Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Page 18

by Jessie Courts

  “Ok – so let’s switch to video and I can see for myself!”

  “That’s not going to happen dear boy.”

  “Put me on loud speaker then.” Luc instructed.

  “Whatever for? I can hear you just fine.” Rachel crinkled her brow wondering what his intentions were. She was about to find out as Luc’s sexy words filled her head.

  “For this conversation Rachel, you’re going to need to be hands free love.”

  Rachel’s stomach flipped as the meaning behind Luc’s words settled around her. “Oh lord, he’s killing me” she thought but as tempting as it might be, she wasn’t about to have phone sex with someone she was trying to set boundaries with.

  “Ok you are on loud speaker but we are so not having phone sex.”

  Silence filled the room and Rachel wondered if Luc had ended the call.

  A huge manly sigh broke the quiet. “I’m disappointed, but I guess you’re right. Still, you haven’t answered my question.” Luc’s voice had a playful edge to it and Rachel decided to play along.

  “Red satin thong and matching sheer negligee.”

  Luc groaned “Liar.”

  Rachel laughed. Luc knew she would never wear anything as tacky as a negligee – in fact he knew exactly what she wore for bed but she guessed he wanted to hear her say it.

  “Hmm – you know me Luc – just my usual white cotton boy shorts and a soft grey vest.”

  “They’re fucking hot on you Rach. I can imagine your vest top clinging tightly to your chest – I bet your nipples are hard already.”

  Rachel stifled a moan. She had closed her eyes and all her attention was focused on the sound of Luc’s voice. Rachel was consumed with images of their lovemaking and specifically of Luc in the throes of passion. He was a generous and beautiful lover and Rachel was gifted to have had all his sexiness bestowed upon her all be it briefly. She secretly touched herself while he was talking; still horny from before his call and more so now his raspy tones were caressing the airwaves.

  Her fingers slid easily through her wet folds playing at the entrance of her pussy. Luc made a soft grunting noise probably moving his position and it hit her straight in her sex. She loved every sound that came out of his mouth and the grunt reminded her of more intimate times. Fingering herself while he carried on chatting down the phone was distinctly erotic and she writhed under her own touch.

  Luc was sitting on his bed in his flat in Leeds. He had scooted up to lean back against the headboard and his jeans were undone and shoved down along with his boxers around his thighs. His rock hard erection was fisted in his right hand and his left hand was cupping his balls. His iPhone was also on loud speaker and every time he heard her bed creak or the covers move his cock jerked in acknowledgement. Stroking himself lazily, he imagined Rachel’s soft lips around his cock expertly licking him and sucking him just as he liked.

  “Luc?” Rachel questioned hesitantly. “You still there?” Luc realised he hadn’t spoken for a couple of minutes caught up in his memories and losing himself to more pleasurable moments.

  “Yup – I’m still here.” His voice sounded strange and Rachel didn’t want to imagine why. It was time to end the call- she needed to come so badly and her vibrator was sitting in her bedside drawer, patiently waiting for some attention.

  “Thanks for calling Luc, it was really sweet of you to think of me, but really I’m going to get some beauty sleep all ready for my big day tomorrow.”

  “My pleasure as always Mrs R. Good luck – and remember Joe Mason may be some big shot CEO but he still sits on the toilet like the rest of us plebs!”

  “That’s just delightful Luc; thank you for those words of encouragement.”

  They were both laughing as they broke the call connection.

  Rachel was feeling quite cool about tomorrow now that Luc had added some of his unique perspective to the situation. She was really quite mellow and ripe for her vibrator. The pink silicon toy was no match for the boy man god but his lingering presence helped Rachel come quite rapidly as soon as the quivering vibrations hit her swollen clit. It wasn’t earth shattering but satisfying enough to lull her to sleep; Luc’s beautiful face hovering in her dreams looking down on her with those baby blues she adored so much.

  Luc however, was not as easily appeased. Why the hell had he thought he could handle talking to Rachel so intimately so soon after she’d effectively dumped him. He made a vow to himself there and then that he wouldn’t drag his poor battered soul through any more humiliating attempts at late night sex calls and get himself a flesh and blood partner next time.

  For now, though, Luc held his iPhone in his hand staring guiltily at it wondering how he’d reached this all time low as with a deep sorrowful sigh he flicked on to a picture he had secretly taken of Rachel. She was in his room at her house gathering up her stuff as the twins had unexpectedly come home early. Her arse was bared to him and she was slightly bent over leaving little to the imagination. He could just see her tits hanging in front of her and her long silky hair was thrown to one side. Her face was partially hidden by the shadows in the dimmed room but there was no doubt it was Rachel. He knew she would be livid if she knew about the photo and he really should have deleted it but God, he loved how she looked so fucking hot; all freshly fucked and sexy. Luc stared at the image willing himself not to do what he was about to, but he couldn’t stop his hand closing around his cock, and he pumped himself coming hard and fast to Rachel’s frozen image.


