He was talking to me, telling me how beautiful I was. How desirable. I felt his fingertips on my thighs, pushing my nightie up while he knelt in front of me.

  He groaned when he saw the matching panties.

  Those were really see through.

  "Lord Phee, you are surely going to kill me…"

  And then he kissed me. Right there. Right through my panties.

  The heat of his lips- the feel of him. It was too much. I whimpered at the sensations coursing through my body.

  I gasped as he tugged my panties down my thighs, grasping his wrists in a panic.

  "Oh honey, please let me see you. I want to taste you so bad…"

  "Taste me?"

  My voice was a high squeak. He stared up at me. Clint was on his knees in front of me, literally begging me. He wasn't arrogant now. He was just hungry.

  For me.

  "Hmmm… I want you so bad, babygirl…"

  I nodded yes and he smiled, slowly pulling my panties to my ankles. He lifted one foot and then the other, tossing the panties away. He stared at me, his rough fingers lightly brushing over my sensitive flesh.


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