Wildest Dream (Teach Me Book 1)

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Wildest Dream (Teach Me Book 1) Page 3

by RC Boldt

  Mac stood in his doorway across from her classroom, looking handsome as ever in a pair of dark blue khaki pants and white polo shirt, leather flip flops on his feet, one hand in his pocket and a large steno pad in his other hand with a pen clipped to it.

  “Oh, of course,” Tate answered, a bit breathlessly.

  Raine looked at her friend in shock. Tate never got breathless over any guy. Tate, with her sleek hairstyle, modest makeup and typical attire of a peasant skirt with a sleeveless top and flat sandals, she was one of those girls who could eat anything and still maintain her size one figure. However, Tate was so sweet, she made it impossible to hate her for it.

  Raine cleared her throat loudly, snapping Tate out of her trans-like state. Sheesh. What was the deal? Did Mac warrant the googly-eyed look? When she turned her gaze back to Mac, who was now smiling, that slight dimple making itself known, she knew the answer.

  The man was certainly a looker, that’s for sure. That dimple, though. Man, that dimple alone made a girl weak-kneed. But he was a no-go. She mentally reprimanded herself for being even slightly swayed into the ‘googly-eyed’ classification. It was just a damn dimple, anyway. So what if it were attached to an incredibly handsome and surprisingly nice guy.

  “Let’s head on downstairs,” Raine suggested, starting on her way down the hall.

  The three of them walked down the stairs to the first floor where the media center was located. Dozens of other teachers were filing through the doors, chatting excitedly about the new school year. As they entered, Raine noticed they had the usual donation of chicken biscuits from the local fast food restaurant waiting for them in the media center along with bottles of water. That was never a good sign when they offered food and drink for a meeting. This was going to be a long one.

  Groaning, she nudged Tate and gestured to the long tables filled with food. Tate immediately had a tormented look upon her face.

  Mac looked between the two of them curiously. “What am I missing here? It seems pretty cool to have food.”

  “Two words,” Raine answered.

  Then, together with Tate, they said, “Long meeting.” Raine tossed a thumb in Tate’s direction, “But for this one, it’s manna from the heavens.”

  “Hey!” Tate shoved her playfully.

  MAC FOLLOWED SUIT with Raine, grabbing a bottle of water and avoiding the temptation of the biscuits. Raine had scoped out an available round table off the right side of the room and the two of them walked over to stake their claim on it. He watched as she set her items down before sitting in the chair, keeping a close eye on the door. He slid into the seat beside her, opened up his notepad and began watching people file into the media center.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tate making her way over to them, arms full of the wrapped chicken biscuits—that girl couldn’t possibly intend on eating that much, could she?—while speaking with their principal, Mr. Pratt.

  Less than a minute later, they watched as Laney flitted through the door, looking furious, her mouth set in a thin line, tossing a dirty look over her shoulder, her light brown hair with golden highlights falling back into place over her shoulders as she turned her head back to continue into the room. He was too far away to determine if Laney’s hazel eyes had changed color, as they often did showcasing her current mood.

  Laney was tall, around five foot seven and had a J.Lo body type, but he knew from some of the photos in the albums Momma K. had shown him that Laney had always struggled with her weight as a child. She did her best to keep herself in line with her eating habits which Mac could totally respect. He still tried to maintain a fitness level relatively close to when he was in the Teams. Granted, he had definitely slimmed down quite a bit but he was still proud of how he took care of himself.

  A tall guy, Mac estimated him to be six foot one, followed her through the door. He ran both of his hands over his short, blonde hair with an expression on his face that belied his frustration.

  “That’s Zach,” Raine leaned over to tell him and he caught a hint of her vanilla scent. “He and Laney don’t exactly . . . see eye to eye.”

  A taller guy, probably around his own height of six foot three, trailed both Laney and Zach through the entrance, shaking his head at them, his blonde curls tossing with the movement. He looked up and caught Raine’s gaze and gave her a “What can you do?” smile.

  Mac heard her chuckle quietly beside him and looked over at her. “Your boyfriend?”

