Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right

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Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right Page 39

by Arlie Russell Hochschild

  death rates from, 278n68

  regulation on, 7. 67-68, 278n67

  Stand Your Ground law, 278n67

  Haidt, Jonathan, 15

  Hanley, Caroline, 77

  Hardey, Bob, 85-89, 95-96, 118

  on affirmative action, 92—93

  on incentive money, 94

  political views of, 92-93, 97

  hazardous waste imports, 63-64, 276n64

  hazardous waste production, 63-64, 276n64

  Heritage Foundation, 47

  high road strategy, 77, 282n77

  Hofstadter, Richard, 207

  homosexuality, 162, 216—17

  honor, 114, 144

  Areno, J., on, 156-58, 165-67

  church and, 158, 190, 217

  McCorquodale on, 189

  moral values and, 190, 217

  oil relating to, 210-11

  political movements relating to, 214-18

  in sacrifice, 217, 232

  squeeze, 215-18

  struggle for, 214-15

  Tea Party and, 35, 47

  Tritico on, 189 work and, 156-60, 165-67

  Honoré, Russel, 61, 231

  background on, 62

  on environment, 62—64, 248

  on freedom, 62—71

  on oil, 62-64

  Schaff and, 195

  Houck, Oliver, 210

  House Tea Party Caucus, 266nl2

  housing discrimination, 214

  Hout, Mike, 252, 305n211

  human development rankings, 9, 59

  Hurricane Katrina, 200

  hypothesis generating research, 247

  I-10 bridge, 184-91

  identity politics, 212

  development of, 214

  Tea Party and, 214-15

  Trump relating to, 229—30

  immigrants. 138, 269nl6

  Trump on, 226

  incentive money, 73 -74, 92, 94

  common impressions on, 259

  regulation and, 259

  income distribution, 149-50, 298nl49, 298nl50

  Independents, 266nll-12

  industrial growth, 21

  industrial pollution, 8-9, 307n233

  Areno, J., on, 162—63

  Areno family on, 42—47

  fracking relating to, 90—91

  least resistance to, 80-82

  national discoveries on, 251—53

  from plastic, 91-92

  political views relating to. 79-80

  red and blue of, 78-80, 232-33, 251-53

  Tabor, J., on, 176-77

  industrial regulation, 70-71

  Areno family on, 46-47, S2-53

  inequality, 160-61

  infrastructure, 7

  injection mining, 289nl01

  Institute for Southern Studies, 281n75

  institutional forgetting, 49-52

  insurance companies, 201

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 7, 59, 264n7

  interviews, 16-20, 247-49

  IRS. See Internal Revenue Service

  Is God Green?, 123

  Jackson, Scoop, 26

  Jambalaya Capital, 63-64

  Jindal, Bobby, 47, 76, 281n75

  Bayou Corne Sinkhole and, 102-4

  on education, 95, 231

  financial crisis after, 231-32

  on free-market, 112

  funding under, 231

  government cuts under, 231-32

  jobs under, 231

  on lawsuits, 200

  Long versus, 92—94

  on Southeast Flood Control Commission, 200

  taxes under, 75, 231—32

  Tea Party on, 232


  affirmative action and, 92-93, 137-38, 214

  Bureau of Labor Statistics on, 257, 259

  common impressions on, 257-58, 260

  environment and, 51, 77-78, 258-59

  by Filipino workers, 74, 280n74

  fish-related, 31-32, 211, 271n32

  in fracking, 74, 90

  gender and, 138

  Good Jobs First on, 260

  high road strategy on, 77

  under Jindal, 231

