The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement Page 13

by Charlene Sands

  They didn’t even try to scrub each other, but allowed the steam to do that job while they kissed and touched and played in the shower. Brooke devoured him with her mouth as she’d planned and he, in turn, did the same. His hands slid all over her—pausing in her most erotic spots long enough to drive her completely crazy.

  Nick had expert hands and a mouth that was made for pleasure. He brought her to the brink of climax with just a few exquisite touches to her inner folds, then he bent down and took her into his mouth. She grabbed his hair in her hands when she no longer could hold on and the rush of raining waters drowned out her little cries of ecstasy as her body convulsed.

  She lay back against the tile, her gaze hazy and her body sated. Nick smiled at her. “I like that look on you.”

  “Feels pretty good too.”

  Nick kissed her again and his massive erection rubbed her belly. She reached down and took him into her hands, smiling when his face grew taut and his eyes closed with pleasure. “Wicked cruel.”

  “That’s me,” she said, sliding him through her fingers, his shaft growing even larger. He only allowed a minute of stroking before he stopped her. “No more,” he said then lifted her up in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. He kissed her hard, stroking her with his tongue, then plunged deep into her moist body, his hands on her waist guiding her movements.

  She arched back and he thrust harder and harder. “Brooke,” he muttered, his voice deep and primal. His release came shortly after, in hard bursts of power that stirred her to another amazing climax. Her body shuddered for several long seconds and then she went limp in his arms. He held her that way for a long time after he shut the water off.

  Nick made her forget her troubles for a short time and gave her more pleasure than any man she’d known. She was grateful to him for that, but reality knocked her hard when Dan’s angry face stole into her mind. It was like a splash of freezing cold water on her sated body. “I’d better check on Leah,” she said hastily. “And the pizza will be delivered soon.” She left Nick standing there, gloriously naked with a puzzled look on his face.

  “She’s cutting her first tooth,” Brooke said to Molly on the phone much later that night in her bedroom. Leah had fussed all evening long requiring all of Brooke’s attention. “I can see the first buds coming through her gums. No wonder she’s been out of sorts.”

  “Oh, I remember that phase. Sometimes they wake up with teeth in their mouth and sometimes it’s a major trauma when a tooth comes in.” Molly had two children, a six-year-old boy and a four-year-old girl.

  “I think Leah is somewhere in between. She’s really such a good baby most of the time, but I know her little gums are bothering her.”

  “Teething rings work well,” Molly said. “Do you have one?”

  “Yes and she likes it. She gnawed on it until she finally fell asleep.” It was ten o’clock, late for Leah to fall asleep. But between a late nap and the teething, it had taken a long time for Brooke to get her down.

  That late nap allowed Brooke time alone with Nick, always a risky proposition. He was her guilty pleasure and as long as she thought about him that way, she’d manage okay. No hearth and home thoughts of Nick, she warned herself.

  “Brooke, what happened with your ex? Did you hear from him today?” Molly asked, more than mildly curious.

  “He called, but I didn’t pick up the phone. The voicemail was not pretty. I don’t know what to do. He’s so angry with me but at the same time, there’s an undertone of civility. I think he wants a second chance, for Leah’s sake.”

  “He told you that on the voicemail?”

  “It’s the impression I got.”

  “And how do you feel about that? Would you ever take him back?”

  “No. Never. I’m not in love with him. He killed that a long time ago. He’s Leah’s father and I’m going to have to deal with that sooner or later. I’m just so scared.”

  “Well, you’re not alone. I’m here if you need me.”

  “I know, Molly. Thank you.” But it was Nick’s image that popped into her mind whenever the fear got to her. She slammed her eyes shut to block him out. She didn’t want to rely on him. She wouldn’t allow herself to feel anything for him. He was a walking heartbreak and she’d be a fool to fall for him. Yet, she knew in her heart, he’d be there for her, if she really needed him. That’s why she wouldn’t confide in him about Dan. She couldn’t afford the luxury of getting that close to him. She had to be strong and independent. She’d never place her trust in another man ever again. “You’ve always been a good friend. I’m sorry we can’t meet for lunch tomorrow. I don’t know how fussy Leah will be.”