  Raine started at the question. “Oh, no. That’s just Lawson.”

  “Now, what’s this ‘just Lawson’ business?” Lawson took the seat on her other side and propped his arm along the back of her chair. He put his other hand over his heart dramatically. “You wound me deeply.”

  Raine playfully ruffled her friend’s tousled dark blonde curls on the top of his head, the sides shaved. “You’ll get over it, my dear.”

  “Hey! The hair’s off limits, Thompson. Few women get the privilege of running their fingers through it.” He leaned closer to Raine, in a low, conspiratory voice, “And we all know when that happens.”

  She shoved him back with a laugh, wrinkling her nose. “Gross!”

  “Hey, I’m just sayin.’ You run to drop pounds, but I like to say the beard drops the panties,” he whispered with a broad smile, stroking his beard that, even Mac had to admit, was well-trimmed and groomed.

  Lawson nudged her feet under the table with his own. “Make room for my long, luscious legs, woman.”

  She gave him an exasperated look. “We go through this every time we have a meeting. Plus, Mac is probably taller than you and he hasn’t once nudged me, Lawson.”

  “Not to mention, I believe you actually nudged my legs, buddy,” Mac finally spoke, raising a brow at Lawson. He was totally kidding, of course, but this guy seemed like he could hold his own.

  Lawson leaned in close to Raine to say in a staged whisper, “He looks scary. Are you sure he’s one of us?”

  Raine rolled her eyes and shoved her friend. “You’re weird.”

  “What? I’m just sayin.’ We are supposed to be at war with the machines, you know,” he looked around in mock-fear.

  Mac laughed as Raine shook her head at her friend. “Seriously. Lay off the sci-fi, Laws.”

  Just as he was about to introduce himself, Zach arrived at their table, bottle of water in his hand, ready to take his seat.

  “Zachariah, are you giving Laney a hard time?” Raine asked, winking at him.

  “He’d like to give her something hard, I bet,” Lawson whispered so only Raine and Mac heard.

  Mac was unable to hold in his snort at the inappropriate comment. Raine swatted Lawson’s arm and gave him a stern look.

  Yeah, this guy was okay in his book.

  Unaware of the comment, Zach replied, “Raine, when you use my given name, you remind me of my mother.” His head tipped to the side in thought, he continued on. “Now that I think of it, you resemble her quite a bit. She’s this tiny little woman with a big, hairy mole on the tip of her nose with this enormously long hair growing from it.”

  Laney had just arrived at the table in time to swat the back of his head. “Seriously, Zach? Your mother looks nothing like that. Remind me to tell her you said that the next time I see her.”

  “Watch it, woman. I’ve killed people for less than that.” He gave Laney his best intimidating glare. Laney ignored him and sat down in the seat beside him.

  Sighing loudly, Zach went on. “But we all know I could never do that to you.” Taking her hand and kissing it dramatically, “Not to the woman of my dreams.”

  Shaking her head at him and mumbling “whatever” before wiping her hand on her dress, Laney turned her attention to everyone else at the table. “So, this one is scheduled to be over an hour long.”

  They all collectively groaned at that announcement.

  Zach reached across Raine, hand outstretched to Mac. “Hey, man. Zach Mayson, Fifth Grade. English and Writing.”

�Callum Mackenzie but I go by Mac. Fourth Grade. Math.” The two men shook hands and Zach gestured to Lawson across from him, who was busy helping Tate unload what looked to be six chicken biscuits and two bottles of water along with her notepad. “That right there is my man Lawson Briggs. When he’s not helping Tate eat more than her weight in biscuits, he teaches Fifth Grade Reading.”

  “Watch it, Mayson,” scolded Tate as she sat. “I got them for all of us.”

  “Right. Tate, you could probably give some competitive eaters a run for their money.”

  Tate just ignored him, sitting down to begin eating a biscuit.

  “So, what’s this long meeting going to be about? They didn’t put an agenda out,” Laney asked Zach.

  Tossing his hands up, he asked, “Who do I look like? Freaking Perry Mason?”

