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Knocked Up by the Single Dad

Page 17

by Lilian Monroe

  He lays me down gently and pulls away. I laugh.

  “Just like the first time,” I say, nodding towards the couch.

  He grins. “Hopefully we won’t have any surprises this time.”

  “I’m on the pill now.”

  Without a word, he dips his head towards me. His lips brush against my neck, nibble my earlobe and kiss my jaw. He tastes my lips again before trailing kisses all the way down towards my chest.

  “I like this,” he says, running his fingers over my bra. “It’s nice.”

  “Thanks,” I respond as I start grinding my hips towards him. He groans. His fingers trace the line of my bra over my breasts and he kisses the soft skin on my chest.

  Just like the first time we met, he touches every scar on my body with his fingers and follows with kiss after kiss. He takes his time, kissing my skin over and over until every scar has been covered, and then he moves over my stomach and kisses it as well.

  “I love your body,” he breathes. All I can do is moan in response. The way he touches me is electric. His hands send sparks flying off my skin as he explores my body like the first time. His mouth kisses every little bit of skin it encounters and he groans with pleasure. I buck my hips up towards him and reach down between us.

  “You’re so hard,” I breathe. He chuckles softly and keeps kissing the skin on my stomach. His hand travels from my knee up my thigh and his fingers dig into the flesh near my hip. I tilt them towards him and he hooks his fingers into my panties. He kisses the hem of my underwear softly, staring at the black against my pale skin.

  When he slides my underwear off, he does it slowly. He trails kisses all the way down my legs as he peels the fabric off my body. His hands travel all the way back up my legs and he massages the tops of my thighs with his hands. His thumbs graze against my slit and I shiver.

  “I want you,” I breathe. “I want you so bad.”

  He grins at me, still moving his hands in slow, long movements. Every time he brushes his fingers closer and closer to my slit it makes me quiver and moan.

  “Stop teasing me,” I breathe, and again all he does is grin and tease. I reach up towards his waistband and he pulls his shirt off. My hands roam over every smooth muscle as they ripple under his skin. He pulls his pants off and his cock springs free. I gasp, and he chuckles.

  “It missed you,” he says, stroking his cock gently.

  “I missed it too,” I say, biting my lip and watching his hand move back and forth. With his other hand he drags a finger along my slit and moans.

  “So wet,” he whispers. Before I can respond, he’s plunging his cock inside me from the tip to the hilt. It fills me up completely until nothing exists except him, me, and the pleasure exploding in my body. The pressure builds in my core as my hands claw at his skin, pushing him to thrust deeper and deeper inside me. He grunts and moans, glistening with a thin film of sweat as our bodies stay locked together.

  It’s more than sex this time. It’s more than attraction or lust. It’s more than whatever was pulling us towards each other all those months ago.

  This is the father of my child. His movements are my movements. His moans are my moans. His body is my body and we move together until I don’t know where he ends and I begin. He pushes himself deeper inside me and my back arches. I open my eyes and gasp as he enters me again and again.

  Our eyes meet and a grin spreads on his lips.

  “I love you Rosie,” he pants. “I love you so much.”

  Without warning, my orgasm erupts. The instant his words reach my ears, my body contracts and pleasure races through my veins until all I can see is him and all I can feel is his body around me, against me, inside me.

  I try to answer but all that comes out are gasps and noises until I close my eyes and let the pleasure transport me out of my mind and out of my body.

  My body contracts around him and I let it go. I let it all go. The air leaves my lungs and the thoughts leave my head as he thrusts himself into me just a little bit deeper.

  I feel his cock get harder and start pulsing and I know he’s coming. I open my eyes to see his mouth forms that satisfied ‘o’ and I smile, gasping for air.

  “I love you too,” I answer. “I love you too.”

  Those words mean more to me than I can imagine. Our bodies are locked together, our legs entangled and our arms wrapped around each other. We let our orgasms subside and then recover slowly, heartbeats slowing down together and breath mixing as the life comes back to our bodies.

  Lucas leans against his elbow and strokes my face, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “I love you,” he says again. “I don’t want to stop saying it. I love you Rosie.”

  My smile feels like it’s splitting my face from ear to ear. My eyes are misting up and I blink away the happiest tears I’ve ever had.

  “I love you too, Lucas.”

  The father of my child, the father of my children leans down and brushes his lips against mine. He’s here, and I’m here, and we have two healthy happy children. I didn’t know one person could be so lucky, and I definitely didn’t think that person could be me. I can’t help it, I have to say those three magical words again:

  “I love you."

  Epilogue - Rosie

  “She’s going to love you,” Lucas says, placing a kiss on my forehead. “Don’t worry.”

  “Ok,” I answer. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve had to meet the parents.”

  “My mother is more concerned with meeting Jack and spoiling him rotten than anything else,” he answers, laughing. “You’ll be lucky if she even notices you.”

  I turn back towards the arrivals gate and take another breath. His mother should be walking through any minute, and I bounce Jack in my arms. Allie jumps up and down beside me.

