Set Loose

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Set Loose Page 7

by Isabel Morin

  By the time they reached Emily’s floor Cutter had forced himself to relax. One of them had to, and it didn’t look like it was going to be her. Something had changed and now she seemed anxious, glancing up at him out of the corner of her eye and smiling nervously.

  He wasn’t sure what that was all about. Was she afraid he was going to open the door and take her against the wall or throw her over a table? As appealing as that was, he wasn’t going to lose control this time. He was going to take it slow and make it last, give back a little of the sensual torture she’d shown him.


  Emily led the way down the hall to her room, her whole body vibrating with awareness. If she’d had any doubts about whether he’d be coming in, that kiss in the elevator had put them to rest. He was as ready as she was, though he didn’t seem afflicted by nerves like she was. She wanted him, God she wanted him, but the crazy adrenaline she’d been riding on earlier in the night had given way and now she was just herself, no tricks or costumes, no stripper persona.

  He was right behind her as she opened the door and set her things on the table just inside. Now what? Should she saunter over to the bed like some kind of sex goddess, or take off her clothes here? Or maybe she should offer him a drink? Contrary to what she might have led him to believe, she was no good at this sort of thing. What if he ended up disappointed that she wasn’t more exciting?

  She hadn’t even looked at him since they entered her room, but she could feel him right behind her, big and sexy and probably used to crazy hot sex whenever he wanted.

  Fortunately, he stopped all thought when he turned her around by the shoulders and kissed her. His lips landed warm and soft on hers, grazing over hers as he let out a hum of pleasure. It was a kiss that demanded nothing, and instantly all her fears fled. Her eyes closed and she leaned into him, her arms wrapping around his chest. One big hand cupped the back of her head as the other pressed the middle of her back, holding her close while his lips continued their unhurried assault.

  A little whimper rose from the back of her throat, and her tongue slipped out to trace the seam of his mouth. Immediately he deepened the kiss, his mouth opening over hers as his tongue sought hers. He was greedy but patient, his clever tongue diving deep and then retreating until she was clutching him tighter, moaning for more.

  They kissed and kissed, standing in the middle of her room, his body pressed to her along her entire length. He gave just enough, making her crave more before he gave it.

  The memory of him stroking inside her made her restless. For the second time that night she went to work on the buttons of his shirt. This time he let her do it herself, though he kissed her senseless all the while, distracting her until she almost forgot her purpose.

  Breathless, she pushed his shirt off him and ran her hands down his chest.

  “Ever thought of stripping, Cutter? The ladies would pay plenty to see you.”

  She was only half-kidding. As much as she loved having him to herself, she almost felt bad that his beauty was hidden. Works of art were meant to be seen.

  He let out an amused laugh. “I think I’ll leave that to you. No one would pay to see me dance.”

  “I could teach you,” she said, teasing him now.

  “Okay, then,” he said, his expression wicked. “Show me how you take off a shirt.”

  She looked at him in surprise and then laughed. So he wanted to play, did he? She could do that. Slowly she began unbuttoning her blouse, all the while singing the bawdy tune everyone thought of when it came to stripping. Da da da dada…She flipped her hair and spun, snaking her hips down to the floor and then coming up to smile wickedly at him. Her watched her as he always did, only instead of the reluctant watchfulness she usually saw, there was only heat.

  She played him a little longer, holding the blouse closed even after the buttons were all released, then showing just a shoulder. He took a step toward her and reached for her hip but she darted away, still singing as she flung the shirt across the bed. His eyes went wide when he saw she was braless. She was laughing as he came after her wearing a wolfish grin, clearly determined to catch her. She didn’t try very hard to get away and in seconds he had her cornered by the kitchenette.

  She yelped as he scooped her up and dropped her on the bed. She bounced once and then he was on top of her, his big hands gripping her wrists and holding her down. Instinctively she arched against him, unable to get enough contact. She wanted to own every inch of that smooth skin, that hard, rangy muscle.

