Act IX

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Act IX Page 33

by Alexander Gordon


  “I’m not letting go again, I’m not walking away alone again, I’m not losing anyone again!” Clover yelled out shaking her head. “Fuck this! I’m getting us out of here even if I have to tear apart this whole goddamned cavern with my own fucking hands!”

  “But… what will we-”

  “Lucky! Bandits!” Clover roared out.

  Lucky neighed and bucked back on his hind legs, hair shifting to black while his eyes glowed red. The horse screeched as skeletal wings emerged from its back, tail lighting aflame while smoke was blown out of its nose. Kroanette watched Lucky turn into his demon form with wonder, the light from his tail and fire being exuded from his nose lighting the tunnel up again, then noticed Clover tightening her quiver and holstering her bow securely on her arm.

  “We’re getting the fuck out of here!”

  “Clover,” Kroanette said in awe.

  “We’re going to charge through whoever gets in our way, Lucky! We’re getting everyone out of here safely! We’re going to punch through this fucking bitch of Eden with everything we’ve got and like fucking hell anything is going to stop us!”

  “I had no idea you could be so adamant about protecting us, Clover,” Kroanette softly praised.

  “I’m going to be Dan’s mate, I’m going to have a future with him, I’m going to see him again, and I’m going to fucking suck his cock like he’s never felt before!”

  “O… kay then,” Kroanette slowly replied with a stunned smile.

  “HYA!” Clover yelled with a snap of the reins. Lucky took off with a whinny down the tunnel, racing as fast as he could while Clover had fire in her eyes and sheer determination on her face.

  “Wait for me!” Kroanette whined as she chased after them.


  Inside their bedroom Luna and Falla were seated on the bed while staring with wide eyes at something, the same thing the other girls were also watching while sitting next to the butterfly sisters. Right in front of them Daniel was having sex with Specca, the nixie having been stripped of her clothing, pinned down by a powerful kiss from her mate, and her legs dangling above him while he continually pounded his manhood deep into her. Her muffled moans and cries echoed in the room, her hands gripping his shoulders while her tail whipped about to the side. Daniel kept a firm grip on her waist with both hands, keeping her in place while he thrust down into her again and again in steady rhythm.

  “So when you said we’re going to be punished…” Falla slowly mentioned.

  “Who said you were getting punished?” Alyssa giggled.

  “We never said you were,” Triska pointed out. “We just said you were going to get the same thing we got.”

  “Daniel had sex with all of you?” Luna wondered.

  “And then some,” Alyssa agreed with an impressed smile at Daniel.

  “Daniel!” Specca gasped as their kiss broke. He began nibbling on her ear next, causing the nixie to scream in ecstasy and grab onto his head. “Oh god, Daniel! I can’t take- UNGH! You’re being so- HRGNH! You’re so- AHHH!”

  “He’s really giving it to her,” Falla mused with a growing smile. Squeak nodded and squeaked in agreement as she saw Specca crying out in pleasure from Daniel’s lovemaking.

  “So we’re next?” Luna timidly asked.

  “You’re next,” Triska agreed with a slick smile.

  Daniel again kissed Specca, muffling her voice, while he began picking up the pace with his motions. The other girls watched anxiously as Specca had an orgasm followed by another while Daniel relentlessly pounded her with vigor. After a while he leaned back while breathing more heavily, his hips smacking against Specca repeatedly as he felt himself building up again and how wet and tight she was getting.

  “Daniel!” Specca cried out gripping the bed. “What are you doing to me?”

  He leaned closer and kissed her again before smiling at his blushing mate.

  “Making a family with you.”

  Specca moaned while rocking back and forth roughly, her senses nearly shot from the intense session with her mate. However his words did reach her still, and after realizing what he said she jumped then looked at him with wide eyes.

  “Wait, what did you-” she asked before he gave one final hard thrust into her with a loud yell. Specca screamed with a flushed face as her legs grabbed hold of Daniel along with her tail, the appendage snapping around his leg and tightening as she convulsed from another orgasm rolling through her.