  “Do you think Grandma brought any of her gingersnap cookies?” She turns to me. “They’re my favourite. We used to make them together all the time.”

  “If she didn’t bring any, I’m sure you’ll have time to make some together,” I respond. Two whole weeks to make them.

  I’ll welcome the help with Jack, but I’m still nervous. Two weeks with the mother-in-law. Not technically, obviously, but she’s my mother-in-law for all intents and purposes. She’s said that she wants to help with the baby in any way possible, but I’ve heard so many horror stories about mothers-in-law that I’m not sure what to think.

  When she steps through the sliding doors, I know it’s her before Lucas says anything. She has his eyes, and his smile. She spots him and smiles immediately, then her eyes travel to Allie and then to me and the baby. Allie starts running towards her and Lucas’s mother spreads her arms wide. I can’t help but smile as Allie collides with her grandmother, who wraps her in an embrace that only grandmas can give.

  “Grandma!” Allie squeals, pulling away and slipping her hand into the old woman’s. She greets Lucas with a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek and then turns to me.

  “And you must be Rosie. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Martha.”

  “Hi Martha, this is Jack. Lucas tells me you’ve been wanting to meet him for some time now.”

  Martha’s face crinkles as she see’s Jack. She opens her arms and I pass him over. My heart melts as I see the wonder on her face. She brings him up to her face and kisses his forehead.

  “He’s beautiful,” she breathes. “What a beautiful boy.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, glancing at Lucas. He winks at me and then turns to his mother.

  “Do you have all your bags? We should get going.”

  “Oh, you’re always rushing rushing rushing,” Martha chides. “I’ve only just met my grandson!”

  “Come on, Mom,” Lucas laughs. “You can spoil him when we get to the house.”

  All my fears about the next two weeks evaporate. Martha is warm and friendly, and I can tell she has nothing but love for Lucas, Allie and Jack. Maybe even a little bit for
me. It’s a flurry of activity as we get her moved in to the guest room and get Allie to bed. Finally, I get to sit down in the living room with Jack in my arms. Martha and Lucas come and join me.

  “Thank you for having me, it’s very kind of you,” Martha says.

  “Oh please, of course we’d have you. We just needed to move into the new place before there was enough room. My old apartment was a typical New York shoebox,” I laugh.

  Lucas nods. “It was small.”

  Martha glances at me and I nod to Jack. “You want to hold him? He’s sleeping but I think he’s taken a liking to you already.”

  Martha beams and holds out her arms. I watch as she rocks him back and forth and takes in all his tiny features. Lucas and I exchange a glance and he smiles. I shake my head, not believing how lucky I’ve been. A year ago I was recovering from the traumatic stabbing by Harper’s stalker, and now I’ve inherited the most loving family I could imagine.

  Martha looks at me and then at Lucas. She nods to the baby and I take Jack back, and then she glances at her hands. She pulls off the ring on her left hand and holds it to Lucas.

  “Now, I know I should wait to do this, but I can just sense the love you have for each other and for that baby and the little girl upstairs. I always knew you’d find someone,” she starts.

  “Mom,” Lucas interjects, but stops when she shoots him a glance.

  Martha continues: “This was my mother’s ring.” She holds it up to Lucas. “Now you don’t need to give it to her right now, but I want you to have it. This is a special woman and a special ring. Since your father died, I haven’t needed it. It should be worn by someone younger than me.”

  “Mom.l.” Lucas starts again. There’s a lump in my throat and all I can do is watch. Martha shakes her head and hands the ring to Lucas, who takes it gently. He holds it up to his face and inspects it for a few moments before looking at me.

  “Well,” he says, and then stands up and kneels down in front of me. “No sense in waiting. Rosie, I love you more than anyone or anything else in this whole world. You’re the mother of my child, and you’ve become a mother to Allie ever since you met her. I can’t imagine my life without you.” I can see the tears in his eyes as mine mist up. I still can’t say anything from the lump in my throat.

  Lucas stares deep in my eyes. “Marry me, Rosie.”

  The smile cracks my face open. I don’t know if I’ve ever smiled this hard, or this sincerely in my whole life. I nod. “Yes,” I whisper, and then say a bit louder. “Yes!”

  Lucas laughs and slips the ring over my finger. He puts his hands on either side of my face and kisses me harder than ever before. We’re both shaking, and I can’t stop smiling and laughing as we pull away.

  “Yay!” Allie’s voice calls out from the top of the stairs.

  “You’re supposed to be in bed!” Lucas yells. Allie runs downstairs and jumps up. I’m laughing and smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

  “Well that’s settled then,” Martha says, sitting back. “Now let me see my grandson again.”

  I laugh again and nod, handing Jack over to his doting grandmother.

  “Lucky kid,” I breathe. I look at Lucas and Allie and Martha. “Lucky me.”


  The End

  I hope you enjoyed Knocked Up by the Single Dad as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  If you did, please tell me about it by leaving a review on Amazon.

  Keep reading for a preview of Book 1 of the Knocked Up series to hear about Rosie’s past and Harper’s very own happily-ever-after.

