Mark of Eon: Eon Warriors #5

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Mark of Eon: Eon Warriors #5 Page 11

by Hackett, Anna

  Lara gasped.

  Jamie glared at Aydin. “One fuck on your desk doesn’t equal a relationship, warrior.”

  She was pissed way the hell off. But more than that, she was hurt as well. She shoved those feelings down. Far down. She would deal with those later.

  Straightening, she turned to Davion. “I’m a career special forces space marine. A fucking professional. We have an alliance and I want in on this mission.”

  She’d protect Aydin’s ass, just so she could kick it later.

  The king cleared his throat. “Davion, I’ll let you deal with your mission planning. Find those helians.”

  The screen blinked off.

  Davion looked at both Aydin and Jamie. “You’re both good at your jobs. You will both go on this mission, find the lab, and bring the helians home.”

  Aydin muttered a curse under his breath.

  “That’s an order, Medical Commander.” Davion’s voice was as firm as metal.

  Aydin inclined his head. “Yes, War Commander.”

  “You leave in five hours. That’ll give you enough prep time.”

  Jamie nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  She shot Aydin a mutinous look and stalked out.

  She powered down the corridor. Him being an asshole, she could deal with. That came along with being a male.

  But him hurting her… Her chest ached. Dammit.

  She hated her private business being aired for everyone to see. It was another weakness for people to exploit.

  The hurt, she didn’t know what to do with.

  An itch moved over her skin. She needed to fight, or run, or something. Something to make her forget all about Aydin Kann-Ath.

  * * *

  “You’re an idiot,” Lara said.

  “You made a massive error in judgment,” Caze added.

  Aydin set his hands on his hips and released a breath. “I don’t want her in danger.”

  Lara slapped a hand to her head. “A massive idiot.”

  “I want to protect her. She barely survived the last mission—”

  “She’s a trained, experienced space marine. This is what she does.” Lara whirled, her gaze firing. “So what you’re saying is that you want to change her.”


  Lara shook her head. “For a smart guy, you sure aren’t very bright when it comes to Jamie.”

  Aydin paused. Cren. He knew she was good at her job and that it was important to her. She was as tough as metal, and thrived on protecting others. “Cren.”

  Lara rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Now it dawns on him that he stepped into a big pile of steaming—”

  “I get it, Lara.”

  “Announcing her personal business in front of your king, your war commander, and Caze… That didn’t help either.”

  Aydin ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll fix it.”

  “I’m not sure you can.”

  Now he felt the jab of fear. “I’ll fix it.”

  “You broke her trust, Aydin. And Jamie Park doesn’t trust easily.”

  “For now, you need to be focused on your mission,” Caze said.

  Aydin nodded. “I’ll do what I have to do.” Turning, he headed out and went straight to Medical. Inside, his gut was churning and even his helian was agitated.

  In Medical, he packed the medical gear he needed to treat and handle the helians. He packed the special, tough containers for transporting the alien symbionts. He hoped to the warriors that the helians were all unharmed.

  His hands stilled. He’d messed up with Jamie.


  Gear packed, he stalked to her cabin and touched the door controls. The panel flashed to let him know the cabin was empty except for one small, sleeping animal lifeform. Cutie. Jamie wasn’t there. Next, he tried the gym, but that was empty as well. Where was she?

  He was passing the indoor pool when he stopped and tilted his head. He touched the controls to the door and it opened silently.

  She was doing laps—hard and fast. He watched her slice through the water.

  Terrans had a different style of swimming to the Eon, and as he moved to the edge of the pool, he thought she looked much more elegant and agile in the water. There was a domed roof above the pool, offering a brilliant view of the stars overhead.

  A few minutes later, Jamie stopped and lifted her head. She shot him a glance, and all he saw was a blank face and even blanker eyes. His insides twisted.

  She was looking at him like he was a stranger.

  “It’s fine, Aydin,” she said. “Let’s just focus on the mission.”

  She strode through the water toward the steps at the end of the pool. She wore a sleek, black swimsuit, and it showcased the top half of her lithe body.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  She stopped and glanced his way. He saw a flicker in her eyes, and then it was gone. “I said it was fine.”

  “I mean it, Jamie. I panicked.” That was hard to admit. “The thought of you in danger, deep in Kantos territory… I just stopped thinking.”

  She stood waist-deep in the water and slicked her wet hair back. “Like I said, it’s okay.”

  “Come here.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “What we did was a one-time thing. It’s done.”

  His gut spasmed. “No.”

  “Yes. All this proves is that it was a bad idea.” Her hand splashed the water. “You can’t handle what I am. There will be another time where what I do will be a problem to you. And another.”

  “No. We are not a bad idea.”

  “You told me about restoring honor to your family. About achieving all your career goals and making your mother and siblings proud.” A look crossed her face. “I bet a scarred, rough Terran space marine doesn’t help make the right impression.”

  His hands balled into fists. “You are honorable, and brilliant at your job. Anyone can see that.” He released a breath. “I’ve never been with a warrior, so give me time to adjust to it. I love your strength, your toughness.”

  She looked away. “It’s best that we keep things professional.”

