Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Page 27

by Jessie Courts

  “Yeah, and strong – he picked you up like you weighed nothing.”

  “Pppicked me up….” Rachel choked on her bagel for the second time, and grabbed for her diet coke. Taking a huge swallow she then burped very loudly causing the twins to burst out laughing.

  “Oh that’s classy mother!”

  Rachel cringed as the words jolted her into remembering Joe saying something similar, but she wasn’t quite sure where or when.

  “Don’t change the subject,” she chided them, “tell me about Joe.” The twins grinned nudging each other as Rachel rolled her eyes at them, then proceeded to tell her in great detail how he carefully arranged her on the sofa, gently settling her in.

  “He seemed hesitant to leave, Mum,” observed Lucy. Rachel was gobsmacked and disappointed to have missed this side of Joe. Then she supposed he was just feeling guilty for being the reason she had gotten drunk in the first place.

  “Yes well. I must remember to thank him tomorrow. Can you clear up please, I have to get back to work.” Watching their mother hurry out the kitchen towards the study, the twins couldn’t help noticing how red in the face she had turned at the mention of Joe Mason.

  “Jess, my love, what’s that saying about the lady who doth protest too much?”

  “Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Lucy. His mum said it, and now it’s used when one "insists so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying.” I reckon that’s our Mum eh?”

  “I knew having an English Lit freak for a sister would pay off one day! Oh well. I can’t wait to see how this little drama unfolds.” Lucy sighed at her sister as they both set about clearing the table deep in their own thoughts.


  Across the City, Joe was returning from a run. He chose not to visit the gym but rather take advantage of a beautifully sunny day and run around Regent’s Park. His apartment was situated in a block overlooking the zoo and he had little opportunity so far to appreciate the beautiful surroundings. Stepping into his shower, Joe was still thinking about Rachel. She had filled his dreams and wormed her way into his thoughts during his run and now he was helpless to prevent memories of last night and how she had felt so good in his arms.

  Joe was angry for allowing himself to become derailed by a woman, let alone one his own age who was the widow of his predecessor at work. It was all wrong; not at all his usual m o. During the past few weeks he had spent an inordinate amount of time trying to discover what it was about her that unravelled him. Joe had vowed never to get into a relationship after his sham of a marriage had him at the mercy of his ex-wife while his kids were still young enough to live at home with her. He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise his custody over the years and so found himself consenting to her appalling financial demands, using their kids as ransom to make him concede. His parents had engineered a wedding to the daughter of their best friends. Both families had thrown Joe and Leighton together as kids and it was expected they would be the conduit bringing together two of the most aristocratic New York families ensuring the bloodline for the future.

  Joe had lasted ten years in a loveless marriage. Leighton had turned into a frigid bitch and made his life a misery, taking every opportunity to belittle him in front of both their families. He’d turned to the gym in the hopes of venting his physical frustrations hence his incredible physique, but there was only so long a red-blooded male could go without sex, and so the flings began heralding the demise of his marriage.

  The divorce was messy even though he granted Leighton everything she asked for apart from sole custody. He fought for the rights to see his kids every week and won and thank god they had an amazing relationship. His daughter, Olivia was the light of his life and his son, Ethan, was hardworking and a boy to be proud of. He made sure to tell him them all the time how much he loved them, unlike his own father who was cold and unaffectionate.

  The hot water beat down on Joe’s back. He squeezed shower gel into his hands and lathered up starting with his hair and then his body. His cock hardened as Joe imagined Rachel’s hands on his chest rubbing the soap across his pecs and down his stomach. His erection swelled in his hands as the soap glided over the silky smooth rock hard skin. He tugged at his balls and sighed leaning against the shower wall for support. Pumping his closed fist up and down his shaft, picturing Rachel naked in the steam room, it wasn’t long before his body stiffened as he came hard and fast. Watching his come disappearing down the plug hole along with the soap suds, Joe moaned in despair at his pathetic attempts to convince himself Rachel was just a high end piece of tail he’d get over once he’d fucked her.

  Joe Mason was falling for Rachel Renton and there was nothing he could do about it.



  The first Genesis trial had begun and the hearing dragged on for three days due to some more complex nuances of the case. Rachel’s researchers however, had supplied her with all the references she needed to make a clear and hopefully convincing argument before the judge. Every night she went home and religiously reviewed the day’s events and prepared for any eventualities the following day. Her opponent who was fighting the case for the local council was a weasely little man whose comb over was quite startling. By the end of the day it had taken on a life of its own and Rachel and her colleagues had a good old laugh about it. However, he was quite devious and fairly intent on winning, so much so that Rachel wondered if he had been offered a share in the proposed new development if he was successful in his attack.

  It was unusual for such a mundane case to become so embroiled but Rachel had set out to prove she could win and was taking no chances. She came prepared and defiant every day and her confidence was building. She had never felt so alive and even if Joe closed Genesis down after this, she was grateful to have been given the opportunity to get back in court and prove to herself she had a future in the legal world. Fate would have it that she never got the opportunity to speak to Joe before starting the trial, and now she glad as she felt really good about the way things were going. It gave her hope that there may be a future for her at Gyles Bishop after all.

