Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) Page 34

by Krista Lakes

  “And there was Charlotte...” I could just imagine Charlotte's face when Leo walked into her brother's dorm room butt naked and flushed from running in the cold. No wonder she couldn't stop blushing around him.

  “It was rather traumatizing for both of them.” Bastian laughed, shaking his head. “Gabe never let him live it down.”

  “Did Gabe end up getting the girl?” I asked. “I mean, that was the whole reason for going streaking, right?”

  “She ended up dating one of the cops.” Bastian's eyes twinkled as he sipped on his drink.

  “Poor Leo! All that work and nakedness and Gabe didn't even get his girl.” I started laughing and Bastian joined in.

  I loved hearing Bastian laugh. It was rich and deep, with a joy that just made me want to join in with him. I could listen to him laugh all day. I could listen to his stories all day. I wanted to hear more, to find out more about the people in his life and everything I could in his world.

  Bastian reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. I could see the light going off as a call came in. He looked at it and then looked at me apologetically.

  “It's Charlotte with an update on the app. Would you mind terribly if I took this?” His gray eyes held hope that I wouldn't be angry.

  I smiled at him. “No, say hi for me. I'll go get us more drinks.”

  “Thanks.” He smiled, relieved that I wasn't going to get angry. I understood that he was a billionaire and that required he take the odd phone call when we were out having fun. Business never stopped. Besides, I liked Charlotte.

  I made my way over to the bar. It was busy, with three servers working. I found an empty space and wiggled my way in to get my order.

  “Hey, hot stuff,” a drunk voice said behind me. I didn't turn to acknowledge him. I was here with someone and I wasn't interested in dealing with anyone who called me “hot stuff.”

  I grabbed my drinks from the bartender and turned to leave, but blocking my way was Mr. “hot stuff.” He had on a garish salmon t-shirt and lime-green plaid shorts that made my eyes hurt just looking at them.

  “Excuse me,” I said, trying to work my way around him and not spill my two drinks. I just wanted to get back to Bastian, not deal with some drunk frat boy.

  “Come on, baby, let me buy you a drink...” the man slurred, looking me up and down and grinning. His oversized aviators fell off his head and he stumbled to pick them up. It gave me my opening to escape.

  I held up my two drinks, as I moved. “Not interested.”

  “Denied!” yelled one of Salmon-shirt's buddies, pointing at Salmon-shirt. There were three of them at a pool table, all wearing different versions of the plaid short/garish t-shirt combo. They all began to laugh at Salmon-shirt, so I just I hurried away and back to Bastian.

  “Anything important?” I asked as I sat down and slid him his drink.

  He shook his head. “Just Charlotte checking in. Things are right on schedule.”

  “How is she?” I asked, hoping he would read into the question a little bit.

  “Fine.” He took a sip of his drink and leaned back. “And, no, there isn't anything interesting going on between her and Leo. She wanted me to tell you that.”

  I giggled and scooted my chair back to where our legs could touch again. “Tell me more about your adventures in streaking,” I asked, batting my eyelashes at him.

  “I actually think it's your turn,” he replied, grinning from ear to ear. “I want to hear all about you being naked.”

  I blushed, but took a sip of my drink and started to tell him the story of how I went streaking that one time in college.


  Several hours and some drinks later, Bastian and I stumbled out of the bar. It had become even more crowded as the night had gone on and we both had work in the morning. Even so, I was delightfully tipsy, and from the not-quite-straight way Bastian was walking, he wasn't much better. It felt wonderful.

  I held onto his burly arm as we stepped out into the hot night air. It felt almost cooler out here without all the people crowding into the small space. Bastian patted his pocket for the keys and I giggled as he stumbled on a perfectly straight step.

  “I can't drive,” he announced. He looked at me and how I was hanging off of him and giggling uncontrollably. “And neither can you. I'll call Elijah.”

  “Where is he?” I asked, looking around. I hadn't seen him all night.

  “I asked him to be discreet tonight,” Bastian informed me with a wink. I giggled, feeling naughty.

