Magic Touch

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Magic Touch Page 8

by Jayda Marx

“Do you enjoy it?” she asked curiously.

  “Not really. I mean, I’m grateful for the job, but the hours are long and the pay kind of sucks.” I flinched, but before I could apologize for my language, Indigo cut in.

  “And his boss is an ass.”

  She gave each of us a serious look and I prepared myself for a lecture. Instead, she stated, “Well then, I should think you’ll be quite pleased to get rid of him.”

  I stared at her with wide eyes. “Get rid of him?” The guy was an asshole, but I could never kill a person.

  “Of course. I assume that you’ll be staying here with Indigo now, yes?” she asked, and I nodded slowly. “Then there’s no need to work, especially at a job you don’t enjoy.”

  Ohh; she meant I should quit my job, not whack the guy. Wait, what? “Are you serious?”

  “Darling, I told you I will provide for you and make sure you have everything you need,” Indigo reminded me.

  “I thought you meant you’d provide for me emotionally. I didn’t know I could quit my shithole job and never see Sweaty Stan again!” I slapped my hand over my mouth and looked quickly at Althea, who just tipped her head back and laughed.

  “Oh Puck, you bring me so much happiness,” she said through her chuckling. “I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”

  “That’s because there isn’t anyone like him,” Indigo insisted, reaching across the table to take my hand.

  Aster patted his son’s back. “I’m glad you two found each other.”

  “As am I,” Althea added. “Now let’s eat before it gets cold.” With another swish of her hand, our plates were full of food, and then Indigo charmed a pitcher of water to fill all of our glasses.

  As we ate, Indigo and I made a plan to visit the city the next day to gather my belongings from my apartment and tell Stan that I wouldn’t be back to work. He wouldn’t be happy, but he could kiss my ass.

  I also told Althea and Aster all about my life, including never knowing my parents and moving around a lot. I barely kept myself from crying into my potatoes when they told me that they were proud to be my family and that I’d blessed Evermere by making it my home.

  “What has Indigo told you of our people?” Althea asked as she rested her fork on her empty plate.

  “Well, he’s told me all about mates, and that powers vary from mage to mage. He also said that your village is hidden for its protection, and that mages and humans don’t share the best history.”

  “It’s true,” Aster said with a nod. “Humans and mages share a dark and tortured past.”

  “May I ask what happened?”

  “Of course; I believe anyone living amongst us should be aware of our history.” He took a deep breath before beginning, “It is said that our people were designed by the gods, which is why their magic flows through our veins, and why we’ve been blessed with immortal lives. We were their chosen people, sent to Earth to do their bidding and help the human race. Humans were weak and their lives fragile; their history was just beginning.”

  “Our people lived in peace with humans for centuries,” Althea joined in. “We blessed their crops and healed their sick. We did all we could to honor the gods and aid the young species. But as religions grew, so did the distrust and even hatred towards our people. Those who once broke bread with us and thanked us for our help were suddenly the same ones calling us heretics and accusing us of evil. We weren’t welcome within their land. Mages were hunted - many killed - by those claiming to be doing holy work, but it was their fear and fickle minds that drove them.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered as my eyes filled with moisture. “Is that why you now live in secret?”

  “I wish that was the only reason,” Aster sighed. My heart ached; I didn’t know how their story could get any worse. I reached across the table and Indigo took my hand, slowly stroking his thumb across my skin. I needed his touch for comfort and strength, but I also wanted to comfort him; even though he wasn’t directly affected, this was the history of his people.

  “Once we were exiled, most of us decided to concentrate on the wellbeing of our families and friends; to live our lives amongst our own kind and remember how blessed we were,” Aster explained. “But there were others who couldn’t let go of the indignities and loss we’d suffered by the hands of the people we’d helped. Hatred for humans bloomed in their hearts, and they grew thirsty for revenge.”

  “They turned to dark arts and blood magic. They embraced the evil forces they’d been accused of using in order to grow their powers. They cast disease upon humans and their lands; they longed to eradicate them from the Earth completely.”