  “Daniel,” Falla gasped with wide eyes.

  “Did he… just…” Luna slowly asked pointing to him.

  “You’re cumming inside me!” Specca cried out before gasping with shock at Daniel. “Daniel! Danie- AHHHH!”

  Daniel held the nixie close by her hips as he felt himself releasing inside her, the wave of pleasure washing over him as well while he also felt Specca’s star in his mind burning more powerfully now. All the girls watched as Specca trembled and gasped while she was still reeling from what happened, with Luna and Falla showing surprise while the other girls smiled gently at their co-mate. After a while Daniel slowly relaxed and breathed out. Looking down to Specca he saw her blushing brightly while staring at him with shock through misaligned glasses.

  “You… came… inside me,” she shakily breathed out.

  “I told you,” he gently replied, leaning close and brushing the hair around her ear. “I’m making a family with you, Specca.”

  “I’m going to be pregnant now.”

  “I know, that’s the idea,” he chuckled. “I love you so much, Specca. You mean the world to me. As such I want to do everything I can to make you happy, to make your life complete. And I know you want to have a family with me, right?”

  Specca whimpered with tears forming and nodded quickly to that.

  “And I want to have a family with you. Beautiful daughters who will grow up to be as charming and polite as their mother.”


  “I’m not waiting anymore, not hesitating, not making excuses about the future I want to have with you girls. I don’t care if you being pregnant will help my magic training or not, I don’t care where we might be when our daughter comes to greet us in this world, I don’t care if it slows our quest down for some time. All I care about right now is taking care of the girls that stole my heart, and doing everything I can to show them how much I love them.”

  “Daniel… you mean that?” Specca sniveled with a small smile. “You really want to have a baby nixie with me?”

  “I do,” Daniel assured as he hugged her. She clung to him while crying softly into his shoulder, her heart beating heavily in her chest from his words while in his mind he felt her star practically bursting with monster energy now from her love for him.

  “Daniel! I love you so much!”

  “I love you, Specca. Now and for all time.”

  “Promise you’ll never let me go! Promise me!”

  “I promise. I’ll never let you go, Specca.”

  “That’s so beautiful!” Luna sobbed. The other girls turned to her as she ripped off some leaves from her skirt and blew her nose in them.

  “This is what he was doing with all of you?” Falla asked the girls. They all nodded and looked down while gently holding a hand over their waist.

  “He knocked us all up for sure,” Alyssa admitted. “He made sure we would be giving him children soon.”

  “I don’t know if I can give birth to boys anymore,” Triska mused with a curious smile. “I am a monster now after all. Still, I know something’s on its way thanks to him.”

  Squeak nodded and squeaked something that was likely in agreement with what they said.

  Luna and Falla looked at them with wonder then Specca as she was crying out of joy while holding onto Daniel.

  “You mean… we’re going to receive his seed also?” Falla gasped.

  “He’s going to give it to us too?” Luna wondered. “Really? Right now?”

  “That’s right,
” Triska said holding the butterfly close. Luna timidly watched as the cambion unsnapped her bra and tossed it away before pulling her skirt down her thighs.

  “You’re serious?” Falla shakily asked as Squeak ripped her bra off and pushed her down. The ant girl nodded and pulled the butterfly’s skirt off while Triska finished undressing Luna.

  “He wants all of us to have a family, together,” Triska explained while gently brushing Luna’s hair.

  “After Specca you girls are up next,” Alyssa giggled.

  “After her?” Luna asked. “But Daniel finished in her. Isn’t she done now?”

  “She got it once,” Triska smirked at the nixie, with Specca glancing to her in wonder from that. “I think Daniel is going to make sure she’s pregnant, just like he did with us.”

  “What do you mean?” Specca asked before seeing Daniel sitting back upright and smiling confidently down at her. “Daniel, what are you going to do with me?”