  But he had other plans. Holding her wrists trapped he bent down and captured her breast in his mouth, letting out a groan of pleasure as he sucked and nipped at her. The sight of him feasting on her was so erotic she whimpered again and tried to free herself.

  “Please, I need to touch you.”

  He looked down at her, his eyes dark and full of a heat that sent another rush of awareness along her sensitized skin. “Now you know how I felt during your lap dance. Do you have any idea what you did to me?”

  She writhed under him, smiling at his quick intake of breath. “I know exactly what I did. You can thank me later.”

  He growled and moved to her other breast, clearly planning more delicious torment. Only he was having trouble controlling himself. She could feel it in the tension that radiated from him, hear it in his ragged breathing. And then there was his cock. Good God, he was so hard and heavy where he pressed into her, she nearly screamed with impatience.

  Finally he released her hands and moved lower, kissing his way down her body until he got to her skirt. Unsnapping it he pulled it over her hips and down her legs, gazing at every inch of her skin like he was going to eat her right up. She spread her legs wider and lifted her hips, bringing his gaze back to the black bikini underwear she wore, the last barrier between them.

  “I’m going to drive you crazy and then I’m going to bury myself so deep in you, I may never come out.”

  Emily shot upwards, frantic now to be closer to him, but he only laughed, as if bemused by what they did to each other.

  “Not just yet, baby. I’ve been wanting to do this since the first time I saw you.”

  Backing down the bed he grabbed hold of one of her feet. His gaze seared into hers as he stroked his calloused hands from ankle to calf, his lips following in a lazy trail. Gently he bit and licked his way up, lifting her leg until it rested over his shoulder before making his way up her thigh.

  Her skin burned everywhere he touched, and she was panting, her body restless with need. Then his dark head settled between her legs and he spread her open, licking into her. He’d barely touched her and she was sobbing with need, saying his name over and over as her fingers wove into his silky hair.

  “You taste so good,” he murmured, sounding his approval when she lifted her hips into him.

  He was slow, taking his time even when she didn’t want him too, keeping just behind her rhythm until she thought she might die. His tongue dove into her slick channel again and again as if he were drinking her up, then came back to lick and suck on her throbbing clit.

  Her body was strung tight, her fingers rigid in his hair when he slid one finger, then a second into her and thrust in time with his tongue. She broke over the peak with waves of pleasure that pulsed from his fingers and tongue, wracking her body in a long and nearly painful release that left her limp and dazed beneath him.

  Chapter Six

  When she finally opened her eyes Cutter was naked and poised above her, his dark eyes intent on her. His cock was huge and hard and already sheathed in a condom. She couldn’t wait for him to be inside her.

  If only she had the energy to move.

  “Do anything you want to me,” she said, waving her hand weakly. “You’ve earned it.”

  He laughed in surprise and smiled wickedly down at her. “Oh, I will, trust me.”

  Leaning his weight onto his forearms he kissed her, a deep, lush kiss that stirred her up again. Her hands rose to glide down his back as she opened for
him, the tide of her desire rising luxuriously.

  He entered her in one sure thrust, a deep, satisfied groan escaping him. And even though he’d earned a quick finish, he waited for her, stroking her slow and steady and deep until she was right there with him. Her legs lifted straight into the air and her hands clamped around his ass, urging him deeper and harder. He hooked one arm around her thigh and pressed her leg up until it was on her chest, driving himself into her with abandon.

  Once again her orgasm crashed over her. She held him deep inside her as she pulsed around him, his big gorgeous body trembling with need and control. Then her muscles relaxed and he rose up on his hands and thrust into her twice more, his body shuddering over hers before collapsing.

  They lay there like that for several minutes, Emily with her arms around Cutter as their breathing slowed to normal. Then her stomach growled. She nipped his shoulder, rousing him from his stupor.

  “Hey, want to order room service? I’m starving.”

