Guilty! -The Trials of Phil Ferguson

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Guilty! -The Trials of Phil Ferguson Page 11

by Sean Russell

  Then he thought of the positive side. He was getting the opportunity to do something he always wanted to do: to hone his craft with some of the best in the world. Better than that was the fact that he would be away from the idiots that surrounded him for three months. Finally, he considered Phil Ferguson. That poor man was screwed.

  * * *


  Jade was excited. It felt like a new feeling. It had been so long since she had something positive happen. Not since that night she met Jimmy. As it was, he was the subject of her excitement. She couldn’t wait to tell Phil the good news. She was walking along the hospital corridor to his private room. She was beaming. She burst into the room. Phil was writing an email on his Blackberry. He looked up at her, a little startled. His face erupted as he was infected with her smile and returned it.

  “Good news, Phil.” Jade was practically vibrating.

  “Clearly it must be, or you had an overdose of cappuccino.”

  “I’m going to get this case dropped!” Phil was now paying close attention. His mood was sober.

  “What are you talking about? Jade you didn’t do anything crazy like arrange to take Cadogan out?” Jade smiled. “No. Yesterday, maybe. Today, no.”

  “So don’t hold out on me.”

  “Honey, I’m not the one holding out… You are.” Phil was caught off guard. Jade was flirting with him even after all the shit. She was flirting with him while he was laid up in a hospital bed. This was weird.

  It was also sweet.

  “You seem to be losing your oratory skills. Not good for a lawyer.” Phil started punching buttons madly on his Blackberry.

  Jade was perplexed. “What are you doing?” Phil smiled at her. “I am sending out an SOS. This is too crazy.”

  “The only crazy here is how I am about you.” Jade was by the head of the bed as she played with Phil’s hand. Phil felt the electricity. Her hands were so soft. Her touch was gentle and lingering and she smelt heavenly.

  “Come on Jade, tell me. What’s this news?”

  “I spoke to Dean Morgan.”

  “The DPP?”

  “Yes. I went to school with his sister he had a crush on me, but I thought he was too old.”

  “I didn’t know you knew him.”

  “Anyway, I met with him and had a serious talk.” Phil was fully engaged in the conversation now.

  He studied Jade’s face. She looked so beautiful.

  Her smooth skin, her full lips, her almost perfect teeth. She had a bit of an overbite, but Phil loved it. Somehow it worked for her. That face was giving crucial information. His life was on the line.

  “What did you say? What did he say?”

  “I told him the case made no sense. You made no attempt on my life, you never even made a threat. I also said you had no cause to consider that behaviour.

  I said whatever happened between us, you were not the kind of man to resort to violence to resolve anything.”

  Phil continued to watch her, his expression one of admiration and gratitude.

  “I also said that I can’t imagine how you would have had an opportunity to get to my car. Remember, I was not home that night.”

  Phil felt that red hot pain in his chest. The pain he had experienced from the fracture of his femur was minor compared to this. Her words immediately returned him to that night. Jade noticed the change in his expression.

  “Are you alright?”

  Phil forced himself back to the present. He was better at doing it now than he had been before.


  “It wasn’t your leg, was it?” Jade looked sullen.

  “Let’s not go there, get back to what you were telling me.”

  “Okay. So. You had no opportunity, no motive, and the evidence is very circumstantial at best.”

  “So what did Deane have to say?”

  “He was mortified.”

  “Then, why did he even allow the case?”

  “He was away on sick leave. He wasn’t very well, apparently.”

  “What was wrong with him?”

  “He wouldn’t say. He was very tight-lipped. We’re friends, so I figured it had to be very, very personal and I decided not to pry.”

  “Wow, sometimes I forget I’m not the only one with problems. So what’s he going to do?”

  “He’s going to drop the case. As far as he’s concerned, it’s rubbish. In fact, he’s furious with his deputy and he’s going to launch an investigation into the runnings of his department. That man is fired by the way. He may go to jail. You, my love, are free.

  That’s why I’m so excited. I couldn’t wait to give you the good news.”

  “I’m free? The case is dropped?”

  “You should receive official word in writing and an apology by courier by tomorrow.”

  Phil let out a huge sigh. He was quiet for a short while. Jade observed him. He looked up at her, his eyes energized.

  “I’ve got to make some calls, tell Dad the good news, and get the practice on track. I’ve lost more than enough time.”

  He picked up his Blackberry and started to dial.

  Before he realized, it Jade grabbed the Blackberry and shoved it in her cleavage.

  “You want it, you gonna have to get it.”


  Jade’s smile was the picture of mischief. She looked at Phil, examining his anatomy, lust clearly in her thoughts. Phil read her thoughts. It was so easy, even a cave man could.

  “That’s not fair. I’m an injured man.” Jade quickly straddled him and leaned over him, her breasts embracing his face. Phil’s primal instincts instantly took over. The stirring in his groin confirmed it. She whispered in his ear.

  “I thought I’d make it easier for you.” She tickled his ear with her tongue.

  “You did, but I’m no longer interested.” Jade looked at him with fake disappointment.

