Warriors of the Way-Pentalogy

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Warriors of the Way-Pentalogy Page 79

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  “Roman, wait! We don’t know—”Kenji began. Roman’s body cut his sentence off as it flew past him, followed by his hammer. He landed at the far end of the hallway, unconscious.

  Kenji looked at the cell but heard nothing. He approached with caution until he was near the entrance. He stood on one side of the ruined door and looked in. The cell was empty except for Rael, who remained manacled to the wall.

  “I don’t suggest coming inside, unless you want to end up like hammer-boy,” said Rael from the wall.

  Kenji took a breath and felt for the energy in the room. He doubled over and stumbled back. He leaned against the wall for support.

  “Impossible,” he gasped. “That can’t be.”

  “Oh yes,” said Rael. “It’s possible. Welcome to the big boys club.”

  “But how can she stand against him?”

  “She’s no slouch, but she can’t keep it up for long,” said Rael as he shifted in his manacles. “Plus, I think he’s taking it easy on her.”

  “Taking it easy?” asked Kenji. “Can you sense the power emanating from them?”

  “First,” Rael said, holding up a finger, “that thing she is fighting is not Lucius, but a manifestation of his power—a shadow.”

  “A shadow,” said Kenji as he straightened up, using his staff.

  “Second,” said Rael holding up another finger, “even as a shadow he could have erased her where she stood. This means he is just enjoying himself, until he isn’t… and then she’s done.”

  “I can’t let him kill her,” said Kenji as he wrapped himself in a chi sphere and entered the cell.

  Rael laughed. “You don’t have much of a say in the matter, so if I were you, I would be gone by the time he returns.”

  Kenji started tracing glyphs in the air. “He may be powerful, but everyone has a weakness.”

  “Your funeral,” said Rael. “Your glyphs aren’t going to work on him. In case you hadn’t noticed, they don’t have much of an effect on him.”

  “But he is only a shadow,” said Kenji. “Which means the real Lucius is still imprisoned.”

  “Yes, but only because the bridge between planes is gone.”

  “As a shadow, he can be undone,” said Kenji. “It means he doesn’t possess all of the power of the original.”

  For a few seconds Rael just stared at Kenji with his mouth open. “I thought I was insane, but you’re crazier than I am,” he said. “There’s no way you can undo his shadow unless you have a glyph of apocalyptic world-ending destruction handy?”

  “No, I don’t have one of those,” said Kenji as he continued tracing the glyphs. “What I do have are these.”

  “You have partial inversion glyphs…Wait a minute, those aren’t partial,” said Rael, the surprise evident in his voice. “You know the entire glyph? Since when?”

  “Since I lost half my face to a chi erasure,” said Kenji as he traced the last of the glyphs. They floated in the air and then were absorbed into the walls and floor of the cell. “This situation has accelerated my plans somewhat, but I’m sure you understand, needs must,” said Kenji as he removed the manacles from Rael. “Aurora has something I need and she has to be alive for me to get it.”

  “Those glyphs…” said Rael, looking around the cell. “You rigged this whole place. Rael rubbed his wrists and stepped back from Kenji. “What are you going to do?”

  “Simple, I’m going to kill your master’s shadow and then get what I need from her, said Kenji. “ If you interfere, I will kill you.”


  “IS HE DEAD?” asked Rin. “What happened?”

  Two RahVen carried an unconscious Sylk to the Watch. They placed him in one of the infirmary rooms.

  “His body is in stasis, fighting off Kriya poison,” said the Keeper as he held his staff over Sylk. “We will need to bring a healer who can deal with his particular situation.”

  “Kriya poison…you mean they…?” said Rin, looking around.

  “It was Tetra who initiated the attack,” said the Keeper. “Sylk facilitated their escape, permanently.”

  “They’re free?” asked Rin. “How did they escape the plane? We are in the protocol.”

  “They used Sylk as a means to escape the plane. He killed them both,” said the Keeper. “And if we don’t act with haste, he will join them.

  “He faced them both, alone?” said Rin with admiration in his voice. “I didn’t think he could wield that much power on a dormant plane.”

  “He is quite full of surprises,” said the Keeper while he traced a glyph that emitted a golden light as his hand moved through the intricate sequence.

  “How are we going to bring a healer here?” asked Rin. “The plane is locked down and inaccessible.”

  “We aren’t bringing anyone,” said the Keeper. “You are. There are fail-safes in the protocol that will allow entrance for situations like this.”

  “You lied to the Kriya?”

  “No, I merely omitted disclosing that I had the means for them to escape this plane, but everything I told them was truth,” said the Keeper.

  “How long does he have?” said Rin as he looked down at the pale Sylk.

  “You will have to leave now,” said the Keeper as he traced a glyph with his staff. “This glyph will take you to the RahVen plane.”

  “Who is the healer?”

  “The RahVen plane has one who they call Grandmother,” answered the Keeper. “Bring her.”

  “And if she refuses?”

  “We are running out of time. His body can hold the Kriya poison at bay for a short time but without a blood healer, I don’t think he will survive this attack,” said the Keeper. “Tell her it’s a matter of life and death. Be convincing. Take this.”