  She turned, adjusting her goggles on her head. He watched her move deeper into the water, but he wasn’t giving up.

  With two strides, he jumped into the pool.

  As he came up, she stepped back, her eyes widening.

  “I won’t let you put walls up again,” he said.

  Her face hardened. “Just leave. We’re done.”

  He pushed through the water toward her. “We’re not done. We’re nowhere near it.”

  Now she came to life, that chilling edge leaving her voice. “Damn you, Kann-Ath, you hurt me!” Her shout echoed off the walls.

  “I know. I’m sorry.” He stopped right in front of her. “I realize that I made a huge mistake and I hurt and embarrassed you. I was thinking of my own feelings first and not yours.”

  She stayed silent, just staring at him.

  “I’m sorry, Jamie.” His helian pulsed, amplifying his emotions and filling the air around them.

  Jamie gasped.

  “Do you feel it?” he asked.

  She swallowed and nodded. “I can feel that you’re sorry.”

  He grabbed her arms. “Let me make it up to you. Please.”

  She yanked an arm free and then slugged a punch into his belly. With a grunt, he doubled over.

  “You just put our business out there for everyone to pick over.”

  He pulled her against his chest. “I said I’m sorry. I mean it.”

  She was stiff in his arms.

  “But I won’t lie, a part of me is happy that they know you’re mine.”

  “You were doing well with the grovel, warrior, until that bit.” Her gaze met his. “I am not yours.”

  His mouth landed on hers and she bit his lip. Aydin tasted blood. Cren, his woman had a mean streak.

  But she didn’t push him away and try to drown him, which he took as a good sign. He deepened the kiss and a second later, she softened
under his hands. Her fingers slid into his hair and then she kissed him back.

  When they both came up for air, he peppered her cheeks with kisses. “I’m sorry, shara.”

  She pressed her forehead to his.

  “Let me show you how sorry,” he murmured.

  Her body trembled, then she sagged against him. “Don’t fuck up again, warrior.”

  “I won’t.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Aydin lifted Jamie out of the water and she held on tight, kissing him. But when he broke the kiss, she felt a spurt of disappointment.

  “I want you in my bed,” he said.

  He strode out of the pool, and still dripping wet, moved out into the corridor.

  Jamie gripped his shoulders. “Put me down.”

  “I like you where you are.”

  She thought about fighting him, but the man was as stubborn as a rock. Thankfully, there was no one in the corridor at this hour.

  He’d apologized. She’d wanted to push him away, but the damn man had worn down her defenses.

  She fused her mouth to his and his steps faltered. He pressed her against the wall, kissing her back. God, the man tasted so fine.

  He wrenched his mouth off hers. “You are very distracting.”

  She smiled at him.

  Aydin wasted no time striding into his cabin. She hadn’t had a chance to really take notice of it before. Of course, it was spacious and neat. A beautiful painting hung on the wall beside the bed, the colors shimmering in the light. It showed a small town nestled in fields of green.

  He set her down and she nodded her head. “That’s beautiful.”

  “It’s my hometown, on the planet of Ath.”

  There was affection in his tone. Then his gaze moved from the painting to her. He reached out, sliding his fingers along her collarbone. “I can feel your heart pounding.”

  She licked her lips. “Happens any time you touch me.”

  His face changed. Yeah, the warrior liked hearing that.

  “Then it will be pounding a lot tonight.” His hand swept over her in a slow caress.

  Jamie gripped the straps of her swimsuit and pushed them off.

  “No.” He caught the damp fabric before she could push the straps down. “We’ve done fast. This time, I’m taking my time.”

  Jamie felt a flash of something—not panic, nope, nope, nope—in her belly. “I like fast.” She reached for the waistband of his wet trousers.

  He caught her wrist. “Not this time.”

  She couldn’t breathe. But she knew she could drive him wild. Desire rocketed through her body and she let her thoughts drift away. She didn’t want to feel anything but the heat they generated. She leaned into him, pressing her mouth to his chest.

  “You want me.”

  “I do. All of you.” One strong hand slid into her hair. “You’ll give me everything.”

  Fear mixed with excitement. “Aydin.”

  “If you don’t give it to me, I’ll coax it out of you.”

  His kiss was hard, but slow and drugging. It had her clinging to him.

  Then his mouth moved along her jaw, lower, and she felt his teeth on her neck. Pleasure flooded her.

  She felt like she was free-falling into some unknown place. Jamie wasn’t used to fear, and Aydin generated it in her. Not fear for her life; she trusted that he’d protect her with his life, but a deeper, more emotional fear.

  With slow moves, he pulled her swimsuit off, leaving her naked. Then her back hit the bed.

  His big body loomed over hers, his mouth clamping down on one of her breasts. His tongue slowly lapped around her nipple.

  Jamie moaned, her hands twisting in the sheets.

  That clever mouth moved down her belly. He moved lower nudging her thighs apart. Then his tongue was licking between her legs, stabbing inside her. But each move was slow and methodical. Agonizingly slow.

  She tried to pull him up and over her.

  “I could stay here forever.” His voice was guttural. “I love how you taste, Jamie.”

  Her breathing was ragged. One of her thighs was on his shoulder and he sucked on her clit.