  Sitting on the tube in a carriage full of commuters, Rachel was a jumble of nerves. She had her kindle open but couldn’t concentrate on the words floating on the screen. On her way to Nate’s office to meet with Benjamin Pierce, Rachel was in a battle not to disintegrate into a puddle of anxiety before she even got there. Outwardly, the other passengers would see a smart woman dressed for business on her way to work; inwardly Rachel felt like a fraud. What on Earth was she going to be able to contribute - it had been eons since she did any real litigation and certainly not on a corporate scale. Her little charities and worthy causes had kept her in the loop but certainly hadn’t prepared her for the fierce, competitive strategies required for City business. Staring at her reflection in the window of the train, Rachel willed herself to be the person looking back at her. She had wound her long hair into a tight bun and had worn a pair of fitted black trousers with matching jacket over a plain lycra white top. A pretty scarf hung around her neck adding some colour and style. Rachel had dug out a pair of flat black pumps and worn minimal jewellery. The effect was sophisticated elegance.

  Benjamin Pierce had invited her in to primarily clear Nate’s office. Apparently, this is where Joe Mason wanted to situate himself and he had a refurbishment plan ready for when Rachel had finished. She suspected he was getting a bit impatient as she’d successfully managed to delay this task for as long as possible. However, Ben had been quite insistent she visit as she also needed to discuss and sign off on Nate’s last project. Ben was a senior partner in the firm a few years shy of retirement and always very pleasant. He was a brilliant lawyer and added status and prestige by reputation. He was exceedingly influential and Rachel was grateful to have him on her side – however, she feared even he would be reticent when he heard her suggested objectives for the future.

  Reaching London Bridge and exiting the tube station Rachel was greeted with a close up view of the stunning Shard. She took a few moments to appreciate the clever glass architecture and general hustle and bustle of City workers dispersing to their various office buildings and felt quite buzzed by the atmosphere. However, as each step took her closer to her destination and quite possibly her fate, nerves threatened to get the better of her. Pausing to gather herself, Rachel sat on a bench for a moment to try and curb the anxiety coursing through her body. Just then she felt her phone beep alerting her to an incoming message.

  “Hey Mum – love you and good luck – mwah, Jess & Lucy xxx”

  The words displa
yed across her screen and fortified her enough to get on with her journey. Her girls knew how much she was dreading today and it warmed her heart to receive their support just when she needed it the most.

  Rachel reached the glass fronted edifice of Nate’s Law Firm. There was a massive revolving entry door that seemed to rotate automatically. She stepped into it from the outside just as someone was exiting from inside the building, she couldn’t hear him but the man through the glass was certainly furious at whoever it was on the other end of his phone. She couldn’t see his face as his back was turned to her but she was frightened for the person if he ever caught up with them – he was huge! Her eyes widened at the muscles rigid under his long sleeved t-shirt, and the thickness of his thighs hugging his jeans was ridiculous. Rachel couldn’t help compare him to Luc as they were about the same height but this guy was full on hulk in comparison and that was saying something.

  Before he distracted her completely, Rachel entered into the quiet foyer where she was instantly overwhelmed as her mind flooded with memories of having met Nate here on many occasions in the past. Nothing had changed which seemed bizarre to her when such a monumental part of her life was altered forever. She wasn’t sure why she was expecting to see any change – it was all just too shockingly normal.

  “You can do this Rachel,” she repeated over and over like a mantra all the way up in the lift to the 17th floor. In fact she rode the lift several times up and down until she felt ready to get out and face the tragedy that was her life.


  “Mrs Renton; welcome” smiled the friendly receptionist, a lovely girl named Angela who she remembered had attended the funeral. “How are you today?”

  “Angela – it’s so lovely to see you again. I’m well thank you.” Rachel was impressed with herself so far – no wavering voice to match her nerves.

  “Anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. And Mrs Renton, we all miss Nate so very much.”

  “Breathe in; breathe out” Rachel’s mind commanded her body to comply. “No one more than me, Angela” she smiled weakly in response.

  “Please take a seat and I’ll call Mr Pierce for you.”

  Rachel sat in Reception, her stomach flipping violently and her pulse racing. She was pretty sure she maintained an outwardly calm composure but a storm was brewing inside of her threatening to erupt through her throat in a torrent of sobbing. Preparing to bolt, Rachel was prevented from doing so by the lovely Benjamin Pierce who appeared just in the nick of time.

  “Rachel – it’s so good to see you. You’re looking just beautiful as always.” Ben enveloped her in a warm hug, kissing her cheek at the same time. It felt safe and familiar and the storm settled a little until Ben took her hand and started to walk towards Nate’s office.

  “Rachel – I’m sorry. There’s going to be no easy way for you to do this. You might as well get it over and done with as soon as possible. We haven’t touched anything just as you instructed. Take all the time you need and let Angela know if you require anything at all.”

  Halting outside the door of her husband’s office, Rachel thanked Ben then swiftly entered closing the door behind her. Leaning back against it she was engulfed by the overwhelming sense of Nate. Closing her eyes, Rachel inhaled deeply drawing his scent into her. He was everywhere and nowhere and a jolt of grief so fierce gripped her as she slid down to the floor clasping her arms across her stomach rocking back and forward. She was aware of a strange noise in the room and soon realised it was her keening for her loss.

