Nightblade Boxed Set

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Nightblade Boxed Set Page 68

by Ryan Kirk

  There wasn’t time to think, and Moriko’s combat instincts took over. She stepped over the dead body and stabbed out again. The other hunter knew Moriko was somewhere close, but with no sight and no sense of her, there was nothing he could do. Moriko’s blade passed right behind his guard without touching it, killing him as quickly as his partner.

  Behind her she heard the soft commotion of the other two hunters as they realized what was happening. They were coming back to where the cave had branched in two. Trusting her sense, Moriko took off deeper down the passage. In the darkness she would move faster, their caution for their lives slowing them down. She let her presence seep out of her again, both to draw the hunters deeper into the caves, but also to relax her own mind. Suppressing her presence as far as she did was mentally exhausting.

  Naked and in the dark, Moriko felt an understanding of her own power rush over her. Here, she was the hunter and they were the hunted. Another four hunters would meet their end. Despite her exhaustion, despite her injuries, she had never felt so strong, so deadly. She wanted to kill.

  The hunters behind her didn’t have her confidence. They moved slowly and deliberately towards her presence, but they moved with caution. She moved with determination.

  As the footfalls became quieter behind her, Moriko realized she was in a large cavern. It was as good as place as any for her final stand. She felt like she had become everything a nightblade could be. She was deadly, silent, and undetectable. A flood of confidence rushed through her veins. She was everything that Orochi had taught her and so much more. She breathed in the darkness, taking its power for herself.

  The hunters came into the room, moving slowly. She had suppressed her presence again and was as silent as the bodies of their friends back up the path. They didn’t have any clue where she was. She could almost feel their fear.

  Moriko reached out with her sword, deliberate and sure. With a single thrust she took the life of the third hunter. She grinned viciously. That made the count eight and a half hunters dead by her sword, two by Ryuu’s. He’d be jealous.

  She heard the sound of flint on steel, throwing sparks onto a torch. The cavern illuminated in an instant, blinding both Moriko and the final pursuer. The flame and the movement was enough to frighten the bats too, and they beat furiously against the air to escape the light.

  Between the light and the bats, both Moriko and the hunter were disoriented. They had both been in the darkness so long that the light hurt their eyes. Moriko closed hers, trusting her sense. Her opponent was tall, much bigger and stronger than she was. Her confidence was high, though, and he couldn’t see well and didn’t trust his sense. She wished, just for a moment, that she could face Nameless in a dark cave. He’d be dead on the ground in just a moment and all this would be over.

  The hunter moved in, his sword moving quickly to where he thought Moriko was. He had seen the battle between her and Nameless. He knew what she was capable of, knew the best way to defeat her was to keep moving, keep attacking and rely on speed and strength.

  For Moriko, the outcome was never in question. The hunter’s sight was imperfect as it struggled to adjust to the light, and her sense of him was flawless. With a series of cuts she broke through his guard and he fell silently, as dead as his other companions. The enormity of what she had accomplished hit her and she fell to her knees. By herself she had killed four hunters. Not children, freshly blooded. Hunters of Nameless’ honor guard. No one alive had accomplished anything similar. She bowed her head and soaked in the darkness.

  Moriko didn’t know how much time had passed in the caves, but when she opened her eyes, the torch had gone out. She eventually stood up and worked her way towards the entrance of the cave. When she found the first branch, she went and gathered her clothes. She was surprised by how exhausted she was. It was all she could do to stay on her feet.

  When she came out of the cave, she took a deep breath of fresh air. She felt like she was born again. She stumbled down to where she had left her horse. The hunters had conveniently left their mounts tied up right next to hers. She found food, both for herself and for the horse. There were also skins of water. Moriko helped herself to as much as she could carry.

  From here, it shouldn’t be too much of a ride to the fort. By the time tomorrow ended, her mission would be over.


  Ryuu and Rei moved through the night, the rising full moon casting long shadows. Renzo had decided on an interesting location for their meeting. He was standing alone, dark robes snapping lightly in the breeze, right in between the camps of the two armies. The nightblades would fight on tomorrow’s battleground. It seemed fitting, though conspicuous, in Ryuu’s mind.

