This Cowboy's Heart

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This Cowboy's Heart Page 2

by Cia Leah

  Jace sipped his coffee. “Why did he beat you and bring you here?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know where I am exactly. I think when he hit me and I hit my head on the television and I passed out, he thought I was dead and panicked and drove me here and dumped me out.

  Jace got up and refilled their coffee. He still had work to do before supper, but he wanted to know one more thing. “Who is your uncle?”

  “Harold Dawson.”

  Jace’s heart almost stopped in shock. “Harold is your uncle?”

  “Yes. Do you know him?”

  He sat back down and slid her cup in front of her. “Yeah, and you live that way from me.” He pointed past the barn. “He’s a mean one. I was at a restaurant, bar one night with my friends and he came in drunk. He’s nasty. We went there to get supper after a long day of putting up hay. My friends never charge me for helping out when I need it, and I repay them by buying them a big dinner.”

  “Did you know my dad?”

  “From all I heard, he was a nice man. He took care of your mom who was blind. Some people said they had a love that went beyond time.”

  Mia smiled, then groaned when her lip hurt. “Yeah, they loved each other more than anyone I know and I like to think of them in heaven together.”

  “That’s the way that I think of my Ma and Pa too, and my grandparents.” He smiled and stood up. “I need to get back to work. We can eat leftovers for supper. If there is anything in those cupboards you want to fix, feel free to.”

  “Thanks for being so nice. This is the first time in a long time that I haven’t been scared to death and knowing you put up that gate makes me feel better too. If we make it ‘til Monday, my inheritance is mine and my farm.”

  “Do you have to go to a lawyer or anything?”

  “Yes, and if you don’t mind, can I stay here until then? I can sleep on the floor in the sleeping bag instead of you giving up your bed.”

  “Now, Mia, what kind of man would I be if I did that? Besides, I like bunking out on the front porch.” He grinned and walked out the door, happy she had confided in him and he knew what he was dealing with. Harold Dawson better not show up on his property. He didn’t tell her, but Harold shot his dog. He’d taken the dog out hunting one day and the dog jumped a rabbit, and went under the fence separating their property. Harold had been on the other side, a can of beer in one hand, and a rifle in the other hand. He shot his dog right in front of Jace saying no one trespassed on his property.

  That was the first time in Jace’s life that he felt like killing someone. Old Brute, his dog, was the nicest dog and loved everyone. He still hadn’t replaced him yet, thinking no other dog could take his place, but lately he missed having a dog at his side. Maybe he would get one soon.

  He climbed on the tractor, started it, and drove to the barn. There were a few hours of daylight, and he wanted to clean out the barn. His cows were in the pasture, but he had a couple that would be calving pretty soon. He wanted the barn ready. For once, he was looking forward to going to the cabin this evening. It was nice to have someone there and someone to talk to. He’d been alone so long.


  Jace sat beside Mia on the porch steps staring up at the stars. Three days had passed since he’d found her and they were getting along good. It was nice to see her eat without her lip bothering her as much and if he was right, she was gaining some weight. She was back into her own clothes, and had mended her shirt. The bruises were starting to fade. He hoped that by Monday when he took her to her lawyer, they would be about gone. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “It’s so quiet and peaceful here. It’s been a balm to my battered spirit. I don’t know how I will ever repay you for your kindness.”

  Jace grinned. “Repay me? What are you talking about, girl? You’ve cooked and cleaned and I tell you, I should pay you for all your hard work.” He laughed when she punched him lightly on the shoulder.

  “There’s no charge. I’d say we are even.”

  Jace turned to look at her. The moonlight reflected in her blue eyes, and he had the sudden desire to kiss her, but held back. He didn’t want to frighten her after all she’d been through. He really liked Mia and thought she would be the kind of girl he’d love to settle down with. At that thought, he felt like he was gut punched. When had the thought of settling down and getting married ever entered his mind? He’d had a couple of girl friends in his life, but nothing serious. Most of the time, he was just too busy and liked his life the way it was.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” Mia whispered.

  Jace grinned. “If I told you what I was thinking, you would probably be afraid or run.”

  “That bad?”

  “Nah, just that I was thinking what it would be like to kiss you, but I don’t want to do anything that will scare you.”

  “You think kissing me would scare me?”

  “After all you been through, I wouldn’t blame you one bit.”

  “I’m not afraid of you, Jace.”

