Ash Tail Pack

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by T. Cobbin

  Ash Tail Pack


  T. Cobbin

  Ash Tail Pack

  Copyright © 2017, T. Cobbin

  ISBN: 9781944270711

  Publisher: Beachwalk Press, Inc.

  Electronic Publication: June 2017

  Editor: Pamela Tyner

  Cover: Fantasia Frog Designs

  eBooks are not transferable. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Back Cover Copy

  A daughter who has returned home to assume her position as Alpha of the Ash Tail Pack, and the man who loves her, struggle to overcome those who oppose her.

  Four years ago, when Raven turned old enough to choose a mate and have young—a duty that she was expected to carry out immediately—her father chose to hide her away and give her a few precious years of freedom before she had to assume her position within the pack. Now her father has died, making her the new Alpha of the Ash Tail Pack, and it’s time for her to return home.

  When Duke, the pack beta, watched Raven walk away years ago, his heart had been breaking. He loved her, although he’d never told her, but he knew he had to let her go. Now she’s back, and he’s determined to win her over and help her lead the pack into the future.

  But there are some in the pack who are not happy with Raven, and they have very different ideas of what the future should hold.

  Will Raven and Duke’s love get the chance to bloom? Will they be able to lead the pack together, or will their enemies overthrow them?

  Content Warning: contains strong language, some violence, and lots of hot, steamy sex scenes


  For my children. I love you more.


  Thank you to a wonderful publisher, Pamela Tyner and Beachwalk Press, for giving me another chance to tantalize you, my readers, with my imagination. And to everyone else behind the scenes who makes me look better.

  Author’s Foreword

  Be kinder to someone than usual. Their day may be worse than yours.


  “Please, I am begging you, give my daughter more time. She just turned seventeen today.”

  Wolf shifter, Duke Wolfgrimm, beta for the Ash Tail Pack, watched his alpha beg the elders for more time for his only daughter before she was to be mated.

  “She nears another heat, and the pack is in dire need of young to continue. We have waited a long six years. If you would take another mate and breed, then your daughter wouldn’t be in this situation.”

  Theodore’s shoulders slumped, and guilt and despair wafted from him. “I couldn’t love another. Pam was my mate, my soul. My daughter is only seventeen, give her a few more years at least. Please.”

  For six years, since the death of the alpha’s mate, no pups had been born in the pack. For some biological reason, wolf shifter packs needed their alphas to have young themselves before they too could breed amongst themselves. When the alpha female had been killed six years ago, the birth rate of the pack had dropped to non-existent.

  With Theodore refusing to take another mate, the pack couldn’t have any more pups, and they were becoming a little despondent. Both the alpha and beta had been summoned this morning by the elders.

  “I have four more years before you can kick me out or she has to take over. You cannot force her to be mated now. Give her those few more years. She needs to grow more, to develop more. Please.”

  Duke watched his alpha fall to his knees in front of the spokesperson for the elders. After being summoned there this morning, Duke knew his alpha wouldn’t give up getting more time for his daughter. Officially, the elders or no one else, had any true right to kick Theodore from his leadership for four more years, and Duke thought the elders were just pushing their luck.

  “She is of an age to date our males. As her heat approaches, her hormones will change and she might allow a mating,” the male elder said.

  “Then have someone challenge me for leadership.” Theodore stood back up, his shoulders straight.

  “You know a challenge doesn’t work that way. You have beared no ill will toward the pack. If a challenge was issued and you were killed, the challenger wouldn’t be proclaimed alpha, your daughter would be.”

  “Except you say that because I won’t mate again I am bearing ill will to the pack,” Theodore argued.

  “No, that is not what we, or anyone else, are saying. You have many supporters who stand by your side, my friend, especially on the issue of not taking another mate. We aren’t trying to force your hand in taking another. We are trying to get you to understand that the pack needs young again. What we’re trying to get you to see is with your daughter next in line and old enough to have her own pups, maybe it’s time for you to hand down the leadership.”


  “No,” the elder interrupted. The two men stared at each other. The alpha defiantly.

  Duke felt bad for Theodore. The male had been like a second father to him since his own father’s death. He had helped him just as much to be the male he was today.

  Theodore finally growled and turned away from the elder. “I have four years,” the alpha said, and walked away from the elder, calling Duke to follow. When they were out of earshot, Theodore pulled Duke close. “I need you to escort my daughter to a friend of her mother’s. Somewhere off pack land where she will be safe for a few more years.”

  “But the elders?” Duke questioned.

  “They can’t do diddly-squat for four more years. I want my daughter to be able to live some kind of life before she’s forced to be a fucking breeder to keep this pack going.”

  Theodore looked Duke straight in the eye, waiting for his beta to disagree with him. But Duke had a special place in his heart for the alpha’s daughter. They had been close friends for most of their lives. He had always hoped that one day Raven would give him her heart and allow him to mate her.

