The Duke’s Scottish Lass_Brethren of Stone

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The Duke’s Scottish Lass_Brethren of Stone Page 7

by Tammy Andresen

  As she entered the east wing, she eased into a walk. It was where guests were quartered but there were many rooms and she could inadvertently knock on Lord Sunderland’s door instead of Roderick’s.

  She moved at a slower pace, determined to find him. She knew Eliza liked the red room and the seaside room the best. She had redecorated both herself. While Eliza may not have known Sunderland’s affinity for red, she could only guess that Roderick, arriving first, would have been put in the seaside room with its sweeping views of the ocean.

  She tiptoed to the door and raised her hand to knock. She stood frozen for a half second, wondering if she should do this or not, when the door flew open and Roderick stood in the doorway, shirtless.

  More tears poured down her face and, not even lowering her arm, Delia whispered, “Oh, Roderick.”

  “What is it, love?” He gathered her into his arms and held her tightly against him, closing the door with a firm click.

  “I dreamed it again. The day I fell. Only this time, you were there. You saved me,” she breathed. His face tightened but his eyes held hers.

  “I’ve wanted to tell you…”

  Biting her lip, she tried to gather her thoughts. He had been there. He had seen his friend die and he had saved her. She hadn’t known how she would react to this moment before she had been in it, but now with clarity she knew, she owed everything to him. What was more, Reginald had wanted Roderick to save her. It had been his choice and this was the life he wanted for her. What was more, it was the life she wanted for herself.

  Without any more hesitation, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. “Yes, I will be your wife.” He returned her kisses with a fervor that left her breathless.

  “Oh Delia.” Her thin nightgown was all that separated them and she could feel the planes of his rock hard body. Why had she resisted for so long? Why had she not realized that Roderick was her future?

  “It took me some time to realize that Reginald had always wanted this for me, and the best way to honor him was to give him what he wanted. But now that I have, I don’t want to wait any longer. I want to be yours.”

  “Delia, we should wait.”

  “I’m marrying a rogue. I’ve expectations, obviously.” She cocked an eyebrow, suddenly giddy. It was like a weight that had been resting on her had suddenly been lifted. Her future was clear for the first time since Reginald’s death.

  But he shuddered against her and she pulled back in surprise. “I shouldn’t have kissed you like this. I promised Reginald I wouldn’t be that man, that I’d be the gentleman you deserved.”

  She blinked back the tears that had filled her eyes. “We both carry scars from his death, don’t we?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “I suppose we do. But I shouldn’t have even kissed you the way that I did tonight, I cannot compromise you in my room. I promised him, Delia.”

  But joy rather than worry bubbled inside of her. He wanted to do right by her and her brother’s memory. “I am absolutely certain that Reginald didn’t mean that we couldn’t share passion.”

  “You were a child when he died, Delia. You couldn’t know what he thought or—”

  “Oh please,” she huffed, not wanting to hear anymore. “My parents were deeply in love and rather affectionate. Each of my brothers has followed his heart and, if my sisters-in-law are any indication, they share rather…zesty relationships. They are forever going on about their husbands’ endowments. I am absolutely certain that he’d want that for us, he just wanted you to reform your rakish ways with other women and treat me the way my brothers treat their wives. Which is to say, they get all of their husbands’ love, respect, and passion.”

  Roderick stared down at her with a look that she didn’t understand. The muscles in his jaw ticked and for a breath, she thought he might deny her and then his lips came down on hers and all reason left her mind. She only felt his lips as they ravaged hers.

  His hands were everywhere, sliding down her back, caressing her arms, one hand came to her breast and held its weight making her gasp. Then fingers gently tweaked the nipple and her entire body convulsed, it was so pleasurable. He swallowed her gasp and used his other hand to grasp her buttocks, pressing her closer. A storm built inside her as the pressure continued to mount. She rubbed against him, wanting more.