  “Make love to you,” he answered caressing her thighs. “Again and again until I’m sure we’re going to have a family.”

  Specca stared at him with wide eyes then slowly opened her mouth slightly in surprise. He chuckled and gently took her glasses off, folding them up and tossing them to the side on the bed. Her natural brown eyes had a warm glow to them, showing her ability to charm men should she choose to. However at the moment it was her who felt like she was charmed by Daniel, the world around her turning into a blur while he was the only thing she could focus on. After a pause she slowly smiled in awe as tears welled up in her eyes, her tail remaining around his leg tightly while her legs kept him as close as she could.

  “You mean it?”

  “Yes. I love you, Specca, and I’m going to take responsibility for stealing your heart. Nothing will stop me from doing that,” Daniel promised her. He then glanced over to Luna and Falla who were staring at him in wonder with deep blushes from knowing what was coming their way soon.

  “And that means you two as well,” he added with a wink. “I’ll be showing each of you how much I love you girls very soon, so please be patient a little while longer.”

  Luna and Falla merely nodded slowly while seeming to be a trance, the option of saying anything against his wishes not even registering with them now. Specca sniffled then smiled at him with loving eyes while he leaned forward and held her hands down beside her head. And then before he began thrusting into her again, driving her into a screaming bliss of pleasure, she said the one thing that was more true to her than ever before.

  “I love you, Daniel.”


  Riding in a mine cart through a dark tunnel the longhaired ant girl was casually brushing her locks, the echoing sounds of explosions not even drawing a flinch from her as she rode the steel cart towards her next destination. She gave a puff to blow the hair out from her eyes then continued to brush and comb through it with her fingers, seeming to take great care in cleaning herself the best she could despite being surrounded by dirt. There wasn’t much to see in the tunnel, even with her enhanced sight in the dark, as the tracks led through an underground corridor with stone walls on either side. Every now and then she would pass by an adjacent tunnel or a brief overlook into another cavern before quickly losing sight of them by the closely moving wall, nothing of interest being seen to catch her eye as she appeared a little bored waiting to reach her stop.

  After two more turns however that changed as she passed by a long opening to her left, revealing another tunnel in parallel to hers with a familiar centaur and horse drawn carriage riding through it. The ant girl watched in confusion at seeing Kroanette and Clover again along with a horse that looked drastically different compared to the one she had seen earlier. Although the ant girl didn’t become petrified with fear as Squeak always used to from seeing Lucky like that, she did show great concern from the demonic looking animal that was running about near her.

  “Run, Lucky!” Clover yelled while snapping the reins, her twintails flowing in the wind while galloping swiftly at her side Kroanette was screaming from another tremor rolling through the area.

  The ant girl watched them in puzzlement before the opening quickly vanished, leaving only the stone wall passing by her side while the voices of the other girls were lost. She blinked then rubbed her eyes before squeaking to herself in question. Shaking her head she looked back ahead, watching as the cart took a right turn then a left down the passageway. After a while she passed by another opening that showed the neighboring tunnel, with the centaur and elf again coming into view.

  “WAAAH!” Kroanette wailed while flailing her arms around, running side to side as rocks were dropping around her now. Clover was shouting all manner of obscenities while now standing atop the carriage holding the reins to Lucky, her hair flowing wildly behind her as Lucky galloped quickly through the tunnel with a loud whinny.

  The ant girl squeaked in bewilderment from seeing them again before the wall passed by once more and blocked the view and sound of the other girls. She blinked and kept watching the wall with her antennae twitching a bit. After a while another opening stretched by, showing Kroanette now wildly snapping her whip around at the ceiling as if in attempt to knock away the falling stones. Clover was seen holding onto the back of the carriage as it bounced about on the shaking ground, the elf screaming ‘fuck’ relentlessly while she held onto the bumpy ride with her legs flailing about behind her in the air. The ant girl stared at them in wonder before again losing sight and sound of the strangers with the wall coming between them. All that was heard were the clacking wheels of her cart as she traveled along the tracks, her eyes locked onto where the two other girls vanished and where she had a sneaking suspicion they would appear again.

