ROMANCE: The Lion's Chosen Mate (Paranormal Lion Shapeshifter New Adult Contemporary Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Lion Romance)

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ROMANCE: The Lion's Chosen Mate (Paranormal Lion Shapeshifter New Adult Contemporary Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Lion Romance) Page 5

by Ann Evans

  “I see you are having a good time with your new man. I think you should give Florence a call and thank her for going out of her way and hooking you up with such a charmer. She is quite the matchmaker.”

  Damaris didn’t know how she was going to respond to Tracy. And so the best thing that she did was to smile from ear to ear and then blush immediately after. And it was at that moment that Damaris realized that maybe she was in a position to fall in love with him. But thankfully, Denis had already made it clear that he was ready to be in a relationship with her as long as she was comfortable with the whole idea.

  Damaris was more than comfortable with the idea. But now the only problem was that she didn’t want to look or appear as cheap. And so Damaris thought that maybe playing a little bit hard to get would go a very long way in ensuring that she was on top of her game at all times. But eventually, she knew that she was going to give in to him and maybe have a shot at being happy, just like her friends were.

  “You know what Tracy, maybe I should give Florence a call and thank her.”

  “That would be a good idea. Oh, and you should also remember us for pushing you to give into the idea.”

  “Don’t tell me that you also want to get a call from me thanking you for your efforts.”

  “On a typical day, we would. But today isn’t an ordinary day. It's Friday baby. So some vodka shots would suffice don’t you think?”

  “You are a stupid woman Tracy, but I agree. The first three vodkas shot on me.”

  “Now you are talking!!!”

  And with that, Tracy left Damaris to do her work as she too had a lot of work waiting for her at her desk. But either way, she was more than glad that her friend had finally found some happiness and that she would also get a chance to be happy and fulfilled, just like the rest of them.

  And at that point, a delivery guy tapped slightly on her door and brought in a large banquet of flowers for her. It was such an incredible surprise that Damaris’ mouth almost hit the floorboards when she received the flowers. She already knew from whom they came, and she could help but blush.

  And when she glanced at the other end of the office, her best friends were gesturing claps and cheers for her. She bowed and looked the other way to prevent them from seeing just how much she was blushing. It seemed as though her former solder could be a mysterious bad boy as well; she thought as she sniffed at the flowers.

  -Rewarding effort-

  Having being sent the first banquet of flowers for a long time made her a little bit horny to the point that she felt that she needed to reward him. And so Damaris made sure that she was stopping by Denis’ mansion as soon as she was done with work. It was a surprise – one that Denis was more than happy to receive.

  He had just finished having his dinner and was going over the stocks while toying with his mobile phone, looking for the right time to call his girlfriend and wish her a good night. And it was at that time that she decided to pop in and announce her presence, which was, without a doubt, well received.

  But Damaris didn’t have the time to talk to him much since she was horny. And judging from the dress that she was wearing – with nothing underneath it – it seemed as though she was dedicated to one mission and one mission only, to get him to make love to her like never before.

  Denis could smell the pheromones on her and see the fire in her eyes. And it was at that moment that he grabbed her and put his hand in between her legs, going all the way up to her wet area. He then put his finger on her sacred flesh, feeling just to confirm that indeed she wasn’t wearing a damn thing underneath. And for sure, she wasn’t wearing a damn thing underneath, and that felt like music to his ears.

  And as Denis was getting to enjoy her wetness, Damaris was feeling as though shew as going to rapture from the pressure that she was having. She needed to have him take her as roughly as possible, and that was what happened. And so she didn’t need to wait any longer. She wanted him to forego the foreplay since it would only take the time and delay the inevitable. And since the inevitable was the only thing that she wanted, she decided to take control.

  She quickly delved her fingers into his open zippers and grabbed him, pulling it out and sticking it in between her thighs and started ridding on. He was already hard, and so she got penetrated as fast as possible, making things to be even more incredible. And once he was in, Denis clenched his teeth and embarked on some serious bonking, making sure that he was getting to hit each spot as efficiently as possible, making her cry.

  And since she had pulled up the skimpy dress that she was wearing, Denis made a point of pushing it much higher so that he could get her breasts exposed. And as soon as this had happened, the next thing that happened was for him to press and play with them, making sure that he kept them as excited as possible which was more or less what she needed.

  In short, that was the beginning of what was going to be a very incredibly hot night!!!


  It seemed as though Denis had to attend to some business at the gym and, therefore, had to leave much earlier than usual. But since it was a Saturday, it seemed as though Damaris was going to be left in the palatial house to rest for the weekend.

  This case had never happened before and needless to say, Damaris had planned to have all the fun in the world and ensure that she had explored the entire house without leaving any inch unchecked. She had always wanted to hang around in a mansion but never actually got a chance.