  Picking her up, he carried her to the bed. In one motion, he pulled off her nightdress and then lay her down on the soft feather mattress. Delia might have been embarrassed but his green eyes were so intense that she could hardly look away.

  Coming down on top of her, the sensation of his bare chest touching hers made her body tighten over again. She arched toward him. “Patience, my love,” he whispered and then his mouth was sliding down her.

  It stopped at her breasts, giving each one the attention they longed for but then his lips continued down her belly. Her eyes closed and her head lolled back until they met her soft core and then she went rigid from sensation. “How,” she cried, her entire body jerking.

  “Shhh, just relax,” he said when he raised his head for a brief second and then his lips were back on her. Her hands wound through his hair as her body rocked to the movement of his mouth. Her insides were clenching as her limbs twisted and her body writhed. Finally, he inserted a finger deep inside and she exploded in glorious release.

  “I didn’t know.” Her eyes were half closed and, if she had the energy, she may have teased him about his rogue’s skills. But honestly, it had been better than she could have ever imagined and suddenly, being skilled at lovemaking seemed like a great asset and not a deterrent at all.

  His lips were travelling back up her spent body, and little tingling sensations were starting anew. “I am honored to be your mentor.” He suckled one of her breasts and her core throbbed to life once again. Her eyes flew open and they met his in surprise.

  The green of his eyes looked closer to black, his gaze was that smoky. “I do not know how to—” His lips came down on hers and she ceased speaking.

  He was between her legs, and fumbling, he undid his breeches. She twisted to see what he looked like but his hips dropped down on hers. “I will teach you, all in good time.”

  And then he was pressing into her. She was being stretched and, heaven help her, it burned. She gasped, “How large are you?”

  “I’m sorry, love, you will come to enjoy it, I swear, but this first time…” And then he sank deep in her. She felt the rip and cried out in pain. He held still, kissing her lips, touching her face. Slowly her body adjusted.

  The pain subsided and her eyes focused on Roderick. He looked positively tortured. “What is wrong?” she asked, worried she was hurting him.

  “Delia, I can’t wait much longer, I need…” his voice trailed off, but Delia understood. He had given her such pleasure, this was how she returned the favor. Steeling herself for the pain, she wiggled against him to show she was ready. Instead of pain, however, her insides fluttered with desire, even more intense than what she had felt before.

  They began moving in unison, a cacophony of moans and sighs as the rhythm beat faster and their bodies moved together.

  Finally, it broke. It was more beautiful than Delia could have ever imagined.

  * * *

  Delia lay in his arms, sound asleep. She was so beautiful, he simply propped his head on his hand and stared down at her, brushing the hair back from her face. He was in love with her and she was going to marry him.

  He owed it all to his friend, Reginald. A beautiful wife, a wonderful family, a thriving business to call his own. How had Reginald known that he belonged with the Albans?

  Her words last night had pierced through his heart. She was right. The Albans loved with passion and as soon as she’d said the words, he’d known that he was meant to give her all of himself. Every bit.

  He would let Delia sleep. Any minute now, Stone would come looking for her, her absence noticed. Her brother was bound to be furious, but he wouldn’t
run from or hide his deeds. He would take whatever punishment Stone deemed fit and then they would post the bans for marriage.

  A pounding sounded at the door. Delia didn’t even stir. He slipped from the bed and pulled on his calfskin breeches. Roderick opened the door to find Stone, arms crossed, on the other side. He saw Stone’s eyes slash to the bed, where Delia slept.

  Roderick closed the door behind him. Stone, without a word, punched him in the gut. A whoosh of breath exited Roderick but he did or said nothing and Stone hit him again, this time, a jab to the chest.

  “Feel better yet?” Roderick gritted out.

  “No,” Stone barked. “I should have known that your roguish ways would come back to haunt me. I’ll not have my sister married to a man that beds everything that moves—“

  “Stone,” Delia’s voice cut through his speech as she threw open the door. “Only I get to speak to him that way.”