  “That’s okay. We’ll do it another time. Remember, I’m here if you need me.”

  “I know and I’ll call you soon, I promise.”

  Brooke hung up the phone and walked over to Leah’s little bed. Her baby looked peaceful, sleeping soundly. Instead of undressing, Brooke had something on her mind, something that had occurred to her after two slices of pizza and a beer tonight, in the aftermath of making love with Nick. But this was the first chance she’d had to address it.

  She left her room, keeping the door open in case Leah woke, then strode down the hall to Nick’s bedroom. She knocked and waited.

  He opened the door with his cell phone to his ear and gestured for her to come in. She thought she heard a woman’s voice on the other end of the phone and immediately her jaw clenched. A sense of dread coursed through her system and raw jealousy emerged. It hit her hard and she denied it over and over in her mind.

  Nick could do whatever he wanted.

  She had no hold on him.

  Was he making a date with another woman?

  He’d told her he didn’t see more than one woman at a time. Had he lied? She fought her trust issues, reminding herself that she and Nick had an uncomplicated relationship. Still, her ego would be trampled if Nick were seeing someone else.

  “Hi. That was Rena,” he said to her, looking thoughtful after the call ended. “She couldn’t sleep and needed to talk. Tony’s out cold.”

  “So, you’re her sounding board,” she asked, ridiculously relieved he’d been speaking with his sister-in-law.

  His grin spread wide and stole her breath. “Yeah, I’m willing to listen to complaints about my brothers anytime.”

  “She was complaining?”

  “Venting. Tony’s been hovering and protective. She’s due in just a week or two.”

  “It’s an emotional time,” Brooke offered. “I remember my mood swings were like a roller-coaster ride, up and down, mostly down.”

  It was ironic that the subject led to this, because that’s exactly why she’d come to his room tonight.

  “Yeah, that sounds like Rena too.”

  He glanced at her, as if finally realizing she was there. He focused on her mouth, arched a brow and waited.

  Suddenly, Brooke’s throat constricted. She’d thought it would so easy to bring this up, but now found herself unbelievably speechless. “I, uh, about this afternoon.”

  “The best shower I’ve ever had.”

  “Nick,” she said, glad he was the one to mention it. “We didn’t use any protection.”

  Nick studied her a moment, his gaze roaming from her eyes to her nose, to her mouth and lower still, taking his time. When he lifted his gaze back to hers, once again he appeared thoughtful. “I’m healthy, Brooke. I’d never endanger you.”

  “Okay.” She took a big swallow and nodded. “But it’s more than—”

  “If you’re worried about getting pregnant, don’t. I can’t have children.”

  That came out of the blue and was so unexpected, her mouth dropped open in surprise. “You…can’t?”

  He shook his head. “No, but it was my choice.”

  “What do you mean, it was your choice?”

  Nick took her hand and led her to the bed. He sat down and pulled her next to him. His fingers laced with hers and he let out a hea
vy sigh. “About five years ago my father pissed me off, as usual. That wasn’t new, but I was so angry with him I wanted to do something that would show him he couldn’t control me any longer. I fixed that part of my anatomy so I couldn’t give him an heir.”

  “Wow,” Brooke said, her brows furrowing together. “You must have really wanted—”

  “I wanted to hurt him. It was wrong, but a cocky twenty-something, and my rage at my father made me do some crazy things.”

  “Oh Nick. I’m sorry. You must regret that.”

  Nick squeezed her hand. “I don’t. I’m not father material. I knew I’d never make a good father. I wasn’t lying when I said I’d be happy being the favorite uncle. Joe and Tony will take care of the baby-making in the family.”

  Brooke felt like crying for Nick. Imagine that, the sexy dangerous and wealthy wine magnate had Brooke’s sympathy. “What did your father do when he found out?”

