Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) Page 1

by Krista Lakes

  Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story

  Krista Lakes

  Published by Zirconia Publishing, Inc., 2015.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. December 16, 2015.

  Copyright © 2015 Krista Lakes.

  Written by Krista Lakes.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About This Book

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Thank you!

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 1

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 2

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 3

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 4

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 5

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 6

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 7

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 8

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 9

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 10

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 11

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 12

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 13

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 14

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 15

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 16

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 17

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 18

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 19

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 20

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 21

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 22

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 23

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 24

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 25

  Sunrise Kisses: Epilogue

  Thanks again!

  Check out my other works!

  About the Author

  About the Publisher

  About This Book

  Maids don't ever get to go to the ball... do they?

  Jace Connors:

  Stretched thin from running a business and organizing a wedding, the last thing Jace needs is the world's most eligible bachelorettes trying to sneak their way into his bed. When he meets Ella grooming the inn's horses, though, she leaves him breathless. Jace knows that he can't let her get away...

  Ella McDaniels:

  What starts as an almost-kiss in the barn ends up captivating Ella, even though she knows that the richly dressed Jace is out of her league. However, when he keeps showing up wherever she is, her attraction to him grows. And if she can outwit her wicked stepmother, she just might be able to dance with him at the wedding reception ball. There's only one problem...

  What if Jace is actually the groom?


  “Do you have a hard brush? I'm done with the curry comb,” Jace announced, stepping back to view his work.

  “Of course.” Ella picked up the heavy wooden brush and thought about just handing it over iron bars separating the top half of the stalls, but she didn't. Instead, she went to the door and walked around, entering Commander's stall with Jace.

  She didn't know why she did it. She knew she should keep her distance from this man since he was a guest, but her body moved on its own accord and suddenly, she was standing very close to him. She had meant to say something clever and cute, but now that she was actually within touching distance, her brain went blank. Commander stood quietly to the side, watching the two of them with uninterested ease as he waited for the rest of his grooming.

  Her mouth went dry. “Here,” she said, holding out the brush, her heart pounding for no reason that she could come up with.

  He took a step toward her, closing the small distance between them in half a heart beat. She could smell the soft scent of his aftershave. It was a nice clean scent, something with pleasant cedar notes that reminded her of camping under the stars. It was hard not to get melty when a guy smelled that good.

  “Thank you.” He was suddenly very, very close. His hand closed around hers and the brush. The first time they'd touched had nothing on this. This time, her entire body tingled and goosebumps spread down her arms. She was sure he could hear the pounding of her heart in her chest.

  His eyes were so blue they physically made her ache. The green accents deep within them only made her think of dark water and wonderful secrets, but it was the warmth with which he was looking at her right now that had her gasping for breath.

  Commander shuffled his feet, unhappy with the lack of brushing. His rump ran directly into Ella's shoulder and knocked her off balance. Her arms flailed as she tumbled toward the ground, but she didn't fall. Jace caught her. As if in slow motion, his hand moved to her waist, pulling her in close to him. His strong body steadied hers, holding her upright and against him. Her hand splayed out on his chest, pressing against the firm muscle under his fine-linen dress shirt.

  A tantalizing surge of desire to kiss him welled up inside of her. How would he taste? Would his face be smooth or prickly with a day's growth? Her lips needed to know, to reach out and touch him. Somehow, probably instinctively, she knew without a doubt that kissing him would be like tasting heaven.

  Ella's brain worked in slow motion, desire warring with reason. She just met this man and he was a guest. She shouldn't be leaning in, rising up on her tiptoes, closing her eyes and holding her breath for him to do the same. Yet, all she wanted in this moment was this kiss. This perfect kiss...


  Don't miss the extra novel at the end, Sunrise Kisses! Also, don't forget to sign up for my newsletter! You'll be the first to see my new covers, comment on new books of mine, and always know when books are available for free or on sale!

  Chapter One

  Ella curled her fingers into a ball, holding them tight in front of her in a way that she hoped looked demure and repentant. Her fingernails dug into her palms. She tried her best to remain calm as the woman in front of her continued the nasty tirade.

  “The guests are reporting that the rooms are unsatisfactory.” Delores's hand came down hard on the big oak desk, shaking the smiling pictures of Delores and her biological daughter with various celebrities. Her green eyes blazed at Ella as if the failings of the entire inn and resort were all Ella's fault. “They say that the air conditioning isn't working correctly and no one is doing anything about it.”

  “I'll have maintenance look into the air conditioning,” Ella replied slowly, once she was sure she was supposed to reply at all. She kept her tone calm and respectful. Delores was her stepmother and her boss, after all. “We need new ones. These should have been replaced last year.”