  He handed Rin the chain from Sylk’s neck. Attached to it hung a claw, a symbol of his status as a friend of the pack. He opened a portal and stepped back as it became a vortex.

  “How did he even get here?” asked Rin, looking warily at the portal.

  “I don’t know,” said the Keeper. “He should not have been able to access the plane. It may have something to do with his bond to the Watch.”

  The portal allowed a view of the RahVen plane. The Keeper held his staff in both hands as it vibrated against his grip.

  “You can ask him when he awakens, but for now just bring her here,” said the Keeper with a strained voice as he fought to keep his staff from flying away.

  Rin stepped through the portal and disappeared.


  DEVIN AND ZANSHI dealt with the attack on the family and removed all of the Mikai, living and dead, from the clan leaders’ home.

  “Are you expecting more attacks like this one?” asked Devin.

  “Like this one?” said Zanshi. “No. This will be their only frontal attack. The rest will be subtle attacks aimed at dividing and destroying us from within.”

  “Their chances of success?”

  “Slim, since the other clans only have figureheads as leaders,” said Zanshi. “Our clan is stronger than all of them combined and they know this, which has prompted this attack in an attempt to unbalance us.”

  “That and their fear of the third focus being bonded to a warrior,” added Devin. “Let’s not forget that.”

  “And that,” said Zanshi with a grim smile. “Mariko and our clan will deal with them.”

  “Good, but I need to return, sensei,” said Devin. “I’ve been away from the hub too long and I need to get back.” He traced glyphs in the air. With a concerted effort, he opened a portal.

  Zanshi looked at the portal in surprise. “You are stronger than you let on,” said Zanshi. “You are not supposed to be able to do that right now.”

  “Better to be underestimated and surprise your opponent than the opposite,” said Devin.

  “Spoken like a Mikai,” said Zanshi and then he bowed. “I look forward to our next meeting. Perhaps you will honor me with some light sparring on your next visit.”

>   “The honor would be mine,” said Devin as he returned the bow and stepped through the portal.

  Devin arrived in the hub to a pervasive silence. Hallways that were usually used by the students to travel from the living quarters to the training areas were now empty.

  Where is everyone?

  As he neared the center of the hub, he sensed the latent energy build-up near the lake.

  No reason for anyone to be there unless…an attack is imminent.

  He heard voices as he approached one of the main training floors.

  “The outer barriers have been weakened,” said one of the students. The robe he wore designated him as part of the Monitors. “It’s only a matter of time before they attack the nexus directly.”

  “Who is attacking the nexus?” asked Devin as he joined them. The Monitor in the robe jumped, startled by Devin’s words and presence.

  Must be new. A seasoned Monitor would have sensed me earlier.

  “Sir!” said the Monitor and then composed himself. The other student faced Devin and bowed.

  “Where are the seniors?” asked Devin. “And where is everyone?”

  “All of the seniors have moved to the nexus, sir,” said the Monitor. “Anyone not of senior rank is to remain in the outer areas.”

  “Who gave these instructions?” asked Devin. “What are your names?”

  The Monitor bowed again as he spoke. “I’m Tyler, sir, and this is Andrew.”

  “Tyler, who instructed that the seniors go to the nexus?” said Devin.

  “The Council, sir. They were the ones who closed the school,” said Tyler.

  “And everyone else is where?”

  “They have spread out along the outer perimeter of the hub, to the points, sir,” said Andrew. “Every area except the Black Lotus. We were told that was off-limits except to Black Lotus only.”

  The strongest warriors and guardians are in the nexus, where they won’t be able to fend off an attack until it’s too late, and the outer perimeter is lightly defended. Did no one see this?

  “Here is what I want the both of you to do,” said Devin. “Go to the outer areas and tell them the Council gave new orders. Everyone is to move to the inner defenses.”

  “But the Council?” said Tyler.

  “Let me deal with the Council, but both of you go, now,” said Devin. “Make sure no one remains behind.”

  Tyler and Andrew headed off to the outer perimeters of the hub as Devin headed for the nexus.

  One stop first. Why would they want the Lotus area off limits?

  He turned down several corridors and found the one he wanted. He looked down the corridor and back the way he came to make sure no one could see him. Once he made sure it was clear, he pressed several panels in the wall and accessed a hidden door. It opened without a sound into a dark passage that was half the size of the hallway he currently stood in.

  Let’s see what the Lotus is doing.

  Making sure the door closed behind him, he took the passage down to the Lotus area. He let his senses expand just enough to sense what was on the other side of the wall. It wasn’t enough. The suppression field the Lotus used in their area made it impossible to distinguish anything with accuracy. It was usually kept at a minimal setting, but he could sense it was a full power.

  At least I know I’m in the right place.

  He placed his hand on the door and opened it just enough to look into the room. What he saw drew him up short and caused him to catch his breath. The rage rose as what he saw registered. All of the seniors were manacled to the far wall. Even from his hiding place, he could see the glyphs on each of the manacles. They were suppressor cuffs.

  Shit, this is bad. How did they manage to get them all?

