Finding Mr. Wrong

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Finding Mr. Wrong Page 13

by Charlie Cochet

  "Thank you." Placing the envelope in the inside pocket of his jacket, he walked over to the small counter away from the teller and used one of the pens attached to the little beaded rope.

  "Fuck," he muttered, wiping a stray tear from his cheek. Somewhere deep inside, he knew this was coming, so why did it hurt so damned much? He and Matthew weren't meant to be. Their twenty-year separation should have been enough of a sign. He should never have accepted that damn commission or shown up at Matthew's office. Why was he so goddamn weak? Was he really surprised? It was Matthew, after all.

  It was just before lunch when Jax used the money left in his wallet to pay for a cab to Matthew's office. He wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. Taking a deep breath, he walked up to the reception desk, smiling as best he could. "Hi, Penny."

  Penny's smile fell. "Jax, is everything okay? Matthew hasn't returned, but I could call him for you."

  "No, please. I just want to leave something with you." He pulled the envelope from his pocket and handed it to her. "It's really important he gets that. Will you take care of it?"

  "Of course, but--"

  "Thank you, Penny. I appreciate it." Not wanting to stick around, he quickly left. He'd made a big mistake. He'd listened to his stupid heart, despite knowing there was no future for him and a man like Matthew, but he'd dared to dream. It was time for him to be real. No matter what his dad said, Jax was a sad, pathetic nobody, and he always would be.

  MATTHEW stared out at the city through his office window. Something was wrong. He could feel it. Jax's text had left him with a bad feeling. Not that he didn't believe Jax might have a client, but something about the text just felt... off. And he hadn't heard from Jax since. Was it possible he'd found out about the money already? Shit, what if he was upset? Matthew had known there would be a possibility that Jax would be mad at him, but Matthew was hoping that Jax would come talk to him about it and that he could convince Jax it was the right thing. It wasn't about Jax taking money from him. It was about Matthew wanting to help. How could he stand by and do nothing while Jax lost his studio?

  "I hate to say I told you so."

  Matthew groaned. Just what he didn't need right now. Bryce. "You love to say I told you so."

  "You're right, I do. But in this case, I don't."

  Matthew turned his chair to peer at Bryce. "That's a surprise. When did you grow a conscience?"

  "Funny. Answer me this. Did you give Jax Foster sixty thousand dollars?"

  Matthew sat up. "How do you know about that?"

  Bryce walked over to Matthew's side and opened the browser on Matthew's computer, then brought up a strange web portal. "I've been monitoring his account."

  "What? Are you out of your mind? What is wrong with you?"

  "Matthew, just listen," Bryce pleaded.

  "No. This is getting out of hand. What you're doing is--"

  Bryce pointed to what looked like an online bank account with a balance of three hundred dollars and thirteen cents. "Jax conned you. He withdrew the money just an hour after it was deposited."

  "Again with this?"

  "The money is gone, and soon Jax will be too."

  Matthew froze. "What do you mean he'll be gone?"

  Bryce shook his head. "The bank that owns the studio never received any money."

  "Maybe he's taking it over there personally. If he doesn't pay, they're going to take everything." He'd had no idea how bad it was until Dale called him up in a panic this morning while he was standing in line to get coffee. The bank had sent collectors to Jax's apartment. It wasn't just the studio rent that Jax was behind on, it was his loans, money he'd borrowed to set up the studio and buy equipment. The lenders wanted their money, and they wanted it yesterday. The sixty thousand dollars would pay off Jax's debts and pay rent on his apartment and the studio for the next six months until he could finish some commissions and get some savings going. Matthew had no doubt after the way Dario Esperanza was throwing Jax's name around that Jax would start getting some calls. Jax just needed a little more time, and Matthew had bought him that time.

  "Maybe he doesn't care. From the looks of it, he and his father are going to take that money and run. It's not like they haven't run before."

  Matthew refused to believe that. "Jax isn't running." He'd promised Matthew as much the night they'd made love. He had to go see Jax and straighten this mess out. He couldn't lose Jax. Not again. Matthew waited for Bryce to leave before telling Adam to reschedule his afternoon appointments and have his driver pull up outside.

  "Everything okay?" Adam asked worriedly.