  And the fact that Denis wasn’t all bragging about his house just made her feel as though he was down to earth, the more reason she wanted to turn the whole place upside down.

  An as soon as she heard the chopper going up in the air, she decided that it was about time that she got up, and got to enjoy life in that mansion. At first, she rushed to the deluxe kitchen to find some food since all the sex exhaustion had her feeling a little bit dizzy. And once she found two huge sandwiches, she quickly picked them up with both hands and then begun her tour around the big house.

  Damaris went through the bathrooms, all six of them and admired all the creativity that went in to make them look amazingly different. She also was taken aback, by the way, they made the details incredibly impressive to watch. Then when she was done with snooping around the bathrooms, she went to all of the guestrooms and then down at the gym and then the garage where she couldn’t help but awe at the incredible collection of cars that he owned. It was just too darn amazing to look.

  Eventually, it seemed as though the most important thing would be to finish in the living room. She had a glimpse of it twice but under very tricky circumstances. She was always making out with Denis, and she couldn’t get to appreciate it as much as she wanted. And once she got there, her breath was taken away.

  The living room was huge and fantastic. The high seats were made of rare hardwood, and the edges were made of gold. These golden ages marched with the fuzzy golden carpet which also matched with the golden chandelier hanging in the middle of the living room. In short, it was just too darn amazing for her to look the other way and not appreciate. And then the television was too big for life.

  Going through the house had made her a little tired and all that she wanted to do at that moment was take some time off and get to watch television. It had been a while before she had the opportunity of just sitting down and getting to enjoy some movies or two. And so without further ado, she put one of her gigantic sandwiches down and picked up the remote with the free hand and switched the TV on and paid all the attention.

  -The painful blow-

  The first person that she saw on the TV was none other than her best friend, Florence and to her surprise, she was hosting a brand new show on TV. And just before Damaris could have the chance to feel proud of her, she heard whatever her friend was saying, and it raised her eyebrows a little. And it was at that point that she decided to kick back, relax and hear whatever the heck was going on there.

  Damaris made sure that she had scooped the remote control one more ti
me and, this time, it was to raise the volume a little bit. And once she got it increased to the point where she wanted, Damaris immediately dropped the remote and paid attention, listening to every single word that came out of that snake’s mouth one by one, hoping that Damaris wasn’t going to do what Damaris thought she was going to do.

  “I have been a matchmaker for ages and to be honest, some of the people I hook up work out, some don’t. Some make sure that they are working out simply because they are hooked up to billionaires and are afraid that when the relationship fails, then their well of gold will dry up, like this couple for instance.”

  And with that, they switched it to a footage where Damaris and Denis were holding their hands together when a chopper came to the packing lot and then she alighted it. Then once the helicopter had gone, the director put Florence back on screen.

  “Well, I hate to break it down to the lady but I think the guy that she is dating who a billionaire is, and a former military bad boy wouldn’t make this relationship last. Tell us what you think. Do you think this gold-digger will get what she wants or will she get booted for the next girl? I would like to hear your thoughts. Shoot me a text to…”

  Damaris didn’t have to hear the whole thing. She already got the message loudly and very clearly to the point that it broke her heart into a thousand different pieces. She couldn’t help the tears running down her swollen red cheeks.

  More often than not, she always saw situations like these before they came to happen. But at that juncture, she just didn’t understand why she didn’t even suspect that something of that sort was going to happen. It was such a bad idea and needless to say, she thought that instead of staying around, maybe it would be an incredible idea if she just packed her stuff and left. She was shod in his oversized t-shirt, and she felt cheap already.

  For all she knew, maybe Denis was into the whole thing since Florence, and himself wanted to have a venture on television, and maybe she was just bait to ensure that the television series started off with a very great rating. But that just didn’t matter.

  What mattered at that moment in time was for her to get the hell out of that place and never look back. Her heart was broken, and she didn’t care whether Denis would be heartbroken by the time he got back home.

  She was fed up and needed a break!


  Three days had gone by after Damaris had seen the footage on television and the last thing she wanted to do was talk to anyone. She even made a point of calling in sick at work so that she could stay indoors and sulk. The only time that Damaris came out of the house was when she was looking for some tissue since the ones she had around the house had been depilated due to her endless crying spree.

  It was just Ludacris how at one moment, the relationship seemed more than fine and then the next moment; it seemed as though everything had gone south. Did they plan on using her for the show? Someone had told her that Denis was a bad boy who only cared about his money especially after being disgracefully discharged from the army. But that didn’t seem to be the case when the two were sharing their love.

