Ride the Stars

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Ride the Stars Page 12

by Autumn Dawn

  She cleared her throat. “I said where are we going?”

  Domino, who’d been eyeing them with amused interest, laughed. “You’re on Tantalus, heartflame. Does it matter?”

  As it turned out, it didn’t.

  Everywhere they went electromagnetic, environmental domes filtered out the worst of the heat, leaving the abundant gardens and lush streets comfortably cool. Only pedestrian traffic was allowed inside the domes, and peace enforcers patrolled the blocks of shops and public gardens, making certain the shoppers remained undisturbed. More than one enforcer eyed their group, but none approached them.

  Lore headed off on business of his own, leaving Skye and Jaide to explore the city alone. Since Jaide had never been there before, Skye took the lead, suggesting they stop for lunch at an eatery he knew of.

  It was a delightful experience. They were led to a private gazebo in the center of a grove of tropical trees and seated on colorful silken cushions at a low table. All around them exotic blooms scented the air, lending a festive atmosphere.

  Jaide was in awe. There had been nothing like it where she grew up, and the hydroponics gardens she’d seen in ships and stations since paled in comparison. “It’s so beautiful,” she whispered, drinking in the sights.

  Skye reclined on an elbow, watched her with a smile. “You should see the polar colony on Antarctica. Deep beneath the ice, the continent blooms once again. We use refracted sunlight for as much of the year as possible, and you’d never know that you weren’t outdoors. There are species of plants there you’d see nowhere else. We brought many seeds and plants from our native world.”

  What he was suggesting was impossible, as only the rare dignitary was ever allowed to view the Draconian home away from home, so she chose to ignore it. “Do you remember it? Your home world?” she asked as she copied his posture, stretching out and resting her head on one arm.

  A touch of sadness slipped into his eyes, then was gone. “I was very young when we left; I don’t have many memories of it.”

  “I’m sorry.” She searched for a less painful subject. “What about your parents? Are they still alive?”

  “My father and his wife live on Antarctica.”

  >From his tone the subject wasn’t a popular one. Choosing another, she inquired, “So what were you like as a child?”

  He chuckled. “A terror. Always underfoot or getting into trouble with my thirst for adventure, and barely scratching out with my skin intact. My mother nicknamed me ‘leaps out of danger’.” When she laughed, he continued, “Actually my brother had it worse; he was every bit as bad as I; often wreaking havoc with his romps. My mother named him for an Earth game one carefully set up, then tapped, setting organized chaos into motion.”

  She cocked her head, thinking. “Domino? Is he your brother?” He said nothing, simply looked at her steadily until she got uncomfortable. “What?”

  “We do not normally share our family ties with outsiders.” Long lashes swept down, partially concealing his eyes. “It is considered intimate information.”


  Their food arrived, distracting her. Tropical white meat salad, served in coconut shells, accompanied by a frosty green fruit drink was served in glasses made to resemble crocodiles standing on their tail, balancing a prismatic glass bubble on their noses. Jaide giggled at the unique wineglass, impressed by the wonderful whimsy. Flutes of swirled citrus and white chocolate mousse were offered for dessert. With that as a distraction, it was no wonder she got side tracked.

  After that Skye took her to a zoo. Although he was fascinated by the reptiles, especially the hundred foot blue snake on display, Jaide couldn’t quite share his enthusiasm. Of course part of his enjoyment might have stemmed from the unconscious press of her body against his in the face of her unease. When the huge snake reared up and looked in their direction, Skye even managed to wrap an arm around her shoulders without a murmur of protest. Equally as delightful was her complete absorption with the tank full of small water mammals, allowing him to enfold her completely as he stood behind her, lightly resting his chin on the top of her head.

  Jaide closed her eyes, drinking in the feeling of being held by him. His arms surrounded her, supporting her, warming her through the tissue thin gauze of her wrap. Need thrummed through her, drummed in her veins. He felt so good!