  Bastian pulled out his phone and hit a button. “Elijah. We need a ride.” Someone said something on the other line and Bastian hung up. He glanced back at the bar door. “He'll be here in just a minute. I'm going to go use the bathroom for a second.”

  “You can use it for more than a second,” I teased. “In fact, I'd recommend it.”

  Bastian chuckled and kissed me on the forehead. He looked so relaxed and calm. This had been a great evening. He grinned and headed back inside.

  I stood out on the front porch, watching the insects buzz the lights. It was quiet out here, as the party was going on inside. The sounds of the bar were muffled through the heavy door as I made my way to the far end of the porch. The night air was thick and heavy. I could get used to nights like this, I thought, taking a deep breath in. Especially with Bastian.

  “All alone now, aren't you, hot-stuff?”

  I spun to see Salmon-shirt walking up the side steps of the front porch. The hairs on the back of my neck started to prickle.

  “My date's just in the bathroom,” I stated, looking at the door to the bar and suddenly finding it very far away. “He'll be back any minute.”

  “Sure he will,” Salmon-shirt agreed. The stagger and red in his eyes said that he was definitely drunk. I swallowed hard as his three buddies came out from behind the bar and stood in the parking lot. One of them opened the door to a very expensive-looking car and pulled out a flask. As if they hadn't had enough to drink already.

  “Please, I don't want any trouble,” I said, trying to figure out if I could make a run for the bar doors. I didn't want to appear to obvious, but I no longer felt safe out here alone. Everything about these men screamed spoiled, rich brats. They were all Chads, but with an unlimited supply of money. If they wanted something, they could just take it.

  “It's no trouble at all, hot-stuff,” Salmon-shirt assured me. He strode toward me, putting himself quickly between me and the door to the bar faster than I had expected. I was trapped. “But you see, you embarrassed me in front of my friends.”

  One of his friends yelled out something that sounded vulgar. My heart started to pound and my palms went sweaty.

  He licked his lips and raised his hand, trying to brush a strand of hair out of my face. There was no way in hell I was letting him touch me, even if it was just to brush some hair away. I smacked his hand away from me as hard as I could.

  “Touch me again, and I'll put you down,” I threatened. The forcefulness of my words caught me by surprise. It probably had to do with that he reminded me so much of Chad. That and the alcohol.

  “Ooh,” he giggled. “I like a little bit of fight in my girls.”

  He moved so quick I didn't have time to react. His hands went to my arms, pinning me to the wall and holding me there. I tried to struggle, but he was stronger than he looked. I kicked out with my legs, but I didn't have a good groin shot and he made sure to stay far enough away that my heels couldn't come directly down on his feet. Panic started to pump through me.

  “You'll put me down, huh?” Salmon-shirt smirked. His friends laughed behind him, watching him and egging him on. “How about you go down?”

  Suddenly, Bastian's hand was on the guys shoulder and the next thing I knew, Salmon-shirt was flying off the deck and into the parking lot. He landed with a thud in the dirt, looking up to see Bastian advancing on him.

  Even from my position, Bastian looked terrifying. His big shoulders were outdone only by the massive snar
l across his face. The scar running down his cheek caught the streetlamp light and made him look vicious and feral.

  Salmon-shirt stood up, puffing his chest out and putting up his fists. Bastian waited for him to throw the first punch, dodging it easily before socking him squarely in the jaw.

  Salmon-shirt went down like a sack of potatoes. His friends got very quiet.

  “Get up,” Bastian commanded. His voice was low like thunder and just as menacing.

  Salmon-shirt shook his head, holding his hand to his jaw. He didn't look quite so drunk or so brave anymore. He looked like a spoiled, petulant child.

  Bastian grabbed the back of his shirt and hauled him to his feet. “I said get up,” Bastian snarled. Salmon-shirt was visibly quaking and turning a strange shade of pale green. Bastian tightened his grip on the salmon shirt. “Apologize to the lady.”

