Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Page 36

by Jessie Courts


  The work day finally drew to an end and Rachel and Joe went to the gym as they had planned, both excited to spend some time back in the steam room. Sadly, their plans were scuppered as Angela was there with a few other Gyles Bishop staff so they were forced to work out separately. Rachel then waited a full 10 minutes after Joe left to avoid suspicion-sneaking unseen into his Range Rover.

  “We need to find another gym,” Rachel suggested to Joe on the way home.

  “Or we could just come clean and let people know we’re together.” Joe grumbled. “I’ve had enough of this sneaking around shit.”

  “It’s only been a day Joe, calm down!” Rachel sounded exasperated. “Please try and understand why we need to be discreet. I don’t want people to think I’m getting preferential treatment just because I’m shagging the boss.”

  “Whilst I have never ‘shagged’ anyone as you so elegantly put it, in my whole life; I don’t see how it is anybody’s business quite frankly.” Joe’s cheek muscles were working furiously as he clenched and unclenched his jaw.

  Rachel huffed. “Well, while you sit there in your ivory tower oblivious to all the office gossip that goes on; I have to live with it.”

  Joe let out an absurdly exaggerated sigh. He could care less what people thought about who he chose to sleep with, but he did have more concern for Rachel’s reputation, especially due to many at Gyles Bishop who had previously worked with her husband Nate. Speaking of which, Nate had been on Joe’s mind a lot lately. Having taken over the man’s major clients, Joe was seriously impressed with what he was discovering about Nate’s ability and good name. He had been popular and much admired and Joe felt a weird sense of responsibility towards Rachel on Nate’s behalf. Like that wasn’t totally fucked up. There had been a couple of times over the past few days that Joe had wanted to ask Rachel about Nate but it was still a bit too weird.

  Rachel interrupted his thoughts. “I need to go home and check on a few things. Would you please drop me off there, and I’ll drive back to you; I want my car for tomorrow anyway; we can’t keep turning up to work together or someone will see eventually.”

  Joe reluctantly agreed. “But we’re still going out tonight right? And you’re still staying over?”

  Rachel nodded. “Yes, of course. But don’t forget Mr, you said I got to pick where we go later.” Judging by the mysterious smile on her face, Joe was already regretting it.


  “I’m driving!” Rachel announced as they headed back down to the underground garage beneath Joe’s apartment. Joe groaned. He wasn’t keen on being a passenger at the best of times, but folding himself into Rachel’s BMW was his first challenge. “I fucking hate Beamers,” he complained.

  “Wait, I’ll take the roof off – it’ll be easier, and darling, no one calls them Beamers in the UK.” Rachel chirped. She was chomping at the bit at the thought of driving Joe around knowing how much he would hate it. He was such a control freak the thought of placing his life in her hands must have him bursting at the seams. It was too tempting to play with him and Rachel fully intended to stir things up a little. She was convinced that Joe thought she’d be a crap driver, but it was one of the things she loved to do most and she was actually extremely competent at it.

  “Have you got your seatbelt on love?” she asked with a concerned expression on her face. Joe frowned and nodded; his hands were palm down on his lovely thick denim clad thighs. She noticed his fingers denting his jeans and a slight tick in his clenched jaw.

  “You alright Joe?” she asked in a voice dripping with concern.

  “Let’s just go already.”

  Rachel was impressed by the way he could speak through gritted teeth. She jerked the car and crunched the gears as she reversed out of the space. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Joe checking the wing mirrors with a look of horror as his Bugatti sat directly in line with her boot. She sniggered and braked within a hair’s breath of his beloved Veyron then swung round narrowly avoiding the Harley that sat covered nearby. Joe shot up and swore under his breath, but refrained from actually bursting a blood vessel. Rachel stopped the car; she couldn’t breath for laughing so hard.

  “Oh my god – you are so easy to wind up” she was crying now and had to rest her head on the steering wheel while she caught her breath.

  Joe’s whole body sank into the seat and his head lolled against the backrest. He yanked at the seatbelt restraining him. “Oh so fucking funny. I promise you are so going to pay for that later.” The raw menace in his voice was enough to make Rachel sit up and pay attention, much the same as her nipples were now doing. The man was so hot when he was angry.

  “Oh calm down dear; I was only messing with you.” She patted him on the thigh patronisingly.

  “As I said; I will have my revenge.” He threw her a smile laced with pure evil. She rolled her eyes, threw the car into gear and screeched out of the car park.


  It was a pleasant evening; warm without being too muggy. Joe was constantly moaning about the shit British weather, but tonight wasn’t too bad which was perfect for what she had in mind. Parking near the South Bank, Rachel led Joe along the side of the River Thames to the London Eye. She had hired an entire pod just for them, and organised a picnic to eat while they rode the city’s most popular attraction.

  “I don’t expect you’ve done anything touristy yet have you?” she asked him with a big grin on her face. Joe stared up at the huge wheel feeling strangely excited at the prospect of being encapsulated up there with only Rachel for company. He was also hugely touched by the extremes she had gone to for their second proper date. This had to have taken some serious planning not to mention costing a fortune. Once again he was lost for the right words so like an idiot he just bumped shoulders with her and laced his fingers through hers. It was the small stuff he was no good at yet Rachel made him want to try and do better. She deserved it really.