  They stopped ten paces apart. Ryuu was relaxed and alert. He’d fought Renzo before, and he was prepared for the battle. He had no doubt he’d emerge as the victor.

  Renzo looked to Rei first. “I had hoped not to see you again.”

  Rei’s anger was apparent. “I can’t let you stay on this path. Do you know how much chaos you’ve caused?”

  Renzo nodded. “And there is much more to come.”

  Rei’s anger flickered into confusion. “How could you do this?”

  “Rei, you know the blades need to come back to this land. You’ve been traveling awhile now in this land. You’ve seen the weakness, the fear in which they live. They aren’t like us. They aren’t strong enough. I’d hoped Shika would see reason, but she’s been influenced far too much by that sentimental fool.”

  Ryuu knew Renzo was speaking of Tenchi.

  Renzo’s gaze traveled to Ryuu. “And you, you are strong, too. You have the strength to make a difference in this world, and you already have. But with all that potential, you don’t step forward and seize the power you deserve. This land needs our protection.”

  “I agree,” Ryuu said, “but not this way. You can’t tear apart the land you’re trying to protect.”

  Renzo laughed. “Were you ever forced to clean the house when you were young? You take everything out, organize it, and then put it back where it belongs. When you’re done, everything is clean. But there is a time, right after you’ve taken it all apart, that it looks worse than when it started. This is no different. Yes, the Three Kingdoms is a disaster right now, but it will be much stronger in the end.”

  Ryuu shook his head. “But you are talking about people’s lives, not items in a house.”

  Renzo shrugged. “We disagree. I didn’t come here to persuade you, though I had hoped you might understand. I will detest having to kill you.”

  Ryuu sensed Rei’s intent a moment before she moved. He tried to stop her, but she was too fast. He turned to Renzo and was amazed by how fast the man slipped into the energy surrounding him. Ryuu followed suit, trying to catch Rei before it was too late.

  A set of three throwing blades sprung into existence in Renzo’s left hand. He threw them all at Ryuu, forcing Ryuu off his line. It gave Renzo the moment he needed.

  Rei was strong and fast, but not enough of either to be a match for Renzo. She suppressed her presence, but not as well as Moriko could. Ryuu could still sense her movements as clear as day, and he expected Renzo could, too.

  Rei cut twice, once high, once low, but Renzo stepped away from each of them. Ryuu was running to the battle as fast as he could, trying to get there before Renzo could counter-attack. He was too late.

  Renzo’s sword blurred in the moonlight, and Rei couldn’t react fast enough. She got in front of the first cut, but the second cut sliced deep, cutting through her arm and back. Her sword arm went limp, and as she tried to move, she collapsed, blood dripping onto the ground in front of her.

  Ryuu barely registered it as he reached Renzo, just a few moments too late. Their swords met in the dark of the night, the sound of steel carrying through the empty space between the camps. Ryuu wondered if this battle was being watched. The moon provided light, but it would be hard to make them out as more than shadows from either of the camps.

wo passes and they were evenly matched. Ryuu went for low strikes, hoping to find a hole in Renzo’s defense. Renzo blocked the strikes with little difficulty. He seemed to float between Ryuu’s cuts, slippery as an eel. He moved from strike to strike without effort, his cuts whip-like through the night.

  They broke apart, each taking a moment to catch their breath. Ryuu felt more alive than he had in several cycles. Renzo was strong, maybe even stronger than he was. He found the idea of facing a stronger opponent thrilling. His blood raced and the world around him became more vivid.

  They didn’t speak, for there was nothing to be said. Ryuu had accepted Tenchi’s mission, and Renzo had gone much too far. He had lost all hope for redemption the moment his blade cut through Rei’s flesh, and he seemed to recognize it as well.

  Renzo drew a second, shorter blade. It was a traditional blade, one Ryuu hadn’t seen used in combat before. Shigeru had always taught him a second blade was meaningless. All encounters would be decided by the skill with one blade. Ryuu had found it to be true thus far.

