Visions of Chaos

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Visions of Chaos Page 33

by Des Pensable

  After a further ten minutes he was escorted into a large hemispherical chamber, about thirty paces across, with a glazed tile floor and four massive stone pillars. The chamber was lit with globes of soft yellow magic light and had four equally spaced arched doors. The floor was covered with woven rugs depicting animals and there were several tables around the perimeter, but no chairs.

  In the centre of the chamber was a large Crin with a massive lower body. Her upper half rested on a sort of lounge chair. This was Queen Beatrix. This chamber was the royal multifunction room. It was her bedroom, her meeting room, her throne room, her council room and the room in which she produced the countless offspring for the colony. She was mother to everyone.

  Aquitain surveyed the room. There were at least twenty Crin present, several enforcers, several Jobmasters and a dozen very tough looking fighters, possibly royal guards. Everyone had its steely gaze fixed on Aquitain.

  ‘Welcome,’ said Beatrix. ‘We have been following your tour through our city with Xentos with interest through our city mind. You are a very inquisitive person, and quite observant. Many of my Enforcers and Jobmasters are not happy with your having such free access to our city. They see you as a threat. However, we have a peace treaty with Queen Snowbelle, and as a friend of her daughter we are prepared to consider you friendly. She hasn’t said much about you, so perhaps you could tell us a little about yourself?’

  Aquitain was surprised. If Miranda’s mother was a Queen then Miranda was a princess. Somehow, everyone including Miranda had forgotten to tell him that small fact. On thinking back, he now understood why Miranda had been prepared to stand up to and criticise both the High Wizard and Quab the senior Druid in the region, just prior to leaving Twin Towers.

  It also explained why both Featherdown and Quab were worried about her going into the jungle to protect Aquitain. It seemed ludicrous to send a princess to protect a person who was virtually a stranger. Yet that is what had happened, so something very strange must be going on.

  While many might have paled a little standing in a royal court in front of a Queen and her entourage, Aquitain was a picture of confidence. His grandfather knew and had entertained the wealthy and powerful all his life. Aquitain himself had met royalty before and was generally unimpressed. He viewed them as spoilt and arrogant, and believed that, contrary to their claims to be interested in the welfare of their subjects, they were more interested in themselves and the wealthy elite they surrounded themselves with, who helped them to maintain their power. However, as a merchant he had learnt to be diplomatic, so he kept his views to himself.

  ‘I am Aquitain of Panmagica, Your Highness, I am a mind wizard and grandson of the most powerful mind wizard in Panmagica, Arch Mind Sol Theolaur. I recently inherited the ability to shape change, and have come to Mudrun on an educational visit to improve my shape changing skills. I was staying with the High Wizard who was a friend of my grandfather when Princess Miranda offered to help me learn some new shapes. Unfortunately, my family has been involved in some political intrigue, and an assassin somehow managed to find me and murder me yesterday. Fortunately, Princess Miranda offered me a new life through reincarnation; I accepted and my spirit now occupies the new body that stands before you.’

  ‘That explains why Miranda was so furious yesterday. She could hardly wait to leave and presumably to track down and bring your assassin to justice,’ said the Queen.

  Aquitain was suddenly worried. He hoped that she wouldn’t try to do that alone. Regardless of how good her opinion of her own abilities was, she wouldn’t be a match for a good wizard.

  ‘Did she mention where she might be going, Your Highness?’

  ‘No, but knowing how headstrong she can be, we were sure that there would be trouble wherever she went.’

  ‘Damn!’ thought Aquitain. ‘She’s supposed to be looking after me, not running around picking fights with everyone. Perhaps she was right to feel worried by my presence. I seem to be causing her to run amok. Maybe there is something in this Agent of Chaos stuff the big cat was talking about.’

  The Queen told Aquitain that Miranda had briefly mentioned that he had met Whooshoo, and asked him to tell her about it. He related the story but received little reaction to it, from either the Queen or her retinue. She then asked him to tell her about the death of the little cat people. He told her the story, but could see from the reaction of the others in her court that they were very unsettled when he mentioned the part about Jacintra appearing.