  On the last day of the hearing, unknown to Rachel, Joe had slipped into the courtroom to hear her close. The judge had been impressed by the passionate arguments from both sides and wanted to make sure she understood every aspect clearly before making her decision.

  Rachel was magnificent. Joe couldn’t think of any other way of describing her today. She looked like she should be on the set of The Good Wife, although she could give Alicia Florrick a run for her money any day. Rachel was dressed in a navy blue suit; the skirt was to the knee and tight, and the jacket was fitted with a neat peplum highlighting her curvy arse and small waist. She wore no jewellery other than a small pair or diamond studs and an expensive looking watch, and on her feet were a simple pair of navy court shoes. Her hair was restrained into a neat bun and the overall effect was one of a sophisticated woman out to do business.

  Joe loved it – in his fantasies he could imagine her all prim and proper until he got his hands on her. He’d tease out her hair first letting it cascade down her back while he massaged her scalp, then he’d undo the jacket leaving her bra exposed underneath. For his purposes it had a front clasp which he deftly flicked open and in one swift movement slid the jacket and bra off her shoulders. Burying his head in the valley of her ample cleavage Joe breathed in deep and……….”Sweet Jesus!” he cursed mentally, “you’re in court man!”

  Switching his concentration back to Rachel’s closing argument he was more than impressed with her delivery; her obvious preparation, and of course her passion for the cause she was fighting for. The defending solicitor however, was not so slick. He knew his stuff for sure but his manner was condescending and Joe thought some of his comments were a little snide and inappropriate with little to do with the case and directed more at Rachel. He was not happy with this approach and would be taking it up with the slimy shit’s sup
eriors; no one should be using the courtroom for anything other than trying their cases.

  It was time for the judge to deliver her verdict. Rachel’s heart was thumping and Joe noticed the tension in her rigid posture and the hint of blush in her cheeks. He never took his eyes off her as the judge began to speak.

  “Thanks to both sides for presenting me with exceptionally informed facts on which to base my decision. However, Mrs Renton has presented a clear cut argument based on precedents past, that have swayed my judgement to keep the shelter open on it’s current site. I see absolutely no value in developing an area that already has a thriving community life, and too often these big corporations come in and destroy the vibrancy of those communities leaving people scattered and homeless. It’s not happening on my watch especially with such a vulnerable sector at stake. Mrs Renton you are to be congratulated on winning this case; I hope I have the pleasure of presiding over many more of your cases in the future.”

  Rachel thanked the judge profusely and turned to her client and team where much hugging and congratulating took place. Joe was struggling to name the emotions he was experiencing and settled on immense pride and admiration. To be fair, from the moment he had seen Rachel in action he knew he was never letting her go. She may be good now but she had masses of hidden potential and he wanted her nurtured and mentored to achieve greater success for her and Gyles Bishop. He debated whether to make her sweat a bit more, but remembered he had decided to be nicer to her.

  Joe waited until the courtroom emptied to get her on her own, but she scurried past him without noticing him. Slimy Shit hastily followed and as they left he grabbed Rachel by the arm hauling her into the hallway. Joe was up in an instant flying through the door. Slimy Shit had not released his grip on Rachel’s arm and was hissing insults at her while she struggled to break free.

  “Think you and your fancy firm can get one over on me. I had a lot of money riding on this deal and some tarty do gooder comes along thinking she can save the world. Look at you in your designer clothes pretending you understand the cause of the little people. I knew Nate Renton and you are nothing…” Rachel was shaking slightly and a little bit panicked by being grabbed unexpectedly but was preparing herself to knee him in the balls or kick him in the shins at least.

  “Take your fucking hands off her now.” Joe barked interrupting the diatribe of crap coming from Slimy Shit’s mouth. Rachel jumped in shock at seeing Joe there but also at the underlying threat of his words. It was more what his tone implied rather than what he said that sounded dangerous.

  To his credit, her opponent stopped talking immediately, but made the grave error of keeping his grip on her. Joe moved in closer towering over the man looking as menacing as she had ever seen him. “I said’ Leave. Her. The. Fuck. Alone.” There was no mistaking the terror in Slimy Shit’s eyes now; Joe was a formidable force placid, but angry he was definitely not someone to mess with.

  “Joe, what are you doing here?” she asked; her voice a shrill version of her normal tone.

  “Stop talking Rachel.”

  Slimy Shit smirked until Joe placed one of his massive hands on the man’s shoulder. To onlookers it would appear a friendly gesture but judging by the pained expression on Slimy Shit’s face, she guessed it was anything but. He released his grip on her and she stumbled backwards out of his reach.

  Joe put his face in the other man’s face.

  “Do not ever place your hands on one of my employees again. Do I make myself clear?”


  “Now apologise to Mrs Renton.”

  “For what, fucking up my life with her one woman crusade?” Joe squeezed a little harder.

