Dragon's Love: A SciFi Alien Baby Romance (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book 3)

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Dragon's Love: A SciFi Alien Baby Romance (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book 3) Page 8

by Miranda Martin

  She shakes her head emphatic.

  "Gershom," Rosalind says over the top of Jolie and I's private conversation. "This mission requires stealth. A large contingent will attract attention. We do not know if the pirates are still out there or not."

  "Fine, but I still want someone I know is loyal to us to go," Gershom says, adamantly stubborn.

  I ignore his inane arguments. Jolie is mouthing no at me over and over while shaking her head. We're going back and forth in a war of silent words. She glances over at Gershom and arches an eyebrow then looks back at me showing I should let him send some of his people. I would, god knows I'd be glad to let him and his belligerent followers all go burn in the sand, but this mission is too important. Calista's life is at stake. Her baby's life too. And Jolie and her baby. No, I have to do this. I'm the only one with the knowledge to come back with what we need. Those idiots would come back with a load of vid sticks.

  "She's going and I am too, it's the only way. There is nothing more to say," Shidan says behind me and I jump in surprise.

  I hadn't realized he'd come closer. Glancing up at him towering over me he's glaring at Jolie with his arms still crossed. Jolie's mouth drops open and her eyes widen at him inserting himself into our argument. It makes me frown too. He sounds grouchy, a far cry from his normal, chipper attitude.

  "Who asked for your input," I grouse.

  He's being more forceful than normal, assertive, in control and decisive. He glances down at me, I don't think I'd stop him if he grabbed me up in his arms and kissed me here in front of everyone.

  The moment passes. His gaze returns to Jolie, implacable. Only then do I realize that every eye at the table is on us. Rosalind is leaning on the table glaring at Shidan. He stares straight ahead ignoring everyone.

  "What in the hell did he say?" Gershom asks.

  "He agreed with me," Rosalind says. "He doesn't want a repeat of Mark."

  I'm surprised she would add that to what Shidan said, but it hits Gershom hard. His eyes widen, his mouth moves then snaps shut.

  "Fine," he says with a sharp nod.

  Maybe he cares about his people? No, I doubt it, it's all a show and a power grab for him. If Gershom grows a heart, then I'll fall head over heels in love with Shidan. It's just something that can't be. I can't open myself up to him that way and Gershom can't get past his bigotry.

  "It's settled then," Rosalind says.

  Jolie's upset is apparent on her face. Tears well in the corners of her eyes as she stands, shakes her head, then walks over to stand next to Sverre. She holds on to his arm while staring at the floor. The others stand and head out of the room leaving only Sverre, Jolie, Shidan, Gershom, Rosalind and myself.

  "I don't like this," Gershom says.

  "Of course you don't," Rosalind quips.

  "You can make fun of me all you want to but you don't see what I see. I'm right and sooner or later you will regret your decisions. One day you will look back and say I was right."

  "I'm sure you'll be there to gloat when I do," Rosalind says.

  "It's not about that," he says, glaring at Jolie's pregnant stomach. "Not at all."

  He turns and walks out of the room and a cloud lifts. His presence is irritating.

  "I do not know where the ship crashed," Shidan says. "I found the city first."

  "I can give you directions," Sverre says.

  "Good, we'll need supplies," Shidan says.

  "Who the hell put you in charge?" I ask, stepping up beside him and inserting myself into the conversation.

  Shidan looks angry but I don't care. He can get happy in the same boots he got mad in. I'm not letting him take control without me having my input.

  "Okay," he says, snapping his mouth shut.

  "And don't you forget it," I say.

  Sverre watches the two of us bantering back and forth but adds nothing to the conversation. Smart. Jolie stares at the floor still displaying her displeasure with silence. Rosalind crosses her arms.

  "If the bickering is over, we need to organize this expedition. You'll need supplies, it's a couple days to the ship then there will be a trip back. You'll need food, water, vitamin supplements, and a supply of epis to make sure you don't go past your dosage. Even then it only lasts a week at the most, you'll have to be quick."

  "It will only last a few days," Sverre says.

