Royally Loved: The Royal Romances Books 1-5

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Royally Loved: The Royal Romances Books 1-5 Page 84

by McKenna James

  Marina nodded adamantly, hope sparkling in her eyes. “Yes, Mrs. Sabatino. I love him. I’ve loved him for a long time. I want nothing more than to be with him for the rest of my days. And if our families unite, that’s a bonus.” She let out a shaky breath and put on a sweet smile. “I know this is a lot to process, but it’s the truth. I have no ill intentions, I swear. I want to marry Rodrigo, grow old with him, cherish him. And I’d really love it if I could have your blessing.”

  Mother looked to me, and then to Marina, and then back to me. Her disorientation was almost palpable. For a second, I was genuinely afraid of what her reaction would be. I couldn’t tell if Mother was seconds away from striking Marina across the face, or if she was going to burst into a fit of laughter and send her away.

  Luckily, she did neither.

  “Okay,” she said quietly.

  “What?” I gawked.

  “I give you my blessing to marry my son.”

  “Are you being serious, Mother?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I’m serious. It’s clear how much you two love each other. And I was getting tired of your moping around.”

  Marina skipped back to me and hugged me tightly. “You were moping around?”

  “No,” I lied. “Maybe.”

  “Just because I gave you my blessing, doesn’t mean your parents will,” noted Mother. “Have you talked to them about this yet?”

  Marina clicked her tongue. “No. And I’m not going to. I’m going to marry Rodrigo one way or another. You could say I’m forcing their hand. I’ll deal with them when I get back.”

  I chuckled, breathless and light. “You’re amazing,” I realized aloud. I mean, I always knew that Marina was amazing, but her boldness cemented the fact in my mind. Cupping her face in my hands, I kissed her hard. It was so natural to feel her warm, soft lips against mine. I’d never tire of her sweet perfume, nor would I ever find comfort in a person’s warmth other than her own. “Let’s do it,” I said. “Let’s get married.”

  Marina giggled, smiling brighter than the sun. “Where’s city hall?”

  “You want to get married at city hall?” I asked. “Don’t you want a big wedding with cake and guests and a dress?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t care. I don’t need any of that. As long as I get to be with you, we could go to Vegas for all I care and do one of those drive-thru marriages.”

  I laughed. “Really?”

  “I’m deadly serious.”

  “We’ll need a witness.”

  Marina turned to Mother. “Would you like to come?”

  Mother broke out into a rare smile. “Sure. I’d be honored.”

  “Fantastic! Brandon and Oliver are waiting in the car downstairs, so it’ll be a little party.”

  “Oli’s here?”

  “I kind of guilted them into coming,” she admitted.

  I held Marina as close as I could, afraid to let go. “Are you sure you want a city hall wedding? You deserve so much more.”

  Marina reached up and brushed her fingers through my hair and dragged her hand down the line of my jaw. There was nothing but love in her eyes. “I’m sure, Rodrigo. I’ve never been more certain than anything in my entire life.”

  I grinned at her. “I don’t even have a ring to give to you.”

  “It doesn’t matter to me. Just promise me one thing.”


  “No more white roses.”

  I chuckled. “Okay. I can definitely promise that.”




  Pure unadulterated bliss.

  When the officiant declared us husband and wife, I was over the moon. Oliver shed a tear, Brandon and Mrs. Sabatino applauded, and my security detail didn’t know what to do with themselves. I was right when I said they wouldn’t dare arrest the Prince Consort. Now that Rodrigo was officially my husband, they had to treat him with as much respect and dignity as they did with me. Poor old Charles looked both happy and like he was about to explode because he wasn’t sure what to do.

  We didn’t have an exchanging of rings. I didn’t get to wear a white dress and a pretty veil. There was no need for formal processions or inviting important guests. When I was a little girl, I thought I would want all of those things. I thought I wanted all the flowers and the flourish of trumpets announcing my arrival at some grand cathedral. The dream was to ride about the capital in a lavish golden carriage with white horses leading it around.