  But Renzo stood firm, perfectly balanced, ready for a strike from any angle. Ryuu attacked, his blade searching for an opening in Renzo’s defense. There was none. Every time he approached, he was driven back by the second blade. Renzo blocked with one and cut with the other, moves blurring together with blinding speed and accuracy. Ryuu couldn’t get close to him.

  Ryuu came in again, focusing his mind, trying to bring all the energy he could to bear. He lost his balance for a moment and Renzo’s blade sliced through his back. It wasn’t deep, but it was the same type of cut that had left Rei twitching on the ground. Ryuu paused his attack and considered his options. Renzo resumed his stance, perfect and prepared for anything Ryuu might try.

  Ryuu cursed to himself. This wasn’t going anywhere. Time to try the trick Tenchi had used on him. He focused his attention, playing through his actions in his mind. Fortunately, Renzo seemed more than willing to give him all the time he needed, confident in his dominance.

  Ryuu slid into his attack, stepping forward. The trick was to intend to strike in multiple places at once. Ryuu struck, and Renzo blocked a strike that never came. Ryuu struck Renzo’s second blade, knocking it out of his hand with the force of the cut. Renzo switched his stance and again the two nightblades met in a flurry of strikes and counter-strikes, neither gaining the advantage on the other.

  They split apart again, each of them looking to gather their energy. Ryuu was getting tired. He was putting everything he had into every attack, and still he’d just barely been able to cut Renzo. Renzo looked more uncertain than he had when the battle had first been joined. That was something, at least.

  As they caught their breath, Renzo spoke. “I’ve never seen that attack before. Is it Tenchi’s secret technique?”

  Ryuu nodded. Renzo laughed uncontrollably, and Ryuu understood. His blood was rushing through his body. Everything was vivid and he struggled to contain his emotions. “I’d always wondered what that technique was. He spoke about it all the time.”

  Ryuu settled back into his combat stance. He didn’t have many advantages over Renzo, but youth was one of them. Renzo had seen upwards of twenty cycles more than Ryuu, and Ryuu hoped he’d tire more quickly.

  Ryuu charged forward again, his mind focused and clear. Their blades met twice and Renzo sprinted uphill, trying to gain the upper ground. Ryuu sprinted after him, trying to attack Renzo’s lower body while parrying attacks meant for his upper body. Renzo stopped running and the battle continued, the ground uneven and the grass slippery with night dew. Ryuu struck again with Tenchi’s attack, managing to cut Renzo again before he was able to recover. Then Ryuu slipped, and Renzo scored a cut across his chest before Ryuu could get up to block in time.

  He didn’t want to keep using Tenchi’s attack. Every time he did, it gave Renzo a chance to understand it better. He risked the attack one more time, this time cutting deep into Renzo’s leg. Renzo howled in frustration, finding a reserve of energy Ryuu wasn’t expecting.

  Renzo came at him, his blade almost impossible to track, even for Ryuu. Ryuu found himself scrambling backwards, slipping and falling on the slick grass. Finally, Ryuu dove downhill. He didn’t want to give up vertical ground, but he saw little option. Renzo wasn’t giving him any openings at all, and Renzo’s blade was cutting closer and closer. Ryuu rolled, the cut on his back screaming in pain, but when he tried to come to his feet he couldn’t. The slope was steep and slippery, and he couldn’t find purchase for his feet with his momentum. Renzo recognized his predicament and sprinted down the hill after him, sword low for the killing cut.

  Ryuu panicked, almost losing the flow of energy that surrounded him. He was slowing down, but he wasn’t sure it was fast enough. His feet kept scrambling for something to stop him.

  When his right foot hit the rock, Ryuu felt something in his ankle give way under the force. His body compressed as he managed to stop his momentum. Ryuu ignored the pain and sprang forward, right at Renzo. His stomach sank. If his ankle was hurt, he only had one chance to end this. If it went further, Renzo would wear him down and finish him. Ryuu focused his mind, his intent to make all nine cuts at once. It all came down to one strike.

  Time slowed even further, a moment stretching into forever. Then steel met steel, and Ryuu was past Renzo. It couldn’t be.