  "Yeah, yeah, I know," I say.

  "Do you?" Sverre asks, glancing at Jolie. "In the city, even before the dome was working, you had shelter. Out there you won't. The drain on your human body will be a thousand times what you've experienced and it won't stop."

  "I get it," I say, but Sverre shakes his head.

  "I almost lost Jolie out there," he says.

  "I know," I say, rolling my eyes. "Let's get on with it."

  Sverre shakes his head but says nothing else. The small group of us leave the meeting room and go to the supply center. An older man I don't know is on duty.

  "Bert," Rosalind greets him as we walk in.

  "Lady General," Bert says.

  He's wearing a dirty, gray security guard uniform complete with a stunner on his side. He has a clipboard in his hand and stands stiffly.

  "At ease," Rosalind says. "I keep telling you you're not enlisted Bert."

  "Yes Ma'am," he replies.

  "We're sending two people out on a mission," Rosalind says. "I need them supplied. Make sure they have epis."

  "Our supplies are low, Ma'am," he replies.

  Rosalind grimaces then nods. "I know."

  Bert leads us through a set of double doors into a room that's filled with shelving. It hits me how empty most of these shelves are. My stomach grumbles less in hunger I think than in anticipation and worry about how barren our supplies are. Rosalind keeps this quiet. I didn't know. The situation is more grim than anyone knows.

  "Damn," I exhale and Rosalind looks at me sharply.

  I shrug. What does she expect? It's more than obvious we're screwed in the not so distant future. Food, medicine, basic supplies to survive with are running low. Either we fix it soon or, or what? We fix it that's it. There is no option.

  Bert leads us through the empty rows of shelving and into a corner. There's a large refrigerator chest we brought from the wrecked ship. He's still using it despite the lack of power to cool it which makes sense. It's good for storage and air tight so it will keep out anything foreign. He opens the chest, pulls out a package wrapped in leather skins. Placing it on an empty shelf he unwraps it to reveal sliced pieces of meat. He gathers some of these and transfers them to another piece of similar looking leather. Once he's done, he wraps both of them and returns the larger package to the chest.

  "Thanks," I say, taking the offered food.

  "No problem," he says. "You'll need vitamin packs. They're over here."

  It doesn't take long before we're outfitted the best we can be. Outside the dome the world is, well I've thought it before, it's hell. It's not Vulcan or Tatooine, it's hell straight out of Dante's Inferno or something.

  We leave Bert behind and emerge back into the bright light of the outside. The supply center is close to the town center where the fountain is. Standing in the big open space and looking up I can see the suns are setting by the length of the shadows.

  "You should try to sleep," Rosalind says.

  "I'd rather just go," I reply.

  "That is not wise," Shidan inserts.

  "How is it not? The sun will bake the hell out of us. At least if we travel at night it won't be as hot," I say.

  "Sismis hunt at night for one," he says.

  "What the hell is a sismis?" I ask.

  "Flying flesh hunters," he adds not helpful at all so I roll my eyes.

  "And?" I ask, mocking him with my tone.

  "He's right," Rosalind says.

  "Why are you taking his side?" I ask.

  "Because he's right," she repeats.

  I cross my arms over my chest and dig in my heels. I don't care if he's right, I d
on't want to be out there in the daylight. I'd rather travel at night when it's cooler.

  "If I travel at night, the heat won't be as bad. I'll be able to go faster," I say.

  "Speaking of which, make sure you take your epis. Every two days, three at the most. Every day after that it loses potency and your body will go into withdrawal. It's vital you get there and back fast."

  "Yeah, yeah," I say. "Let's go."

  Rosalind shrugs so I look at Shidan.

  "It is not wise," he says.

  "You wanted in on this so let's go. Now. Faster we go the faster we get home," I say.

  I can see he's thinking about this then he nods agreement.

  "Best of luck," Rosalind says.

  "Thanks," I reply.

  "If you can carry them bring back vid sticks," she says.

  "You're kidding me," I say in surprise. I wouldn't have expected her to have any interest in ancient pop culture movies.

