Katana at Super Hero High

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Katana at Super Hero High Page 11

by Lisa Yee

  The Ghost Crabs stood still.

  “Miss Martian?” Katana said, motioning toward a cluster of trees.

  “Hello!” Miss Martian said, addressing the Ghost Crabs as she stepped out of the shadows of the trees and bent down. Her voice was strong but kind. “Please, just focus. I am sensing there is something you’d like Katana to know. But when all of you are thinking at the same time, it’s hard for me to figure out what you are trying to say. If there was just one of you, maybe, who could speak for all, that might make it easier.”

  The Ghost Crabs scattered, forming small groups, and looked like they were in conference. Then they returned to formation. One Ghost Crab scampered forward. It was deep teal-blue and brown, and on its shell the warrior face looked strong and confident.

  Miss Martian gently gestured for the Ghost Crab to lift himself into the air so that they could “talk” eye to eye. Katana watched with awe as the shy alien’s face became determined and strong. Finally, the Ghost Crab floated back down and returned to its place in the formation. Miss Martian looked at Katana.

  “Dragon King seeks to own the Muteki Sword,” she said. Katana’s heart fluttered. The Muteki Sword was the sword of legend, also known as the Invincible Sword because whoever possessed it was accorded great powers.

  Miss Martian continued. “Dragon King has been quietly seeking the sword for decades. Now he has reason to believe it is at Super Hero High….”

  Batgirl was in her Bat-Bunker tracking Dragon King’s path. The Supers that Waller had sent out were in search-and-rescue mode. With each city Dragon King crossed, he grew stronger, adding to his own force of fighters, now numbering eighty-three.

  “What do you think?” Katana asked Batgirl when she finished relaying Miss Martian’s findings.

  “It makes perfect sense—why didn’t I think of that?” Batgirl replied. “There are one hundred swords and one hundred Ghost Crabs.”

  “So one sword for each crab?” Katana said. “But the swords are so big and the crabs are so small.”

  “Maybe they are supposed to guard them,” Batgirl ventured.

  “But now that the Dragon King has narrowed his search for the swords, the crabs came to Super Hero High for help. And that means the legend of the Muteki Sword is true!” Katana guessed.

  “You think it’s here?” Wonder Woman asked as she walked in.

  “Why else would he amass an army? He wants the sword and is willing to fight to get it,” Katana went on.

  “Lois Lane just reported that Dragon King and his army of mutant reptiles are headed straight here,” Bumblebee said as she buzzed into the room. She made herself full-sized. “We have to be ready, and soon!”

  “The haiku said to prepare for battle,” Katana noted. “And so we are. I hope it’s enough.”

  “We hardly have a choice,” Supergirl said as she joined them. “Look!”

  Batgirl had access to every security camera on the planet. She had multiple visuals up on her computer screen. The main one showed a bridge that had almost been destroyed by Dragon King, who was as tall as two men. Super hero twins Thunder and Lightning could be seen charging toward the bridge. Using her powerful shockwaves, Thunder was able to prevent it from falling as the air vibrated and created a safety cushion. Meanwhile, Lightning generated bolts of electrical energy to solder the metal back in place, while other Supers made sure the cars and their passengers were taken to safety.

  “It’s just as bad as it looks,” Lois Lane reported on the news feed now running in the corner of Batgirl’s screen. “The only question is, just who is Dragon King and what is he after?”

  “The Muteki Sword,” Katana whispered. She put her hand on her own sword for comfort.

  “But which one is the Muteki?” Supergirl asked.

  “That, I don’t know. It could be any of them,” Katana admitted.

  A small voice behind them said, “The sword will reveal itself only to the one whose spirit reflects the highest ideals of a noble warrior.”

  “Miss Martian,” Batgirl said, “did the Ghost Crabs tell you that?”

  The Martian girl became visible. She nodded.