  “Ow, owwww. Ok, for fuck’s sake get off me.” The man wriggled but honestly Rachel didn’t even think Joe noticed.

  “I apologise, I was out of line and it won’t happen again.” Rachel nodded in acknowledgement of the apology and Joe let the man free. They both stood and watched as he ran off making rude hand gestures as he left the building.

  Joe made some sort of manly growl of triumph and Rachel hit him in the stomach with her briefcase.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing coming over all caveman on me. I would have been perfectly fine thank you very much. And what were you doing here anyway?” she yelled at him and might have even stamped her feet once or twice.

  Joe was flabbergasted. Clutching his mid-riff he gasped, “That motherfucker had his hands on you.”

  “Why does that concern you Joe? If you hadn’t been checking up on me you’d never have known. Were you here to gloat; hoping I’d fail so you could kick me to the curb; happy to see me stumble at the first hurdle. Wh, what are you doing; why are you so close; Joe wh..”

  Joe’s mouth came crashing down on hers. His kiss effectively shutting her up and stealing her breath. Pushing her hand against his chest to stop him was a futile gesture; the man was a mountain. And oh, god his tongue was in her mouth and his teeth were nipping her lips and honestly, Joe Mason could kiss. Rachel dropped her briefcase and looped her arms around his neck. He was so tall he had to bend down to accommodate her but suddenly she was off the floor against the wall level with his face. His arms held her steady and she was consumed by his claim on her mouth. His tongue swept over her teeth and caressed her own tongue causing a mini explosion in her lower body making her wet and needy for more. She pushed her aching breasts into his chest and the moan that vibrated from his throat into her mouth did ridiculous things to her already throbbing clit.

  Joe’s hand cupped her bum holding her close. Rachel could feel his arousal against her tummy and typically Joe, it was hard and huge. Her senses were reeling with the unexpected onslaught of his kiss. Joe was certainly skilled with his tongue and his mouth and the added caress of his soft beard and moustache only enhanced the pleasure. Rachel couldn’t help wonder how marvellous it would be to feel his mouth on other parts of her body especially at her core where she needed him the most. But right now she need to breathe. Tugging at his hair brushing over his collar Rachel finally got Joe’s attention. He released his lips from hers and rested his forehead against her forehead. They were both panting from the intensity of their shared kiss and the mutual lust for more.

  “Joe?” Rachel asked, her voice hoarse from yelling at him.

  Joe relaxed his hold on Rachel and she slid down him to the floor. He didn’t however, move away and she was still trapped between the wall and his body. He remained silent although the steely graphite of his eyes spoke volumes of the sexual tension between them.

  “Why’d you do that Joe?” she whispered.

  Joe was shaking his head. “I couldn’t think of any other way to shut you up. That pathetic excuse for a lawyer was rude and obnoxious and out of line. I know you think I over reacted, but he needed a kick up the ass.”



  “Arse, Joe, not ass – he’s not a donkey.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? You’re always saying weird stuff; you never stop. Am I going to have to kiss you again?”

  “I don’t know Joe,” smiled Rachel coyly, “are you?”

  Joe ran his hands through his hair and contemplated Rachel for several horribly silent seconds.

  “Oh god he regrets it already” thought Rachel, “now this is going to be terribly awkward.” Smoothing down her skirt and straightening her jacket she gathered up her briefcase. “I’m going back to the office to finish the paperwork. I’ll, um, see you later.”

  “Have lunch with me.” It wasn’t a question and no answer was required apparently, as Joe took Rachel’s free hand in his and led her out to his shiny black Range Rover parked outside.

  “How the bloody hell do you expect me to get into that in this skirt?”

  Joe raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Forget it – I’ll manage” she warned him as he took a step towards her.

  Sighing dramatically, Joe turned to get into the driver’s seat �
��I can lower the chassis for you, I suppose.” He started the engine and the car dropped down a few inches making it easier for her to get in.

  “Thanks,” she smiled politely at him. “What do you fancy?”

  “Pardon me?”

  “To eat Joe?”


  Rachel turned her head to look at the man in the car next to her just to check it was actually Joe Mason sitting there. He was concentrating on the road and not looking at all like he’d just proposed oral sex with her. She watched him as he handled the big car with ease and confidence – his default disposition. His strong hands gripped the steering wheel with purpose and his thigh muscles contracted and relaxed as he worked the pedals.

  Joe Mason was the most attractive man Rachel had ever seen and he had just kissed her mouth and now he wanted to go down on her. She was having a hard time taking it all in. She was perplexed how a man who could have any woman he desired was fixating on her. It made her a little suspicious of his intentions and she wondered if this was just another of his tactics to get her out of Gyles Bishop. But that kiss was electrifying – she was the horniest she ever been. Rachel had never experienced anything like it before; not with Nate and not with Luc. It didn’t feel like he was faking; Joe was clever with his tongue; he’d taken his time, and she could easily have come on the spot if he’d carried on. Maybe it was his size; or the power that exuded from his every pore; or his sexy face and divine scent, but he seriously did it for her.


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