  “I’d rather get something else.”


  “Uh huh.”

  “Well as I told you, I made it easy for you.”

  “Jade. I’m not talking ’bout no damn phone.” She leaned over on him, whispering in his ear again, exerting more pressure. Phil was aware if the increased intensity, very aware of her body. It was a very good feeling. He listened to her whisperings, the meaning every bit as delicious as the feel of her body next to him, her fragrance caressing him, inebriating him.

  “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  Phil felt like he had won the lottery. He was not going to prison, and he had the most beautiful woman in the world ready to devour him.

  “And I’m wet…”

  She guided him to her source of moisture.

  * * *


  Jackie loved being a model. She loved attention.

  She loved the cat calls… they gave her a high. She was born to be a diva. She had everything and more.

  She had the height, 5’ 11”, the smooth, flawless skin and a beautiful face with high cheekbones. She had a knack for dressing just right to show off her slim figure. The comments, better yet, the work she got, were positive proof. The clothes were made for her.

  She was what designers lived for, to design clothes for her to dazzle the world with their brilliance.

  She would be seeing her friend Amanda in a few hours. She had just booked her flight to Barbados online and would finish her last booking in another 90 minutes. Their last conversation had stimulated and excited her. Jimmy Cadogan sounded fascinating.

  Amanda was right. Jackie was attracted to men like Jimmy, rich, powerful, influential. She preferred them older. They usually had more to offer than their younger counterparts, and were more fun to manipulate. Jackie licked her lips and pouted. She had a feeling she was going to have fun with Jimmy.

  In fact she was going to make sure of it.


  Jimmy kicked back in his office chair. It happened to be lined with Italian leather and he loved the

  Jimmy was pleased. Everything was going his way, which was the way things should be. Business was great, both legal and non-legal. Jimmy had several business interests outside of his law practice. He was particularly excited about a new prospect. It wasn’t even business, it was pleasure. He’d had countless encounters before, but the anticipation of this one was intensely pleasurable. First of all, Amanda was outstanding. Sleeping with her would be another notch on his gun, but he had fucked beautiful women before and it could not top Jade. She was drugged, but he didn’t give a shit. The pleasure was the point.

  Phil Ferguson’s wife… and the aftermath… he really fucked Phil up and the Fergusons. They were not going to get that twenty million dollar contract, he was. He had waited nearly three years for the right opportunity to use the ammunition he had on Phil.

  The delay in gratification made the conquest all the sweeter. But this time he would have two for one and Jackie looked so hot. He had had threesomes before.

  It was nothing new to him and the girls looked good.

  This case, though, was different. He had a feeling there was something special about Jackie. He sensed something out of the ordinary about her that he could hardly wait to explore.

  Amanda refused to let him talk to Jackie himself.

  Initially, it frustrated him and he was beginning to get annoyed. He was used to getting his own way all the time, but Amanda was unflappable. He then realized that the waiting and curiosity heightened his anticipation. Besides, he was not hard up. He had options. It was only that these two new flavours had caught his attention and it was time for his tongue to sample them. It wouldn’t be much longer now. They were hooking up tomorrow night. Life was great, and it was going according to plan. Jimmy’s plan. It hardly got better than this.

  * * *


  Phil and Jade were at home celebrating. They had been celebrating every day since Jade shared the good news. Phil was discharged from hospital.

  The surgery had gone well, but he was not allowed to use both legs, so he was walking with the assistance of crutches. The office was quiet and much of what needed to be done could be handled from home.

  Any running around Jade was more than happy to do. Phil’s father had always told him to be thankful, but growing up privileged as Phil did, he’d never internalized the concept until he experienced his recent trials. He was thankful for everything: his family, his health. But most of all he was thankful for Jade. She pulled through for him and she was supportive and demonstrative. He felt blessed. They had talked out their anger and found forgiveness for each other and though there was still some hurt, they felt their relationship was stronger and closer than before. They were savouring a normal life.

  Phil was confident that he could rebuild his practice.

  Some clients even told him that they respected the way he handled himself through it all, and they never doubted his innocence. The words were very reassuring to Phil. If Phil was to have a concern, it was Teddy. Teddy was not satisfied. He remembered their last conversation. Teddy had stopped by to visit him in the hospital shortly before he was discharged.

  “Teddy… I’m off the hook. The case is over. It’s been dropped.”

  “You feel so?”

  “Teddy. We got word from Dean Morgan, the DPP.”

  “So you feel he running things?”

  “Teddy. You’re being negative.” Phil was exasperated.

  “I am being real!”


  “Yeah, real. You feel Jimmy done with you? He get too far with you to turn back.”

  “Teddy who do you think he is? I told you Jade spoke with the DPP.”

  Teddy chuckled sarcastically.

  “Phil, for a bright man you are being igrant. Or in the Queen’s English, naïve. I told you already you are going to have to take care of that man. You are going to have to get dirty.”

  Phil looked at Teddy and his expression said it all.

  He could not go down that road. Teddy looked back at him with pity in his eyes.

  “My friend, this conversation is upsetting you.