  By the time they had dinner that evening and headed back to their hotel, she was completely beat. Before she knew it her head was sagging against his shoulder, and her drowsy mind decided that it was perfectly safe to go one better and slip down to rest her head in his lap, snuggled in his coat he’d wrapped around her to ward away the evening chill.

  Pleased as Skye was by her trust, and much as he enjoyed the weight of her head in his lap, the ride back was sensual torture. To distract himself, he looked out the window, watching the bright lights of the clubs and casinos flash by. Somewhere out there was Aden Box.

  By now Lore would have his current address and he and Quadril would be taking turns watching his every move. When he made a mistake, they would be on him.

  In the meantime, he had to figure out how to secure his own prize.

  Jaide moaned and wiggled in his lap, seeking a more comfortable position. Being careful not to wake her, he smoothed her hair away from her face and out from under her collar, tucking it behind her ear. She didn’t stir when the transport stopped, so he picked her up and carried her through the quiet lobby to the glass walled elevator. The clerk at the desk didn’t even blink.

  When he reached her door, just down from his, he punched in the door code, letting himself in. Then he took her to the mattress topped pedestal that served as a bed, laying her down on the silken coverlet, still wrapped in his coat. He stood there for a long while, watching her sleep on a tranquil sea of pale blue.

  Leaving her alone was not the easiest thing he’d ever done.

  Jaide emerged from her bath the next morning, dripping bubbles from her naked body onto the plush ermine patterned rug. Since it was the only garment in her room, she donned the black silk ‘dress’ that had been left for her. The abbreviated tank top was pointed at the bottom on the left side, and trimmed in a wide gold braid. A ring through the bottom attached to the corresponding peak at the top of the matching skirt, and that was all that kept the sheath-which was slit to her knee-up. Even worse, the dip on the right side of the skirt’s waist plunged just low enough for a peek of hip bone.

  It was scandalous.

  Skye expected her to wear it.

  Those two things, combined with waking still wrapped in nothing but his coat, were more than sufficient to start her temper simmering.

  She didn’t even pause when she exited her room and found Skye leaning against the wall, waiting for her with a pleasant expression that grew into a welcoming smile. Instead, she tossed his duster at him and kept on walking.

  Completely baffled, he tagged her arm, spinning her around to face him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Let me count the reasons,” she said, curling her lip. “I am not your doll to be dressed at your whim.”

  A hurt expression settled on his face. “You don’t like it? It looks very beautiful on you.”

  Unsettled by his unexpected vulnerability, she back peddled. “That’s not it”

  “I thought it would be comfortable in this hot climate,” he said with the hopefulness of a little boy.

  “W-well, it is, but—”

  “I didn’t mean to upset you.” Genuine sincerity radiated from his anxious face.

  Jaide was a goner. Reaching out, she tentatively touched his arm. “It’s okay. I just—”

  “I’m glad,” he told her, and swept her up into a whirlwind kiss. By the time he finished, all she could do was cling to him, wide-eyed, and pant. “Ready for breakfast?” he murmured against her mouth, giving her one last, tender tug on her bottom lip.

  “Okay.” she whispered back, still dazed. Skye slipped his arm around her waist and walked with her to the el
evator, and she didn’t even think of objecting.

  After all, he was just being nice.

  The others-minus Sesame, who’d stopped by Jaide’s room earlier to say she’d be off on business-were waiting for them in the conservatory dining room. No one said a thing about Skye’s physical closeness.

  To her.

  “Should we prepare a bridal chamber for you now, or should we wait until after lunch?” Nemesis asked, high frequency, while Jaide’s attention was diverted to being seated.

  Skye grinned with good humor as the others laughed, full of high spirits. “Do not scare her away with your antics,” he admonished. “I still have to trick her into having me, first.”

  That brought another round of grins and silent laughter, which was quickly muffled when Jaide looked up. “What’s so funny?” she asked suspiciously as Skye took the seat beside her.

  “It’s a beautiful day, and we’re enjoying ourselves.” Nemesis excused them, gesturing to the carefully filtered sunlight pouring into the conservatory.