  Duke agreed with the alpha wholeheartedly. She was too young yet to lead, too young to be a broodmare just so the pack could have their own young. It wouldn’t do the pack any harm if a few more years went past without any pups being born, would it?

  “I see you wait for my challenge.” Duke held up his hands in a placating manner. “Don’t fear, old friend, I happen to agree with you.” Duke smiled at his alpha. Relief swam in the old man’s eyes.

  “You are like the son I never had,” he said, slapping a hand on Duke’s shoulder. “I only hope one day your dream will come true.”

  Did the male know he adored his daughter and wished to mate her? Of course he did, he knew everything. Duke chuckled to himself. Together, they walked back to the alpha’s cabin and made plans.

  Duke’s parents had died not long after he turned eighteen, and he turned to his best friend, Raven, the alpha’s daughter. Both she and her father helped him through the pain of losing his family. Theodore took Duke under his wing and began teaching him the ways of the pack. Three years later, the beta left the pack for personal reasons, leaving his rank open. Theodore appointed Duke the spot. Duke couldn’t believe it, he’d been in shock for a few days. When no one challenged him for the spot, he was made beta.

  * * * *

  Two days of planning, that was all it had taken for the two males to organize the safe transport of Raven off pack lands. Theodore wasn’t sure if the elders would stop him if they found out what he was planning, but not wanting to take that chance, he and Duke kept it a secret between themselves.

  It was pitc
h dark, but being wolf shifters and having enhanced senses, Duke and Raven could see enough not to fall over or walk into low-hanging branches. Duke carried a small bright pink suitcase in one hand as he walked with Raven through the woods. They were to meet a friend of Raven’s mother in a layby on a country lane. Susan knew about the shifter world and had kept her friend’s secret. She had been glad to help.

  “Will my father get into trouble with the elders for this?” Raven asked.

  “Yes and no.” Duke chuckled. “They can’t officially expel him from his rank for four more years. They could by rights have another challenge him for the role. But your father has been good to the pack, and although some are pissed there has been no young, no one really holds enough resentment to kill him. He loved your mother so much he can’t bear to be with another.”

  “I know,” she replied wistfully. “I miss her too, so very much on some days.”

  Even in the dark, Duke could still see the perfect outline of Raven’s face. He knew the color of her eyes without even looking into them. A deep hazel with a light green on the inside. She had waist-length brunette hair, which she always seemed to wear in a side plait. Even for a seventeen-year-old, she had the perfect figure he liked in a woman. Not too skinny, and yet not too fat. She had the right curves that a man could hold on tight and pound his cock…

  Duke reprimanded himself for the thought. She was still a teenager. The whole reason they were walking through the damn woods this late at night was to make sure no other could do what he was thinking. These next four years were going to be very long without her. For a few minutes, they walked in a comfortable silence.

  “I’m going to miss you,” she said suddenly. “I’ve gotten so used to you being around now, it’s going to be weird being on my own.”

  “You will have your mother’s friend and her daughter for companionship. But most of all, you will be safe from the letches who wish to be mated to you, even so young.”

  “As I said to my father, I don’t mind. If it means my father and you won’t get into trouble, I could do it.”

  Stopping by a large tree near the road, Duke dropped her suitcase on the ground and pulled her against his body, hugging her. Her head only came up to his shoulder. She felt so right against him, and yet so wrong because of her age.

  “Princess, no. Your father is right. Go live for a few more years. Don’t become the broodmare that’s expected of you. The pack can wait. It won’t do them much harm.”


  “I’ll write to you every day,” he interrupted her. “I’ll keep you informed of your father and, of course, all the juicy gossip from the pack.”

  He could hear a car in the distance, and something told him it was the woman they were waiting for. Panic stole his heartbeat for a few seconds. Should he tell her now of his love for her? What if, in the next four years, she found another? Would he be willing to sacrifice his love for her? Yes, he would. Even if she did meet and love another, he would always love her and protect her from afar. The car drove closer.

  “I will miss you too. Be safe, okay? Phone me if ever you need anything. Promise?” he asked, hoping she couldn’t hear the grief in his voice at losing her.

  “I promise.” Tears swam in her eyes. “You promise to look after my father, right? Make sure he eats.”

  “I will.”

  An old red car pulled into the layby beside the woods. Looking from their hidden spot behind a tree, Duke could make out the woman inside.

  “Stay here,” he ordered Raven. Showing himself, he walked over to the car.

  A middle-aged woman climbed from the vehicle. “Duke?” she asked warily.

  He nodded and smiled. “Susan?” he asked. Receiving a nod and a smile back, he relaxed. “Glad you could help her. She needs time, and her father could think of only one person he trusted, and that was you.”

  “Pam was a good friend. I would do anything for her daughter. I think both Raven and Marigold will be good friends.”

  “Hold on, I’ll go get her.” Duke walked back to the edge of the woods with a heavy heart. “It’s okay, you can come out.”