  “New ones?” Delores squawked, holding a hand to her throat. Two ruby rings sparkled on her bony fingers. �
�We can't afford new air conditioning units. The ones we have are fine. You just need to have maintenance actually do their jobs.”

  Ella dug her fingernails a little deeper into her palms. It would help if there wasn't a new maintenance man every other week. Delores refused to pay anyone their worth, so good help was hard to keep. It had been ages since Ella had a decent handyman around to help fix thinks. Luckily, Ella had put an order for a few new air conditioners, using money she managed to siphon from other parts of the inn. It wasn't enough for the entire inn, but with the cool early summer nights coming up, she was hoping it would be enough. She didn't dare bring up that purchase right now, though. Her stepmother would just rip her another one and find something else to blame on her.

  “Of course, Mother. I'll make sure the rest of the housekeeping staff understands as well.” Ella tipped her head politely, hoping that this could be the end of the verbal beating for the day. She still had a lot to do to get ready for the guests arriving this evening.

  “Stepmother,” Delores corrected, hissing slightly. Her narrow mouth pinched tighter. “Don't you forget that. I wouldn't have spawned anything so lazy and ungrateful as you.”

  Ella kept silent, her head tucked as she stared at the ornate oak desk and bit back the million retorts she had stored for moments like this. She never said them, though. Getting her stepmother angry wouldn't help anything. It would only make things worse.

  “That's another thing,” Delores said, pulling out the big leather chair and sitting down at the big desk. She crossed her thin legs and glared at Ella. “If everything isn't perfect this weekend, I'm docking your pay.”

  Ella's head jerked up, eyes flashing. She was paid a pittance as it was, and she needed every penny. “What?”

  “I'm glad I have your attention.” Delores's green eyes sparkled with an evil gleam. She delighted in torturing Ella and they both knew it. Years of hatred flowed in Delores's gaze. “Everything must be perfect. Mistakes like hot rooms can't be made this weekend. The Connors expect billionaire-level service and we are going to give it to them. If you can't handle that, then I see no reason to pay you. Honestly, I should have fired you a long time ago, but you are family.”

  The word family came off Delores's tongue with a venom that made it clear that the word and the meaning were two very different things. Shoving down the hurt boiling in her stomach, Ella nodded meekly. At least the threat was the usual one. Her stepmother had threatened to throw her out every week since her father died.

  “Of course, Stepmother.”

  Delores watched Ella for a moment through cold, narrowed eyes. Ella stood straight under her glare and dug her fingernails into her palms just a little bit harder, though much more and she'd draw blood. If only her father knew how hard she was trying to keep her promise to him. She would run the inn someday, despite Delores's best attempts to make her quit. She knew she should be used to her stepmother's temper by now, but Delores was in a darker mood than usual.

  “You understand just how important this weekend is, don't you, Ella?” Delores's voice was low and dangerous. The last time Ella had heard her voice like this, she had forgotten to rearrange the trash schedule. After that, she wasn't paid for a week.

  “Of course I do. We haven't been seeing the usual amount of guests this season and we need some good press to attract more. This wedding between Madelyn Connor and Jason Buchanan must be perfect. Madelyn's billionaire brother has paid for perfect. We're counting on the good press of a beautiful, idyllic wedding.” Ella countered her stepmother's stare, purposefully leaving out the rest of her thoughts. The decrease in guests had more to do with the insane prices Delores insisted on charging rather than negative press. “The inn needs to be known as a place where billionaires marry.”

  “I don't care about getting more billionaires here. I care about using the ones we have coming. This is my chance to move up in the world,” Delores replied, leaning back in her chair. The sunlight off the graying roots of her dyed blonde hair. Delores had been beautiful once. That much was easy to see, but years of frustration and struggle had whittled away any of the sweetness she once had. Only bitterness remained.

  Ella was glad that in six more months that she wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.

  “Yes, ma'am.” Ella nodded, waiting for her dismissal. She tried not to look at the papers scattered across Delores's desk. Several letters from the IRS sat unopened. Ella wished her stepmother would let her handle the inn's finances, but that would mean giving up control of the bank accounts. Money was all that mattered to Delores.

  The sound of tires on the gravel driveway filled the room and Delores rose from her chair. “Now, if you'll excuse me, the guests of honor have just arrived. Go make yourself scarce. No billionaire wants to see the likes of you.”