  low road strategy on, 77

  man camps, 74, 88-89

  Mass Layoff Statistics on, 259, 314n259

  oil and, 72, 73-76, 279n74, 280n74

  permanent, 74-75

  psychological program on, 61—64, 72, 77-78

  in public sector, 111-12, 138, 161-62, 257-58, 312n257, 313n258

  regulation and, 72, 73-74, 258-59

  Sasol on, 280n74

  state subsidies relating to, 260

  Templet on, 74, 76-78

  temporary, 74

  wages and, 125, 141, 149, 298nl49

  wealth and, 141, 143, 297nl41, 297n!43

  work, honor, and, 156-60, 165-67

  workers' strikes, 148—49

  working-poor rates and, 311n256

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 213-14

  Johnson, Mark, 268nl6

  Junior Miss Black Pride Contest, 250

  Kelly, Megyn, 228

  Kennedy, John F., 213

  keyhole issue

  environmental damage as, 21-23, 79—80

  in political divide, 21—23

  reflection on, 131

  Kids Count Data Book (Casey), 9

  KKK, See Ku Klux Klan

  Koch, Charles, 13, 267nl3

  Koch, David, 13, 267nl3

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 213, 223, 226

  Kumkar, Nils, 145

  Lafayette Parish, 55-60

  Lake Charles, Louisiana, 94—95

  churches in, 118

  fracking in, 21

  natural gas in, 87

  Ozone Advance Program in, 91

  study visits in, 16-20

  Lake Charles Project, 129-30

  Lake Peigneur disaster, 198-99, 302nl99

  protesters at, 223-25, 226

  Trump at, 222-28

  Lakoff, George, 268nl6

  Landry, Dennis, 108

  Landry, Jeff Boustany and, 55-59, 275n60

  as Tea Party candidate, 57-59

  voting records for, 60

  Lane, David, 294nl23


  by Areno family, 53-54, 237-38, 309n238

  on Bayou Corne Sinkhole, 107

  Brown vs. the Board of Education, 213. 287n95

  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 13

  on Condea Vista chemical leak, 96-97, 129

  Jindal on, 200

  on Lake Peigneur drilling, 199

  LEAN. See Louisiana Environmental Action Network

  least resistant personality profile, 80—81

  liberal upper-middle class, 218

  Liberty Insurance Company, 201

  life expectancy, 8-9, 125-26, 265n8, 295nl25

  Life on the Mississippi (Twain), 210

  Limbaugh, Rush, 22-23, 117

  Little Pass de Wharf, 199

  Living Way Pentecostal Church, 114-20

  logging industry, 282n77

  Long, Huey, 92-94

  Longman, Phillip, 141

  Louisiana. See also specific locations; specific topics

  capital investments in, 284n85

  funding for, 9, 265n9

  GSP and TPI in, 260-61

  tax ranking in, 281n75

  Tea Party in, 12, 266nl2

  Louisiana Chemical Association, 210-11

  Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, 109, 194-95, 272n44

  Louisiana Department of Health and Human Services, 33, 110

  Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, 108

  Louisiana Economic Development and Tax Foundation, 75

  Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN), 199

  Louisiana legislature letters, 194-95

  Louisiana Purchase Trees, 50

  Louisiana State Tourist Bureau, 50—51

  low road strategy, 77, 282n77

  loyalty, 165

  lynching, 304n208

, Alec, 10-11, 251

  man camps, 74, 88-89

  Markey, Peter, 129-30

  marsh, 271n39

  masculinity, 202—3

  Mass Layoff Statistics, 259, 314n259

  Massey, Glenn, 119-20

  Massey, Madonna, 22-23, 117, 119, 122, 124-25, 239