  After he had finished the story the Queen and her court were quiet for some time, as if they were discussing what he had said over the city mindlink. Eventually after several minutes, the Queen again resumed the conversation.

  ‘Since you are a stranger here you probably don’t realise the significance of what you have told us. The Crin are a very pragmatic people. We pride ourselves on our ordered society. We worry mainly about the present, plan well for the future and care little about gods and prophecy. However, three years ago we had a visit from a druid who prophesised a time when chaos would walk freely upon the land. It would bring death and destruction and great upheaval to all Mudrun.

  ‘What you have told us frightens us greatly, as I have heard many legends and lore. Jacintra, the Mother of Cats has another name, the Cat Lord of Chaos. If what you have said is true, the Lord of Chaos has walked upon this land! Who knows what will happen next!’

  Aquitain was suddenly afraid. What was happening? He suddenly felt as if he had been dragged into something big. He remembered that Jacintra had made a comment that he had thought odd at the time. The Cat Lord had said that she sensed some scheme at work, which suggested that she was not previously aware of it. That in turn suggested that a higher authority was manipulating events, a deity perhaps. One thing that his grandfather had always said was never to get involved with deities or Great Powers, they cared little for mortals but used them cruelly in their unending games of power amongst themselves. Had he unwittingly become a pawn in a game of power?

  ‘I can assure you Your Majesty that the Cat Lord didn’t seem to me to have any intentions of spreading chaos. It seemed intent only on observing the ritual passing of the cat people’s spirits and in ending their anguish. It said nothing that would indicate that it planned or was involved in a scheme, or wanted Miranda and I to be involved in any chaotic activities.’

  ‘We are not yet convinced,’ said the Queen. ‘You said that you were a shape changer; can you change to a jungle cat?’

  ‘I suppose I could,’ said Aquitain, becoming a little wary. ‘Why do you wish to see me as a jungle cat?’

  ‘They are normally our enemies and I have never seen one up close, as I am always here. You will give me a chance to study my enemy,’ she said.

  ‘If I changed, would that not provoke your people to attack me as they would fear for your safety?’

  There was quiet for a couple of minutes while the Queen spoke with her people. There was obviously considerable dissension amongst her Enforcers.

  ‘We have a solution,’ she announced.

  ‘We have a rod that will create a wall of force. If we create a circular wall of force around you then it will allay the fears of my people and give you protection as well.’

  Aquitain agreed, and a Jobmaster disappeared to procure the rod, returning with it five minutes later. Surprisingly, it was the Queen who used the rod. It hadn’t occurred to him until now that there were no magic users amongst them. No wonder they were afraid of him. Wizards seemed to have a bad reputation in Mudrun. Someone must have tutored the Queen in how to use rods, probably Snowbelle he guessed.

  The Queen activated the rod and a cylindrical wall of force appeared around him, leaving him feeling as if he was in a clear glass bottle. However, it was a safe bottle, as it was completely impervious to all physical attacks and only the rarest, most powerful magic could pass through it. He shape changed to his cat form, and the Crin Enforcers all quickly formed a barrier between him and the Queen. />
  He had changed to a giant cat form identical to the Cat Lord, but with ebony eyes. He heard a voice in the back of his mind,

  ‘Look how order fears chaos.’ He quickly took control. He had no intention of attacking the Crin, but by the look of their response he guessed they had heard the whisper as well. So he changed to his bear form.

  ‘I’m sorry Your Majesty, when Jacintra said she would lend me her body I didn’t take it in the literal sense. It seems that she did and still has some small connection to it.’

  ‘I’m sorry too bear. This event has shaken me. I’m sorry, but we cannot give you any further refuge. My Enforcers will escort you to your room to get your belongings, and then out of the city. Please leave our land - you are no longer welcome.’