  But this was enough. It was more than enough. When Rodrigo kissed me for the first time as my husband, my heart was so full that it was seconds away from bursting. I didn’t need a fancy wedding or lavish afterparty. I didn’t need a massive diamond ring and a multi-tiered wedding cake. To have Rodrigo in my arms, to have him by my side always was more than I would ever need.

  We didn’t need a fancy honeymoon either.

  Rodrigo and I returned to the hotel I was staying at. This time, there wasn’t any need for sneaking around or worrying that my bodyguard would burst in and have him arrested. Rodrigo was my husband now. This time around, we were going to take our sweet time.

  We stumbled into the hotel room, our legs and arms tangling together. Rodrigo’s heated kisses left me breathless, the burning in my lungs only serving to spur me on. I’d never wanted anybody as much as I wanted him. Dragging his shirt off in a hurry, I hungrily ran my hands over his hard chest, his chiseled stomach. I dug my fingers into the muscles of his back, admiring how feverishly hot he was against my palms.

  Rodrigo was just as eager to get me out of my clothes. He pulled off my top and bent down to press his mouth to my breasts as his hands snaked around to unclasp my bra. We stumbled backward, giggling and smiling and so, so wonderfully happy. We didn’t even make it to the bed. Instead, we tumbled over the arm of the luxurious couch in the luxury suite’s living room section.

  He pinned me on my back as he made quick work of the front of his pants, his arousal undeniable. I slipped out of my pants too, throwing off my delicate lace undergarments in a hurry. Our mouths found one another easily, hasty tongues gliding together as our hot breaths mingled and ricocheted off of each other’s faces. I spread my legs for him, the wet heat there too intense to deny. I bucked into his touch, my skin tingling with electricity wherever he touched me.

  I gasped into his mouth as he entered me, snapping his hips in such a way that he passed right over my sweet spot. Hooking my legs around him to give him deeper access, I moaned against him as he picked and set a rapid pace. His hard warmth within me was maddening. Rodrigo mouthed at the fair skin of my neck, sucked hard enough to leave love bites for all the world to see.

  “I love you,” he panted over and over again. “I love you, Marina.”

  “I love you too. I love you so much.”

  Our fingers were threaded together, never letting go. Rodrigo continued to thrust into me, hard and fast, eager to have me find release. Pleasure began to mount deep within my core, building with intensity until I was spilling over the edge. Bright stars scattered themselves about my vision as my whole body shuddered and jolted with pleasure. Rodrigo wasn’t that far off either. Our kisses were bruising and passionate. He sucked at my bottom lip as he spilled into me.

  We lay there in each other’s arms a sweaty, hot mess. A calm buzz filled my entire body and left me blissed out of my mind. Rodrigo rested his face in the crook of my neck as he played with my hair. In turn, I drew gentle circles into his back.

  I decided that if the world were about to end, I could at least die happy. I didn’t realize just how whole and complete Rodrigo made me feel. Now that I had him, I never wanted to let him go. The world was going to have to pry him from my arms if it wanted us apart. Who would have thought I’d end up married to one of my oldest and best friends in the entire world?

  “Hello, husband,” I whispered.

  Rodrigo chuckled. “Hello, wife.”

  “I hope you’re not too tired.”

  “Do yo
u plan on keeping me up all night?”

  I licked my lips. “You know it.”

  “You don’t have to return to Brooklandia any time soon, do you? I don’t want to read about how I supposedly kidnapped you in the papers.”

  A giggle bubbled past my lips. “Don’t worry. I already wrote to my parents to tell them I was safe and what my plans were.”

  “Before you came to see me?”


  “What if I hadn’t agreed to marry you?”

  I shot Rodrigo a quizzical look. “I was ninety-nine percent confident you’d say yes.”