  You can click here or copy the following link into your browser:

  As a special bonus, I’ve included my debut novel, Doctor O, completely FREE. Just keep reading!

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  xox Lilian

  Twitter: @Lily_Author

  Facebook: @MonroeRomance



  Knocked Up by the CEO

  A Secret Baby Holiday Office Romance

  Lilian Monroe



  I can’t have kids. I’ve been poked and prodded, tested, re-tested, and ultimately heartbroken when one doctor after another shook their head and said that ugly word: infertile. It’s just a fact of life. I can’t have kids.

  That’s what I’ve always believed, at least, until one wild night at the office Christmas party changes everything.

  Zach Lockwood is my boss, the company’s CEO, and New York’s most eligible bachelor. He’s also… my baby’s daddy??

  How will he react when old and new secrets start to unravel right in front of our eyes? Will one night of fun make me lose everything I’ve ever cared about?


  I don’t know what it is about her, but I’ve never been able to keep my eyes off her. Tonight she’s mine. I’m claiming those luscious curves and soft pink lips as my own, right here in my corner office.

  I’m about to get a lot more than I bargained for, and I’m not sure I’m ready for it. All I know is that there’s a lot more to Harper Anderson than I ever could have imagined.

  Knocked Up by the CEO is a secret baby holiday office romance with high heat level and as always, no cheating and a happily ever after!

  Chapter 1 - Harper

  “Coming through!” I call out, balancing a tray of cookies in one hand and a jug of eggnog in the other. I can smell the boozy scent of rum coming off the eggnog and I know it’ll be a big hit this year. My coworkers move out of the way as I crouch down towards the table and slide the tray off my hand onto the table in a smooth motion. The tablecloth is covered the cartoonish drawings of snowmen and snow flakes, with tinsel strewn under the trays of food. The whole office looks like the inside of a Christmas store. I place the jug of eggnog beside the cookies and stand up, putting my hands on my hips and turning around.

  “That should be it,” I breathe, pulling the hem of my sweater down. It’s the ugliest and most amazing sweater I’ve ever seen, a wooly red monstrosity with flashing LED lights all over the front in the shape of a Christmas tree. Perfect for the office Christmas party.

  “Well done, Harper! The place looks amazing,” Rosie says as she walks up beside me. She’s wearing her regular work clothes. In fact, no one except me is dressed up, but I don’t mind. Rosie smiles and raises the plastic wine glass towards me. I grab a glass of my own from the dozens lined up on the table and lift it up it towards Rosie.

  “I can finally start enjoying myself now,” I grin back. We clink our glasses and I take my first sip of wine of the evening. “It’s always so much work putting this party together.”

  “But it’s always worth it,” Rosie replies. “Think of all the gossip that comes out of it every year!”

  She grins mischievously and takes another sip of wine, scanning the room over the rim of her glass. I laugh and nod. She’s right, it’s usually fodder for at least a couple months of water cooler chat. I’ve been in charge of the office Christmas party for the last three years, and they’ve gotten wilder as time has gone on. I’m sure this year will be the same.

  “Nice sweatshirt!”

  I try not to cringe as the screechy voice reaches my ears. The back of my neck prickles with that same uncomfortable feeling I get every time I hear his voice. I already know it’s Greg from accounting. I turn around slowly and there he is, grinning at me with his toothy, slimy smile. I nod, trying not to stare at the stains on his tie or the greasy hair plastered to his forehead.

  “Thanks,” I respond curtly.

  “You like Christmas, hey?”

  “No, not really, I just do this so I can drink at the office.”

  He throws his head back and l
aughs before shuffling closer, his baggy pants and too-tight shirt sliding in beside me. I inch away as he gets closer. He smells like wet socks.

  “Haven’t seen you around the accounts department lately,” he says to me. I try to avoid his stare and glance at Rosie. She’s got her nose buried in her glass of wine.

  “I got promoted a year ago, Greg. I don’t work in accounts anymore.”

  “Yeah, yeah, of course, but you know, I thought you’d still come around and say hello to me - to the team. I thought we meant something to you!”

  He smiles at me and I resist the urge to shudder. I would rather come across as a cold-hearted snobby executive bitch than to willingly spend time with you, after all the torture you put me through! Greg glances at Rosie and his smile disappears immediately. He almost snarls at her and I grab her arm and point over to the other side of the room.

  “Oh, look, it looks like those decorations need to be adjusted. Excuse me.”

  “I’ll help!” Rosie says. The two of us speed away towards the huge tree I rented for the party.

  “Is he still following you around? I thought you’d made a complaint.”

  I sigh. “I did, he got a warning from HR and avoided me for a while but it looks like he’s plucked up the courage to talk to me again. Might be the booze.”

  “Isn’t there anything you can do? He FOLLOWED you to your HOUSE! Multiple times!!!”

  “Don’t remind me,” I say, glancing at her sideways. I push the thought away, not wanting to go back to those months last year when I was constantly looking over my shoulder. I didn’t even know it was Greg until weeks after the whole thing started. I spent weeks and weeks with that same prickly feeling at the back of my neck, feeling like I was being followed and thinking I was going insane.


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