  Cutter rolled off her and looked at her through heavy-lidded eyes. She sat up to get a better look at him. Jesus, he was sexy. Definitely the sexiest guy she’d ever laid her hands on. Would he want to stay the night, what was left of it anyway? Or was this strictly sex?

  Cutter smiled lazily up at her. “Room service sounds awesome.” He looked her over as she knelt beside him and his eyes got that look again. “Damn, girl, you are unbelievable. You’d better put something on or I swear to God I’m going to ravish you again. I already have several different ways I want to take you.”

  She stayed right where she was for several long moments, caught by his gaze. But then she roused herself. As tempting as it would be to let him do what he’d threatened, she really was hungry, and she wasn’t sure she could go another round with Cutter without some sustenance. He was definitely a workout.

  Emily called down and ordered a BLT for herself, a decadent choice by her standards. Cutter requested a burger and fries, to regain his manly vigor he told her, waggling his eyebrows as he fell back against the pillow.

  It was a silly side of him she’d never have guessed at, and one that made him all the more appealing. Their food wouldn’t be up for at least half an hour, so Emily filled the Jacuzzi tub and they lolled in the hot water and bubbles, each of them at an end so they could face one another. They talked a bit but mostly they sat there, dazed and sated and smiling.

  When room service knocked on the door forty-five minutes later, Cutter jumped out of the water before Emily could rouse herself. Wrapping himself in a white robe from the back of the door, he took the tray from the employee and dug cash out of his wallet to pay for it.

  Emily sat on the bed next to Cutter, the two of them propped up on pillows as they ate. It was nearly five a.m. when she licked the last bit of mayonnaise off her fingers. She looked over at Cutter and laughed.

  “Do I look as exhausted as you do?” she asked, taking in the dark circles under his eyes.

  He yawned and looked at her. “No, you look sleepy and gorgeous. You’re not human.”

  Emily raised an eyebrow. “Hmm. I’ll take that as a compliment. But I still need to go to bed. Care to make this a sleepover?” she asked.

  Cutter’s smile was wide and pleased.

  “Hell, yes I’ll sleep over. Thank God I don’t have a job tomorrow. What do you say we don’t even set the alarm?”

  “Deal,” she said, her blood singing at how easy it was to be with him. “You’re kind of on my side though. Can we switch?”

  “Whatever you say, hot stuff,” he said. Getting up off the bed he discarded his robe and came around to the other side. “My only rule is that we’re both naked.”

  Good lord, the man was glorious. His dark hair was mussed, his eyes sleepy and utterly sexy, his skin glowing in the light from the bedside lamp. How was she going to sleep beside such a specimen?

  It had been nearly a year since she’d slept, literally or biblically, with a man. She was out of practice and worried she’d do something wrong. What if she’d developed a snore, or ground her teeth like she had as a kid?

  She scooted across to the other side of the bed, still naked but under the covers, and watched as he closed the drapes, blocking out all the light from the Strip, and climbed in beside her. Neither one of them made any noise about brushing their teeth. Emily was tired beyond caring, and somehow it seemed too civilized, too clean for the kind of night they’d had. Rolling over she turned out the light. A strong arm snaked over her waist and pulled her to him so that she lay on his arm, her head on his chest.

  “Goodnight, Emily,” he murmured, his breath sighing across her hair.

  “Goodnight, Cutter,” she whispered, her eyes fluttering closed.

  Emily came awake sometime later with a bladder ready to burst and a desperate need for water. The room was still dark in the way hotel rooms were when you pulled the heavy curtains. It could have been anytime of day or night, and Emily considered trying to go back to sleep without peeing. Then she looked at the clock and saw it was almost noon.

  Cutter was still asleep, his face buried in the pillow, the sheets down around his waist. As tempting as it was to wake him, he probably needed the sleep. He’d said something about having put a roof on someone’s house yesterday morning, which meant he’d had an even longer day than she had.