  “This is just perfect Rachel, thanks.” His voice was gruff and his words stilted, but Rachel didn’t seem to notice.

  “I knew you’d love it” she jumped up and hugged him. Joe grunted smiling into her hair, pleased to have given her the response she was hoping for. Still he didn’t want her thinking he’d gone completely soft. “Darlin’ I can’t wait to take that ride with you,” he whispered into her ear. Rachel shivered at the feel of his breath. “But don’t for one minute think this gets you off your punishment. I haven’t forgotten how badly you behaved today and I always make good on my promises.”

  Rachel pushed him away grinning. She licked her lips and cocked her head at him looking not the lease bit bothered by his delicious threat. “Oh you sweet talker you – c’mon, London awaits” and she dragged him into the awaiting pod.

  High above the Thames, Rachel and Joe were enjoying the view along with lots of goodies courtesy of a Fortnum & Mason’s hamper. Sipping on ice cold champagne, Rachel pointed out the various iconic sites across the city. Having lived in London her entire life, she was proud of the magnificent buildings; bridges and parks that dotted the landscape below them and it showed in her enthusiastic explanations.

  Rachel, however, captivated Joe far more than anything London had to offer. He was mesmerised by the way she moved; the language she used and the way she sounded. His body hummed and his dick grew hard in appreciation of the way her soft cotton black t-shirt hugged her curvaceous upper body. The deep v of the neckline showcased her spectacular cleavage and he wanted to drop to his knees and bury his face in her soft olive skin. That and the way she always smelled so enticingly gorgeous made him mad for her in every way.

  “Joe! Joe…” the sound of his name interrupted that particular stream of thought. “Hmm?”

  “Were you even listening? I said you could see our office building from here, look.”

  “I can’t see; come here and point it out for me.” Rachel crossed the pod and stood facing the glass. She felt Joe move in behind her and place one of his huge ha
nds on her hip. He leaned into her brushing her hair to one side and she shuddered as he blew softly on her neck. She grabbed his arm to steady herself as the pod reached its highest point then started its slow descent. The effect of Joe Mason wrapped around her did far more to affect her balance than the movement of the London Eye, especially now he was nipping at the sensitive skin of her neck. Rachel felt unsteady on her feet and leaned back against the solid wall of man behind her for support. The things he made her feel and the way her body reacted to his touch was enough to keep her off kilter. Joe dipped his head and kissed her deeply. Although she knew no one could really see them clearly, Rachel felt quite exposed. She was surprised to find she didn’t mind.

  Twilight was upon them and the twinkling London lights cast a romantic hue in the glass case. Rachel felt like she and Joe were the only two people in the world and his gentle kisses and sexy growls had her body glowing and yearning for more. The more attention he lavished on her the more she was falling for him. She could deny it until the cows came home, but she was dangerously close to falling in love with Joe Mason.

  As they alighted from their pod, Rachel asked Joe if he wanted to take a walk along the Southbank; maybe stop for a drink in one of the pubs by the river.

  “No baby. We need to go home now.” His intention was clear by the rough inflection to his tone making Rachel’s clit throb at the prospect of what lay ahead. She was a hundred per cent sure he would make good on his threat from before and her heart rate sped up at the erotic imagery dancing around her head. Not knowing what to expect was distinctly worrying, yet incredibly seductive. Rachel put her foot down on the way home with surprisingly few complaints from her passenger this time.


  Parking her car with rather more finesses than when they had left a few hours earlier, Rachel followed a silent Joe into the lift to his flat. The first time she’d been to his home she had assumed he would live in the penthouse and she had teased him somewhat about slumming it with the plebs. He had just smiled at her like you would a five year old and explained that this was more than adequate until he decided which part of London he wanted to live in permanently. Rachel had expected Joe to pounce on her the minute the lift doors had closed but he had kept distant and silent. The sexual tension was like a living breathing entity in the lift with them and the fact that he wasn’t al over her like usual was unnerving her and she suspected this was his intention. Preferring not to succumb to the nerves presently lodged in her belly; Rachel leaned back into the mirrored lift wall and crossed her arms under her chest pushing her boobs up and giving him an eyeful of what she knew he craved. Nothing; no response; not even a raised eyebrow or a sigh. Rachel huffed her frustration and chewed on her bottom lip contemplating her next move.

  Joe was amused and turned on and if Rachel didn’t stop taunting him with her crazy sexy moves his resolve was going to crumble in a heartbeat. He was determined to stay good on his promise to punish her for being so naughty to him earlier this evening but he was finding it extremely difficult not to gather her up in his arms and kiss her until they were both breathless. Contrary to what she said, Joe knew it made Rachel horny when he took the upper hand and went all macho on her. There was something in her that found his arrogance a turn on and he was more than happy to stay true to form if that’s what she wanted. Ironically, he had found he was softening in her company. She relaxed him and he was able to let down some of his guard and really enjoy their time together. She was becoming his friend; something Joe did not have a lot of. He didn’t make it easy to sustain a relationship of any kind and he could count on his hands the number of true friends he had maintained over the years. It didn’t bother him as he had never really desired emotional attachment other than with his kids, but Rachel had niggled her way into his heart and he welcomed it.