  You’ve been through a lot and you need to recover.

  I gonna leave you now, but remember this. I’m your friend and I will have your back whenever you are ready. Just say the word.”


  Phil thought about his friend. He was a good man, but sometimes he was a little paranoid. Still, he knew Teddy had a point. He had not received anything in writing from Dean Morgan. Jade had called and she was promised earnestly that there was nothing to worry about. The office had been overwhelmed with work since his return, particularly as he was cleaning house after realizing how corrupt his deputy was. Phil knew that the wheels of the public service moved very slowly. Funny though, it was lightning quick when it handled his prosecution. That train of thought disturbed him. He took his mind off this and told himself that following that path would only seek to attract its fruition and he was smarter than that.


  Dean Morgan was a man of medium height and light-brown complexion. Some would call him fair-skinned, others would call him ‘red’. He had slightly wavy hair with thick, neat brows below which sat a straight nose and dark lips. He was graying a bit at the temples. He sat at his desk. He was still outraged as he digested the conversation he had with Jade.

  She had asked to meet with him, which he agreed to with some reservation. He was concerned about the conflict of interest, because her husband was accused of murder. Jade would not have known this because Dean, being a private person, kept it secret. He had also been facing his health issues, issues serious enough to be life-threatening. He had been out of touch with much of what was happening at the office as he fought for his life. It was not by his design that he was out of touch, but rather through the efforts of his deputy. Dean checked in daily and many times more often, and his deputy Decourcey O’Neale gave him the misleading impression that he was being updated truthfully and completely all along.

  The Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions had his own agenda. He had his own connections and he knew that Dean was likely to be on his way out before long. He had to make sure he kept the right people happy. Dean had therefore been led to believe that Phil Ferguson’s case was a straightforward one with overwhelming evidence to back it up. When he agreed to meet Jade he was ambivalent. Dean genuinely admired her at several levels.

  When she walked in he remembered the more physical attributes he admired. She walked into his office and greeted him first with a smile then a hug and kiss on the cheek. She smelt like heaven. He instantly remembered those many days years ago when she was always around, spending time with his sister. There always seemed to be an invisible barrier like a force field that blocked his every attempt to forge a friendship which was in no way intended to be platonic. The truth was, Jade always considered Vicky more like a sister than a best friend, and Dean by extension therefore, was her brother.

  She had asked with genuine concern how he was.

  Vicky had mentioned that he had been unwell. Dean brushed it off and focused on the matter which brought them together. Jade told him that she thought Phil was being set up. She said Phil had never behaved in a threatening manner to her and he hadn’t had any opportunity to tamper with her car. She didn’t want to prejudice the case by saying too much to him, but she had to do something because Phil’s life was at stake and justice ought to prevail. She wanted him to get the facts before proceeding to trial and she said he should speak to Detective Mobert Clarke.

  She pleaded for him to do at least that before going any further.

  Dean recognized Detective Clarke as an outstanding lawman. He called to speak with him while Jade was there. He was told that Detective Clarke was on study leave and he would not be available for three months. It struck him as a bit odd. He called for Phil Ferguson’s file. He was told it was locked away in Mr. O’Neale’s desk, and for some reason O’Neale was unavailable De
an then called the Central Police Station and demanded their working file on the case.

  It was faxed to him shortly afterwards. He looked it as soon as it came through. He was dismayed. On his initial scan of the file it appeared to be a very patchy case. It was then that he told Jade that what he had was unacceptable and he was dropping the case until he could clear matters up. She hugged him and kissed him and left, obviously relieved.

  Dean wondered how things could have gotten so far off track under his nose. It was then that a wave of profound dizziness and fatigue struck him.

  He felt like he was going to black out. It was through sheer willpower that he remained conscious. He was reminded of just how things did get off track. He knew he wouldn’t have many more warnings—his time was near. The phone rang. He assumed it was O’Neale finally returning his calls. He was ready to give him a piece of his mind when he realized who was on the other side of the call.

  Dean Morgan was elated. This was the call he was praying for. They had found a donor. He had a new lease on life. He was running out of time and he was not ready to leave this world and his two beautiful daughters. The doctors told him that without the transplant he had three to six months to live. There was nothing more they could do with medication. His heart was just a floppy bag, incapable of pumping blood around to sustain life, far less physical activity.

  That he was alive and looked as well as he did was a testament to his willpower, indeed the doctors thought he was a walking miracle. A new heart would fix all that, but of course he needed a match.

  Fate had smiled on him. He would live, provided all went well with the surgery and his body did not reject his new heart. Dean knew in his bones that he would be fine. He had no time to spare. He had to be on the next flight out of the island to Miami. It was a miracle itself that he had access to a replacement heart, but his friends and family had somehow found a way to make it happen and keep him alive. He would have to start all over again, cleaning up his office and that useless deputy of his, but that would all have to wait. He had to focus on himself and getting through what lay ahead. He had no time for calls, except to his secretary to let her know that he was out of office and to his wife to meet him in Miami. He just got a text from a friend at the airline. They were holding the flight for him. He had to go now.


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