  ‘May I make one request, Your Majesty? I do not know the land and have no ability to fly or teleport. In which direction should I head to find Queen Snowbelle?’

  ‘If you wish to find her, then you should travel northwest from here. However, know that she has little tolerance for wizards, and has killed many. To go there is certain death,’ warned the Queen, and after the wall was removed he was escorted away.

  Chapter 25 Aquitain versus Snowbelle

  Miranda woke about midday after a very disturbed night. She didn’t feel refreshed and her worries from the night before re-emerged. What was she going to say to Aquitain? Should she be honest: ‘Look my mother is a nymph Queen. She’s probably the most dangerous woman in this world. She knows how to lift that cursed tattoo. I really want you to find out how to lift it, but you’ll have to face her in a battle of minds, and if she wins she’ll kill you.’

  Or should she use guile: ‘I really love you Tain, but I’m afraid we’ll have to part unless you can find out how to lift my cursed tattoo. It’ll be dangerous facing my mother, but I know you can do it.’

  Perhaps she should just forget about removing the curse until he wanted to do it, for that way she could be sure that he really liked her and that she liked him. It was all so confusing. The Lady did this. It’s some type of test. What does she want me to do? She agonised over the problem until the late afternoon, by which time she had a splitting headache and was ravenously hungry. Finally she decided to go and find something fresh to eat. To hunt successfully she would have to purge her mind of all other distractions, and that would allow her to forget her problems for a while.

  She left her refuge and shape changed to a sea eagle, and flew off to her favourite hunting spot on the river a few leagues away. It took her three hours to catch a decent meal, which only added to her frustration. However after tearing into the juicy flesh she felt much better, and decided to make a call on Aquitain to see how he was faring. She suspected that he was probably still asleep as the medicinal herb that she gave to the Crin guards was more than adequate to keep any bear sleeping for days.

  She flew to the Crin city and landed twenty paces from the entrance tunnel as she had dozens of times before, but this time noticed a group of warriors near the entrance. As she walked closer they stretched out in a line, blocking her way.

  ‘I’ve come to see Queen Beatrix and my friend Aquitain the bear,’ she said. ‘Why are you blocking my way?’

  Moments later Xentos the Jobmaster came running up behind the group. ‘Princess Miranda, how nice to see you; we have a problem. Your friend the bear is no longer here. He left this morning.’

  ‘Why did you let him go?’ she asked, totally surprised. ‘He should still be asleep. He won’t have recovered yet?’

  ‘He has fully recovered Princess. I personally took him for a tour around the city and he asked many questions, showing that he was wide-awake and mentally astute,’ replied Xentos. ‘He also had a long talk with Queen Beatrix.’

  ‘So, what happened?’ she asked, getting a little worried.

  ‘He revealed his true nature. He is a chaos beast. The Queen could not in all conscience harbour a chaos beast within our city, so she gave him safe conduct out but warned him not to stay within our territory.’

  ‘What! You threw him out? He is my friend. How could she do that?’ shouted Miranda. ‘I trusted you to look after him and you banished him into the jungle without assistance. He could die.’

  ‘I’m sorry Princess Miranda. Queen Beatrix is quite upset that you would bring such a creature into her city, and endanger her and her people. As a result you are banned from entering the city until further notice, but you are free to traverse our land as always. Your mother has been notified and she concurs.’

  ‘I might have guessed that my mother would be involved in this,’ said Miranda angrily. ‘Which way did he go?’

  ‘He asked for directions to your mother’s place and headed in that direction several hours ago. I should imagine that provided he doesn’t get lost or waylaid he will arrive some time tomorrow.’

  ‘May I say, Princess, that I personally liked him and he caused no problems while in the city, but was considered by all the senior hierarchy as too dangerous considering certain prophecies that have been circulating. I hope everything turns out right for you.’

  She knew that all the Crin knew exactly what was likely to happen if he reached her mother. She had never expected Queen Beatrix to do this to her. They must be really scared, although perhaps more of her mother than of him.