  “We were going to go to the amusement park today.” Lore chimed in, further throwing her off the scent. “Will you come with us?”

  Before she could refuse, Skye leaned over and cajoled with just a hint of sexy vulnerability, “I was really hoping you would come.”

  For some reason, Jaide couldn't tell him no when he looked like that.

  The amusement park was truly sensational. Located in the center of town in a huge natural bowl, it could have been a town in itself.

  The force dome above shut out the worst of the heat and humidity, and many different kinds of plants flourished in the mazes and gardens within. Since most of the trees were edible in nature guests could literally feast from the trees as they walked about, refreshing themselves at any of the many sparkling fountains there for that purpose.

  “I don’t understand.” Jaide frowned at one of the café-style venders along the streets. “Aren’t they concerned these fruit trees will take away from their business?”

  “It’s a different kind of park than you’re accustomed to,” Skye explained as he plucked a small blue fruit from an overhead tree. He popped it in his mouth. “The trees are part of the attraction. Many of the plants that grow here grow nowhere else, and tourists love to see them without the annoyance of trudging through the wild. Besides, there are always those who desire a drink other than water or prepared foods, and the park is known for the skill of its cooks. We’ll get some ourselves before the day is over.”

  “Tantalus is a world of sensual pleasures,” Nemesis added, his eyes on Sesame, who’d reluctantly come along. “It caters to every sense, indulges and pampers its guests until they grow addicted to the pleasures it provides. That’s why so many find it hard to resist.”

  Sesame snorted, unimpressed. “Yeah, but when your money runs out where are you? Back on the streets, grubbing for more in the hopes of earning enough to buy your way in. No thanks. I prefer a more reliable version of reality.”

  Nemesis shook his head. “You’re afraid to leave your carefully controlled, boring little world to reach for something better.”

  She bristled. “At least I can depend on it!”

  “Are we talking about the park?” Jaide interjected, bewildered by this conversational corner.

  Nemesis and Sesame had stopped and were glaring at each other as if they’d like to go to battle. Sesame had her fists clenched, her stance combative. “Your problem is that you just can’t let a moment’s pleasure pass you by.”

  His feet spread wide, Nemesis gestured angrily with his hands. “Yours is a complete lack of faith.”

  “Let’s leave them to their squabbling and enjoy ourselves, shall we?” Skye linked arms with Jaide, firmly clamping his hand over hers on his arm to anchor her to his side.

  Consumed by curiosity, she craned her neck to watch the arguing pair as Skye moved them along the stone path. “What’s going on?” she muttered to herself. She’d never seen Sesame act so peculiar.

  “Have you heard about the newest holoride?” Lore asked Quadril as they fell in behind, effectively blocking her view. “It’s a dragon flight through the cloud kingdoms of.…”

  Distracted by the subsequent conversation, Jaide forgot all about Sesame and her troubles as she demanded more details.

  She couldn’t remember when she’d been so happy.

  Being with Skye was bliss. Always the perfect gentleman, he saw to her needs before thinking of his own, lavishing a kind of attention on her she’d never known. He opened doors, seated her at tables when they paused to rest, plucked a flower from a fragrant hedge and tucked it in her hair.

  He made her feel so safe...so not alone. For one magical day, she felt as light as a soap bubble, buoyed by the breeze.

  Then came the night.

  Jaide paused at the ship’s hatch, listening. Lore and Quadril were still talking with Skye, unwittingly distracting him. A pang of regret and guilt hit her, but she ruthlessly suppressed both. Whatever claims he might be forming to her in his mind, Skye still didn’t own her, nor did he have the right to interfere in her business. Denial fluttered in her heart, but she squashed that, too. With a glance at her reluctant accomplice, Sesame, she slipped from the Black Tide.

  It was time to see Aden Box.

  Sesame nagged her all the way to Domino’s club.

  “This is stupid, you know,” she complained as they got in the transport. Once inside she scowled at Jaide in the flickering illumination of the city lights. “I say let the Drac take care of Aden. Why should you have to pay your brother’s bills?”