  “That means someone at Super Hero High could be using the Muteki Sword, bring it to its full potential, and, in doing so, prove that they are worthy,” Katana continued. She paused and looked at her friends. “But who?”

  e stand before you with information that will be crucial in the battle you are about to face,” Principal Waller said solemnly. Behind her the teachers stood tall, their faces serious. In the back of the auditorium, Parasite listened in.

  “Katana, please join me,” Waller said.

  Katana stepped up to the microphone. “We have received information, thanks to Miss Martian and Batgirl,” she said, “that Dragon King will be arriving here soon. He has an army that he has genetically modified with reptilian DNA, most likely granting them enhanced speed and reflexes and who knows what other powers. However, they are merely distractions. What Dragon King is after is the Muteki Sword—one that makes its owner invincible.”

  There was a stirring in the auditorium. Many had heard rumors of this sort of weapon, but none had ever thought they’d get to see such a wonder.

  Beast Boy raised his hand and asked, “Are you saying that one of the swords we’re using in fencing could be the Invincible Sword? That one of us could be the true owner of it. That someone—say, me—could hold that power?”

  “Supers,” Katana said, “you must fight with all of your powers, but also use the sword you have been assigned. We don’t know which one holds the power, or which one of you, if any, can ignite it. But what we do know is that Dragon King will be looking to fight each and every person holding a sword, testing out the swords until he finds what he is looking for.”

  Katana turned to Waller, who said, “Super heroes, retrieve your swords and prepare for battle!”

  Never had the students of Super Hero High been so focused. As Katana oversaw them practicing with the swords for one last time, she called out orders. With the Supers gathered outside, swords in hand, Katana noticed the Ghost Crabs looking on from the sidelines, watching as they did during practice. Only, this was real.

  “You ready for this?” Katana asked Wonder Woman.

  “Always,” the Amazon princess responded as she tightened her indestructible bracelets and adjusted her shield.

  Katana smiled and turned to watch the others prepare.

  “Cheetah, tighten your grip!

  “Barda, loosen your grip!

  “Raven, use a sweeping gesture!

  “Harley, put the video camera down!”

  “Aw, but I need to document all of this for Harley’s Quinntessentials,” Harley cried out. “The world will want to watch!”

  Both Katana and Wonder Woman gave her a stern look.

  “All right,” she grumbled, picking up the sword inlaid with red rubies. “But after we win this thing, I get exclusive interviews!”

  Just then, Batgirl walked up to Katana.

  “I think the genetic material Dragon King is using comes from Komodo dragons,” Batgirl said. “They have bites that are extremely toxic—not to mention claws, teeth, and tough hides. He has his own sword, too, a heavy one with notches in it for each battle he has won. This guy is dangerous, but then I don’t have to tell you that.”

  “Thanks, Batgirl,” Katana said, absorbing the information. She called to her co-captains. “Lady Shiva, Cyborg, Arrowette, gather the Supers. I have an announcement!”

  Soon, one hundred Super Hero High teens stood at attention with the swords by their sides, waiting to hear what their captain had to say. Katana looked over the fencing team. Just weeks ago they were goofing off with the swords. Today, they were prepared to do battle.

  “These swords have been entrusted to you,” Katana told them. “They are not yours to keep; however, they are yours to use. One of them may be magical, but that has yet to be seen.

  “You each have special powers and skills. I am
not asking you to abandon them, but rather, to enhance them with the swords. Together, we will stand ready to face the enemy.”

  There was a lot of excited and nervous chatter. This was what the Supers had been training for for most of their lives.

  Harley turned her camera back on. “Who do you think the great warrior is who will activate the Muteki Sword?” she asked the students nearest her.

  Everyone had their own theory.

  “I don’t know how to say this without sounding like I’m bragging,” Beast Boy said. “But I’m pretty sure it’s me.”

  “I think it’s probably Supergirl who can ignite the sword,” Big Barda said earnestly.

  “It could be me,” said Star Sapphire. “Or maybe Frost?”

  “It could be any one of us,” Hawkgirl said.

  As everyone called their parents and talked nervously among themselves, Katana set out in search of the Ghost Crabs, who were now nowhere to be found.

