Magic Touch

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Magic Touch Page 15

by Jayda Marx

Fuuuuck. Don’t blow your wad, Puck, don’t you do it! I squeezed a glob of the clear liquid onto my dick and hissed through my teeth as I smeared it over my length before tossing the bottle over my shoulder.

  I pressed my tip to his hole and slowly pushed inside. I popped through his tight ring of muscle and his channel squeezed my flesh as I sank every inch of my cock into the heat of his body.

  “Are you okay?” I didn’t want to hurt him, especially since he didn’t want to be prepped.

  “So good,” he moaned. “Please move.”

  I pulled back until just my tip was inside him, then buried myself in his sweet heat again. I rolled my hips slowly back and forth, watching as his hole stretched wide to take me in. “Oh god, that’s hot. Do you like it?”

  “Yes! Faster!”

  I pulsed my hips as fast as I could, sliding into my lover more easily as he relaxed and opened up around me. He begged me for more, to fuck him harder, and I obliged. I slammed my weight into him, and when that still wasn’t enough, I cupped my hands on his hips and pulled him down onto me when I thrust into him.

  The sounds of our moans and slapping flesh filled the room as I barrelled into him. Sweat slicked our bodies and dripped from our faces. As my pleasure surged, so did my power. I slammed into him with strength I didn’t know I had, and sparks of purple light flashed across my body.

  The bed shook. The floorboards rattled. The curtains billowed from the windows as a gust of wind blew through the room. Books, pillows, and shoes floated around us as I fucked him wildly. I couldn’t stop the surge of my power as heat and electricity crackled between us, but I didn’t want to.

  “Puck, please!” Indy cried in a strangled voice. I took his weeping cock in my fist and jerked him hard and fast. His pelvis lifted toward the ceiling and he cried out my name as he burst, sending thick stripes of cum up his stomach and chest.

  I plowed into him even faster, desperate for my own release. His passage milked me so perfectly, it didn’t take long for me to soar over the edge. My balls pulled up close to my body and I shot, filling Indigo with pulse after pulse of my hot seed. Once I was empty, everything floating around us fell to the floor with a thud.

  “Holy fuck,” Indigo whispered, repeating my very words from the first time we made love.

  I huffed a laugh as I wiped the sweat from my brow. “I second that.” Indy whimpered when I pulled my cock from his body, and then I flopped onto the mattress beside him. “That was incredible.”

  “You’re incredible,” he countered, pulling me into his arms, but I shook my head.

  “We’re incredible.”

  “I second that,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Incredible together.”

  “Damn straight. I love you, Indigo.”

  “I love you too, Puck.”

  I nuzzled my face into his smooth, slick chest as fatigue settled over me again. I was too tired to even wave my hand to clean up the mess around us. I just listened to my husband’s heartbeat and let it lull me into slumber.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I groaned when I was awakened by a knock at the front door. “What time is it?”

  Indigo turned his head to look at the clock before answering groggily, “Six thirty.”

  “Too early,” I whined, and snuggled closer to him. The knocking came again, but we both ignored it.

  “Hello?” Althea’s voice called through the house.

  That got me moving. I leapt from the bed in search of clothes; I did not want my mother in law to see my dick. “Dammit!” I cried out when I stubbed my toe on a book lying in the middle of the floor. I waved my hand and sent objects flying around, back to their designated spots. My jaw dropped when I saw that Indigo was fully dressed already. “How did you do that so fast?”

  “Magic,” he shrugged.

  Why didn’t I think of that? I envisioned an outfit of jeans and a white t-shirt, and when I waved my hand over my body, my clothing appeared. “There we go. Now we need to go have a serious discussion with your mother about boundaries.”

  Indigo snorted a laugh behind me as I marched grumpily into the living room. When I got a look at Althea’s serious expression however, my anger melted away. “What’s wrong?” I asked as I grabbed Indy’s hand. Whatever it was, I needed his support.