  He peered out of the passage again and saw that the large room was full of Black Lotus. He counted at least forty of them armed with crossbows and blades. Only five of them remained close to the wall where the seniors were manacled. The rest appeared to be idle, their job done.

  Forty-to-one odds. No room for error or compassion.

  He looked closer at the seniors and noticed that many of them weren’t moving. Only two showed signs of life. Michael shifted as his head hung limp. The bruises on his face made him barely recognizable. From their coloration, the beating had taken place some time ago. Next to Michael, and towering over the Black Lotus around him, stood Mouro. The veins in his arms bulged as he pulled against the manacles. His hair was matted against his head as sweat poured down his face and chest from the effort. He continued to strain against the suppressors as the Lotus beat him, but it was futile—he could not break them.

  They have them in pairs. All the senior warriors and guardians.

  Devin reached down and pulled on the chain that hung around his neck. Attached to the chain, a large clear prism pulsed. This prism was twice the size of the one he had provided Meja and it was shaped into a solid glyph configuration. He put the prism against his skin and stepped into the room. He inhaled and spoke several words under his breath as he exhaled. The glyph became crimson and appeared to absorb all of the light that surrounded it. With the prism acting as a conduit, he let his chi flow around him. Black orbs manifested around him, crackling with crimson energy. The first ten Lotus dropped to the floor as the orbs hit them and killed them where they stood. The orbs absorbed their chi and redirected it to Devin, giving him increased power. The remaining Lotus drew their weapons and focused on him.

  He expanded his awareness and checked the seniors manacled to the wall now that he was closer. Only Michael and Mouro were alive. The rest had succumbed to the torture and beatings. Reaching into a side pocket, he placed a prism in Mouro’s hand.

  “Shield yourself and Michael,” said Devin. “Use the glyph I taught you.”

  Mouro grunted his assent as he clenched the prism and created a sphere large enough to cover Michael and himself. The sphere, once formed, remained translucent for several seconds before becoming opaque and hiding the seniors from view. Devin removed the prism from his neck and crushed it in his hand. Crimson light escaped the prism and bathed his body as the prism shattered. Each shard exploded outward for several feet and then returned to hover around him. Devin traced a glyph with both hands in the midst of the shards that floated in front of him. Once done, he clapped his hands together around the shards. Dozens of small cuts began to bleed from the shard cuts. The blood flowed and his hands emanated light as a large crimson orb formed around him. The Lotus retreated, sensing danger, but they were too late.

  “Siphorusso,” whispered Devin.

  The orb exploded. Crimson light filled the room, bathing the room in an unnatural glow. The Lotus closest to him died instantly, their bodies disintegrating as the light reached them. Those farther back suffered a chi extraction as their bodies crumpled to the floor. Screams and whimpers crashed into each other as Devin crouched low in the center of the explosion. When he stood, the room was silent. Crimson energy raced all over his body he took a step and stumbled.

  Too much energy. Can’t contain this much…need to bleed it off.

  He put his hands together and faced away from the solid sphere Mouro had created. A beam of energy escaped his hands and blasted through the wall, leaving a gaping hole five feet wide and just as tall. He walked over to the opaque orb and placed a hand on its surface. It became clear and then disappeared.

  In the corner, he heard coughing. He made his way over to the Lotus member who lay on the ground, coughing up blood. He crouched down and examined him.

  “I don’t know how you survived, but it doesn’t look like you have long,” said Devin. “Who did this?”

  “White…White Lotus,” said the man on the ground. “We will overcome our enemies. We live to serve and die.”

  “Looks like you are doing the dying part now,” replied Devin. “Whom do you serve? Why kill the seniors?”

  The man smiled at Devin. “He commands us,” he answered. “The Wheel commands us and we live to die and serve.�
� With those words, the man breathed his last breath.

  The White Lotus? Wheel is behind this, but why kill everyone?

  He left the White Lotus where he lay and made his way over to the wall of seniors.

  “You look like hell,” said Devin. “What happened?”

  “Devin,” croaked Michael. “Glad you could join the party. Was that a red siphon I felt? You are insane. It could have killed you.”

  “Chance I had to take, as I didn’t feel like dancing with them,” said Devin. “Have you ever heard of the White Lotus?”

  Michael shook his head slowly and winced at the action.

  “Council, Black Lotus—all dead. I don’t know what the White Lotus is, but this was an inside attack. They had infiltrated the school. They were dressed as Black Lotus and took us by surprise.”

  “How did they get the seniors?” said Devin as he grabbed both their manacles and shattered them. “Did they get the Master?”

  “The food,” said Michael. “Somehow they poisoned the food. Those that survived found their abilities suppressed. Once we ate, they attacked us. We killed many, but they had greater numbers. They killed the Master first.”

  “He posed the greatest threat,” said Devin as he struggled to speak. “It makes sense to remove him first.”

  “I’m sorry, Devin. We could do little without our abilities. The poison weakened us. Many died right after eating.”

  “It’s not your fault,” said Devin as he composed himself. “Someone went through a lot of trouble to remove the seniors, the Council, and the Black Lotus.”

  “They want the nexus, whoever they are,” said Michael while rubbing his wrists.


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