  “This is too hard; too fucking hard,” she mumbled over and over fighting to keep the panic at bay. After several long minutes, Rachel gathered herself off the floor and on shaky legs went to sit in Nate’s chair. No one could help her now; not Nate, not Luc and certainly not Joe Mason whoever and wherever he was. Punching the intercom for reception she asked Angela to organise several large boxes for storage.

  While she was waiting for the boxes to arrive, Rachel took some time to look around Nate’s room. It was very masculine but in an old fashioned way. Nate was a man who liked tradition and his office was decorated accordingly. His desk was massive and terribly elegant – all carved legs and leather topping. There were drawers and gilt locks suggestive of a much earlier age. The desk matched much of the furniture in the room making it seem like an antique store rather than a lawyer’s office. Photos of her and the girls were dotted around the room so that whichever way Nate was facing he could always see his family. A tear ran down Rachel’s face when she realised this but she refused to break down altogether having cried enough tears in the past eight months. Now was a time to be strong and attend to the task at hand.

  A knock on the door startled Rachel momentarily until Angela entered with several fold out storage boxes.

  “Do you want me to help you construct some of these boxes Mrs Renton?” she asked politely.

  “Call me Rachel, please Angela – I keep looking for my mother in law every time I hear Mrs Renton! And yes I’d love some help, I have no idea how to build these things!”

  “No problem at all.” Angela removed her suit jacket and hung it on Nate’s coat stand then proceeded to show Rachel how the box came together. It was a very simple process and Rachel felt quite foolish. Noticing her discomfort Angela reassured Rachel that no question was too stupid and she should never worry about asking her anything at all.

  “You are a gem Angela –but you are so going to regret telling me that; I fear I’m going to drive you nuts!”

  Angela and Rachel laughed at that and it calmed Rachel down a bit for the job that lay ahead. She found she really liked Angela and clearly the receptionist had been very fond of Nate. She spoke about him with genuine affection and seemed determined to take Rachel under her wing.

  Rachel guessed Angela was a few years older than her but her smooth ebony skin and perfect size 10 figure made for one very attractive woman. No wonder the partners stationed her at the front line to meet and greet visitors – she had a smile that lit up the whole room and deep brown eyes full of warmth and concern. She reminded Rachel a little bit of a younger version of David Bowie’s wife Iman; sleek, stylish and sexy.

  “There” proclaimed Angela gesturing at several empty boxes “you take all the time you need and call me for anything.” Grabbing her jacket off the hook she disappeared out the door leaving a waft of expensive perfume in her wake.

  Rachel began by collecting all the photos; pictures and certificates – she would be taking them home for sure. Then she set about collecting other personal items from Nate’s desk drawers. She found little notes from Jess and Lucy and pictures they had drawn for him when they were little. Rachel’s heart tightened at the thought of him keeping them all these years. Nate adored his family especially his precious girls. There wasn’t much else she was interested in keeping but was totally floored when she discovered a pair of her panties tucked away in his bottom drawer. Rachel laughed at the thought of her prim and proper husband rooting around the laundry basket for them but her train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door. Shoving her panties into the box for home, she called for the person to come in.

  “Rachel – how are you getting on?” asked Ben as he approached the desk, his voice full of concern.

  “Fine Ben, thanks. I‘ve taken what I want to keep and would appreciate Angela arranging to have it delivered to my home. I thought I’d spend this afternoon catching up on Nate’s latest project – do you have the files?”

  Ben had the good grace to look a little uncomfortable before continuing, “Umm about that. This is the something I wanted to talk about with you face to face. Joe has decided we probably won’t be pursuing that line of business going forward. He just needs you to sign off on the termination agreement.”

  Rachel sat up straighter in Nate’s chair. “What do you mean? I thought this new venture was fully supported by the board? Good for the reputation to have a humanitarian side and all that?”

– it seems our new CEO has a dislike for pro bono work. He’s not big on working for no profit. He doesn’t want to give up resources for a line of work that won’t pay for itself.”

  “But that’s not right Ben,” Rachel was quite indignant. Joe Mason was clearly all about the money but bollocks to that, this was Nate’s passion and she was determined to see it continue.

  “I’m sorry Ben – I’m not signing any papers. Nate made sure that in the event of his death, I was to take over his work to the best of my ability and that is what I fully intend to do. I’m not sure if I’m capable but I can certainly oversee a team that is. If Mr Mason has a problem, have him call me. “

  “With all due respect Rachel – you have no idea how much work this will entail. Are you sure you are up to it?” Rachel knew Ben was aware of her credentials and suspected he meant emotionally rather than practically.

  Rachel was mad. Any doubts she had harboured about returning to work had dissipated the moment she heard about Joe Mason’s objections. All it had done was fire up a desire to ensure Nate’s dreams were not obliterated at the first hurdle. Narrowing her eyes at Ben with a steely expression on her face, Rachel held his gaze.


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