  “Holy shit.” I rubbed my chest, trying to soothe my racing heart. “So what stopped them?” Obviously their plan didn’t work, seeing as the world was overloaded with people.

  “They stopped themselves,” Althea replied.

  “They changed their minds?”

  “Hardly.” Her eyes grew sad and distant as she continued to spin her tale. “For every victory they enjoyed; for every village they wiped out, they became more vicious; cursing men, women and children without even blinking. And their hunger for power grew. It latched onto them like a parasite and slowly took over their minds. Their motivation was no longer about avenging our people; it was an overwhelming, incessant need for power.”

  “Unfortunately, power like that comes with a price. Mages were never meant to use their gifts for death and destruction. The ‘crusaders’, as they called themselves, found that each time they took a life, they lost a little of their own. Their bodies aged despite any potions they drank. They soon discovered that if they were successful in their endeavor to rid the earth of humans and claim it for themselves, they wouldn’t be around to enjoy it.”

  “So they had to stop,” I concluded.

  “So they found a loophole,” Aster corrected. “It is claimed that they discovered it through a conversation with Lucifer himself.” I gulped and squeezed Indy’s hand tighter. “They were told that they were diluting their magical blood each time they drew human blood. But if they sacrificed a mage who did not practice the dark arts, it would revive their bodies and restore their powers. And so, we were hunted again.”

  “Jesus.” I clutched the side of the table for support; I’d grown increasingly dizzy as the story went. Indigo jumped from the table and jogged behind me, wrapping his arms around my swaying body.

  “I think that’s enough,” he insisted, and Aster and Althea’s blurry faces nodded in agreement.

  “No, please; I need to know the rest,” I slurred. I didn’t know why the story affected me so greatly, other than the fact that it had affected the people I cared about, but it felt as if there was a band around my chest and a vice around my heart that would only be released if I heard the end.

  Indigo sighed. “Okay, but I’m not letting you go.” That definitely wasn’t a problem; I’d gladly accept the feel of his strong arms around me and his firm chest against me.

  “The very people who once claimed to be our champions were hunting us for slaughter,” Althea continued. While she spoke, she gently patted my knee. “Nobody could fight them off; they’d grown too strong. And so, the only thing we could do was flee. We separated into covens across the globe so that not all of us could be found at the same time. Each coven put enchantments on their borders to keep us hidden. If the ‘crusaders’ can’t find us, they can’t continue with their goal. By keeping ourselves safe, we’re keeping humankind and all of Earth safe as well.”

  I slowly nodded my head. “I understand why Indy spied on me now.”

  Althea chuckled and Indigo kissed my cheek. “We believe humans would be more tolerant of our kind now,” Aster said. “We travel into their borders when necessary, but we keep our identities secret because we can’t be sure where the crusaders are hiding. If they find us, it would mean disaster for everyone.”

  “I’m so sorry that you have to hide,” I told them sadly. “Not just from humans, but from each ot
her.” The community seemed so close; it was probably difficult for each coven to be separated from the others. “Is there any hope that things can change?”

  “My sweet boy, there’s always hope,” Althea smiled, squeezing my knee. “Nearly a century ago, a prophecy was made by Magda, the High Priestess of the Wickshire Coven. She had a premonition that a Master Mage would be born unto our people, and that he or she would change the course of history. They will be pure in body and spirit, as they will have power beyond anything we’ve ever seen, and only a pure soul could be trusted with such powers. Their powers will be absolute and unopposed. He or she will be the one to defeat the crusaders and release our people.”

  “I hope they come soon,” I replied seriously.

  “Me too,” she smiled. “Are you feeling better?” She reached up to move a curl from my forehead, but Indy shooed her hand away so that he could do it himself while Aster laughed at the pair of them making over me.

  “I’m feeling much better, thank you. That was hard to hear, but I appreciate you telling me everything. It makes me feel closer to you.” My cheeks heated at my admission, but Althea’s smile just grew brighter.

  “Me too.” She patted my knee again. “Did you get enough to eat?”

