Hunted by the Cyborg with Bonus

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Hunted by the Cyborg with Bonus Page 24

by Cara Bristol

  His face contorted with fierce gratification, and he bellowed, finally pounding into her, giving her hard, fast thrusts she craved. She dug her nails into his back, crying out his name.

  * * * *

  Carter clasped Beth’s hand against his chest and exhaled his contentment in a long, satisfied sigh. In this moment, with her curled against his side, everything was right with the galaxy. As long as he had her, it would always be right. Not always easy—probably never easy—but right.

  He shuddered to contemplate how close he’d come to losing her. If the chip hadn’t been found and destroyed before he’d waltzed into Vincere’s office…

  Lamani’s wrist comm had been confiscated and was being thoroughly analyzed for information about terrorist plots he may have had in the works. They’d already gotten some preliminary data. What he hadn’t told Beth, what he would never tell her, was how close she’d really come to dying. As soon as Lamani had learned she’d had been released from custody, he’d tried to activate her destruct coding by sending a signal from his device. If they hadn’t destroyed the chip before he’d gone to see Vincere…

  Don’t think about that. It’s over. Done.

  He hugged her tight, burying his face in her hair. A major threat had been vanquished, but what gratified him the most was Beth’s love. She soothed the ache, filled the void. He could not imagine a future without her in it.

  He lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips to each finger then the palm. Her eyes softened with love as she closed her hand around his kiss like it was a treasured keepsake. To have and to hold. If he got his wish, there would be endless kisses, love, and laughter, forever always.

  “Marry me,” he said.

  She drew up on one elbow.

  His heart stuttered when she said nothing.

  It burst in a shower of confetti at her smile. “Yes!” she said.

  “Well, all right, then.” He was sure he was grinning like an idiot, but then felt stupider for turning what should have been a grand romantic gesture into an extemporaneous outburst. Would he ever learn? He didn’t have a ring! He’d planned and executed complex Cyber Operations missions, yet charged in unprepared for the most important moment of his life.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes!” She repeated and laughed, flinging herself on top of him and kissing him. One kiss led to two, two to a caress. Desire flashed again, and they consummated their engagement.

  Maybe he hadn’t botched this too badly.

  Passion scented the room, and their breathing heaved as they cuddled in each other’s arms for a second time. They said nothing, but basked in the glow of sexual well-being and their new future.

  She drew lazy circles on his chest in a desultory scribble, but then he began to sense a hesitant tension. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “There is something else we need to discuss.”

  “Anything,” he said but held his breath.

  “My position with Aym-Sec.”

  He winced. He’d forgotten her request to change jobs—or maybe he’d hoped she’d given up the idea. “You still want to do that?”

  “More than ever.”

  “Will it change anything with us if I say no?” Would she rescind her acceptance of his proposal? After seeing her abilities in action at the Summit, he couldn’t deny she’d make a damn fine Aym-Sec officer. Despite the fact that she’d been forced to do the things she had, she’d kicked ass out there. The irony that he’d introduced her to new possibilities by insisting she learn to defend herself did not escape him. Nor did the realization that danger had found her when she worked behind the scenes.

  “I can contribute by being in logistics, however, there’s a desire in me to take a more active role. If you say no, I’ll be disappointed, but I’ll accept it.”

  No. Except he couldn’t utter it, because he understood her ambition, her need to make a difference. He felt what she felt. How could he deny her what he himself could not surrender? She would be accommodating when his missions took him away, even though she worried for him. Life offered no guarantees, only chances. If he hadn’t risked, he never would have met her. Against the odds, he’d found a woman who inspired his heart and body to sing, who shared his mission to save the galaxy, who understood and accepted him. But he would worry every single day she went to work.

  He sighed. “All right. Yes.”

  She squealed, her exuberance equal to her acceptance of his marriage proposal, demonstrating how important it had been. “Thank you!” She hugged him tight, pressing her naked breasts against his chest. His groin tightened. She kissed him.

  Desire flared once more, and they consummated her new position with Aym-Sec.

  Afterward, again holding Beth, he reflected on the future. He’d caught Lamani, but his followers would retaliate. Katnia, aided by Quasar, was a growing threat. There would be dangers, trials, and challenges. But if he could come home to her—he tightened his embrace—well, a cyborg couldn’t ask for more.


  “By the power vested in me by Terra United, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride and your groom,” President Mikala Aaron announced. Twinkling confetti lights rained from the ceiling of the Golden Pavilion at the Darius 4 Pleasure Resort as Beth’s groom sealed their vows with a toe-curling kiss promising a wedding night to remember. By the time Carter released her, her knees wobbled.

  He grinned, and she smiled back, bursting with happiness.

  In the front row, a teary-eyed Georgetta and a more reserved but smiling Reuben nodded with approval. It meant the galaxy to her that they had come to support her. They were the closest thing to family she had.