  She swallowed thickly and explained, “After you two left the party last night, a couple of visitors showed up. I know them; well, knew them...they used to be members of this coven decades ago, but they left one day and I never heard from them again...until last night.”

  “Okaaaay,” I drawled, taking a step closer to my husband. “What are you not telling me?”

  “They’re waiting outside with Aster. They wanted to speak with you last night, but I held them off as long as possible since I figured you two were...busy.” Normally, I would have laughed at that, but I was too confused about what was happening. “I’ll send them away if you wish, but I really feel that you should speak to them; even if it’s only for answers to the questions I know you have.”

  “Mother, who are these people?” Indigo demanded. He was getting tired of the riddles too.

  She gave me a sad smile and answered, “Puck’s parents.”

  My knees buckled and Indigo caught me beneath my arms. “It’s okay, darling; I’ve got you. Let’s get you to a chair.” He supported me as I staggered into the kitchen and plopped onto the bench. Indigo sat close to me and kept his arm around my waist. “Do you want to see them?”

  “I...I don’t know.” For years, I dreamed that my parents would come back into my life; that they’d left me by accident or that they were waiting until they could give me a good life. But now that they were right outside, I didn’t know if I was ready, or if I could handle their reasons for leaving me behind.

  “No one’s forcing you,” Indy promised. “If you want them to leave, just say the word.” My heart swelled at his protective nature over me.

  “I think I have to,” I replied quietly, and he squeezed me closer to him. I looked into Althea’s misty eyes and asked, “Will you and Aster stay with me?”

  “Of course, dear one.” She kissed my forehead and rose from the seat beside me to go to the front door. Indigo said nothing, but caressed his hand up and down my side.

  Althea returned a moment later, joined by Aster and another man and woman who appeared to be in their late forties. The woman was around my height and heavy set, with blue eyes and blonde hair. The man was a head taller than her, slim, and his grayish hair was thinning on top.

  I couldn’t rise from my seat to greet them. It took everything in me to keep from breaking down over the situation. Althea sat beside me again and placed her hand between my shoulder blades. Aster took a seat on the other side of Indigo, and the man and woman stood behind the chairs on the opposite side of the table.

  “Hello, Puck,” the woman greeted in a shaky voice. “My name is June, and this is Heath. We’re your parents.”

  We stared at each other in silence. I wasn’t sure what to do, or what they were expecting; a tearful reunion or a cold shoulder. I couldn’t manage either; I just stared at them dumbfoundedly.

  “May we sit?” Heath asked, motioning to the bench. I nodded, but it was mostly out of habit and manners. “Thank you.”

  They settled in and June cleared her throat. “I’m sure you have lots of questions for us.”

  “Just one, actually.” I gripped Indigo’s thigh and kept my voice even when I asked, “Why didn’t you want me?”

  “Oh sweetie, no,” June answered as a large tear ran down her cheek. “We did want you; we do want you. We never would have given you up if it weren’t absolutely necessary.”

  Heath patted her hand and suggested, “I think you should start from the beginning.”

  She blotted her eyes and began, “As Althea has probably told you, Heath and I were members of this coven for nearly a century. We had a wonderful life; our powers were strong as was our love for each other. We tried for
decades to become pregnant and when we found out we were expecting you, we were overjoyed.” She sobbed into her hand and my eyes prickled; I sensed her emotions were real, and this was a difficult thing for her to talk about.

  “One night late in her pregnancy, June had a premonition,” Heath took over for his wife. “She was told that the son she carried was to be the master mage; the only one powerful enough to defeat the crusaders and free our people. She was also told that you wouldn’t be safe here, Puck; that jealousy and greed would brew against you here and put you at risk.”

  It wasn’t hard to figure out what ‘jealousy and greed’ they spoke of; I’d witnessed it first hand when Jasper tried to kill Indy and me both.

  “So we fled the coven,” June continued. “But we didn’t know where to go; would any coven be safe? What if someone turned you in to the crusaders? Our powers were strong, but could we protect you? You certainly couldn’t protect yourself as a baby or child, master mage or not. So, we made the difficult decision to keep you safe by hiding you away from this world completely.”