  Mayer, Jane, 13

  McCorquodale, Donny, 237

  background on, 182—84

  on climate change, 183

  on honor, 189

  on I-10 bridge, 184-91

  on regulation, 186-87

  on risk, 185-86, 187

  Tritico and, 182-91

  on Trump, 229, 239

  The Measure of America (Social Science Research Council), 9


  anxiety and, 126-28

  Fox News, 126-28, 268nl5, 295nl25

  news commentators on, 127—28

  Medicaid, 256

  mercury, 272n44

  Meredith, James, 213

  metaphors, 268nl6, 297nl35

  Meyer, Stephen, 78

  migration, 6

  The Mind of the South (Cash), 20S-9, 221-22

  Mississippi River, 62-63, 275n63

  monoethylene glycol plant, 238-39

  moral values, 15, 158, 162

  church and, 122-26, 217

  honor and, 190, 217

  moratorium, 65—67

  Moyers, Bill, 123

  Muslims, 226

  Napoleonville Dome, 101—2

  National Association of Evangelicals, 123

  national debt, 7

  National Endowment for the Oceans, 48

  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 200

  National Opinion Research Center, 251-52

  National Report Card, 9

  natural gas, 87, 284n86, 285n90

  Nelson Station, 46

  news commentators, 127—28

  Nicaragua, 265n8

  90-10 distribution figure, 149, 298nl49

  Nixon, Richard, 7, 220, 234-35, 271n32

  NOAA. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

  Norway, 235, 308n235

  nostalgia, 49-50

  Nuer people, 51-52

  Oak Alley Plantation, 211, 250

  Obama, Barack, 12, 127, 137, 139-40

  on Deepwater Horizon, 65

  Great Recession and, 268nl5

  Obama, Michelle, 137-38

  occupational safety, 28, 189-90

  Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 35

  Occupy Wall Street movement, 16, 149

  O'Connor, Arthur, 79

  OECD. See Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

  Office of Mineral Resources, 75, 308n235

  oil, 4

  boom, 92

  company ownership, 76

  cotton industry relating to, 210-11

  drilling permits, 108-10, 291nll0

  economic growth and, 76-77, 260—61

  Filipino workers in, 74, 280n74

  honor relating to, 210-11

  Honoré on, 62-64

  jobs and, 72, 73-76, 279n74, 280n74

  moratorium on, 65-67

  political contributions from oil industry, 267nl3

  poverty and, 77, 282n77

  revenue from, 75-76, 282n76

  on seafood industry, 211

  severance taxes from, 75

  tank farms for, 211

  Templet on, 74, 76-77, 211

  on tourism, 211

  oil spills

  Deepwater Horizon, 46, 64-65, 276n65, 277n65

  Union Oil spill, 233

  Oldham, Taki, 13

  Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 78

  Ozone Advance Program, 91

  participant observation, 249

  partyism, 6-7, 263n6

  Paul, Ron, 6, 59

  Paulville, Texas, 6

  permits, 108-10, 291nll0

  Perry, Rick, 59

  Pew opinion polls, 249

  Piketty, Thomas, 298nl50

  Pittsburgh Plate Glass (PPG), 26-30, 151, 286n91

  Seafood Advisory and, 33-34

  Planned Parenthood, 7

  plantation system, 208-11, 303n208, 304n208

  plastic, 91-92

  political candidates, 59-60, 61-64. See also specific candidates

  political contributions

  by affluent, 267nl3

  from oil industry, 267nl3

  for purchased influence, 13—24

  political cooperation, 233—34

  political culture, 207

  "Political Difficulties Facing Waste-to-Energy Conversion Plant Siting" (Powell), 80-81