  Her hair was mussed and she was wrapped in his sheet, her eyes still sleepy. She looked more beautiful than anything he had ever seen and he reached his hand out to touch her face, though the muscles in his arm smarted painfully as he did.

  “Put on your clothes and get back to your room this instant,” Stone growled, not even looking at her.

  “I will not.” She stood straighter and her large breasts strained against the sheet. Roderick gritted his teeth. Even now, he wanted to throw her back into the bed and make love to her again.

  “You’ll do as I say or…”

  “Or what? You’ll neglect to tell me that you have betrothed me to my brother’s best friend and the very man who saved my life. How could you, Stone? How could you keep this from me?”

  “You weren’t ready, Delia. I was afraid—”

  “Afraid of what?” She poked Stone in the shoulder. It took all of Roderick’s energy not to grunt in satisfaction. Stone had hit him rather hard. He deserved a few good jabs.

  “That you’d reject him because you would place the blame on him for Reginald’s death.”

  She crossed her arms. “You’ve done altogether too much protecting. If you had simply told me the truth I might not have blamed myself.”

  “Blame yourself? It was never your fault. It was mine. I should have kept both of you safe.”

  “Oh Stone. You’re not to blame. Reginald should have backed away, he should have…”

  And then the tears started. He watched the first one roll down her face and he knew that the truth was there. It wasn’t any of their faults. Reginald, in his desire to protect her, had ignored his own safety.

  Roderick wrapped her in his arms. “He loved you and he wanted to save you. It isn’t your fault and it isn’t his. Sometimes these things just happen.”

  She nodded against his chest. “It’s difficult to accept.”

  “Stone.” Roderick turned to his soon to be brother-in-law. “Post the bans. We’ll marry as soon as we’re able.”

  Stone gave a slight jerk of his head for consent. “You’ll not do this again until after the wedding.” Then he turned and was gone.

  Roderick grinned at his back. He’d adhered to Stone’s request…mostly. He’d just discovered what it meant to be in love with his soon-to-be wife and to know that a happy future was his to have and to hold. He planned to hold her very tightly.


  Delia lay in bed, curled into his side. He loved this time of day. It was just before dawn, and normally, she would get up and begin fixing breakfast. She had given up cooking any other time of day but that time was hers.

  The entire Alban clan had been staying in their Norfolk home for two weeks now and she seemed exhausted from the visit. “Stay in bed, love. You need your rest.” Roderick’s hands massaged her swollen belly as he snuggled her closer.

  “Perhaps, you’re right. I am so tired these days. Someone has been keeping me up at night.” She yawned and snuggled more deeply into him.

  He chuckled. “Are you referring to me or the baby?”

  “You, of course.” He felt her tiny shudder. “Though all the kicking isn’t helping,” she added as she rubbed her swollen stomach.

  “It isn’t a crime to be in love with your wife is it?”

  “No dear, not at all. Though wearing me out until I’m no use to anyone doesn’t seem sensible either.”

  “That is the eleventh reason I love you, your good sense,” he murmured in her ear. He was teasing her of course. He’d keep her in bed all day if it meant he could keep her up all night, even just to hold her. The longer they were married, the more he realized how foolish he’d been. Of course Reginald had wanted this for them both. What was commitment without affection, after all?

  “That silly list, I’ve forgotten now, what was on it?” She smiled because he’d told her nearly every day in the year they had been wed, all the reasons he had for marrying her.

  “Hmmmm, let me see if I can remember.” He nuzzled her neck to hide his grin.

  “You’re a terrible tease.” She twisted around to face him and at the press of her glorious breasts and swollen stomach, he couldn’t hold out any longer.