  “Sorry,” Salmon-shirt whispered, looking anywhere but at me.

  Bastian shook him like a rag doll and growled. “I think you can do better.”

  Salmon-shirt looked up at me, fear and honesty pouring out of his eyes. His voice cracked. “I'm very sorry, miss.”

  “Are you ever going to bother her or anyone like her again?” Bastian 's voice was so low and angry even I was frightened. Car tires squealed as Elijah peeled into the parking lot. Bastian lifted the man up higher, threatening to shake him again.

  Salmon-shirt shook his head vehemently from side to side. “No, sir!”

  “Good.” Bastian dropped him. Salmon-shirt went to his knees, tears running down his face. Bastian turned to face his buddies and gave them a death glare that should have killed each of them three times over. They each took three steps back and cowered a little.

  It was over by the time Elijah came running up, ready to defend me and Bastian to the death. The whole thing had taken less than thirty seconds.

  “Take care of this,” he instructed Elijah before running back to where I stood shaking like a leaf.

  “Are you okay?” His voice lost all traces of the anger and violence that had been there just seconds ago. He took my chin in his fingers and looked me over, his eyes full of care and concern.

  I nodded, not trusting my voice. I hadn't realized how strong he was. There was a fierceness and violence to him that frightened me, but when he looked at me, all I could see was the sweetness and kindness I knew from him.

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and escorted me down the stairs to the car Elijah had arrived in. The car was the same one as Charlotte and I had taken the last time I was at this bar. I decided that as much as I enjoyed the drinks here, I didn't want to come back. Both times I had left had been in disaster.

  He opened the door and helped me in, hurrying around to get in as well. He buckled my seat belt for me before doing his own, taking my hands in his when he finished.

  “You're shaking,” he told me, squeezing my hands tighter. I watched the muscles in his arms twitch under his shirt from exertion.

  Elijah opened the front door and started the car, driving us home. I hoped he sped, because I just wanted to get home. I wanted to curl up with Bastian and forget that moment of fear.

  “I tried to fight them off.” I wanted to explain. I needed to tell him that I hadn't just stood there and let it happen. “I tried, but he had me pinned...

  “I know,” he cut me off gently. “You're a fighter. I'm sorry I wasn't there. That shouldn't have happened to you.” There was true regret in his voice. He blamed himself and I hated it.

  “You had no way to prevent that,” I insisted.

  “Doesn't matter,” he said quietly, keeping my hands folded securely within his. “I want you safe.”

  I pulled one of my hands free from his and touched his face. He looked at me with failure in his beautiful gray eyes. His scars gleamed in the moonlight. I was so grateful to him for rescuing me that I didn't want to see that regret in his eyes.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. “You saved me.”

  I leaned forward and kissed him. It started innocently enough, but the adrenaline and fear mixed with gratitude and attraction overwhelmed me. I found my tongue pushing to enter his mouth, wanting his in mine and my hands pressing into his broad chest for more.

  He pulled back, grabbing my wrists and holding me in place.

  “I don't want to hurt you,” he groaned, fighting with his own desire. “I don't want to take advantage.”

  I pushed harder against him, imploring with him with my eyes not to stop. “Please,” I begged, unable to fight my attraction for him. His chivalrous refusal not to take advantage only made it that much harder. I wanted him even more. “Please...”

  His brow softened. He picked at a loose strand of hair by my cheek, carefully tucking it behind my ear. His eyes absorbed me, trying to decide if I really was asking.

  “Please, Bastian...” I whispered one more time. The sound of his name was his undoing. He kissed me just as the car pulled to a stop in front of the house. It was a short kiss, but full of raw passion.

  He had my seat-belt undone in an instant, picking me up in his arms and carrying me up the steps to the main entrance. Elijah opened the door, but that was the last I saw of him as Bastian carried me up the stairs and to his bedroom, kissing me the entire way.

  I loved his bedroom. It was obviously Sebastian's private space, and I loved being surrounded by the things he had chosen. The room was painted to match the sand outside and every piece of furniture was practical yet beautiful. It was comfortable and welcoming with a tranquility that made sleep come easily in that room.