  political divide, 5—7

  both sides of, 233—37

  case study visits on, 16—20

  geography relating to, 14—15

  Great Paradox and, 8-16

  keyhole issue in, 21—23

  Republicans relating to, 7-8

  political influence, 13-14

  political movements

  civil rights, 209, 212-14

  of 1860s, 208-10

  feminist movement, 214

  honor relating to, 214—18

  of 1960s and 1970s, 211-17

  Tea Party relating to, 207-8, 214-18

  political views

  climate change relating to, 264n7

  of Hardey, 92-93, 97

  industrial pollution relating to, 79-80

  of Sherman, 34-35

  politically correct speech and ideas, 128, 158

  Trump on, 227—28


  common impressions on, 256-57

  oil and, 77, 282n77

  Templet on, 77

  working-poor rates, 311n256

  Powell, Stephen ]., 80-81

  power, 52—53

  PPG. See Pittsburgh Plate Glass

  precautionary principle, 184-85

  press. See also media

  on Bayou Corne Sinkhole, 122

  church and, 117-18, 122-23

  on EDC leak, 122

  on Lake Charles Project, 130


  Angola Prison, 250

  regulation on, 68-69


  American Dream and, 140-41

  economic, 50

  in political culture, 207

  progressive left, 235-36

  progressive reform, 207

  protesters, 223—25, 226

  psychological program on jobs, 61-64, 72, 77-78

  Templet on, 77—78

  public employees, 138, 312n257

  common impressions on, 257

  federal employees, 161—62

  Schaff on, 111-12

  public sector, 111-12, 138, 161-62, 257-58, 312n257, 313n258

  public services, 121

  Putin, Vladimir, 230


  affirmative action and, 92-93, 137-38, 214

  deep story and, 146-47

  desegregation, in education, 213, 287n95

  regulation and, 68

  Schaff on, 146-47

  women, children, and, 257, 312n257

  racial disadvantage, 93

  racial equality, 212-14

  racism, 146—47

  rally at Lakefront Airport 221—22, 306n221

  Rand, Ayn, 22, 233-34

  rapture, 53, 124-25, 295nl25

  Reagan, Ronald, 7

  red states, 8-9, 232-33

  funding in, 9—10

  Reed, Ralph, 123


  of Bayou Corne Sinkhole, 102-7. 194, 240-41, 301nl94

  climate, 200

  Syrian, 218-20, 227

  regression analysis, 252-53

  regulation, 70-71

  on alcohol, 67

  common impressions on, 258-60

  economic growth relating to, 78, 283n78

  freedom and, 67-69

  gender and, 68

  Great Paradox and, 102

  on guns, 7, 67-68,

  incentive money and, 259

  industrial, 46-47, 52-53, 70-71

  jobs and, 72, 73-74, 258-59

  least resistance to, 80-82, 283n80

  McCorquodale on, 186-87

  moratorium and, 66-67

  power and, 52 53

  on prisons, 68-69

  race and, 68

  self-service, 70-72

  states rated by strictness of, 78

  Reich, Robert, 150, 236

  religion, 18-19. See also church

  Areno family and, 47-49, 118

  Christian persecution, 219

  climate change and, 48—49, 124

  rapture and, 53, 124-25, 295nl25

  Republicans and, 47, 54

  Tabor, J., on, 170, 172-73

  Tea Party and, 35, 47

  totems and, 226

  Trump on, 226

  worship unification and, 226

  remembering, 49-52, 108, 198-99

  renunciation, 173-79

  Republican Women of Southwest Louisiana, 17, 117, 229, 240, 247-48

  Republicans. See also Tea Party; specific topics

  economic growth relating to, 261

  political divide relating to, 7-8

  red states, 8-10, 232-33

  religion and, 47, 54

  rise of, 13-14 11

  Southern states, 11—12


  exploratory, 247

  focus groups, 247-48

  with General Social Survey, 249-50, 251-52

  hypothesis generating. 247

  interviews, 247-49

  method overview, 247—50

  participant observation, 249

  regression analysis, 252-53

  snowball sampling, 247

  RESTORE, 129-30

  Ridgewav. James, 130

  Righteous Mind (Haidt!. 15

  right-wing regimes, 230

  Ringo, Paul, 50, 270n31


  geography, environment, and, 252—53

  McCorquodale on, 185-86, 187

  occupational safety and, 189—90

  Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEIs), 79, 252-53, 310nn252-53

  River Road, 62-64

  Roberts, J. Timmons, 188

  Robertson, Pat, 123

  Romney, Mitt, 47

  RSEIs. See Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators

  rubberized horse, 163—65

  Russell, Gordon, 260

  Sabine River, 270n31

  sacrifice, 217, 232

  Saez, Emmanuel, 298nl50

  salt domes, 101-2, 198-99, 302nl99, 303n202

  Bayou Corne Sinkhole and, 289nl02

  injection mining and, 289nl01

  San Francisco public services, 121

  Sanders, Bernie, 12, 237

  Sanders, Perry, 130

  Santorum, Rick, 47

  Sasol. 46, 286n91

  expansion of, 85-89, 91, 95-97, 270n21

  on jobs, 280n74

  Southwest Louisiana Regional Impact Study and, 74, 94-96, 280n74

  water use by, 91, 95

  Save Lake Peigneur, 199

  Saving Capitalism (Reich), 150

  scapegoating, 226

  Schaff, Mike, 3-5, 13-14, 99, 241-42

  background on, 5-6, 9-10, 118, 193-94


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