  “Easy boys and girls,” Raine scolded them. Pointing at both of them she said, firmly, “Time out for both of you.”

  They glared at one another before quietly opening their notebooks just as Mr. Pratt announced the beginning of the meeting.

  Mac smiled inwardly thinking that this peculiar assortment of friends at this table were anything but ordinary or boring.

  As if reading his mind, Raine leaned over to whisper to him. “They’re not actually that crazy, you know,” her green eyes sparkling with humor.

  He leaned in toward her with a smile. “They actually seem pretty great to me.”

  That wide, stunning smile of hers came out and she turned an affectionate gaze toward her friends. “That they are,” she remarked softly.

  Mac swore he could still feel the warmth of that smile even minutes later.

  WEDNESDAY WAS UPON her before she knew it and she was about to kick Laney out of her classroom if she didn’t stop lecturing her on what to wear on her date with Ben.

  “Laney, I’ve got it covered. I’m certain I can dress myself appropriately,” Raine repeated for what seemed like the millionth time.

  “I know, I just want to make sure you ‘wow’ him tonight, that’s all,” Laney admitted. “I want everything to be perfect because you guys would be so good together.”

  “I hate to interrupt you ladies,” Mac paused in the doorway. He looked toward Laney. “Zach and Lawson are requesting your help, Laney, in making a final decision on something.”

  “Great,” she muttered under her breath. She turned to Raine. “Good luck tonight and call me as soon as it’s over.”

  She left the classroom, greeting him as she slid past.

  Raine blew out an exasperated breath. “Thanks for that.”

  Mac winked. “So. Big night tonight?”

  She groaned. “According to Laney, it’s the date of the century.”

  “Well, good luck. He’s a lucky guy,” he flashed her a smile with that infamous dimple.

  “Thanks, Mac.” Was it just her or did her voice come out a bit breathless? Damn him and the power of that dimple. With a sigh, she flopped into her chair and forced herself to focus on her lesson plans.

  It was a few minutes later that she realized she was still smiling.

  Oh, that damn dimple.

  RAINE ARRIVED AT The Surfside restaurant and bar a few minutes early for her date with Ben that night. The restaurant was located in Fernandina Beach, not far from the older, one-story beach home she rented.

  Her house wasn’t fancy by any means, but it was reasonable considering it was right on the beach. Her landlady, who requested Raine refer to her as Ms. Tina, had a bad experience with the previous renters and hadn’t wanted to rent it out to a “young person” again. Laney had saved the day and, since her mother had worked with Ms. Tina at the telephone company, put in a good word for her. Even better, she had gotten Raine a killer deal on rent, including most of the utilities, which was a key perk for anyone trying to survive on a teacher’s salary.

  Contrary to what Laney had implied, Raine thought she did a pretty decent job of dressing herself tonight. She had decided on a sleeveless, black and white patterned babydoll dress with a neckline showing just a hint of cleavage but nothing inappropriate. She paired it with her strappy black flip flops and a small, black leather handbag.

  She had texted him that she would wait at the main entrance to the restaurant on the Fletcher Avenue side and stood there, enjoying the salty breeze from the Atlantic Ocean across the street. It was a gorgeous, clear evening with the sun beginning to start its decline in the western sky.

  “Raine?” Turning, she found herself to see Ben walking up to her.

  “Hi, Ben,” she greeted him warmly.

  He stopped when he was in front of her and opened his arms with a friendly smile. “I come from a family of huggers. It’s often a great ice breaker. Want to give it a shot?”

  She looked at him suspiciously, but couldn’t help returning his smile. “Did Laney tell you I was a sucker for good hugs?”

  Surprise lit his eyes. “Actually, no. But that just means this night got off to an even better start, knowing that.”

  She walked right up to him and opened her arms. “Warning: You lose major points in my book if this ends up like one of those ‘ass out hugs.’”

  He threw his head back in a deep laugh before smiling down at her. “Raine, I would never even consider an ass out hug.”

  Oh, wow. That laugh of his.

  She closed the distance between them and he enfolded her in the hug. How he managed to not make it feel awkward or creepy was beyond her. Instead, Raine actually felt comfortable and . . . safe?


