Radar Deception: 2016 Anniversary Edition (Immortal Ops Book 3)

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Radar Deception: 2016 Anniversary Edition (Immortal Ops Book 3) Page 19

by Mandy M. Roth

  “You licked my blood,” he said, astounded that he was able to transfer some of his DNA to her. “What else can you do?”

  A stain of pink covered her cheeks quickly. “Well, I can’t turn into an animal, but I can do this.”

  He watched in awe as Melanie’s blue eyes swirled, intensifying. The beast within Green rose to the surface, recognizing the call of its mate. He cleared his throat, trying to find the will to cage his beast.

  A pounding on the door grabbed his attention. “What?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Umm…” Eadan’s voice filtered through. “Captain wants me to pass on an order to you.”

  Melanie kissed Green’s neck, sending his body into a frenzy. He took hold of her shoulders gently to keep her at bay as he focused on the door. “What’s his order? Does he need me to pilot for a while?”

  “No.” It was easy to pick up on Eadan’s discomfort. “He, umm, he’s ordered you… uh, I can’t say it or even think about it. Forget it.”

  “For the love of dick,” Missy said, sounding close to the door. “Would you fuck her already, Green? The mating energy you two are letting off is wreaking havoc out here. Lukian’s already threatening to put the jet on autopilot so he can have at Peren, who, by the way, has locked herself in his room for fear he’ll do her until she’s raw.”

  Melanie’s rich laugh warmed him. She tugged on his hand, guiding it up and under her shirt. “You heard her. Captain’s orders.”

  “The baby,” Green said, fighting to hold on to the last piece of resolve he had. “You need rest, honey.”

  Her rather long, tempting blink left pre-cum seeping from the tip of his cock. “Thad, the minute you ended Ferdian and my link with—” she glanced away, avoiding Elizabeth’s name, “her ended, my body stopped fighting itself. I’m strong enough to keep our child safely within me. And—”

  She pushed him onto his back and straddled his waist. “You heard Lukian tell you that the Fae power within me is intensified with sex. The best way to assure I’m powerful enough is to—“

  Green pulled her down and captured her lips with his. Wasting no time, he thrust his tongue in, enjoying the taste of his wife. She moaned as their tongues intertwined and he rubbed his clothed cock against her. He broke the kiss long enough to flip her onto her back and settle over her.

  “I like this side of you,” she said between kisses.

  “What side is that?”

  “The dominant one.”

  He held up a hand and let a claw emerge from the tip of his index finger. “Good, because I’m about to cut these clothes from your body and have my way with you.”

  “Or,” she licked his lower lip and the buzz of power surrounded him, “I could show you how to use the power you have now.”

  Green arched a brow. Instantly, it felt as if Melanie was reaching deep within him, yet her hands never left their spot. Something tugged inside him, grabbing hold of the power that now resided within his body. Vaguely, he heard chants inside his head but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Suddenly, he felt his clothing disappear and the feel of Melanie’s naked flesh beneath him. “What the…?”

  She let out a sultry laugh. “This is how it can be between mated Fae, Thad. Now that you’re technically a Fae as well, we can also tap into our power when we make love.”

  “It feels like you’re caressing me from the inside out.”

  Something flickered in her blue eyes and the feel of tiny bites covered his entire body. They weren’t hard enough to break the skin, but they were enough to excite the animal side of him.

  He fought for control. “Melanie,” he ground out. “I’ll hurt you.”

  “No.” She bit at his lower lip. “You’ll fuck me until we both pass out, loving me the entire time. The same as I love you.”

  With that, he pushed her legs apart with his knee, aligned his cock, and thrust to the hilt. He did exactly what she’d predicted. He fucked her with a fire that actually scared him. The need he felt for Melanie was crippling. Without her, he would die.

  She wrapped her long slender legs around his waist and countered his every thrust. It was as it should be. Her pussy fisted him, holding tight, not wanting to relinquish his cock. That was fine by him. He pumped harder, losing where he stopped and she began.

  Her legs quivered as she raked her nails down his back. Green knew she was coming and didn’t fight the urge to do so as well. With a growl, he thrust and held himself there, filling her to the brim with his seed.

  * * * *

  Eadan stayed as far away from the I-Ops personal quarters as he could. Roi glanced over his shoulder and grinned. Eadan glared at him. “Dare make a joke and I’m likely to shoot you.”

  Lukian snorted as he continued to pilot the plane. Roi glanced at him and laughed. “Yeah, at least my wife didn’t run for cover the minute she sensed mating energy.”

  Missy moved up and sat next to Eadan. “That’s because I’m positive I could kick your ass. Peren isn’t so sure she could take Lukian.”

  At that, Lukian lost it, laughing so hard that no sound came out. Roi slapped him in the upper arm but laughed as well. He shrugged. “Sad but true.”