  Jace groaned as she leaned against him and took his hand in hers. God, she was so small boned. The thought of anyone hitting her tore him to pieces. He gently squeezed her hand, leaned over and kissed her gently on the cheek.

  “You call that a kiss, cowboy?”

  “Cowboy?” He leaned back and raised one brow.

  “Of course you are. You wear jeans and cowboy boots and your belt buckle has a wild bucking horse on it. You have a cowboy hat too, although you don’t wear it often enough to keep the sun off your face.”

  “And you didn’t like my kiss?”

  “Well, yeah, I liked it, but I’d like to have a real kiss if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” he said, pulling her gently into his embrace. He captured her mouth with his, and kissed her softly. His heartbeat accelerated. God help him, she tasted sweeter than honey.

  Mia almost smiled beneath his lips. He was so afraid of hurting or scaring her. She wanted his kiss and she was determined to know what it felt like to have a man kiss her. Her uncle never allowed her any friends and absolutely no boyfriends. She felt she could love Jace and that he could love her, if he wasn’t so afraid of scaring her off. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. She was no expert to be sure, but she wanted him to know she desired his kisses. She wasn’t sure about anything else, but this she was enjoying.

  Jace embraced her tighter and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her the way a man kissed a woman whom he cared for deeply. “Mia,” he whispered.

  Mia trembled beneath his touch. He didn’t touch her in inappropriate places, just ran his hands up and down her back, and kissed her some more. She knew that she would love to be held by him for the next million years. She wanted him, but then her father’s values slipped into her mind, and she eased back.

  “I hope you don’t think I am leading you on, Jace. I’m not. You bring out so many feelings inside me that I have never felt before. I’ve never loved a man. This is the first time I have ever been kissed.”

  Jace tried to get his breathing under control. “I’ve never been serious about any woman, Mia, but have had a couple girlfriends. I’ve never felt this way before either. Let’s just take our time to get to know each other more and enjoy each other’s company.”

  “You don’t want to kiss me anymore?”

  Jace laughed. “I didn’t say that,” he said, leaning down and kissing her again, but kissing leads to other things that I don’t think you are ready for yet.”

  “I know what happens. I’ve read romance books and watch love stories on TV.”

  “Mia, darlin’, you are priceless. Innocent and pure. I love that about you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. Now get your butt off my lap and let’s go to bed. Tomorrow is Sunday and we will have plenty of time to just enjoy each other’s company. I just feed the animals, but I don’t work on a Sunday. We can make a big chicken dinner and I’ll help, go
for a walk, and just have some fun.”

  “That sounds so nice!” She got up and leaned down and kissed him on the lips. “Night, Jace.”

  “Night, Mia.”

  He watched her go inside, and then turned his attention to the sounds of nature and the beauty that God created. He prayed that when they went to her lawyer, Harold wouldn’t be there, but he figured he would be. He wasn’t a violent man, but he wouldn’t let Harold hurt her or intimidate her.


  Jace held Mia’s hand as they waited in the waiting room to see her lawyer. He felt her hand tremble. “It will be okay. Don’t worry.”

  “Thank you for buying me a dress and shoes and things. I didn’t want to show up here the way I looked.”

  “You looked fine,” he grinned, winking at her. “You always look gorgeous and I like the dress. It matches your eyes,” he said, when there was a commotion outside the waiting room. He heard the receptionist telling someone they couldn’t go in the waiting room, but the man walked in and stopped dead in his tracks, swaying back and forth.

  “You little bitch! I thought you were dead!”

  Mia squeezed Jace’s hand so tight, she feared she might break it. “I’m still alive, as you can see, Uncle Harold.”

  “You won’t be if I have anything to do with it, you money hungry bitch! That land and the money are mine! It’s my right as my brother’s only living relative! You don’t and never have belonged in this family!”

  Jace rose to his feet and stepped in front of Mia as Harold swaggered forward, his hand raised. “I wouldn’t come any closer if I were you.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are? She your whore now?”

  Jace gritted his teeth. He wanted to knock him senseless. See him sprawled on the floor with a broken nose. Just as Harold came at him, he sidestepped and pushed him away. Harold fell to the floor on his knees, scrambling to get up, cursing up a blue streak, when a man in a tailored suit walked in.

  “Harold, if you aren’t out of here in one minute, I am calling the police. You have no right here.”