  He chuckled, looking absolutely glorious as the afternoon sun shone through the crack in the curtains, painting him soft orange and gold. “You’ve never been to Allendes, have you?” he asked, suddenly realizing something.

  I shook my head. “No. This is my first time.”

  “Talk about a momentous occasion.”

  “I’ll say.”

  “How about I show you around later? I’ll take you to all my favorite spots.”

  I smiled wide. “I’d absolutely love that.”



  I’d never been this nervous in my life. I exhaled sharply, adjusting the collar of my shirt and straightened my tie. Marina laced her fingers in mine, the cold metal of the ring I bought her chilling my skin. She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

  “How do I look?” I asked.

  “Very handsome.”

  I swallowed, dabbing at my brow. “Oh my God, your father’s going to kill me.”

  Marina looked the slightest bit nervous, which unfortunately did nothing to settle the sick feeling in my stomach. “Maybe,” she mumbled. I frowned at her, which prompted her to laugh. “I’m only joking.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  We were standing in the hallway that led to the King’s private chambers. I’d never really ventured down this particular wing when I was a boy. It was always too cold and dark. In a way, ominous and terrifying. Even as a grown man, this place gave me the creeps. I didn’t want to imagine the look on the King’s face when I walked in with Marina by my side. I supposed if he really wanted me dead, the King could have found a million different ways to dispatch me already.

  A big, strong bodyguard with a familiarly bald head stood before the King’s doors. Charles lifted his fingers to his earpiece, apparently listening to the voice on the other end of the frequency. He cleared his throat and said, “The King will see you now.”

  I leaned over and whispered in Marina’s ear. “It’s not too late to leave, is it?”

  She tugged on my hand and led me forward. “Come on. I’ll be right here. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  The King’s chamber was a sight to behold. I was surrounded by gold and silver. From the beautiful embroidered curtains, to the ornate frames holding up priceless works of art on the walls, to the intricately carved furniture, I was surrounded by wealth. The King didn’t even need to say anything. Everything about the room screamed at me that I was poor and small and at the King’s mercy.

  He was standing by one of the large windows that overlooked the palace’s courtyards. The King had his hands folded neatly behind his back, shoulders pulled back and chest puffed out. I didn’t even need to look at his face to know that he was pissed.

  But he wasn’t the only person in the room. The Queen, radiant and proper as ever, was on one of the white leather ottomans sipping tea with her pinky sticking up. Her hair was pulled up into a lovely little bun, a string of large white pearls decorating her neck. Sitting across from her was Mother and Father, both of whom looked just as uncomfortable as I did.

  “You,” started the King, voice so low I could feel it vibrate through my chest. “You’d better start talking.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Marina beat me to it. “I’ve already made myself perfectly clear. Rodrigo and I are married now.”

  The King turned, looking down his nose at me. I had to fight against the instinct to shrink away beneath his judgmental gaze. As hard as it was to stand my ground, I didn’t falter. For Marina’s sake, I’d be strong.

  The King pointed at Mother and Father. “What’s the meaning of this?” he snapped. “Why did you have me release them in exchange for your return?”

  Marina remained calm, poised. It amazed me just how much she looked like a Queen. This was just a demonstration of her skill, a chance to see her coming into her own. If she kept this up, I had no doubt that she’d make a fantastic ruler one day. This wasn’t a biased opinion either.

  “We’re family now,” she said flatly. “We can’t have family imprisoned, can we?”

  The King set his jaw and glared at me. “What have you done to my daughter?”

  “Nothing, sir,” I answered, fighting to keep my voice level. “I’ve done nothing but love her.”

  The King scoffed, “No. You’ve manipulated her somehow, I know it.”

  “You think you know a lot of things,” my father huffed.

  “What did you say?”

  “Are you going deaf, man? Maybe you should get your ears checked the next time the royal physician comes around.”

  Mother patted Father on the shoulder. “Now, now, dear. Let’s try to be civil.”

  “That’s rich, coming from you,” sneered the Queen.