  But not tonight. Tonight, the bed was anything but tranquil.

  I kissed him, hard and fast as he entered the bedroom. He let my feet go to the floor as he took me in his arms, fisting his hand into my hair and making sure that I couldn't escape his lips. His kiss sent a bolt of hunger through me so strong, I wasn't sure I could survive it.

  The all consuming thought of having him naked spurred my fingers to the hem of his shirt. He only paused long enough from his kisses to pull it over his head before greedily finding my mouth again. I arched into him, wanting bare skin to skin but tolerating having just my hands on him for the moment.

  His skin was smooth and hot under my fingers. The ridges of old scars flowed into the strength and firmness of his muscles. Just touching him was a drug and I couldn't get enough. Neither could he.

  With a growl, he turned and pressed my back into the wall by the door. With the wall to my back he had me pinned in the most delicious way. It wasn't frightening or intimidating, other than how turned on I was becoming. Every nerve wanted him to press harder, to take me in any way he wanted.

  I needed him closer, so balancing on one foot, I wrapped my other around his waist, pressing my aching need into his groin. A deep rumble of lust echoed through his big chest as his hand went to my thigh and slid up under my dress.

  The pads of his fingers were rough against the vulnerable flesh of my inner thigh. It made the fire burning in my core spark even higher. I pressed my dampening lacy panties against the hardening bulge in his pants, loving that he obviously wanted me as badly as I did him.

  My fingers went to his pants, struggling with the buttons for a moment before loosening them. I tugged hard on his pants and underwear until they pooled at his ankles. The only thing keeping his erection from completing me was the thin lace of my panties.

  Our eyes met. His pupils were huge with pure lust that had me panting and pressing against him harder. His fingers tightened on my thigh, and he rocked his hips into mine. His brows came together and he glanced toward his desk in the other room. The drawer with his condoms was so far away and he would have to let me go to get them.

  I wanted him in me. Joined to me. No, not wanted. Needed. I needed him to soothe the ache between my thighs more than I needed to breathe.

  “Don't stop,” I gasped, grinding into him with desperate want. I put my hand on his cheek, peering into his eyes and making sure he knew I wanted this. “I'
m on the pill. Just don't stop.”

  I didn't know it was possible to have my heart beat so fast at just a look. He growled, thrusting the thin lace of my panties to the side and thrusting his hard member deep into my throbbing, needful core.

  He glided upward, filling me completely with one swift, powerful motion. I gasped, my mouth opening at the pleasure of his entrance and the way his eyes widened in ecstasy. He groaned softly as he began to repeatedly bury himself deeper and deeper into me. I arched into him, crying out as he completed me again and again.

  His strong hands cupped my ass and he used the wall as leverage to drive into me. It was easy to lift my other leg around his waist, pumping my legs with his hips for more. He held me easily, rocking into me with powerful thrusts that rocked the axis of my entire world.

  The fever pitch inside of me grew, and my thighs tightened and contracted around his waist. His teeth bit down gently on my shoulder, the sharp edge of pain shocking my system into overdrive. My core clenched, surprising me with the sudden blinding swirl of colors that filled my vision. Bastian didn't stop his carefully timed thrusts. I barely heard him groan with pleasure as my body contracted and convulsed around his.

  “More...” I gasped as my body fell from the sudden high. I needed more of him. All of him. I was a drowning woman and he was air. I couldn't get enough of him.

  A wordless, lustful, growl reverberated through his chest and he spun from the wall and tossed me onto the big bed. I bounced twice as he kicked his clothing away from him and stalked toward the bed.

  He was all muscles and masculine power. Huge. Strong. And ready for more.

  I slithered out of my panties, tossing them to the floor before reaching behind my neck to find the zipper to my dress. Bastian didn't wait for me to find the zipper, let alone let me undo it. His hands caught the back of my skirt, pulling me to him using my dress like a rope.


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