  “Why didn’t you speak with me?” Althea demanded. “I’m the High Priestess here. I could have protected all of you; I could have helped you! But instead, you ran away without a word. We sent search parties out for you. We thought you were in danger.” I took Althea’s hand in mine in thanks.

  “I’m sorry we left without informing you, but we knew if we told anyone about Puck’s identity, it could be used against him. If he was found out and attacked as a baby, he’d be destroyed, along with the hope of our people. We were told that someone would turn against him here and we didn’t know who to trust.”

  “And so,” Heath sighed, “We turned to the human world. We knew no one would look for a mage there; especially a master mage.” He teared up when he said, “Before we turned you over to Child Protective Services, we put an enchantment upon you to keep you hidden from this world until you came of age.”

  I gasped and turned to Indigo. “I appeared to you in your dream after midnight on my twenty first birthday.”

  “That’s why the door wouldn’t open for so long,” he nodded.

  “We also charmed you so that your powers wouldn’t present themselves unless your life was in danger; we couldn’t be too careful,” Heath added. “We didn’t want you to accidentally produce a spell and reveal yourself.”

  “Handing you over to a stranger was the hardest thing we’ve ever had to do,” June insisted as more tears escaped her. “But it was the only way we knew to keep you safe. Once we left you, Heath and I hexed each other; we erased all memory of you, our magic, and this world and settled into a human life. That way we couldn’t reveal your identity or location.”

  “Then why are you here?” Indigo asked. “If you erased all memories of Puck, how do you know all of this?”

  “The curse was broken when Puck revealed his powers,” Heath explained. “It’s how we designed it; the moment he came forward as the master, our memories returned and we began looking for him. Of course, we couldn’t cross the borders until the blockades were lifted, since we destroyed our pendants. We didn’t want anything that could link us to this place.”

  “Puck, can you ever forgive us?” June wept. “We only wanted to keep you safe. I’m sorry that you felt abandoned and unwanted. When I handed you over, I prayed that you’d have a good life and find happiness.”

  I was overwhelmed by everything they’d told me, but I knew it to be true. I felt it in my heart; June and Heath were good, honest people who did what they thought was right. I couldn’t imagine the pain they faced when they gave me up, not knowing the future I’d have. It also had to be hard to look at me now as an adult and know nothing about who I was. But they came back for me. As soon as their memories returned, the first thing they did was look for me, and that meant everything.

  I rose from the bench and Indigo stood with me. He held my hand as I rounded the table and approached June and Heath as they stood as well.

  “Thank you for giving me life, and doing what you had to in order to protect it. I know it couldn’t have been an easy choice.” June wept harder as she shook her head. “I’ve never resented you; I’ve always somehow known that my parents left me behind to give me a better life. Because of your sacrifice, I grew into who I am today, and I’m happier than I’ve ever dreamed I could be. So no, I don’t forgive you because you shouldn’t be sorry. There were circumstances beyond your control and you did what you thought was right. I know we can’t get the past back, but we can start fresh from this moment on. We’ve got forever, after all.”

  My mother pulled me into her arms and sobbed into my neck. I lost the battle with my emotions and cried as I held her just as tightly. Two hands stroked my back; one I recognized as Indigo’s, and the other I assumed to be Heath’s.

  “I want to know everything about you,” my mother insisted when she calmed down enough to speak. “I can’t wait to get to know my son.”

  That brought on a fresh round of tears from me, but once I pulled myself together, I backed away from her and said, “You’ll also have to get to know your son in law.” I smiled proudly at Indy and announced, “This is my husband, er...mate...mate-husband, Indigo.”

  Heath chuckled as he wiped his eyes. “I remember you, Indigo. You were just a young thing when we left. You always ran around with that red headed boy.”

  “Shit, let’s not get started on him,” I pleaded and everyone (except for my parents, since they were still clueless on the situation) laughed.

  “It sounds like we’ve got a lot to catch up on,” June gathered, and I nodded through my tears.