  "I'll let you know when I get back." Matthew hurried out of the office, putting his overcoat on in the elevator. Inside the car, Matthew gave his driver Jax's address in Brooklyn, and although it felt like hours until they arrived, it hadn't been that long. The door next to the studio, which led up to the building's apartments, was unlocked. Someone should really fix that.

  Matthew took the steps up to Jax's apartment two at a time. When he reached Jax's front door, he was surprised to find it open. His first instinct was that Jax or Dale might be in trouble. Quietly, he stepped inside, stopping cold when he saw the living room. It looked ransacked.

  "Jax?" Matthew ran into the small hall to a door that was slightly ajar. Inside he found Jax quickly shoving clothes into a backpack. Matthew's heart splintered in two. "You're leaving?"

  Jax didn't even bother looking up at him. Had he been expecting Matthew to show up, or did he not care? Because he didn't look surprised in the least. His handsome face was set in hard lines, his blue-green eyes cold. "Yeah. I can't stay here."

  "Going somewhere nice?" Matthew asked, his voice dripping with scorn. Jax was bailing? Just like that? He wasn't even going to bother telling Matthew why or where? Vanishing like he did years ago and leaving Matthew behind to pick up the pieces of his shattered heart?

  "What?" Jax frowned up at him.

  Matthew's heart hurt. "Sixty thousand dollars can get you pretty far."

  "Wait, are you pissed?" Jax asked, sounding incredulous. "You have no right to--"

  "I think I have every right when the man I thought cared about me lies to me just to get something out of me! I would have given you whatever you wanted if you'd just told me the truth. Instead, you made me think we had something, that you cared. It was all a game."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Come on, Jax. You were never going to keep the studio. I don't blame you for wanting to get away from all this, but why did you have to use my heart to get what you wanted?"

  Jax straightened. He came around the bed to face Matthew. "You think I used you to get that money, and that I'm what? Now running off with it?"

  "Aren't you?" Matthew said, motioning to the packed bags.

  Something flashed in Jax's eyes, but it was gone before Matthew could figure out what it was. When he looked at Matthew, there was no trace of the warm, affectionate man Matthew had fallen in love with.

  "Sure. I mean, what's sixty grand to a guy like you, right? Besides, we had our fun. You got some sex out of it, and I got paid."

  "You're such an asshole." Matthew refused to let Jax see how much pain he was in. How could he have fallen for the same damn lie? When was he going to learn? How many times would he give his heart to Jax Foster, only to have the guy trample all over it?

  "I'm an asshole, and you're just as naive as you were back then. Guess some things never change."

  Matthew curled his fingers into fists at his sides, and Jax dropped his gaze to Matthew's hands before moving his eyes back up to Matthew's.

  "You want to hit me, Matty?" Jax tapped his jaw. "Come on. Right here."

  Matthew was tempted. Oh, so tempted. "Guess you were right after all. You did end up disappointing me."

  Jax flinched, but Matthew couldn't stay to figure out what it meant. He had to get the hell out of there before he did something even dumber than fall in love. Matthew spun on his heels and marched out of the
room--and out of Jax Foster's life.

  Chapter Thirteen

  THIS was ridiculous.

  Matthew sat back in his chair with a huff. He'd read over the same damn email at least ten times and still he had no idea what he'd read. He was a grown man, for heaven's sake. Jax Foster didn't want him. Never did. Was he really going to sit around and mope for something that was never meant to be? He was such a fool. He'd fallen for the man's charms hook, line, and sinker. What an idiot he'd been, trusting a man he knew nothing about based on some silly childhood memories. What the hell was wrong with him?

  His phone beeped, and Adam's voice came on the line.

  "Matthew, Dale Foster is here to see you."

  Matthew was going to tell Adam to turn the man away, but instead tapped the Speaker button. "Show him in, Adam."

  Matthew stood, smoothed down his shirt, and buttoned his suit jacket. He came to stand beside his desk, his hands neatly clasped in front of him. Dale let himself in, his blue-green eyes so much like Jax's, they tugged at Matthew's heart. He quickly pushed the feeling away. It was time he stop being the bleeding heart his cousin was always accusing him of being.

  "What can I do for you, Mr. Foster? Was sixty thousand dollars not sufficient? Does Jax need transportation out of the country? I have a private jet he can commandeer, if he so wishes."