  Jaide rolled her eyes and clamped down on her temper. “We discussed this, Ses.”

  “No, we argued about it, and then you went ahead and did whatever you wanted,” Sesame retorted.

  Eyes narrowed, Jaide said, “You didn’t have to come.”

  Sesame didn’t dignify that with a reply.

  Jaide met with Aden at Domino’s club, dressed as usual in her jeans and a plain shirt, boots and her favorite brown and white checked shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the tail hanging out. The braids were gone, replaced by a ponytail. The one new item to her attire was a black metal cuff on her left hand. A necessary addition, since Domino’s security didn’t allow weapons into the club.

  It was an innocuous looking item, but one capable of-among other things-shattering eardrums not augmented by anti-sonic implants, designed to prevent hearing damage.

  The same implants that could detect high-pitched Draconian speech.

  Too bad she couldn’t understand more than one word in ten of it, but then, she was working on that.

  She had a feeling that Skye wouldn’t appreciate learning of her ability, especially given his response to that little bombshell with the computer codes. Still, it sucked not understanding what those around you where saying over your head, which is why she’d also taught herself to spell as a small child.

  Ignorance never paid.

  Domino himself hadn’t seen her come in; she’d made sure of that. She’d felt it was in her best interests to make this deal on friendly ground, though. If she got into a pinch, Skye’s brother would likely give her a hand, given how much he despised Box.

  She hoped.

  Sesame, who’d entered separately, watched covertly from another table, just in case.

  Box arrived shortly after she did, swaggering into the club like he owned the world, two heavily made up women on his arms. From her dim balcony table, Jaide saw him give one a quick grope on the backside and the other a wet kiss that made Jaide shudder even if the woman did pretend to like it. Then he sent them both on their way and headed up to the balcony.

  She winced. Dressed as he was in a loud satin shirt and a blinding array of gold chains, she could forget about going unnoticed. Best to conclude their business quickly, before Domino arrived, or worse, called his brother.

  “So where’s my money?” Box demanded the moment he sat down, his little eyes looking her over as if she mi
ght have it on her.

  “Where’s my brother?” she countered, keeping her expression poker-dead. “I know he’s a frequent customer of yours, Box. Give.”

  Ugliness transformed Box’s face as he grabbed her cuffed wrist with startling swiftness. “You give. Now. I want my money.”

  Jaide leaned in. “What you’ll get is a bloody stump where your hand once was if you don’t let go.” Her smile turned evil. “Or don’t you know what you’re holding?”

  Box snatched his hand away and eyed her, then stretched one arm out along the back of the booth, slouching in his seat with a sleazy grin. For a moment he cocked his head, as if listening to the lively beat of the band. Then his gaze slid back to hers. “No one knows where Chrys will be next but him.”

  “Bat spat! I’ve been tracking the blighter ever since he stole my fighter.” Her tone dropped below zero. “I’ve got some very interesting recordings of some of his transactions, too,” she lied, wishing it were true. What she did have was paltry, but maybe enough for a bluff. “Even now they’re in the hands of a certain governor, just waiting for review. You cancel my bill, tell me what I want to know, and I’ll erase the one with your name on it.”

  “You haven’t got a thing on me.” Box was no fool. “Name a date and time, baby.”

  “What’s going on, beautiful?” a sharkskin rough voice interrupted as Domino slid into the booth beside her. Ignoring her sudden tension, he slipped his arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick kiss in greeting. “Skye is going to kill you,” he whispered in her ear undercover of the music, nipping her lobe with a stinging warning disguised as affection. Then, louder for Box’s benefit, “I was hurt you didn’t come to see me right away.”

  “I had business. Still do,” she growled, telling him with her eyes how much she didn’t appreciate his interference.

  He flashed a hunter’s grin at the unimpressed Box. “Draconians love difficult women.” He ignored her covert kick.

  “Last Thursday, between one and two am.” Jaide told Aden, continuing their interrupted conversation. The slight widening of his eyes told her she’d scored. “Would you like to know the place as well?”


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