  She supposed that was because he was taller than she was by a foot. And she could definitely feel his six feet of lean, hard muscle from surfing pressed against her. When he pulled away, she was actually a little disappointment that the hug was over.

  “So, did I pass?” he asked.

  “That was truly impressive. You clearly have a lot of hugging experience.”

  His eyes sparkled in amusement. “I’ve been trying to perfect my non-ass-out hugging skills for years.”

  Oooh. Cute and funny.

  She certainly hadn’t anticipated that. Suddenly, she became considerably more hopeful about the outcome of this date.

  “Well, I’d go on record and say that was some stellar non-ass-out hug action,” she told him with a smile.

  Ben laughed. “Thank you. Ready to go get a table so we can discuss the other deal breakers you have?”

  Without hesitation, she said, “I’m ready.”

  As they entered the restaurant, she thought to herself, Laney just might have redeemed herself with this one.

  TWO SOLID HOURS filled with conversation flowed along comfortably with great food. Raine was certain her phone was going to explode with how much it was currently vibrating.

  “Can I just interrupt for a minute and say that Laney is in stalker-mode right now and if I don’t answer one of her million text messages quickly, she may show up here and crash our date?” She gave him an apologetic look. “I’m so sorry.”

  “No worries at all,” he told her. “Take your time and answer her. I’m going to have to get on my way since I still have a bit of a drive home. Let me just get the check and I can walk you out.”

  “Oh! Here, let me-” she began to pull her wallet out from her purse when he stopped her.

  “Raine, I’m taking care of the check,” came his firm response.

  “Are you sure? Because I’m totally fine paying my half.”

  “Trust me, Raine. It’s my pleasure to spend time with a beautiful girl.” He paused. “Plus, the great food doesn’t hurt, either,” he added with a wink.

  She quickly sent Laney a text.

  Raine: Quit stalking me. I’m good. About to head home in a sec.

  As soon as Ben had finished signing the bill, returning his credit card to his wallet, they walked down to the main entrance.

  Raine stopped. “Did you park on this side?”

  “I parked in the back,” he gestured behind them. He stepped closer. “I ha
d a really great time, tonight, Raine.”

  “I did, too.” She told him softly. The warm ocean breeze blew a few strands of her hair and she brushed them back.

  “So, you’d be game for a repeat?” Ben reached out and gently tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear.


  This was it. This was where the real test came. The first kiss.

  Raine watched with anticipation as Ben leaned down toward her, his eyes full of intent. She closed her eyes and felt his lips on her . . . temple.

  Wait. What?

  Trying to hide her surprise, she gave him a small smile. “Drive safe and I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Hug for the road?” he asked. In answer, she walked into his open arms and he gave her a quick gentle hug.

  “Goodnight, Raine.” He turned and walked in the direction of his vehicle as she headed in the other direction to her car.

  Raine unlocked her car and slid into the driver’s seat still mulling over the cheek kiss. Starting the engine and, looking down to realize she needed to fill up her gas tank, she began driving to the gas station. Thinking over the night, deciding she really had nothing to lose, she picked up her phone and dialed.

  As soon as he answered, she started in. “Okay, so I have to be completely honest with you. I am a bit disappointed in that kiss. I don’t think that was your best performance. At all,” she added, teasingly.

  Ben’s chuckle came over the line. “You’re absolutely right. I panicked at the last minute. How do you think I can redeem myself?”

  “I’m actually at the gas station on the corner of Fletcher and Sadler to fill up my car. I’m driving a blue Honda Civic. Meet me there and we can have a kiss redo. Then, I’ll let you know if you’ve managed to redeem yourself after that little cheek kiss.”

  “I’ll see you soon, Raine.” They hung up and she pulled into the gas station.

  As she swiped her card at the gas pump and began filling up her car, she saw a newer model, black Dodge truck pull in and park. Raine watched as Ben exited his truck and began walking toward her with a smile on his face. She pressed the hold-open latch on the pump handle and tilted her head toward the passenger side of her car.


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