  The confetti lights and hover vidcams tracked them as Carter marched her down the aisle, sweeping her off to the reception site, a biodome terraformed to resemble a lush Xenian garden. A faux lavender sky curved over grounds planted with squat blue-leafed trees and equally colorful bushes and flowers.

  Androids stood ready with Cerinian brandy to hand to their guests as they passed under the floating arch.

  He bent his head to whisper in her ear. “You look utterly amazing. Beautiful. You’re glowing.”

  “Thank you,” she said, and then giggled. “I think you’re blinded by my hair.” A Darius 4 android named Karina had styled an intricate braided design embedded with crystals and tiny lights. Her wedding dress had been sewn by a Farian fashion designer. From a silver belt, white and silver iridescent scarves flowed to twirl around her legs and kiss her ankles. Glittering delicate straps crisscrossed her shoulders, leaving her arms bare.

  She hugged his waist. “You look amazing yourself.” His crisp dress uniform of a long tunic with a sharp, stand-up collar emphasized the breadth of his shoulders and chest. A faint trace of shadow darkened his jaw, and every time he glanced her way, there seemed to be a sexual gleam in his eye.

  The O’Sheas reached the receiving line first. “Thank you for coming,” Beth said with heartfelt sincerity. It had to be difficult for them to view her wedding and not imagine that this day could have belonged to Liza, so their supportive presence meant a lot.

  “Thank you for inviting us.” Reuben shook Carter’s hand.

  “It was important to Beth,” he answered politely for her benefit. While she’d forgiven the O’Sheas, he hadn’t.

  “You deserve all the happiness in the galaxy.” Georgetta embraced Beth.

  Mikala was close behind them.

  “I can’t thank you enough for performing the ceremony,” Beth said.

  “My pleasure. I’m so happy for you both.” The warmth of her hug reassured Beth that the president held no grudges for having been shot and kidnapped. “He’s a keeper,” she whispered in Beth’s ear.

  “I know,” she replied.

  “Your father would have been very proud of you,” she told Carter.

  He brushed a hand over his eyes. “Thank you for that.”

  Dale Homme and Illumina came th
rough the line next. Beth embraced the Faria, gratitude filling her heart. If not for her help, this day would never have happened, and Dale’s inventions had saved Carter’s life on several occasions. “Congratulations, you two,” Dale said, and then they moved out of the way as the Empress of Xenia and March Fellows approached.

  “Empress, it’s such an honor to meet you,” she said. Should she curtsy?

  “Please, call me Julietta,” she replied.

  “You two should come to Xenia,” March said. “The resort has done an amazing job in creating a Xenian biodome, but you should see the real thing.”

  “Oh yes! Come as our guests,” Julietta echoed.

  “I would love that. If it’s anything like this garden, it’s a beautiful place.” She glanced at Carter. “Maybe our next vacation?” This getaway he’d promised her had turned into their wedding and honeymoon.

  “We can arrange it,” he agreed.

  Guy Roarke and Solia, Kai Andros and Mariska, Sonny Masters and Amanda Mansfield, Dr. Swain. Nearly all of the cyborgs from Cyber Operations and their spouses were attending the wedding.

  A little man with six eyes, each staring in a different direction, came through the receiving line. “I am Wivo,” he said. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  She didn’t know him, but he’d been on Carter’s guest list. She shook his webbed hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Carter stuck his hand out, but instead of shaking it, the reddening Wivo reached into his jacket pocket and produced a wrist comm, a couple of rings, a Cerinian brandy shot glass, and a hair comb and placed them in Carter’s palm then scurried away.

  He signaled an android attendant. “See that these items get back to their rightful owners, won’t you?”

  “Absolutely, sir.”

  She gaped. “You invited a pickpocket to our wedding?”

  “Wivo is Arcanian. They’re genetically predisposed to kleptomania. He feels bad for stealing, but he can’t help himself.” He shrugged. “He’s also the director of Internal Affairs for the AOP. In the past, he’s been very helpful to Cyber Operations.”

  “Oh.” She would have said more, but Penelope Aaron and Brock Mann approached and hugged her. Brock had apologized for not believing her, and she’d forgiven him. She understood how the supposed facts had undermined her credibility.

  He thumped Carter on the back. “It’s about time!”

  “Just had to find the right woman.”

  “You look gorgeous,” Penelope gushed. “Your wedding is so beautiful. Darius 4 is such a great venue. Which biodome did you choose for your honeymoon?”

  The pleasure resort terraformed many settings couples or individuals could use for vacation or sexual games. Beach settings to forests to gardens to moonscapes. “Beth has never been on a boat, so we chose the Ocean Voyage theme,” Carter said.

  They would stay on a yacht traveling on an artificial ocean the size of Terra’s Lake Superior.

  “I didn’t know they had that,” Brock said.

  “It’s new. Privately owned. Just opened,” Carter replied.

  “What if you get seasick?” Penelope asked.

  “Then we’ll try another biodome,” he said.

  “We’re staying on for a few days ourselves for a little second honeymoon,” Penelope added.

  “Which theme did you pick?” Beth asked.