  The ding of the lift announced their arrival at his floor. Joe strode out leaving Rachel to catch up with him. He heard her snort at his bad manners and his lips curled. To compensate, he held his front door open for her and gestured with an exaggerated sweeping arm motion that she should enter. Rachel made sure to avoid touching him and in a irritatingly bored voice asked, “So, enough with the silent treatment already - what’s the plan Stan?”

  Joe’s natural response would have been to snort out a laugh and deride her for using such pathetic language, but he wasn’t going to be derailed from his promise.

  He suspected Rachel was all for trying new experiences and she’d seemed pretty sexually uninhibited up until now. He wasn’t into all that BDSM shit; for one it took far too much effort and secondly, he much preferred sex to be a two way experience making it equally enjoyable for both parties concerned. However, there was no doubt a little pain could certainly add to the pleasure and Rachel was about to find that out. He would only take it as far as she was willing to go and would never want to hurt or humiliate her but Joe couldn’t deny his alpha male tendencies altogether and it made him hard to contemplate getting her to submit to him for a bit.

  “Go and get undressed and wait for me in bed. On top of the covers and on your stomach.” Rachel giggled at his stern instruction and her cheeks coloured delightfully.

  “Now, Rachel, unless you need some help getting there.” The threatening tone had Rachel stomping down the hall littering the way with her discarded clothes. By the time she got to his bedroom she was all but naked except for another ridiculously tiny scrap of silk threading through her arse cheeks and covering her mound. She gave him her best sultry look as she stood in the doorway nearly killing him as she reached up and played with her tits. Joe was beginning to think she was punishing him and not the other way around. He realised he was stroking his beard; something he did when he was trying to calm down, but he was beyond excited at the turn of events. Growling, his long strides ate up the distance between them as Rachel squealed and dove into his room.

  She jumped on to his bed just as he reached her and grabbed one of her ankles so she couldn’t escape him. Rachel protested loudly as Joe pulled her across his lap. If she hadn’t have felt his obvious arousal prodding her stomach she would have been a lot more nervous but in her heart of hearts she knew Joe would never really hurt her and she had to admit she was totally wet for Caveman Joe.

  “What the fuuuuuuuuuuck!” she yelled as Joe’s palm connected with her right arse cheek. The sting was incredible. Immediately the left cheek was treated to the same wicked sensation.

  “Jesus Joe that kills” Rachel squirmed on his lap wriggling around like crazy trying to get away.

  “Tell me to stop and I will. ‘No means no’ remember sweetheart.”

  Rachel opened her mouth to tell him exactly that when he stared to rub her cheeks softly with the warm palm of his hand. The throb between her thighs intensified and all that came out of her mouth was a small whimper much to her disgust.

  Joe dropped his mouth close to her head as he swept a finger through her slick sex. “I think you like that Rachel. You’re so wet.” His voice had lowered and Rachel heard the gruff evidence of his own arousal. She gyrated a little against his hand. “Oh no sweetheart. Your punishment isn’t over. You knew you were playing with fire the minute you dared go near my bike didn’t you?”

  Rachel snorted inelegantly and decided to test his limits just a tiny bit more “It’s just a piece of metal for god’s sake.” She heard him gasp at her audacity; insulting his beloved Harley was a sure fire way to piss him off.

  “Shiiiiiiit!” she hissed as his hand connected with her skin once again. She could feel her bum getting redder but the pain was bearable and the heat was doing wonderful things to her clit. Rachel moaned as Joe rubbed some of the soreness away but at the same time braced her self for another smack. When it came she moaned louder and as the punishment continued welcomed the sting that was turning her into a wet and wanton mess.

  “That’s enough beautiful,” Joe whispered. He gently pushed her on to the bed and told her not to move. She heard his shuffling around in
the bathroom then felt the weight of the bed shift as he sat down next to her. She was strangely drowsy. Suddenly Joe’s hands were on her arse again but this time he was massaging her cheeks with some kind of divine cooling gel. “Aloe” he whispered already smiling at the predictable response.

  “Hello to you too.” Rachel did not disappoint. Joe chuckled.

  “You have no idea how goddamned sexy you look right now. Your ass is the perfect shade of pinky red and your thighs are slick from your wet cunt.”

  Rachel gasped at Joe’s direct language; it never failed to shock her how he had no problem verbalising the most base of situations with the crudest words. Her pussy ached in response and her clit swelled. Admitting to herself that she loved this side of his character was difficult; she’d always tried to remain indifferent to his rather more caveman like nature but the contrast in his personality did crazy things to her hormones and she was relishing all the new experiences. The sting of his slaps against her backside had brought tears to her eyes but there was no denying the afterglow made her exceptionally desperate to have sex, lots and lots of it. It was like Joe had released an aphrodisiac into her system that needed his undivided attention immediately. She tapped his hip.


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