  Chapter Two

  Ella hurried out of the stuffy office. She grabbed the door, finding that it had once again swung open on it's own again. Not much, just a couple of inches. The latch needed to be reset. Ella put it on her mental list of things to fix. Once outside and down the hallway, Ella took in a deep, relaxing breath.

  Hopefully, Delores would be busy with schmoozing her wealthy patrons for the next few hours and wouldn't find ways to make Ella's life more of a living hell.

  Not that even a billionaire and his sister would be able to stop her, Ella thought bitterly. She shook her head as she walked quickly past the main entrance with the marble entryway that Delores had insisted on and the inn was still paying for. She nearly ran into a man in a black suit with a thin black tie. Ella assumed he was part of the billionaire's security team and simply apologized and kept walking.

  As soon as Ella turned twenty-two, her father's will stipulated that the inn would go to Ella as long as she had worked faithfully in service to the inn. There was no doubt in Ella's mind that she had worked her butt off for the inn, so all that remained was time. Six more months and the inn could be rescued from Delores's horrible management. Not only did Delores not have any idea how to run the inn, those IRS letters on her desk gave Ella a bad feeling.

  Ella hurried to the side entrance and snuck outside just as three limos, followed by cars with unpronounceable Italian names opened their doors. From the corner of the building, Ella watched as Delores stepped out and greeted the billionaire wedding party.

  It was a bitter pill to swallow. Ella had done everything in her power to make this happen, but she was forbidden from the final step. She wasn't even going to be allowed to witness the wedding or the reception. Delores had already informed her being seen at either would result in a serious pay cut.

  It had been Ella's idea to send the inn's brochure, along with the extra three photographs, to Connor Conglomerate's CEO, Xavier Connor. It was Ella who had done all the legwork, gotten everything in motion, worked with the wedding planner, and ultimately done all the labor to get to this day. Well, as much work as one could do without ever getting to talk to anyone important. There was no way Delores would let those golden strings attached to important people slip through her fingers. Delores was the voice on the phone while Ella had been the body.

  With a frustrated sigh, Ella turned from the entrance and continued along the side path, making her way toward the small barn on the property. Someday, this upstate New York property would be hers. All of it. The beautiful 1920's style mansion nestled against the lake and all the property that came with it would be hers to turn into something people waited months to stay at.

  Six more months and her dreams for this place could come true. She'd been saving her paychecks for years now so she could actually hire and retain good workers, as well as replace all the bargain priced junk Delores insisted was quality.

  “Are you actually going to be able to leave on time today?” Maria asked, falling in-step with Ella and breaking her train of thought. Despite Ella's quick pace, the stout older woman kept up easily, used to hard work. She was one of the few workers at the inn that had stayed after Ella's father died. Almost everyo
ne else had left when Delores refused to pay a decent wage.

  “I wish.” Ella shook her head. “I'm headed to the barn for a quick break. I still have to finish the linens for tomorrow. And get the rehearsal dinner set up in the dining room.”

  “And fourteen other things too, I imagine.” Maria sighed, shaking her head. “That woman makes you do too much. It's not fair, Ella. You deserve better than what she gives you.”

  “You tell her that,” Ella replied with a shrug. “Delores might actually listen to you.”

  “Hell no. I'd like to keep living a few more years.” Maria shuddered and made the sign of the cross over her chest. “That woman scares me. I'm fairly certain the only reason she's still breathing is because the Devil is too scared to come get her.”

  Ella chuckled. At least she wasn't the only person on the grounds who disliked Delores. She stopped and fixed one of the loose stones on the path, making sure it stayed neat and organized. A decent gardener was on her list of people to hire. “Six months, Maria. Six months and I'm going to run this place. Things will go back to the way they should be.”

  “I'll be here to help whenever that happens.” Maria patted her shoulder, the motion motherly and comforting. It made Ella's heart ache in a way she couldn't describe. Even though she was twenty-one years old, she still felt like a lost child sometimes. Maria was closer to a mother for Ella than Delores ever was. “Don't work too hard, Ella. I'll see you tomorrow.”

  Ella nodded, watching the older woman turn and head for the employee parking lot hidden behind the inn. She watched for a moment as the rest of the housekeeping day staff laughed and climbed into cars to head home. But not Ella. No, Ella still had more work to do. With a sigh, she kept walking.

  The last of the day's warm June sunshine fell on her shoulders, as she stepped nimbly down the carefully tended pathways. Every step reminded her of her father. Jonathon McDaniels had loved tending all the gardens surrounding the inn. As a child, the two of them had planted flower after flower in the summers. The annuals they planted were currently in full bloom, making the memories even closer. The two of them had been happy.


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