  Renzo had blocked the strike.

  Ryuu landed on his left foot, his good foot, uphill from Renzo. He turned and launched himself back down the hill at Renzo. He knew it was hopeless, but he had to fight until the end. The battle wasn’t over until his breath left his body for the Great Cycle.

  He didn’t believe what he saw. Renzo’s defense was open, his back turned to Ryuu. Renzo was starting to turn, but he was too slow. Ryuu put all his strength into his final cut, a clean strike through Renzo’s spine. Ryuu didn’t trust landing on his right leg, electing to fall hard onto the hillside and slide to a stop twenty paces down the hill. His whole body hurt, but when he looked up the hillside, Renzo’s body wasn’t moving. Ryuu thought he was dead, but he had to be sure.

  Slowly, Ryuu managed to get back to his feet. He sheathed his sword and used the scabbard in place of his injured right foot. It felt like it took him forever to reach Renzo’s body, but when he did, he could see why Renzo wasn’t moving. Renzo’s spine had been severed, and he was bleeding out. Already his eyes were starting to glaze over. Renzo turned his eyes towards Ryuu and smiled, a vicious grin made worse by the blood dripping from it. “I blocked his attack.”

  Ryuu understood. He had blocked Tenchi’s secret attack, but hadn’t recovered from his success quickly enough. It had only been a moment, but a moment was all Ryuu had needed. Ryuu was moved to pity. It was hard to see someone who relied on their physical skill have their gift taken from them. “Yes, you did. You’re the strongest I’ve faced. May you find peace in the Great Cycle.”

  Renzo laughed, then grimaced in pain. He struggled to make the words. “Not the strongest.”

  It was all he could do before he gave up the effort. Ryuu sat with him for his final moments, waiting until he felt Renzo’s energy depart and merge with the energy surrounding him. He had rejoined the Great Cycle.

  After Renzo died, Ryuu started working his way back towards where Rei lay. He could sense her energy getting weaker. He moved as fast as he could, which wasn’t very fast on his bad ankle. The moon was well on its way down the sky by the time he got to her. It wouldn’t be long now before the armies began forming up for battle. When that happened, the place they were was the last place anyone in the Three Kingdoms would want to be.

  Rei’s injuries were serious. She was unconscious and bleeding profusely. Ryuu sized up the situation, and it wasn’t pretty. He was having a hard time moving, but if she didn’t receive care soon, she was going to die. They weren’t too far away from Akira’s camp, but Rei was down near the bottom of the valley, and Akira’s camp was a climb up. Ryuu swore. He didn’t see any other way.

e made bandages from the rags he was wearing and wrapped them as tightly around Rei as he could. They soaked through with blood immediately, but he figured it was better than nothing. In a better world, Ryuu would have been able to throw her over his shoulder, but if he did that his shoulder would be right in her wound. He would have to carry her in his arms. She was light, but it was a long way to the top of the hill.

  Ryuu grimaced as he picked her up. His ankle flared up, and he almost stumbled and dropped her. His vision went fuzzy for a moment before it returned to normal. Ryuu found the energy that surrounded him and fell into it once again, feeling the strength return to his exhausted muscles. He started walking, one step at a time, each one a grueling test of his will and focus.

  Ryuu didn’t dare release the energy and drop out of the state he was in. He was sure that if he did he would have nothing left. All that mattered was getting Rei help. His mind flashed back to Takako, dying right in front of him. He didn’t want to live through that again. He wasn’t sure that he could.

  Even bringing in all the energy he could, every movement he made was torture. He could feel the cut on his back widen under the pressure it was experiencing. He worried his ankle was broken. More than anything, he wanted a dayblade to be somewhere in Akira’s camp, even though he knew it was impossible. The blades needed to come back, all of them, to the Three Kingdoms.

  Ryuu was halfway back up the hill when his focus abandoned him and he collapsed. He tried to move, but wasn’t even able to move his own body. He lay there, face in the dirt, trying to summon up the strength to keep moving.

  Then he sensed them, Akira’s soldiers, moving down towards them. Ryuu looked up and moved his hand to wave, but then his world went black.


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