  Moving as quietly as possible she went to the bathroom and cleaned up. Her hair was a rat’s nest, but she kind of liked it. It made her look so much wilder than she really was, a wildcat who could lure in a man like Cutter. Then again, she really had done that, so maybe she was wilder than she’d always thought.

  She got the coffee going and threw a camisole and shorts on, then started in on her barre work. She was sore this morning, sore in places she hadn’t been for a while. She started off small, letting her body warm up and lengthen.

  Sheets rustled behind her and she turned around to see Cutter watching her, his head propped on one arm.

  “Good morning,” he smiled, his voice deep with sleep. “You look amazing. Are you always this frisky in the morning?”

  “We slept through the morning, but yes, I am. And I’m feeling friskier by the minute,” she said, climbing into the bed with him.

  His eyes widened in surprise and then a delighted grin spread across his face. She pushed him down on his back and straddled him.

  “You ever do those exercises naked?” he asked, his hands skimming down her sides to rest on her hips.

  “You see me naked for hours every week. Isn’t that enough?”

  “Hell, no. There is no enough,” he said, his hips thrusting up into her.

  She could feel him hard and ready beneath the blanket draped across his hips. Putting her hands on his chest she slid up the length of him, letting him press into her. Over and over she did it until they were both breathing hard. His hands gripped her hips, holding her to him and he bent his knees for more leverage.

  “Take everything off right now,” he demanded, his restless hands sliding over her breasts.

  Standing up so that she was looking straight down at him and giving him an excellent view, she pulled off her camisole and shorts. Cutter pushed the blanket off and sat up, pulling her to him until his face was buried in her thatch of dark blond hair. Her hands gripped his shoulders as he parted her with his thumbs and licked her slow and deep.

  Emily lasted only a minute before her knees gave out and she fell into his lap. Then she remembered.

  “Oh, God. I don’t have any condoms. I didn’t think anything would happen and then…”

  “Not to worry. I swiped a handful from that box in the storage closet. I tossed a few on the nightstand there.”

  “My hero,” she said, grabbing a packet and ripping it open.

  Slowly, tormenting him just a bit, she rolled the condom on and then rose up above him, lowering onto him slowly, absorbing the feel of him as he filled her. As small as she was compared to him, on top of him she felt powerful, every move she made causing the mo
st delicious reaction in him.

  Pulling her over him, he took a breast into his mouth, sucking and teasing it with his tongue even as his hand found the wet heat between her legs. Within seconds she was ready to come, every sound they made, every place his skin came in contact with hers – the inside of her thighs, the brush of his fingers, his mouth on her breasts – added up to an exquisite sensory overload that built until it she couldn’t contain it any longer.

  She cried out, her back arching as her hands reached back to balance her weight on his thighs. When she opened her eyes Cutter was looking at her with predatory intensity. Holding her hips, he thrust several more times and then moaned his own release.


  Sometime after eating lunch, screwing again and falling asleep for close to an hour, Cutter finally got up. Picking his clothes off the floor he dressed, his eyes never leaving Emily. She’d put on one of the hotel robes, the same one he’d worn last night, and it billowed around her delicate frame. Her hair fell loose around her shoulders and her eyes were a clear, startling blue. No one looking at her now would believe what a tiger should could be. Or was it a lion?

  “So how long exactly are you planning to be here?” he asked, the question out of his mouth before his brain had time to vet it.

  She looked startled, the little smile she’d had fading away.

  “Probably three weeks or so,” she said, looking uncomfortable. “I figure I’ll have enough money by then to breathe a bit easier. I can’t stay much longer than that since I have an apartment waiting for me.”

  “I guess we’d better make the most of the next few weeks, then,” he said. “Want to hang after work tonight?”

  “You bet. It’s going to be hard enough keeping my hands off you for hours. I need something to look forward to.”

  “I’ll see you at six, then.”

  Emily came toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled her in close for a long, slow kiss, already missing her.


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