  Harold got to his feet, using a chair to hoist himself up. “You stupid lawyer, you know she ain’t no family by rights!”

  “She was adopted when she a year old! She has every right and her dad, your brother, willed everything to her, besides the money you already got. Now get out of here, or I am calling the police. Another thing, you have one hour to vacate the farm. That’s in the will also.”


  “You heard me. Now that Mia is of age, and can take control of the farm and her inheritance, you have to leave.”

  “I’ll be damned if I do. I’ll burn the place down first!” He swaggered past the lawyer and out the door.

  “I’m sorry, Mia. I called him this morning and told him not to be here.”

  Mia breathed deeply and stood. “Thank you, Mr. Parker, but he doesn’t think he has any rules but his own to live by.”

  “Well, young lady, are you ready to go to my office so we can get this all legal and settled? You know, you are quite a rich lady. Your father owned gas leases on his property and every cent he was paid for that has been put in trust for you along with the interest it earned.”

  Mia glanced at Jace. “Can Jace go in with me?”

  “I don’t see any reason he can’t if that is what you want. I’m happy to see you have someone by your side to help you.”

  Mia smiled and took Jace’s hand as they followed the lawyer to his office. Today was the day she would finally be free of Harold, but his words of burning her home down worried her. They needed to get this over with and home as soon as possible.


  Mia gazed up at the house that was her home. She didn’t see Harold’s truck and was hoping he’d given up on his threat to burn her out. She waited until Jace stopped his truck in front of the porch, opened the truck door, and hopped out. When he joined her, she turned to him and reached for his hand. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”


  “Daddy built this house with his own two hands.” She laughed. “There used to be a house right there, but grandma burned the kitchen down one day. I don’t think he ever forgave her for that, but she was old and not mindful of what she was doing. He did take care of her, though, until her dying day along with mother. They were happy here.”

  “You can tell the love that went into this place. There’s more flowers here than I have seen anywhere in a long time. You should be very proud,” he said when they heard a car. They both turned to see a police car drive up the road and turn into the driveway.

  “Oh my, what do you suppose has happened?”

  “I’m sure we are about to find out,” Jace said, watching the officer get out from behind the wheel and walk up to them.

  “Mia Dawson?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I have some bad news. You are Harold Dawson’s niece, aren’t you?”


  “I hate to tell you this, but your uncle was killed in a car crash about an hour ago on old ridge road. He was drunk.”

  Mia could hardly breathe. “He’s dead?”

  “Yes Miss. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you. Is there anything I need to do?”

  “No, Miss. He had a lawyer’s card in his pocket and we called him. He identified the body a few minutes ago and said to tell you he would take care of everything for you.”

  Mia took a deep breath. “Thank you.” She watched him walk back to his car, get in, and drive away. She looked up at Jace. “I don’t know what to feel.”

  “I understand, but at least now, you have no more worries and no fear of retaliation from him. Let it go and let the lawyer handle it.”

  Mia nodded and moved to Jace and wrapped her arms around his middle. “I have no family at all anymore. I’m all alone.”

  Jace wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “You’ve got me if you want me.”

  Mia raised her head to look up at him. His stormy gray eyes held her gaze. “Want you?”

  “If you will have me.”

  “Oh, Jace! I think I fell in love with you the minute I saw you and yesterday was the happiest day I’ve had since my dad died.”

  “It was a special day.”

  “You sure?”

  Jace laughed and hugged her to him. “This cowboy’s heart holds more love for you than you know and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

  “Is that a proposal?”

  “It is.”

  “I accept, cowboy.”

  Jace grinned and captured her lips with his. “I guess we have wedding plans to make.”

  “I just want a small wedding and live with you at your place. I love it here, but that house, even though it holds happy and fond memories, also holds nightmares.”

  “You think about that some. This has always been your home. Harold is dead now and my place sure doesn’t look as good as this.”

  “I’m sure. Can we get my clothes and stuff and go back to your place now? When I get things situated, we can sell the house and a few acres, and combine the rest of the land with yours.”

  “Mia, anything your heart desires. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Jace. Let’s hurry. I can’t wait for you to hold and kiss me when we get back there and for our wedding night.”

  Jace threw back his head and laughed. “Talk about an anxious bride! I hope I’m up to it.”

  Mia smiled. “Oh, I’m sure your cowboy’s heart will make it through our wedding night.” They both burst out laughing.

  The End

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