  “How about I make us all some breakfast and we sit down for a nice long talk?” Indigo offered and I beamed at him. I was blessed to have someone so supportive in my life.

  “That’s okay, dear,” Althea cut in, patting the satchel at her side. “I brought food with me for everyone.”

  Indigo rolled his eyes and smirked at his mother. “Of course you did.”



  Four years later

  “Good morning,” Puck greeted with a smile when I peeled my eyelids open.

  “Good morning. What’s got you up and chipper so early?” It was rare for my husband to wake up before me.

  “I had to piss and then when I came back to bed, I got looking at how sexy you are.”

  I snorted and shook my head; my man was a foul mouthed poet. “What would you like to do today, darling?”

  “I thought we’d go into town and take Mrs. Willoughby out to lunch. I’d like to try that new Chinese restaurant that bought out Rosie’s Place.”

  Ever since Puck defeated the crusaders, mages visited and interacted with the human world more often. We still kept our magical identities secret though; history had a nasty way of repeating itself, and we didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks.

  But my wonderful man gave each of our coven a challenge; to do one act of kindness for a human each time we visited their world. He said if each of us gave one person a secret blessing, we would quickly and easily make the world a better place. He had a dream that one day mages and humans could live in harmony again, and I hoped with everything in me that he got his wish.

  I enjoyed exploring the human world with Puck. He introduced me to Mrs. Willoughby and we visited her at least once a month. Puck cast a spell that not only completely healed her knee (my healing attempt eventually wore off), but cured everything that ailed her.

  Beyond visiting his friend, we travelled together often. Our magic portals allowed us to go anywhere we wanted; we’d already visited all fifty states, and we were working on a plan to experience the whole world together.

  “Chinese sounds great,” I smiled.

  “And then of course we have dinner with our parents at seven.”


  As soon as they reconnected with Puck, Heath and June built a home in the village and moved in immediately. They spent every free momen
t with their son, including joining us for most meals. Seeing the three of them so close made my heart sing; my sweet man had loving family all around him. That did however cause some hard feelings from my mother, who accused June of trying to replace her. Life with one smother in law was a lot to handle, but having two in the family was interesting to say the least.

  But Puck came to the rescue again and came up with a rotation for dinners; on Mondays, we ate with his parents. On Wednesdays, we ate with mine. And on Fridays, we all got together for one big, loud, wonderful meal.

  “But before we take care of any of that, you’ve got something you need to do,” Puck insisted.

  “And whatever could that be?” I asked, feigning innocent confusion.

  A naughty smile crossed his lips. “Me.”

  I rolled on top of him and kissed him deeply. Loving on each other was how we began every day and ended every night, and I knew without a doubt that I was the luckiest man in the whole damn universe.

  Thank you for reading Magic Touch! I hope you enjoyed the book. If you did, please consider leaving a review. Check out my website and sign up for a newsletter about new releases here. Like my Facebook page (Jayda Marx) here, and finally, join my Facebook group (Jayda Marx Books) here. Look below for other titles by Jayda Marx!

  Other Reads (Free with Kindle Unlimited):

  M/M Paranormal Romance:

  Once Bitten: Javier Coven Book 1 (Vampire M/M)

  Twice Shy: Javier Coven Book 2 (Vampire M/M)

  Twice Bitten: Javier Coven Book 3 (Vampire M/M/M)

  Untitled: Duff Coven Book 1 (Vampire M/M) Coming soon!

  Mine to Save: Pine Ridge Pack Book 1 (M/M Wolf Shifter)

  Mine to Keep: Pine Ridge Pack Book 2 (M/M Wolf Shifter)

  Mine to Protect: Pine Ridge Pack Book 3 (M/M Wolf Shifter) Coming soon!

  Shadow Walker: Bay City Coven Book 1 (Vampire M/M)

  Into the Shadows: Bay City Coven Book 2 (Vampire M/M) Coming soon!

  Magic Touch (M/M Mage)

  M/M Series:


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