  But now, from the look of things, it seemed as though she had been duped. It was painful. Why did she have to do this to her? Florence had so many other women that she could have hurt for the sake of getting her money. But why did she have to drag her through her mess like that? It wasn’t fair at all. As a matter of fact, she felt like she wanted to kill someone. But from the look of things, it wasn’t the way forward.

  As a matter of fact, the only thing that she needed to do was change her number, as well as friends since if a friend as close as Florence could do that, then it meant that she could trust no one. She even thought that it would be a much better idea for her to relocate to India, open a curry shop and forget about her life in America.

  -Even bad boys need love-

  Denis didn’t understand why Damaris had decided to leave without even saying goodbye. He had also tried to reach her via her cell, but it was always switched. And that said, Denis decided to get to the controversial matchmaker to find out what went wrong with the woman whom she had hooked up.

  But when he called Florence, her number wasn’t in service which was a little weird because Florence never switched her phone number for a very long time. And anytime she felt as though she needed to have her number changed, and then she always made a point of calling her and informing him pronto. And under the circumstances, he decided to call his private investigator Tony and set up a meeting.

  Things were going on so well, and it wouldn’t make any sense for her just to abandon ship without saying a word. Denis would have taken a chopper and flew all the way to Brooklyn to check out on his girl, but when a girl decided to switch off her phone and not to make an effort to contact you, then she just wanted some space.

  Still, the fact that Florence had gone cold on him also made him a little bit confused. What was happening? Or were his days as a bad boy coming back to haunt him? Of course, he was such a bad boy. But as far as he was concerned, his days were long gone and the reason he only dated Damaris was because he wanted to be her bad boy – and hers only.

  “Hello, what’s up Denis? It’s been a long time. Who do you want me to sue?”

  “Easy tiger, easy. I don’t want you to sue any person. I just want you to dig up some information about Florence. I think she has been using me for some reason. I don’t have a clue yet, but I think she hooked me up with a girl and waited until we became the best couple and then did something. I am not sure it's her, but to this point, I am just following my instinct bro.”

  “Instinct huh? I see you are still a soldier at heart. But you don’t have to worry about a damn thing because your friend Florence has been on television. She has a new show called the matchmaker. Have you watched it?”

  “No, I haven’t. What’s it all about?”

  “Well, it’s simple. She hooks people up and then films the dates and announces the outcome of the world. I saw the episode bro. You and your hot IT girl had been followed, and she concluded that she was a gold digger. And that is why I asked you if you want me to sue her ass. We have enough material to run that poor excuse for a show aground. All you need to do is…”

  Denis hung up the phone and took his coat from the table where he left it the previous night. He now understood why his girl was having such a difficult time and knew that it was about time he made things straight. The chopper was still in the helipad, and since he had been a military pilot, he made sure that he was able to put that helicopter in the sky in a matter of minutes and was off to Brooklyn.

  Denis knew that Florence had to pay for toying with him the way she did. But that wasn’t his priority. His number one priority was to make sure that he had seen Damaris and explained everything to her. Denis just hopped that it wasn’t too darn late because, at that juncture, he couldn’t picture his life without her.

  And within minutes, the chopper was off the ground headed to Brooklyn.


  As soon as Denis got out of the chopper, he stood for a moment, waiting for the revolving propellers to die down before coming out. And as he sat there, he just couldn’t remember the last time that he was that nervous. He had no idea what he was going to say to the woman that he loved to ensure that she wasn’t going to leave him no matter what came their way. She was the only woman who made his life to have to mean.

  Finally, the propellers died down for a moment, and it was at that moment that the most unexpected thing happened. The door was swung open, and she came out running out all the way to the chopper. Tears were running down her cheeks, and as soon as the helicopter’s doors were opened, Damaris got in and hugged him.

  “I already know what she did, and I am very sorry I left.”

  Denis was confused. But before he could say anything, his kick ass lawyer, Tony came through the door eating some pie that Damaris had most definitely made him. He had gotten to the bottom of everything and found out that Florence was using them and made a
point of reaching out to her because he knew that Denis was going to have a difficult time doing just that.

  “Yes, I know. You can thank me later. But at the moment, I need to fly to New York and submit the subpoena to one Miss Florence Whitmore. And I think the fasted way for me to get there would be via chopper. And I am looking around at the moment, and I am wondering if I can find someone with a helicopter.”

  “Oh, crap just take the damn thing. But make sure you return it with a full tank or else I will stop cutting you checks.”

  And as Tony the lawyer took to the chopper like a kid who had been finally allowed back into the world after a solid week of grounding, Denis and Damaris continued kissing. Well, he had been a bad boy once, but as the dictum says, even bad boys need some loving. Well, it's not a dictum. But what the heck!!


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