  “The hell of it was I never told him. My brothers talked me out of it and I wasn’t sure that was the right move, but they convinced me. Now that he’s gone, I’m glad I didn’t, so I owe my brothers for that.”

  “Nick, what did he do to make you hate him so much. Was he…abusive?”

  Nick smiled with sadness darkening his eyes. “No, never. But he was ruthless when he wanted something. He destroyed my career.”

  Brooke remembered Nick had told her a few times, he didn’t have everything he wanted. Searching her memory, she recalled his one passion. The one thing that he’d wanted above all else. “Baseball?”

  He put his head down and dragged her hand to his lap, holding tight. “I was just a kid with a dream.” Deep emotion weighted his words. “I was good, Brooke.”

  “I remember.”

  “I’d made the minor leagues and was on my way to the majors, but dear old dad wanted his boys to run the wine business. He wanted us to love his legacy as much as he did. None of us did. I was his last chance.”

  Nick went on to tell the details of the incidents that crushed his baseball career. The lies, the deception and the manipulations. He spoke about Candy Rae and Brooke’s spine stiffened when she learned about her part in the deception. Nick had been just a young boy with his whole life ahead of him. How devastating for him to go through that, knowing his father disregarded his wishes to manipulate him into a life he didn’t want. Brooke finally understood why Nick wanted nothing to do with the company. It signified all he’d lost.

  “Then I had my accident during the game. I know in my head my father didn’t physically injure me so I couldn’t play again, but he sure as hell put pressure on me and had me rattled enough to make a fool move on the field. I was recovering from the surgery too, but before I knew what happened, the team released me. I know my father had something to do with that.”

  Brooke had heard rumors about Santo Carlino when she’d lived in Napa as a young girl. He’d been a powerful and ruthless businessman. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m only telling you this to ease your mind about being with me.”

  “Is that the only reason, Nick?” She shouldn’t have asked. She never knew when to keep her trap shut.

  He turned to face her, his gaze piercing hers. “It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken about this. And only to my brothers. I guess I figured you’d understand.”

  “I do.” She smiled and stroked his cheek gently, his day old stubble rough under her palm. “But I’m sorry for more than what you’ve gone through. I’m sorry for thinking having money and good looks meant you had everything you wanted.”

  “You like my looks?” he said, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

  “Yes, I like your looks,” she said, not taking the bait to banter. This was serious and she wouldn’t let Nick make light of it. “I’ve misjudged you and I apologize.”

  He brought her hand to his mouth and gently kissed the inner skin of her palm. “Thanks.”

  They sat in the dark, holding hands, the intimacy of the moment more profound than the sex they’d experienced these past few days. Brooke’s heart ached for him in a way she’d never be able to justify or explain to another person.

  Because this was Nick.

  And she was falling in love with him.

  “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” Brooke muttered, as she gave the dining room table a second polish, the cloth in her hand circling faster and faster, to match the crazy beating of her heart. “How could Mommy do that? How could she fall in love with Nick again?” she asked Leah, who played with a Baby Elmo music box on the floor. Leah looked up with a questioning pout on her little lips. To add insult to injury, her daughter’s eyes rounded and searched the room at the mere mention of Nick’s name. Even her child was smitten with him.

  Her life was in shambles and she didn’t have a solution to either of her dilemmas.

  Dan wanted to know his daughter and start over, and Nick, the man she loved, wanted to be rid of Napa in the worst way. One man was coming back into her life, another leaving for good. And it was all wrong.

  When her cell phone rang, Brooke didn’t jump and she didn’t panic. It was time for her to come to terms with her life and fix what she could. She noted Dan’s number on the screen and took a deep breath before answering. “Hello.”

  “It’s Dan, honey.”


  “I’m only in Napa for a few more days. I’d like to come see you. We have things to talk about. Things to work out. I know I made a mistake leaving you.”

  “Yes, you did, Dan. But that’s over now.”

  “It doesn’t have to be. I want to talk to you, Brooke.”