  “Oh yeah, I’m stuffed,” I replied, patting my stomach. “It was delicious, but I don’t think I could eat another bite.”

  “Are you sure? Because Indigo told me you had a birthday yesterday, so I brought something for us to celebrate.” She once again reached into her bag (though it appeared empty) and lifted out a cake stand which held a two layer cake with white icing and strawberries on top.

  “ made this for me?” I asked in awe. She nodded and I threw my arms around her neck. The hug was a bit awkward with Indigo still attached to my back, but it was still nice. “Thank you. I haven’t had a birthday cake since I turned seven.”

  Indigo gasped and Althea kissed my cheek. “Well there’ll be no more of that,” she promised. “I’m going to make you a cake every year.”

  “Me too,” Indigo added.

  I was surrounded by so much love, I couldn’t keep my eyes from leaking a couple of tears. Aster caught me wiping them away, but he just winked at me. Once I was sure my voice wouldn’t wobble, I teased, “I think I’m going to be very spoiled here,” as I released Althea.

  “I guarantee it,” she and Indigo answered at the same time, making me laugh.

  With a few more waves of Althea’s hand, the leftovers were packed away in the refrigerator, the dishes were clean, and I had a giant slab of cake on a fresh plate in front of me. It was the most delicious thing I ever tasted. When I told her that, Althea beamed and served me another huge slice. I was about to burst, but I didn’t want to disappoint her, so I ate every bite. I had to wave off her offer of a third piece because I didn’t want to vomit.

  “Have you been thinking about your next celebration?” she asked when the table was once again spotless.

  “What celebration?” I asked confusedly. Surely she’s not talking about my next birthday; I can’t even think about more cake right now.

  “Your bonding ceremony, of course!” she replied excitedly.

  “Oh. No, Indy and I haven’t really talked about it yet.”

  Althea gave her son (who was now crowded onto the bench next to me) a look of irritation. “Well I have an idea I’d like to discuss with you.” At my nod, she grinned brightly and said, “How would you feel about having your ceremony on Beltane?”

  “I’m sorry; I’m not familiar with Beltane,” I admitted.

  “Don’t be sorry, dear. Beltane is a very joyful holiday when we celebrate union, passion, love and bounty. The whole coven comes together for a feast and revelry. It would be the perfect time to join the two of you together and bless your union.”

  “That does sound perfect.” My heart beat wildly in anticipation. “When is it?”

  “In two days,” Indigo answered, though he didn’t sound nearly as enthusiastic as Althea and me. “Mother, Puck isn’t used to our warp-speed romances. I told him that we’d move our relationship forward at his pace.” He rubbed his hand over my back and I gave him my attention. “Darling, you’ve already blessed me greatly by agreeing to stay with me. I don’t want you to feel any pressure when it comes to completing our bond.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and he gave me a little smile. “But Indy, I don’t feel pressured; I feel excited. It’s like every moment I spend with you, I fall deeper in love. When I think of spending my life with you, my body gets all tingly and a little voice in my head screams that you’re the one.”

  “That’s the bond between you,” Althea said into my ear, making me flinch.

  “Mother,” Indigo warned with a stern look.

  “Oh, right. Sorry.” She backed away and gave us some privacy again.

  “If you want to wait, I respect that,” I continued, but Indigo’s eyes widened and he shook his head ‘no’ rapidly. “So...will you marry me on Beltane?”

  A beautiful smile took over his lips. “Yes, Puck. I’ll marry you, bond with you, and begin our forever.” He pulled me into a tight embrace, and Althea clapped behind us.

  “Oh, this is such wonderful news!”

  We talked for hours about each part of the ceremony and what it meant. With each new piece of information, my eagerness grew, as well as my resolve. There was no question in my mind about what I wanted; I wanted Indigo. Forever.

  As much as I was enjoying the conversation, my body grew tired and I couldn’t keep a yawn from my lips. “I’m so sorry,” I mumbled as I covered my mouth with my hand. “I hope you don’t think I’m rude.”