  My mother glared at the woman sitting across from her. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  And just like that, they were at each other’s throats. I would have been relieved that the heat was no longer and me and the fact that I married Marina, but I couldn’t stand our parents fighting.

  “You’ve got some nerve talking to me that way, Lorenzo,” hissed the King.

  “And you need to let go of this mightier-than-thou attitude, George,” Father snapped back.

  “You can’t talk to me like this, Nia. I am the Queen.”

  “That’s really the only come back you have? I expected better, Victoria.”

  “Stop!” exclaimed Marina. Her voice was sharp, louder than expected. I’d never seen Marina raise her voice in such a manner. She impressively managed to silence our parents with a single word. “This fighting has to stop,” she sighed. “We’re going to need to find a compromise. If you’re not willing to do that for me and Rodrigo, at least think of your grandson.”

  It got so quiet that I could hear old Charles sneeze out in the hallway.

  “My what?” all four of them said together in unison.

  I smiled at Marina as I placed a gentle hand upon her belly. “It’s still a shock to me too,” I said. “We found out a couple days ago.”

  “I wasn’t feeling very well,” she explained. “I hadn’t been for quite some time, actually. I thought it was because of everything that had happened. But then the cravings started, and then the headaches. And then I started to feel really sick in the mornings, so I decided to take a test.”

  The King stared at us, his hard exterior cracking slightly as a glimmer shone through his weary eyes. “I’m… I’m going to be a grandfather?” He turned to look at Father. “We’re–”

  Father rose, looking equally amazed. There was an awkward tension in the air as Father adjusted the line of his jacket, cleared his throat. “Well, um…”

  “This is… This is all very sudden.”

  Marina took a deep breath before continuing. “I know things have been rough between our families for a long time. But I’d really love it if we could start again. Even if you don’t approve, I’m staying with Rodrigo. We’re going to raise this baby with or without you. But I’d very much like it if we could all get along for the child’s sake. I don’t expect it to happen overnight, but I’d be so grateful if we just tried.”

  “We all used to be very close once,” I added. “Can’t we just forget about the politics for a second and see each other as old friends?”

  Everyone looked to the King, who’d grown unnervingly quiet. He watched my father carefully, like a sta
rtled antelope waiting to see its predator would strike. After what felt like an eternity, he finally breathed.

  Marina sighed in relief as the King burst into a laugh. “I’m going to be a grandfather!” He stuck his hand out to shake with me. “I’m, uh… I’m sorry I had you detained.”

  I shook his hand, relief washing through me. “That’s okay, sir.”

  “Are you going to apologize to me too?” Father asked. It sounded like he was joking, but I really couldn’t tell. He never made jokes, so I had nothing to draw comparisons to.

  The King rolled his eyes. “Don’t push your luck, Sabatino. You stabbed me.” He hadn’t quite warmed up to Father, but I had a feeling it was only a matter of time.

  The Queen and Mother came over to hug Marina, fawning over her like they used to when we were children.

  “When are you due?” asked the Queen.

  “Have you thought of names yet?” asked Mother.

  “We’ll have to get you on a special diet. You’re eating for two now.”

  “Maybe we should organize a baby shower.”

  “Isn’t that rushing things? We have to announce their marriage to the kingdom first, don’t we?”

  Marina giggled as the room erupted into joyous conversation and laughter. Things were still a bit rough, but everything seemed to be working out. My initial worry quickly faded, replaced with adoration for my beautiful wife. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pressed my lips to her temple, my heart so incredibly full and excited for the future.



  Two Christmases later

  The holidays really didn’t begin until the Crown’s annual Midnight Magic Ball, which was always hosted two weeks prior to Christmas Eve. The palace was done up in the most spectacular of fashions. Colorful string lights hung from every ledge, streamers and beautiful ribbons decked the halls. The whole palace smelled of gingerbread cookies, roast turkey, peppermint sticks and sweet sugar cookies.


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