  Missy ignored him and put her hand on Eadan’s thigh. There was a time when the very thought of her touch would have left him hard and aching for release. The moment she mated with Roi, something deep within him changed. He also began to feel empty. Whatever Melanie had done with her magik had lessened that dramatically. Now Eadan was simply confused.

  “You’re happy for her, right?” Missy asked.

  Eadan fumbled with the drink holder of the oversized leather chair he sat in and nodded. “I am. Green will protect her and love her for eternity. I’m sure of it. He seems to make her happy, so it works for me.” He glanced at his ex-wife. “I’m happy for you, too.”

  She smiled, her brown eyes wide. “I know. I want you to be happy too, Eadan.”

  He patted her hand and offered a soft, genuine smile. “I know, Missy-bean.”

  “You’re worried about Wilson, aren’t you?” she asked, her voice low.

  Eadan nodded. Since they’d departed, the nagging sense that Wilson really was alive and in need of help ate at him, as it did Melanie. “I don’t want to get Lukian and the others riled up, but I think Melanie’s right.”

  Missy leaned in close and kept her voice low. “Peren and I agree. We’re going to work on our husbands as soon as we land. I don’t doubt they’ll think we’re nuts so I might need a favor.”

  “A favor?”

  “PSI resources to be exact. I can coordinate a search from I-Ops second base site, near headquarters, so long as I know you’ll be there to assure an agent is available to search should I find anything that needs further investigation.”

  He suppressed a smile. Missy was a hellcat. He should have known she and Peren would stop at nothing to assure Wilson was brought home, dead or alive. “When Melanie comes out, pull her aside and let her in on it. She’s worried sick about him. I can sense it.”

  Missy nodded. “We’re on it. In fact, Peren isn’t locked away from Lukian to avoid his mating lust, she’s going over maps of the area.”

  Eadan laughed from the gut, drawing the attention of Lukian and Roi. Missy punched his arm lightly. “Smooth.”

  “Hey, Roi,” Eadan said, grinning. “Missy wants me to make sure your daughters are born with Fae power of sexual allure. I can bestow the gift upon them. I just need to touch her stomach.”

  Missy choked on nothing. Roi’s eyes widened and his gaze landed on Missy. For a minute, it looked as if his head might come clean off. “You want him to make our daughters give off a vibe to attract men? Are you crazy? Do you think I want men mystically attracted to them as well? That’s it—I’m building a tower when we get home. Consider it the new nursery.”

  Winking, Eadan got up and left Missy to deal with Roi. By the time Roi was done obsessing, he’d forget everything else.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

; Two months later…

  Wilson lifted his head as high as he could before the pain set in once more. A distant, yet constant, low-grade sound continued to be emitted from somewhere, causing his ears to feel as if they would burst. Silver-coated chains dug into his wrists and ankles, threatening to cut straight through if he dared to struggle against them much more. Even knowing the outcome, he still tugged, refusing to believe he’d spend the rest of his days locked away.

  He wasn’t sure how long he’d been in the small, dank cell, but one thing was for sure, he didn’t plan on staying much longer. Dead or alive, he would be free. Whatever they’d injected him with dulled his senses, making things blur and his body weak. At random times, he could feel the power Melanie had passed on to him trying to surface, but it either wasn’t sure what to do or knew he was clueless, so it didn’t bother lending a hand.

  He swallowed, his throat dry. The food, if it could even be called that, wasn’t fit for human consumption. Maggots infested the majority of it and the rest was in a state of decomposition. After a certain point, Wilson had forced some of it down only to find it coming back up quickly. Still, any nourishment he could get was needed if he planned on regaining his strength and escaping.

  Glancing at the small tin can near his right hand, Wilson sighed. The water they’d brought him was brown and looked as though they’d gathered it from a mud puddle. He had little doubt they did. In shifted form, he wasn’t too particular about what he ate or drank—that being said, his rat form wouldn’t even eat what his captors continued to try to pawn off on him.

  Closing his eyes, Wilson focused again, trying to connect with the I-Ops. It was pointless. In all the time he’d been held captive, they’d not responded. Each day that passed left him weaker and weaker. Soon, he wouldn’t have the strength to even try to communicate.

  They’ll come, his inner voice said.

  Sighing, Wilson gave in to fatigue, hoping beyond hope that his instincts were right—that the I-Ops would indeed look for him.

  The End

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  New York Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author Mandy M. Roth is a self-proclaimed Goonie, loves 80s music and movies, and wishes leg warmers would come back into fashion. She also thinks the movie The Breakfast Club should be mandatory viewing for…okay, everyone. When she's not dancing around her office to the sounds of the 80s or writing books, she can be found designing book covers for New York publishers, small presses, and indie authors.

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