  "No, I'm not. We have nothing here to entertain the masses. It's leaving them with too much time to think."

  "Ah, I get it."

  She smiles weakly then walks back into the building functioning as City Hall. Shidan and I look at each other. I heft my backpack up higher on my shoulders and motion with my head. He nods and we walk.

  At least I got my way on one thing.

  Chapter Ten


  It's dark but still she insists we keep moving.

  "We should rest," I say.

  "We'll rest when we get there," she barks. "What, aren't you tough enough to take it?"

  "I'm every bit as tough as I need to be," I reply, harsher than I intended.

  She looks over her shoulder at me and shakes her head. "Then quit whining."

  She's struggling to climb the dune. Sand slips with each step she takes so each step forward is half a step back. Reaching out I grab her by the arms, flap my wings and lift, carrying her to the top of the dune. She struggles the entire way, kicking me in my shins and shifting her weight side to side. It's twice as hard as it should be. I set her down on the top of the dune and stare.

  "Let me go! You and your damn big muscles and wings and gah!" She turns towards me then pounds her hands against my chest. "Ouch! Why do you have to have so many damn muscles!"

  I shake my head confused. I don't know what she's doing or why she's acting this way. The worst part? It makes me want her. The more she resists me the more beautiful she seems. My cock jumps with wanting her. In some weird, twisted way, it's a display of her strength. Underneath the outbursts, she wants me. I know she does. The memory of her lips on mine, the softness of her body pressing against me… my prime penis stiffens. I turn away from her embarrassed that her anger arouses me.

  "You needed help," I say over my shoulder.

  I know it was the wrong thing to say. Her eyes widen and her mouth tightens to a hard line.

  "I did NOT need your help," she says. "I was making it fine on my own before you got involved!"

  I know I won't win so I nod and point off into the distance. She comes to stand beside me. She's close. So close we're almost touching yet we aren't. The tiny amount of space between us pulls my attention and holds it. I'm staring across a vast empty gulf. I want her to touch my scales, I want to press myself against her, trace her soft curves with my fingers. Lost in my fantasy I miss her words.

  "Huh?" I ask, jerking my mind back to the moment.

  "I said how much farther do you think it is?" she asks, irritation plain in her voice.

  There is a small twitch between her eyes where she frowns at me. Of their own accord my arms reach for her. She crosses her arms across her chest which accents her soft mounds. The loose cloth she wears pulls back in a gentle, hot breeze. My cock pulses, pounding a rhythm of its own creation, singing of desire and need.

  "I don't know," I answer, but my voice is hoarse and sounds harsh to my own ears.

  My fingers twitch and I struggle to regain control. She stares up at me and the primal fog rises, clouding my thoughts. Her ass, so soft, should be in my hands. I want her lips against mine. What does she look like under those layers? I've imagined it so many times but I know my fantasies will pale to the reality of her.

  "Great," she mutters, turning her gaze away.

  I'm left in darkness, alone, weak and trembling from having stood too long in the beauty of her gaze. Like a mewling newborn and realizing it anger rushes in. I'm no newborn, I'm strong, I will show her what kind of man I am and I will care for her whether she wants it or not. A treasure does not get to choose to not be what it is. She is mine and sooner or later she will know.

  "It will be even longer if you don't let me help you," I hiss.

  She whirls on me, fury plain on her face. Her small hands ball into fists and her eyes flash.

  "I don't NEED your help!" she screams.

  My anger is white hot but something behind her catches my eye and it's gone. I react without thinking, grabbing her. I spin around so her back is against my chest as I twist and drop to the ground on my side, shielding her from the impact.


  I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth. She fights against me with all she has. Her breath is sharp and fast through her nose. I roll so I'm on top of her then use my tail to shift the sand, digging us down in. Shifting my wings as well, the sand pours in over us until we're partially covered. She's still struggling which will ruin the disguise.

  "Stop," I hiss. "Pirates!"

  I speak softly but she stops struggling. She tilts her head up and our eyes meet. Only once I'm sure she will not scream anymore do I remove my hand from her mouth.