  There was a calm and amenable tone to his voice today, but she still didn’t trust it, or him. “I suppose we do have things to talk about.”

  “Can I come over?”

  “Today’s not good, Dan. Come tomorrow afternoon. We’ll talk.”

  After Brooke hung up the phone, she slumped down in a chair and put her head in her hands. She couldn’t afford a court battle with Dan, but she’d do anything within her power to keep Leah. There was no way she’d give him joint custody. At the very most, she’d allow him the right to come for a visit every now and then. She’d stick to her guns and not budge an inch.

  She glanced at Leah who had rolled onto her back on the pink flowered quilt, her chubby legs kicking in the air, as she nibbled on her teething ring. “He doesn’t deserve you,” she whispered, holding back tears.

  The only good news she had all week was that her mom was coming for a visit in a month. She’s promised to help Brooke with her first paying guests and with any luck she’d be open for business by then. With Joe’s expertise, her website would be operating soon and she’d managed to meet local merchants, hand out flyers and spread the word about her establishment.

  “It’s good news,” she said to Leah. “I’ve gotta keep reminding myself that all this hard work will pay off one day.”

  Brooke got down on the floor and sat cross-legged on the quilt. She put Leah in a sitting position facing her. “Wanna play a game with Mommy?”

  She took Leah’s hands in hers and spread them wide. “Open,” she said, drawing the word out. Then she closed their hands together, relaying in a sing-song voice, “Close them.”

  Leah giggled with joy. She loved this game. “Open,” she repeated. “Close them.” Brooke’s mood lightened instantly just seeing her daughter’s fascinated expression.

  There was a sharp knock at the door, a knock she recognized. She braced herself, glancing outside at the parked car, before opening the door. Nick stood on the threshold, looking like a zillion bucks as usual and her heart thumped hard in her chest. He was eye-catching no matter what he wore, but today, he had on a tailored, and from the look of it, very expensive dark suit. “Hi,” he said with a sparkling gleam in his blue eyes.

  The sight of him blew her away. “Who died?”

  He smiled. “You don’t like my going-to-San-Francisco-on-business look?”

  “You look nice,
Nick,” she relented, a gross understatement. “You didn’t mention your trip this morning, though.”

  “It just came up. I’ll be staying overnight. I came to give you the key to the house, just in case you miss Carlotta when you come in.”

  She let him in and they walked into the dining room. “Hey, kid,” Nick said when he spotted Leah on the quilt. She gazed up at him and immediately lifted her arms for him to take her.

  “She cut her first tooth. She’s in a better mood today.”

  “Really,” Nick said, taking off his jacket and getting down on the floor. “Let Nick see your tooth.” He picked Leah up in his arms. Leah smiled at him, opening her mouth just slightly but not enough for him to catch a glimpse of it. He tickled her chin to make her laugh, then bent his head, searching until he came up with a grin. “Hey, there it is.” He kissed Leah’s forehead and Brooke’s stomach twisted. How this man thought he wasn’t good father material, she couldn’t fathom. Granted, she’d thought so too, until she’d seen him interact with Leah and gotten to know him again.

  Her heart broke thinking he’d never have a child of his own.

  He looked up at Brooke, the smile still on his face. “Let’s move furniture.”


  “You have three more rooms to paint, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I was going to start on the next one when Leah took her nap this afternoon.”

  Nick rose, taking Leah in his arms. He tilted his chin and gestured upstairs. “It’ll take me a few minutes.”

  “You’re all dressed up.”

  “Are you going to stop arguing with me?” He glanced at Leah. “I hope you won’t be this stubborn when you grow up.”

  Her daughter responded with a soft touch to his cheek.

  “Okay, fine,” she said. It was killing her seeing Nick holding Leah and how easy they were with each other. “Let’s move furniture.”

  Half an hour later, after they’d arranged the furniture in the center of each of the three remaining rooms, Nick glanced at his watch. “I’d better get on the road. My meeting is in a couple of hours.”


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