  He began to repeat them:

  The blue grey of your eyes, like the sea in a storm

  2. Your beauty, like none I have ever seen before.

  3. The fact that I am in love with you, though I told Sunderland it was your hips. In fairness, he deserved it.

  4. Your sharp tongue, honed from years of verbally sparring with your brothers.

  5. Your smell. Like cinnamon and honey mixed with pastry.

  6. Your cooking, though I will grow fat from it.

  7. The way your smile lights your entire face.

  8. The trust you place in me.

  9. The vulnerability and compassion, carefully tucked away, that you show only to a very few. I am blessed to be one of them..

  10. The promise I made to your brother, Reginald.

  She placed a fierce kiss on his lips when suddenly, her face tightened in pain. All of her muscles tightened. It had been happening more frequently.

  “Is it time?” he bit out nervously.

  “Let’s wait and see. I don’t want everyone in here unless it’s necessary.” She gave him a thin smile as her body relaxed again and she once again, snuggled down into his body. But within the hour, it became clear that it was time.

  As the sisters-in-law charged in, Eliza, Bridget, and Alexa ushered Roderick out of the room under great protest. Stone grabbed his brother-in-law’s arm. “They never let the husbands in. The doctor is on his way.”

  “I don’t want to leave her. I want to be there.” Roderick tried to shove Stone but the other man, true to his name, held fast.

  Matthew joined them, patting Roderick on the arm. “They’ll take good care of her. They’ve delivered seven Alban babies successfully between them.”

  “Eight, you daft bastard. Have you forgotten my new baby boy?”

  Matthew punched his brother and Roderick relaxed a little at the light banter. Until he’d met Delia, he had never known he had such an affection for teasing but it soothed him now.

  “How long will it take?” he grimaced.

  “Difficult to say. We may as well have breakfast.”

  Roderick looked at Stone as though he had gone mad. Eat at a time like this?

  “Trust me, you’ll need your strength.” Stone gave him a heavy pat on the shoulder.

  Roderick gave a single nod but the door opening stopped them all. Bridget poked her head out. “Won’t be long. Delia is progressing quickly.” And then she snapped the door closed.

  The blood drained from Roderick’s face and Stone led him to a chair. “Sit. Even if she is pushing, it could take hours.”

  It didn’t. Within fifteen minutes, the cries of a baby filled the air. The doctor never even made it. Bridget opened the door, smiling affectionately, but grumbling nonetheless. “Unbelievable, first birth and it barely took two hours.”

  “What is it?” Roderick breathed as he rushed into the room. />
  Delia sat on the bed, looking serene as she clutched a wrapped bundle against her chest. “Roderick, come here. Meet your son.”

  “My son?” he gasped.

  She gave him a glowing smile. “The future fifth Duke of Manchester, Reginald Maddox.”

  He touched the baby’s head, of course he would be named Reginald. “’Tis a miracle.” He swallowed to push down the emotion welling up inside him.

  The baby made a guttural noise in his throat and the room burst into laughter. It sounded exactly like Stone’s growl.

  “It can’t be,” Delia laughed.

  “I believe it is,” Stone crowed proudly. “My nephew will be a man among men.”

  “Whatever he is,” Roderick kissed his wife, “we will love him.” Then he kissed her again. “As I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Delia’s eyes shone.

  Roderick’s chest constricted with love. He said a silent thank you to his departed friend.

  Scottish Devil

  Brethren of Stone

  Tammy Andresen

  Other titles in this series:

  Kilted Sin

  Wicked Laird

  Highland Rake

  Rogue Scot

  A Duke’s Scottish Lass

  One family united by loss, driven to find love

  Scottish Devil

  Brethren of Stone

  By Tammy Andresen

  Six siblings unite after the death of their parents around their eldest brother, Stone. They consider blood to be a binding oath and vow to protect one another. They all must face their own demons as they find love and their places in the world.

  Fire and Brimstone…that is what the locals liked to call him. It was their way of referring to him as the devil. Let them fear him, he cared not. Stone Sinclair’s eyes slashed through the crowd daring one of them to say it here and now.


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