  “I’d love to have you by my side,” she told Miss Martian.

  Despite the circumstances, Miss Martian beamed. “Without reading your mind, I knew you’d say that, and I’d like that, too,” she replied.

  But other than the warm breeze and the blooming flowers, Harmony Garden was empty. Disheartened, Katana sniffed one of the snowballs, and that was when it hit her: she knew where the Ghost Crabs were.

  “You were right!” Miss Martian said. “The place where it all started.”

  It had been a while since Katana had been in the underground aqueduct. She liked the darkness, and the cool was calming, unlike aboveground, where there was managed chaos. The Ghost Crabs were in the tunnel that was now filled with shallow water. Katana knelt down at the water’s edge.

  “I thought I’d find you back here,” she said. “I don’t know if you can even understand me. But I am honored that you have entrusted me with the swords. Like you, I will do my best to keep them safe. I don’t know who they belong to, but they must be very important for you to have—”

  “They belong to the Ghost Crabs,” Miss Martian said.

  Katana shook her head. “I’m not sure I understand. The crabs are so small—how could they possibly wield the swords?”

  “Not in this life, they can’t,” Miss Martian said, her eyes closed. She nodded as if finally understanding something. “But in another life, these swords belonged to Samurai. The Ghost Crabs are the spirits of those fallen warriors.”

  Katana’s heart began to race. Suddenly, it all made sense. But what she couldn’t understand was why the Ghost Crabs had picked her to protect the swords.

  “Katana!” someone cried out.

  It was Supergirl.

  “There you are! Batgirl says to tell you that Dragon King is less than an hour away.”

  The Ghost Crabs began to stir.

  One by one they exited the water until they were all on land.

  “They seek to fight,” Miss Martian explained. “Here in the aqueducts, where it is peaceful, they are preparing for battle. Mentally and physically.”

  Katana looked at them with their warrior faces imprinted on their shells like beautiful paintings.

  “No, I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t let you do this.”

  The Ghost Crabs moved forward, but Katana stood still. “I honor you, ancient Samurai,” she said, bowing. “But you are spirits of warriors who have fought in battle and are now between two worlds: the ghost world and the real world. Those of us who are of this present world will fight for you. This is a battle for the living to honor those who have passed, and I promise you, we will do our best. You have my word.”

  Miss Martian, Supergirl, and Katana waited for a reaction. When they got none, Katana began to panic. Dragon King was approaching fast, but she wanted the blessing of the Ghost Crabs. Slowly, the crabs turned around and marched back into the shallow aqueduct.

  “We’ve got to go,” Supergirl reminded her. “He’s coming.”

  Katana turned to exit when Miss Martian called out, “Wait! They have a message for you!”

  A conch shell was floating on the surface of the water. Katana fished it out and listened to it…

  These Samurai swords

  Entrusted to Katana

  Tranquil be the mind.

  inal preparations were being made. Mr. Fox was testing everyone’s weapons. Wildcat was reminding the students to stretch and flex. Liberty Belle was reciting scenes from great battles in history. Crazy Quilt was checking costumes, making sure they were in fighting form. Doc Magnus was helping Batgirl make sure the school’s tech was in working order, and Police Commissioner Gordon was in Metropolis marshaling the city’s police force.

  These Samurai swords

  Entrusted to Katana

  Tranquil be the mind.

  Katana repeated the haiku over and over again. What did it mean? How could anyone be tranquil when faced with an approaching reptile army? Her mind was racing and her body electric in anticipation of what lay ahead.

  There was nothing left to do but wait.

  Batgirl was in her Bat-Bunker squinting at an interactive map on one of her computers. Wonder Woman and Supergirl looked over her shoulder as Katana rushed in. Most of the Supers had requested that they be allowed to keep working out with the swords, so Katana had left Arrowette, Cyborg, and Lady Shiva in charge.

  “I’m going to need all of you with me,” Katana said. She tried to focus, but she was still thinking about the mysterious haiku. What had the conch shell meant by being tranquil?