  "You're sure?" she asks in a whisper.

  I nod. Her heart is pounding in her chest. I feel it against me. In a flash of embarrassment I realize my body is responding to her closeness. My prime penis is rock hard pressing against her backside. I focus my attention towards where I saw the pirates hoping it will stop. She shifts beneath me, trying to get more comfortable. I don't know if it makes her more comfortable, but it pulls my attention right back where I don't want it. I almost lose myself as she rotates her hips.

  A metal clang a short distance away resounds across the sand and we both go stock still. Her breathing slows but her heart continues to pound wildly. Staring ahead and down the dune I see dark shapes moving around. Did they spot us? Time slows to a crawl. There's an eternity between each beating of my hearts as I watch the figures below. There are three, maybe four. They're walking in a loose formation across the desert. All are well-armed and equipped. They stop and gather into a huddle.

  This is it. If they spotted us, I'll know in a moment. Tactics race through my mind as I play out possible scenarios. I have to protect her. It doesn't matter what happens to me, they can't have her. I won't allow any harm to Amara. I consider and discard a dozen options until at last there remains only one that will accomplish my goal.

  "If they attack, stay hidden," I whisper.

  "No way," she whispers back.

  Anger flares. Even now, in imminent danger, she won't just listen! I want to force her to obey, somehow. My emotions are so strong it makes me shake causing the sand to shift around us. I swallow hard as I struggle to regain control.

  "Amara," I hiss. "Please, there is no other way."

  We stare at each other and forgetting for a moment the danger, I lose myself in the beauty of her eyes. They remind me of when I was young and would stare up into the vast, black expanse of twinkling stars, dreaming of traveling. I would lose myself for hours, often falling asleep under the open sky.

  A frown purses her lips but she nods. I breathe a sigh of relief then put my attention back on the pirates. They're moving again, away from us and the direction we are traveling. I wait until they're well out of sight before rising and offering my hand to Amara. She stares up at it a long moment before taking it and climbing to her feet.

  "Are they gone?" she asks, still speaking in a whisper.

  "For the
moment," I reply, staring off in the direction I saw them leave.

  "Good," she says, then slaps me across the face. Whirling on her she glares up at me with a finger in my face. "Don't you ever do that again!"

  "Are you kidding?" I hiss.

  "No I am not kidding. You and your…" she motions with both her hands as her eyes move across my body until she's staring at the tent in my pants where my erection is still throbbing. "Muscles and…" She trails off, still staring.

  I shake my head in embarrassment but then I push the limits with her. I want her and I'm certain she wants me as much, if only she'd admit it. "What about me?" I ask, shifting my hips so my erection points directly at her middle. I move my arms so that my biceps flex and my chest muscles ripple. My tail shifts side to side as my cock pulses.

  "Don't use them… against me," she says, her voice is soft and her eyes don't leave my cock.

  "Against you?" I ask, not understanding why she uses those words. Everything I do is for her, not against her.

  "Yes…" she trails off.

  "Perhaps you'd prefer to see what the slavers do with a beautiful woman?"

  Her eyes snap up to meet mine. "Beautiful…?" Her soft, pink tongue wets her lips and she takes a half step closer.

  "You heard me."

  She touches my chest and heat flares, searing her touch into my memory. My cock spasms. Our eyes lock as I lean into her touch.

  "Whatever, dragon-boy," she mutters.

  "I look like a boy to you?" I ask, my voice husky.

  She wets her lips again and shakes her head. She swallows hard then something shifts, and she steps back. The warm spot on my chest cools, fading as her touch becomes only memory. A cold chill runs down my spine and my cock softens.

  "Just don't do it again," she says, turning her back on me.

  The moment passes. Did I do the right thing? Should I have pushed harder? Did I push too much? Damn it, so many questions. Why is everything involving her so complex?

  "Fine," I hiss, anger becoming the rock I can cling to in my confusion. "We should go since you're in such an all fired hurry to get there. We still have at least a day's travel."

  "Great, just what I wanted to hear," she says, hitching her pack up on to her shoulders.


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