  "I don't know what happened between you two, but I know it's all my fault. Please don't be angry at him about the money. I thought I was doing something good for him for a change, but he was so upset. I've never seen him like that. The moment he found out, he went to the bank and withdrew the money. He returned it. I thought he was overreacting, but I understand now. Jax is in love with you."

  "First of all, Jax Foster loves no one but himself. Second of all, he was using me."

  "I was the one who asked you for the money. Jax had no idea I was going to do that."

  "You really expect me to believe that?"

  Dale took a tentative step toward Matthew, his eyes pleading. "Matthew, I may have done a lot of terrible things in my life, but my son is a good, honest man. He returned that money. He was too ashamed to face you, so he dropped it off with your receptionist. It was a cashier's check, in a secure, sealed envelope. I swear to you."

  "You're good," Matthew admitted. "I'll give you that." He ushered Dale toward the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have--"

  "Just check with your receptionist. You'll see. Jax is a good boy. He would never, ever do anything to hurt you. He's loved you since you were both boys."

  The back of Matthew's eyes stung. "Please leave, Mr. Foster. I don't want to hear from you or your son ever again. If Jax so much as steps foot in this building, I'll have him escorted out by security." He opened the office door and called over to Adam. "Please escort Mr. Foster to the elevator. He's leaving."

  "But... Matthew--"

  "Just do what I pay you to do," Matthew snapped, aware of Adam's flinch. "I never should have let you get involved." Not waiting for Adam to reply, Matthew spun on his heels and stormed back into his office. He couldn't even have the satisfaction of slamming the damn door. Stupid hydraulics.

  Matthew paced inside his office, needing to burn off some of his energy and anger. Damn Jax Foster. The man was probably having a good laugh right about now. Matthew had a half a mind to involve the police, but he was too weak. Despite his broken heart, the pathetic organ was still beating for that bastard.


  "What?" Matthew grunted, not bothering to look at Adam. Instead he turned to look out his window into the city. Where was Jax now? Buying a plane ticket? Booking a hotel room somewhere far away?

  "I know you're hurting," Adam said softly as he approached, "but I think you need to talk to Penny." He placed his hand on Matthew's back, and Matthew stiffened.

  When Matthew spoke, his voice came out as a whisper. "I'm sorry for what I said." He turned, a lump forming in his throat. "You're my closest friend, and you've done nothing but be helpful and supportive, and I was a jackass."

  Adam smiled sweetly at him, tears in his eyes. "I forgive you." He threw his arms around Matthew and hugged him tight. He might be a small little thing, but Adam was strong, stronger than Matthew in so many ways.

  Matthew returned his embrace and let out a shuddering sigh. "I was right. It hurts worse than the first time."

  Adam pulled back and took hold of Matthew's hand, then dragged him over to the phone. "Call Penny. At least you'll know if Dale is telling the truth."

  Matthew peered at him and frowned. "You think he's telling the truth."

  "Doesn't matter what I think." Adam picked up the phone, hit Reception, and handed Matthew the phone.

  "Yes, Mr. Hart?"

  "Did Jax come to the office and leave an envelope with you?" Would it really matter if he had? Sooner or later, Jax would have run. He always did.

  "Yes, he did. A couple of hours ago."

  Matthew's heart slammed into his chest. Dale had been telling the truth.

  "Jax looked so upset, but he didn't stay long enough for me to ask if he was okay, just dropped off the envelope and said it was important you receive it."

  "Tell me exactly what happened after that." Matthew didn't have the envelope, so it had to be somewhere.

  "I headed upstairs immediately. You weren't in your office, so I left it in the top right-hand drawer of your desk with a note to let you know Jax dropped it off for you. I was going to let Adam know, but he was with Sandra, checking on the newly designed web portal for the new catalogue, and then Arianna showed up demanding to know why I wasn't at Reception, where her husband was, where you were. The usual hissy fit. I told her to wait for Adam, that he'd be back any minute, and I texted him to let him know. Then I ran back down to Reception. Wait. Did something happen?" Her voice went up in pitch, and Matthew assured her she wasn't in any trouble. "Oh, Matthew. Please tell me you received the envelope. I kept meaning to call Adam to verify, but the phone's barely stopped ringing since the announcement went out about the additions to the spring catalogue."