  Raven appeared from behind the tree with her suitcase in hand. “Are you sure my father will be okay by sending me away? The elders and pack are going to be pretty pissed.”

  “Don’t worry, princess, your father will be okay. Plus, he has me for back up.”

  Duke grinned down at Raven and plucked her suitcase from her hand. Swapping it over to his other hand, he grasped hold of hers. It felt so right to be with her. But he was seven years older than she was; what if she did find a mate in the four years she would be gone? He couldn’t imagine loving anyone as he had loved Raven for all his years. But no matter what happened, he knew he would forever be at her side, to be there for anything she ever needed or wanted. Mated or not. Reaching the car, he placed her bag in the boot of Susan’s car and then opened the passenger door for her to get inside.

  She paused before getting in. “You promise to write, and to look after my father?”

  “I vow to do both.” He grinned at her, memorizing her face. The little freckles on her nose, her long eyelashes. Her straight white teeth. Everything. He wanted to photograph this moment and keep it hidden for his eyes only. “I’ll miss you too.” The words tumbled from his mouth before he thought about what he was saying. He cupped her cheek as tears began to swim in her eyes.

  “I don’t have to go. I can stay and—”

  He bent and slanted his head, his lips were on hers, halting her next words. The kiss he gave her was too short, but sweet. Pulling away, he turned and walked back toward the woods before he could change his mind. Before he decided to take her home and take the few precious years both he and his alpha were trying to give her. A small, quiet sob nearly had him turning back around. But fisting his hands, he walked quickly back into the woods. He turned once he was hidden behind a tree. He watched with his heart breaking and tears in his own eyes as she climbed into the beat-up car and was driven away.

  Chapter 1

  Three years and eleven months later.

  Raven Bracken startled awake, pain searing her heart and mind. With the sudden influx of so many emotions running through her brain, she knew instantly what was wrong. She could sense and feel her pack emotions, most of it being sadness and anger. Her father had to be dead in order for the mental mantle of leadership to have been passed down to her by nature.

  Tears came next, then anger. It had been almost four years since she’d last seen him. He’d written, but when she’d asked to video chat with him, he’d denied her request. He didn’t want her to see him.

  If the stubborn man hadn’t sent her away, she would have been there for him. But he gave you a few precious years of freedom, her mind shouted. She couldn’t thank him enough for that. She’d been willing to mate and carry the mantle at seventeen, but looking back on it now Raven was glad she’d had these few years to grow up a little more.

  Through her grief and tears, she knew it was time to go home.

  * * * *

  Later that day Raven stood in a small country lane layby, watching Susan’s red, beat-up car pull away, with a sadness deep in her heart. Both Susan and Marigold had brought her home. Raven already missed them.

  During her stay with Susan and Marigold, Raven had learned so much about her mother, Pam. Raven’s mother had been best friends with Susan while in college, so close that she’d shown Susan the shifter side of herself. Raven and Marigold had become the best of friends too, they were almost like sisters, and it wasn’t long before Raven showed Marigold her wolf. Before Marigold would leave today, Raven had to promise her friend she could visit as soon as she was settled.

  With a deep sigh, Raven picked up her pink suitcase and the few bags with presents in them and started toward the woods where home was, just a trail away. Duke, her other best friend, and beta of their pack, had rung her this morning to tell her of her father’s death. Not only had she already known, bu
t she was packed and ready to go home.

  She knew her father hadn’t coped very well. Duke had written he’d been quite sick this week and hadn’t been eating. But he said her father was adamant that she wasn’t to come back until he had to give up his rank. She was to use this last month of freedom to do as she wished before returning to be the alpha female. Duke had informed her that he’d died peacefully in his sleep sometime this morning. Again, Raven knew exactly when he’d died.

  “Oh crap, yeah, I forgot about that alpha mantle thing. Sorry,” Duke apologized. “How are you coping with that? Your father said that sometimes it could be overwhelming, especially when you don’t have a mate to share the burden.”

  “It’s a learning process, but if I concentrate, I can zoom in on certain people and their emotions.” What she didn’t tell him was she was currently swimming through Duke’s emotions as he spoke to her.

  “Are you ready to come home?” he asked. Although his tone didn’t change much, she could hear and feel the glimmer of hope.

  “Yes, I’m ready. I’m already packed. Susan and Marigold are going to drop me off at the same place Susan picked me up. We should be there about five.”

  “I’ll be there waiting. It will be good to see you again.” This time Raven could hear the happiness in his voice.

  “Yes, it will be good to see you too.”

  Traffic up into Wales from Devon had been a breeze. They had reached the small country lane layby an hour earlier than expected. The parting from her friend and mother had been harsh. They had cried more tears than Raven even thought they had. By the time the car had driven away, Raven and her friends had pockets of balled up, snotty tissues. Knowing Duke wouldn’t be expecting her yet, Raven started through the woods, heading toward home on her own.


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