  Sure enough another stretch of open space came between her tunnel and the neighboring one, showing Clover slowly crawling along the top of the carriage to get to the front seat again while Kroanette was trying to dodge the falling rocks and her whip now being tangled around her arm. The ant girl watched them curiously as the tracks she was on lifted up and slid over above the travelers, with the curious monster leaning over the side of her cart to see Clover inching her way closer to the front seat of the fast moving carriage below her.

  “WAAAH! This sucks!” Kroanette whined shaking her arm to get the whip off.

  “Tell me something I don’t know!” Clover barked back.

  “We’re not going to make it!”

  “Yes we are!”

  The ant girl tilted her head with a curious squeak then looked up to see the ceiling cracking apart all over. Another tremor rolled through the area, knocking loose large chunks of debris that fell around the girls. A slab of solid rock broke off and fell onto the cart, clipping the edge and knocking the ride loose off its tracks. The ant girl squeaked loudly before she was thrown out from the cart into the air with the ride bouncing on the tracks and falling after.

  “We’re going to make it!” Clover declared as she got back onto the front seat and grabbed Lucky’s reins. “Eden’s going to have to throw more than rocks in our way to stop us!”

  At that moment the ant girl promptly landed down on the elf’s lap with a squeak. Clover grunted from the girl falling into her arms then stared at her in surprise just as she was doing to her. A mere second later the mine cart dropped down and crashed right in front of Kroanette, the centaur screaming as she had just enough time to jump over the toppled ride and dodge a few steel rails that rained down next to her.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Clover shouted out.

  “What was that?” Kroanette cried out.

  The ant girl squeaked and shook her head before all the girls noticed the tunnel completely collapsing further ahead of them, the ground falling in while the corridor beyond that crumbled into a wall of debris and smoke.

  “STOP!” Clover yelled snapping the reins. Lucky neighed and skidded on the dirt just as Kroanette did, the two bracing themselves as they slowly came a halt right in front of the large hole
in the ground. The carriage rocked behind them then came to a complete rest while another tremor shook the passageway. All the girls looked at the gaping pit before them then turned to the ant girl who was still on Clover’s lap. The girl blew the hair away from her eyes while staring at the hole curiously then quickly looked around, patting down her side while squeaking in confusion as she realized she was missing something. She searched all around then saw her satchel hanging by its strap around Kroanette’s saddlebag. The centaur and elf looked over to it before Kroanette lifted it up by the belt, the bag gently turning in her hand while appearing perfectly fine. The ant girl breathed out heavily in relief seeing her bag was in one piece still while Kroanette glanced to her curiously.

  “Is this yours?”

  Before anyone could move a rock dropped from the ceiling and struck against the bag, causing a bright flash and a searing flame to hiss out from the satchel. Kroanette and Clover watched the bag in surprise while the ant girl gasped with wide eyes. She quickly started squeaking while waving her arms around, the girls seeing her frantically trying to say something to Kroanette.

  “What’s happening? What’s in this thing?” Kroanette feared as the burst of light and sparks kept coming out from the bag.

  The ant girl waved her arm around sharply in a very particular motion, something Clover caught onto before turning to Kroanette with fright.

  “I think she’s saying to throw that thing away! Now!”

  Kroanette screamed and hopped about in a panic while the ant girl kept squeaking at her with urgency. The centaur scampered around in a circle then quickly threw the satchel away from them down the tunnel. Before it even hit the ground the bag exploded into a powerful blast, shattering the floor under it while knocking the girls back from the shockwave alone. The walls and ceiling cracked and started caving in while the ground under the carriage shook about violently.

  “What the fuck was in that thing?” Clover cried out.

  “What’s happening now?” Kroanette whined loudly.

  The ant girl squeaked while frantically looking around to seeing large cracks etching through the dirt near them.


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