  Matthew checked his desk drawer. No envelope. He spent the next few minutes assuring a distraught Penny that she'd done nothing wrong. She'd delivered the envelope as instructed. Once Penny was calm, Matthew thanked her and handed the phone to Adam, who also reassured her before returning the phone to its cradle.


  "Penny says Jax dropped off an envelope and she put it in my desk right after, but it's not there." He checked the rest of his desk drawers, just in case, but still no envelope from Jax.

  Adam's bright eyes clouded over. "You think someone took it?"

  "I don't know, but I'm going to find out. I hope I'm wrong. What did Arianna want?"

  Adam shrugged. "She was gone by the time I got back. Probably got tired of waiting the ten whole minutes it took me to get back to my desk."

  "Stay here, and call me if you see Bryce."

  "Got it."

  Matthew left the office and briskly headed for the elevator. He really hoped he was wrong, but he could think of only one person who could have taken that envelope in the hope of stirring up trouble between him and Jax. If Bryce really did have the envelope, Matthew was going to wring his neck. Or better yet, fire him. Did Bryce really believe it was okay to steal from him? Taking the elevator down to the tenth floor, Matthew made a beeline for Bryce's office. It was locked, and from the looks of it, Bryce was nowhere in sight.

  Matthew removed his keycard from his pocket. It was the only all-access keycard. Swiping it, he then stepped into Bryce's office and closed the door carefully behind him. Checking the desk calendar, he saw that Bryce had a meeting with his wife. Perfect. Matthew went through Bryce's desk, leaving no stone unturned. Where the hell could it be?

  "Damn." What if Bryce still had it on him? What if Matthew was wrong and his cousin had nothing to do with the missing envelope? No, it was the only thing that made sense. Bryce was the only one opposed to Jax being in Matthew's life. Who else would
have taken it?

  Matthew stood for a moment, thinking. He looked around the opulent room complete with a fully stocked beverage cart, carrying everything from expensive rum to Waterford glassware.

  "I wonder." Matthew stopped in front of the drink cart and checked the drawers. Lemons, olives, toothpicks, several utensils. The bottom drawer held the Cuban cigars Matthew's father had gifted to Bryce on his five-year anniversary with Hart & Home. The box was exquisite, handmade from vintage knotted walnut and wrought-iron hardware.

  Gently, Matthew lifted the box. He opened it, and there was a white envelope with Matthew's name scripted in perfect lettering. Matthew closed his eyes for a moment to keep his temper under control. He removed the envelope, then returned the box. After making sure he placed everything back exactly where he'd found it, he left the office, locking it behind him.

  Back in his office, Adam shook his head. "He hasn't been by."

  "He's still with Arianna, so he won't be back for hours. The second he steps foot in this building, I want Robert to escort him to the conference room. Bryce has gone too far."

  Matthew was fuming by the time he sat behind his desk. His cousin wasn't getting away with this. Bryce had had it in for Jax since the beginning. It was one thing to voice his displeasure; it was a whole other thing to meddle in Matthew's personal affairs.

  Adam excused himself so Matthew would have some privacy while he opened the letter. He stared down at the elegant script, his heart in his throat.

  "Jax...." Matthew carefully opened the unsealed white envelope, and there it was. A cashier's check for sixty thousand dollars. There was also a letter. As Matthew read through it, his heart swelled and tears blurred his vision. How could he have been so wrong? He sat back in his chair. "I'm such an asshole," he muttered. He should have just talked to Jax. Instead he let his fear take hold and lashed out at the one man who meant the world to him.

  Matthew called Jax, but it kept going to voicemail. He couldn't blame Jax for ignoring him. Jax was probably afraid Matthew was going to insult him some more. Leaning in, he hit the Call button on the phone.

  "Adam, I need your help."

  Adam entered Matthew's office a heartbeat later, and Matthew explained everything. By the end of it, Adam was glowering at him. "You can tell me what an asshole I am later, but I need you to help me find him before he disappears. Obviously he's not answering my calls. I don't care what we have to do or how much it's going to cost, we need to find him. I'm going to go back to his apartment and see if I can find any clues to where he might have gone. Maybe the landlord might know something." It was a long shot, but he had to try something.


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