  “ETA in fourteen minutes,” Batgirl announced. “Either here in the bunker or out in the midst of the battle, I’m with you,” she assured her, adding, “ETA means ‘estimated time of arrival.’ Dragon King and his army will be here in fourteen minutes— Oops. Make that thirteen.”

  Nearby, Wonder Woman’s expression turned warrior fierce.

  Katana looked serious. “Okay, Supers, time to go!” she said.

  Outside, the sky had darkened.

  “It’s the same sky,” Hawkgirl whispered to Katana.

  “What do you mean?” Katana asked.

  “The day we rescued Parasite, the sky looked like this right before the ocean began churning and destroyed his raft.”

  Katana nodded. Hawkgirl was right.

  “Supers, prepare for battle!” Wonder Woman called as she raised her shield toward the sky. She stepped back, and Katana took her place.

  “Remember what I told you in training. The swords are a supplement to your weapons and powers, not a replacement. Dragon King is looking for a particular sword, one that legend says will grant the wielder invincible powers. I don’t know if that is true or just ancient lore, but I do know that Dragon King will not stop until he finds it. When the sword is discovered, we will rally around the one in possession of it,” Katana promised. “Though it is a single sword he wants to claim, we are and will always be a team. We will fight together and defend each other!”

  Her friends and fellow students roared in response. They were ready to defend their school, the world, and each other.

  As the noise died down, the dark-gray clouds grew thicker as they blocked the sun. Churning above like waves in the ocean, they sank lower and lower until they almost touched the amethyst that topped Super Hero High’s tower. Then it was as if the gem punctured the clouds, and they broke with a blast so loud that windows shattered, sending shards of glass raining down.

  Where the sky had sliced open, Dragon King descended, followed by his army—some flying on leathery wings, others marching on foot from all sides of the school. Katana observed her enemy. He was big and muscled. He wore armor even though his thick scales would have been protection enough. His sharp teeth looked chiseled and deathly sharp, and his eyes were small but bright, reflecting the evil within him. Dragon King’s tail was capable of knocking out any number of warriors with one swipe, and in his clawed hand was a sword of his own.

  Katana had never seen a bigger or more powerful-looking sword. As Dragon King swun
g the sharp, thick blade over his head, the sound of air being sliced echoed throughout the school. Some Supers backed away even though he was not near them. Others stepped forward. Katana remained rooted, observing, thinking, planning.

  Dragon King surveyed the landscape, summing up the Supers and his own army, who stood at ragged attention. A wicked smile crossed his face as he opened his massive mouth and roared. Fire spewed from him as he reduced Harmony Garden to scorched twigs and branches. Pleased with himself, Dragon King knocked over the statue of Justice—the school’s symbolic muse—and leapt nimbly onto the stone pedestal and looked around the school.

  “Nice place you have here,” he said to Principal Waller, who stood out in front of her students.

  She remained still, with her arms crossed and her jaw set. Her glare was so cold it gave Katana the chills.

  “Well, look at all these students,” Dragon King said as his army gathered. “Reminds me of when I went to a school like this. But of course, mine was not as elite or as nice as this one. Oh, how I hated school,” he said, making hissing tsk-tsk sounds. “I was very unpopular and had only one friend. But look at me now! Here I am at Super Hero High and everyone wants to get to know me. How about that?”

  Katana noted that she had never seen anything like him before. Or had she? There was something unsettlingly familiar about Dragon King.

  “You!” he shouted.

  Katana looked around. He was talking to her?

  “Do you like it at this school?”

  “Yes,” Katana said in a clear, strong voice.

  Dragon King let out a deep, long laugh and brandished his sword. “Well, let’s see if we can change that.”

  rmy, attack!” Dragon King roared so loud the ground shook. He stayed on the pedestal as his army raced into battle.

  Katana flashed a look at Wonder Woman.

  “Supers, ready…go!” Wonder Woman yelled as she flew above them, leading the first wave of Supers.


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