  Penelope turned a little pink. “The treehouse.”

  After the last of the guests filed though, Beth and Carter joined them in the reception area. They ate, drank, and danced until a faux moon rose and realistic stars twinkled overhead.

  Beth tossed her bouquet. Karina, the android attendant who’d styled her hair, caught it with a squeal. “I’m next! I’m next!”

  Beth was still chuckling when Carter grabbed her hand, and they sprinted away under a shower of more confetti lights. After he palmed an scanner, they entered the dock. It swayed under the motion of the water, and they ran for a gleaming moored vessel.


  Privately owned? She gaped, realization dawning. She swept her hand out to encompass the realistic-looking ocean, the dock, the huge vessel. “Do you own this? Did you do this? Have this biodome created for me?”

  He nodded.

  She fanned her face as tears threatened to fall then cupped his cheeks in her palms. “You are the sweetest, most impossible man. I love you so much.”

  “I don’t know that I’m sweet, but, I’d give you anything in the galaxy you asked. I love you.” Carter scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the gangway and onto the ship.

  The End

  Get your free book here.


  Did you miss a Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance?

  If you enjoyed Carter and Beth’s story in Hunted by the Cyborg, you can read the romances of the other characters in the rest of the Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance series. Every story is a standalone with an HEA.

  Stranded with the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 1), Brock Mann and Penelope “Pia” Aaron. The only thing worse than being marooned with your nemesis is falling in love with him.

  Married to the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 1.5), Brock and Pia have a second romantic adventure. This story is available free to newsletter subscribers.

  Mated to the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 2), Kai Andros and Mariska. His mission: infiltrate the terrorist cell. Get the intel. Get out. Don’t fall in love.

  Captured by the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 3), Dale Homme and Illumina. He’ll do anything to keep her safe, even take her captive.

  Trapped with the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 4), Sonny Masters and Amanda “Manny” Mansfield. Her cyborg partner is everything she dislikes—and everything her body wants.

  Claimed by the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 5), March Fellows and Empress Julietta of Xenia. To love him required only one thing—surrendering an empire.

  Rescued by the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 5.5), Guy Roarke and Solia. When a cyborg’s haunted past and a Faria’s clouded future collide, will love be enough to save them?

  Hunted by the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 6), Carter Aymes and Beth O’Shea. He dedicated his life and wealth to rescuing others. Will his new love be the one person he can’t save?

  Titles by Cara Bristol

  Stranded with the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 1)

  Mated with the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 2)

  Captured by the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 3)

  Trapped with the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 4)

  Claimed by the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 5)

  Hunted by the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 6)

  Married to the Cyborg (A Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance 1 extra)

  Breeder (Breeder 1)

  Terran (Breeder 2)

  Warrior Breeder 3)

  Krinar’s Desire

  Destiny’s Chance

  Goddess’s Curse


  Long Shot

  Educating His Bride

  Stolen Moments

  Domestic Discipline

  Unexpected Consequences (Rod and Cane Society 1)

  False Pretenses (Rod and Cane Society 2)

  Body Politics (Rod and Cane Society 3)

  Disciplinary Measures (Rod and Cane Society 4)

  Reasonable Doubts (Rod and Cane Society 5)

  Irresistible Attractions (Rod and Cane Society 5)

  Naughty Words for Nice Writers



  Body Talk


  Stranded with the Cyborg

  Mated with the Cyborg

  Books in Print

  Alien Mate

  Captured by the Cyborg

  Claimed by the Cyborg

  Goddess’s Curse

  Naughty Words for Nice Writers

  About the Author

  Cara Bristol writ
es character driven science fiction romance with humor, heart, and heat. She loves introducing new readers to science fiction romance and likes to say she writes sci-fi for readers who don’t like sci-fi. She’s been a number one best seller in multiple book categories and has hit the USA Today bestseller list twice! She has three science fiction romance series: the action-packed Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance cyborg series; the dark, intense Breeder series; and the new light and funny Alien Mate series. When she’s not writing (ha ha ha – she’s almost always writing) she enjoys traveling to exotic destinations and chillaxin’ with her favorite reality TV shows. Cara lives in Missouri with her own alpha hero, her husband.

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  Twitter: @CaraBristol


  Cyborg Attraction ~ Bonus Story

  By Cara Bristol

  Chapter One

  “What’s the status on the colonists?” Dante asked as his first officer, Lieutenant Commander Lucille Brack, strode onto the bridge.

  “Eleven hundred and fifty-nine perished in the Tyranian attack,” she replied. “Two hundred twelve were rescued from the planet’s surface.”

  “We’re sure that’s all of them?”

  “Yes, a bio scan has identified all humans, both alive and deceased.”

  “How are the survivors doing? What kind of shape are they in?

  “Some are handling it well, but others—” Brack shook her head. “Medical is doing their best. The colonists’ problems aren’t physical, but psychological. They’re traumatized, sir.”

  “They never should have been on Verde Omega to start with. What were they thinking?”


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