  “Aydin.” She chanted his name. She felt tossed around at sea with no anchor.

  His hands slid into hers, their fingers tangling. He pressed them into the bed on either side of her.

  A few more licks and her orgasm ripped through her. She clenched his hands and cried out his name.

  He kissed her trembling thighs. “I love when you say my name like that. Full of need and pleasure.”

  She stared down at him, pulling air into her burning lungs. She saw desire etched on his rugged face.

  God, he was gorgeous. And he wanted her.

  Needed her.

  “Now, Aydin. Inside me.”

  Again, he took his time. He kissed his way up her body and their gazes met, his hips pressing into hers.

  She felt the prod of his hard cock.

  Their gazes meshed and she stared into those black-green eyes she loved. She couldn’t look away, and was nearly sobbing with need. She was empty and needed this man, this warrior, to fill her up.


  “Next time, you say my name with me inside you.”

  She circled his hips with her legs and then he thrust inside her.

  * * *

  Aydin’s heart thundered, hot sensation storming through him.

  He pulled out and slowly, so slowly, he thrust back inside Jamie’s tight, hot body. Her breath caught, small sounds bursting from her lips.

  “You like that, shara?”

  She stared into his eyes and their breath swirled together. He drew her in, moved inside her. He kept up the slow, firm thrusts, enjoying the slick slide of their bodies.

  He kept her hands tight in his and pinned to the bed. Her face was flushed and she felt so tight around his cock.

  He wanted to go slow, to savor her. But this woman ignited needs in him that couldn’t be harnessed for long.

  He let out a hoarse groan.

  “Kiss me,” she pleaded.

  Helpless to resist, he took her mouth. As he kissed her, he kept moving inside her, kissing her deep and thrusting even deeper.

  “Do you feel it?” he murmured.

  In response, she moaned.

  He wasn’t sure his Terran felt the depth of their connection. She shuddered, her body arching and clamping down on his cock.

  “Yes, shara. Come for me.”

  She panted his name and his thrusts lost their rhythm. He felt his own release rising. Her hands curled in his, and her heels dug into his ass.

  “I love your cock inside me,” she cried. “I love how you fill me up.”

  Aydin groaned.

  “Come, Aydin.”

  He made a harsh, guttural sound and, with one last thrust, he shot his release inside her. Her body milked his, and he groaned her name.

  When he could see again, they were tangled together. She was stroking his back.

  Aydin knew this was it for him. Jamie Park was his. He needed her. Needed to pleasure her, fight with her, protect her.

  He had no idea if mating would come, but he didn’t care. This stubborn Terran was for him.

  And he was well aware that if he mentioned it to her, she’d knock him out and run.

  “I’m so thirsty, I could drain a lake,” she said.

  He rose, and heedless of his nakedness, strode to the synthesizer and got her a glass of water.

  When he turned, she was unashamedly looking at his body.

  Cren. His cock responded. He liked her here in his bed. She rolled, giving him a glimpse of small, high breasts. She looked at the painting again.

  “It’s my sister’s work,” he told her, handing her the glass.


  “Yes, I have two sisters and a brother. They’re all agricultural scientists, like my mother.”


  She said it like she didn’t know what the word meant.<
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  He smiled. “Yes. I come from a family known for their expertise in biology and food creation. My grandfather was a warrior, though. I’m only the second warrior in the Kann-Ath line, and the first to be a doctor.”

  She reached out and stroked the helian on his wrist. “So the others in your family don’t have a symbiont?”

  He shook his head.

  “Does it hurt to bond with the helians?” she asked.

  He nodded. “We don’t talk about it much, but a few children don’t survive the bonding.”

  “God.” Her eyes sharpened. “You could have died.”

  He nodded.

  “Why risk it?”

  “For centuries, Eon warriors have bonded with helians. The helians break through the skin at our wrist and weave into our nerves—linking directly with a warrior’s nervous system. It’s a beautiful thing, Jamie. They give us abilities, and we give the helian the chance to live, thrive, and use their unique skills.”

  “Bonding can’t be forced.”

  “No, that’s why the Kantos always fail when they attempt to bond with them. The helian needs to know the host is worthy.”

  “And, of course, Medical Commander Aydin Kann-Ath was worthy.” She set the glass down on the side table and climbed off his bed. This time, he got to appreciate her naked body. He watched as she snagged one of his black shirts off the back of a chair and slipped it on. It hung to mid-thigh, which only made her look more delectable. She circled his cabin.

  His cock stirred. Those long legs. That he’d had wrapped around him. His mind started to form some ideas.

  “This is your family?” She held up a small holo frame.

  He nodded.

  She peered at it. “You look happy.”

  “We all get along. After my father ruined the family, it was just us. We stuck together.”

  “You’re lucky. To have had people who cared.”

  The pain buried in her voice sliced at him. “I’m sorry you didn’t.”

  She shrugged. “It’s in the past now. I survived.”

  Not without scars. He frowned. “Do you have any siblings?”

  The frame clicked on the shelf as she set it down. “No. Not that I know of.”

  He hated the brittle sound to her voice. “Your parents—”


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