  “Of course not,” Althea replied. “You’ve had a long day and lots of information thrown at you.” She looked at the watch on her wrist. “Not to mention that we’ve kept you up half the night.”

  “I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.”

  She smiled and patted my knee. “Me too, but I think it’s time for Aster and I to leave you two to get some rest.” We all stood from the table and she pulled me into another hug. “I’m so thankful you’re here, Puck. You’ve made my son so happy.”

  “He makes me happy too,” I answered, and she hugged me harder.

  “Welcome to the family, dear one.” Family. Her words warmed my heart and settled my soul. Althea kissed my cheek and turned her attention to Indigo as Aster rounded the table to me.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you, sir,” I told him, holding out my hand for him to shake. It was hard for me to address Aster by his first name; I wanted to show him how much I respected him.

  Aster smiled at my hand before pushing it away and giving me a hug of his own. “The pleasure was mine, son.” I once again became too choked up to speak. I couldn’t believe the turn my life had taken; an orphan one day to having a loving, magical family the next. When he released me, all I could manage was a tight smile and nod.

  The couple bid us goodnight and left Indigo and me alone. “They’re incredible,” I sighed as soon as the door shut.

  He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “They thought the same thing about you.” I nuzzled my cheek to his chest before breaking out into another yawn. “Come on, darling; let’s get some rest.”

  He led me into the bathroom, where he conjured me a toothbrush. We took turns preparing for sleep and met in the bedroom. My pulse raced at the thought of sharing the intimate space with him, but as eager as I was to be with him, I couldn’t deny that my body needed sleep. My mind spun with everything I’d learned in such a short time, and I didn’t think I could give my lover all of my attention the way he deserved.

  “Indy,” I began timidly as I faced him, standing next to the bed. “Earlier I said we could pick things up where we left off and I really do want to, but-”

  “Shh,” he interrupted, combing his fingers through my curly hair and soothing me the way only he could. “I know you’re tired. Tonight I want nothing more than to hold your beautiful
body in my arms all night long; to keep you safe and warm and remember how blessed I am that you’re here.”

  An easy smile crossed my lips. “I really do love you, you know that?”

  “I know.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “And I love you too.” He stepped back and toed out of his boots and socks. He removed his shirt in one swift motion and when I got another glimpse of his hard, chiseled body, I wondered if I really needed sleep. He popped the button of his jeans and let the fabric pool around his ankles, revealing his toned legs and a pair of tight black boxer briefs. Hell, I don’t care if I ever sleep again.

  My mouth watered as I watched him collect his clothing and cross the room to place them in a large wicker basket; the muscles of his slim frame twitched and shifted under his skin with every step. My jaw dropped when he removed the pendant from around his neck and his hair slipped from beneath the chain and cascaded over his shoulders.

  He placed the necklace on his nightstand and then nonchalantly, as if he was unaware he was so damn sexy that he’d just guaranteed that I’d have a wet dream tonight, pulled back the quilt and climbed onto the mattress. He curled his finger to beckon me into bed and I nearly blew my load right then and there.

  “Are you coming, darling?” he asked, and my cheeks lit on fire.

  “Oh, to bed; yes, I’m coming.” He gave me a confused look but I ignored him, hoping he wouldn’t realize how awkward I was trying to make this. I put all of my focus into kicking off my sneakers so that I wouldn’t lose my balance. My jeans hit the floor and he smiled at my blue and purple polka dot socks. I left my t-shirt on to cover the bulge in my briefs; we’d already agreed not to do anything intimate and I didn’t want him to feel pressured.

  The moment I laid back onto the bed, all of the naughty thoughts drifted from my mind. The soft mattress hugged my body and the feather pillow supported my neck perfectly.

  I yawned again and Indigo asked, “Are you comfortable?”

  “I’m never leaving this bed.”

  He chuckled and pulled the quilt up to my chin before draping his arm across my stomach. I rolled up onto my side to become his little spoon and he held me firmly against him. His body was warm and I was soothed by the slow rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest against my back. I vaguely heard, “Goodnight, Puck,” before I drifted into the best night’s sleep of my life.


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