  ‘Thank you, Xentos. He does look rather dangerous but I can assure you and Queen Beatrix that he is a good friend, and those are hard to come by in tough times; and I have a good memory.’

  Miranda changed to her sea eagle form and flew off, heading back to her mother’s gully. Had she been only an hour behind him she would have been tempted to change into cat form and follow him on foot, but at night it would be dangerous for her as night was hunting time and she would be crossing other creatures’ territories. He was big and tough enough to be left alone by most creatures. The main questions were, would he get lost, and if not, when would he arrive? She had to catch him before her mother did.

  She flew back to the entrance to the gully and changed to her cat form to guard the gully entrance. She stayed awake all night just in case he turned up early, then meditated in her newman form as the sun rose, praying to the Lady that she would find him before her mother and that he would survive the day. During the night her mother had come out briefly and asked if she was expecting company, but she had totally ignored her. She knew her mother was enjoying this immensely, and couldn’t wait to get her claws into him. If it came to another fight with her mother, Miranda would win this time.

  As the sun rose higher in the sky towards midday she became more anxious. Where was he? Did he get lost? Maybe she should look for him. He said that he had never been in the jungle alone before. Perhaps he had rested overnight and wouldn’t be here for hours. She couldn’t tolerate the suspense so she decided to take a quick flight around the nearby jungle; but before she left she would ask Genevieve her mother’s owl familiar to stop him, and ask him to wait at the mouth of the gully if he managed to get past her. What the owl said shocked her.

  ‘I’m sorry Miranda. Your mother the Queen has given me strict instructions to inform her immediately any creature arrives at the gully. I am not to take any instructions from you at all until further notice.’

  Miranda screamed and became a little panicky. Her mother was taking the situation very seriously and preparing for a confrontation. She decided she had to find him and stop him before he arrived. She shape changed and flew off into the sky, heading downhill to check out the nearby ravines that he would have to traverse to reach the gully. She didn’t notice as a bear emerged from the underbrush to the left, heading for her mother’s gully.


  Aquitain trudged for leagues through the jungle after he left the Crin city, continually heading in a north westerly direction. He often encountered wild animals of all sorts, but his large size and fierce look quickly dissuaded all from blocking his path or interrupting his progress. He stopped on a couple of occasions to eat his fill of exotic
wild fruits that fell from tall trees in the jungle canopy, while spidery brown apes watching from above screamed with alarm.

  The jungle along his path was relatively open, consisting of tall tree trunks that ascended sixty paces into the sky and blocked out the sun, leaving little but shade and the occasional spear of light plunging into the ground. The ground was covered with leaf litter and alive with throngs of small creatures, including a myriad of coloured insects, beetles, spiders, scorpions and ants. Occasionally a small snake slithered out of his way, or climbed up the vines wound around the base of the huge tree trunks, ascending to the leafy green canopy above.

  As he walked he wondered what he would say to Miranda. Perhaps something informal like: ‘Hi Miranda, sorry but I got kicked out of your Crin friend’s place because I looked a bit too much like the Lord of Chaos’; or something more formal like ‘It’s so good to see you again Princess, I’m extremely pleased that mommy let you out again to play with the wizard of chaos.’ Later he worried that she might not want to see him at all.

  When it became dark he created light upon himself and continued on his way, lighting up the jungle like a giant luminous apparition, and causing countless nocturnal animals to flee in panic at his approach. He continued on until morning and he hit a stream that rose into foothills; after following it for a league found that it originated from a U-shaped gully. He worked his way around to the right of the gully entrance, and finding a small overhang amongst thick bushes that provided good cover, crawled under it and rested.

  Just before midday he meditated for half an hour to top up his source and reduce apprehension. What if Miranda hadn’t mentioned him to her mother? What if ... he blocked it out. If he was going to talk to her mother at all it would be dangerous, and he would have to have all his wits about him. He constructed a mental tower of will. It was the most powerful mental protection he knew. It would slowly erode his source, but it would give him added protection against a nymph.


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