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LAW Box Set: Books 4-6 (Life After War Book 0)

Page 118

by Angela White

  Kendle’s heart melted despite her cold exterior. The scars usually drew the opposite reaction from children. It was another part of her life that Ethan had stolen. She couldn’t imagine ever having her own now.

  “You’re gonna watch over me?”

  Kendle smiled at the girl, thinking they had the exact same shade of black hair. “Yeah. I could kill for you, if I had to.”

  Becoming aware of the silence, Kendle shifted the now humming girl to her hip and growled at the gawking members around them. She hadn’t readjusted to the fame yet.

  Jennifer and Cynthia cackled.

  “Guess we’re doing a switch,” Angela stated casually, glad the more observant, experienced members weren’t around. Marc would see through this in about ten seconds. She would have to keep him busier than she’d planned. “Kendle and Cynthia will be Missy’s settling partners for now. Kendle has nights.”

  “What the hell did I do to you?” Cynthia barked in annoyance. She didn’t like Kendle anymore than she did kids.

  “Jennifer will assist Tara until this evening, and then someone else will take over that post,” Angela stated.

  All the females swallowed their protests as Angela left.

  Angela strode to Shane next and he took his notebook out as she joined him. The expression she wore said there was work waiting.

  “Take Jax to the lumber yard we rolled by. Bring everything on this list. We’ll have a dumpsite cleared for it. Keep good records of what you collect.”

  Shane took the paper and peered at the trees around them, then their tops and the jagged cliffs above. “Lumber?”

  “We’re not lumberjacks,” Angela explained. “We’ll use the piles of sorted, precut wood in the stores that are waiting on an industrious person to gather them. It leaves the trees around our base for winter if we need them.”

  “Which means we won’t have to travel as far in the snow,” Shane realized. “Good idea!”

  “It also gives us time to figure out how to harvest these trees without getting hurt or taking too many,” Marc pointed out as he joined them. He pressed a quick kiss to Angela’s warm cheek. “It was a terrific idea.”

  “When should we go?” Shane asked, thinking Angela was tired. The bags under her eyes hadn’t faded from her time with Donner yet and many of the Eagles were watching for signs that she needed a break. Everyone knew her losing the baby would have bad effects on Safe Haven.

  “By dawn,” Angela answered. “Get rolling on it now. You don’t need to wait for Kenn’s clearance call.”

  Shane was gone an instant later, suddenly excited. A lumberyard would have more than lumber. This was an opportunity for their team to make a big score and add early points.

  Shane spotted Nancy going the way he’d come from and found himself hoping she joined the Eagles soon. If she could be one of them, he would show his interest. Until then, it was expected that the male Eagles would take strong partners who could fight alongside them. Shane agreed. When Nancy joined, he would make his move, but not a minute before that. He refused to carry anyone, including his woman.

  “They’re switching shifts without Dog here to tell them it’s time,” Angela commented once they were alone.

  Marc followed her line of sight to the ants on the perimeter. They were neatly changing positions, and then patiently waiting around for the feeding that now came after mess. The ants were still getting scraps, and a portion of actual supplies as well. Angela had promised them protection and care, and she was honoring her deal.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m good,” she responded too brightly. “You?”

  Marc pinned her with a dark glare. “Liar.”

  “I’m a little tired, a little hungry, and distracted,” she said resignedly. She put a hand on his big arm and let her wall down.

  In her mind was the huge construction project he’d glimpsed in Jennifer’s thoughts. Only this was ten times the size, with shiny gold threads stacking into a starless night. It was a massive undertaking.

  “What is it?” he asked, surveying the rafters and beams of light.

  “The future,” Angela answered gravely. “Ours, theirs, and those not yet born to us.”

  “When will it be finished?” Marc didn’t understand whatever it was she wanted him to.

  “It’s complete when we run out of branches,” Angela told him, aware of his confusion, but also aware that he wouldn’t like the detailed explanation of death and the end of humanity. “When nothing else fits, then we’re done.”

  Marc was afraid to ask how many years that might take.

  Angela didn’t tell him it was more like centuries. These plans would be inherited and added to for generations to come. If we survive, she thought, remembering the last dream of being overrun by victims of a disaster. She assumed it was from Yellowstone, but there had been a clear sense of missing pieces.

  Angela pressed a soft peck to his cheek, mindful of his sore mouth. His chipped tooth would be their student dentist’s first challenge, but not until after they were in the caves and had the medical bay set up. Marc had insisted on waiting, and Angela was positive he just didn’t want to be the student’s first live patient.

  “Can I ask you something, boss lady?”

  Uh-oh, Angela thought. Marc’s tone said he wasn’t happy. “What’s up?”

  “Do you know how old I am?”

  Angela pretended to have to count it. “Uh, let’s see now. You were born before me.”


  She rotated slowly to discover him standing with his hands resting on his guns, with the afternoon sun melting over him like a honey topping. Angela blinked. Hungry again, are you?

  Yes, momma.

  Angela gasped at the clear communication, a bit stunned. What am I?

  Marc caught enough of the exchange to be concerned, but Angela’s expression said she wasn’t ready to deal with this newest horror yet. Neither was he.

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I was grounded?” he asked, steering them toward his truck, where he had a bag of snacks.

  Angela forced a snicker, suddenly terrified. “A week or so?”

  “I’d like to know why the chain of command is grounded,” he stated. “What new hell am I preparing us for, that you don’t want me out of camp?”

  Angela hid the wince. “I’m ensuring the future, Marc. Like I’m always doing these days. The people here need to know how strong they are.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’d rather not go into details right now,” Angela answered, spotting too many people who might pick up on the conversation.

  Marc shoved into her thoughts. Tell me.

  Angela fought her first reaction to vomit and let him remain despite the upset stomach and the migraine. In here, they were alone. We have to let the rest of the herd have a chance to be shepherds, but especially the ones who are pregnant or fathering a child now. We need them to step up while they can because in a few months, most of them won’t be able to and it will make them feel helpless. Adrian made an amazing amount of progress with the stronger people here, but the weaker people have just as much to contribute.

  And they won’t?

  Not if they don’t have a taste of the glory that goes with the gore. Let backburner people handle some of these things, so when they’re laid up or on minor duties again, they don’t forget how powerful they are. We can’t survive if the herd backslides into letting us care for them. They have to be able to care for themselves.

  Marc agreed with that, positive there was more to it by the way her answers were so vague. Angela was a detail-oriented leader and she usually had plans already made by the time she shared even a hint of what was coming. Which meant she needed him to be caught off guard by whatever it was. Otherwise, she would tell him.

  “Yes, I would,” she stated happily. “You’re so smart. I love that.”

  Marc grinned. “Right back at ya, baby-cakes.”

  Marc continued
his rounds of the stopped convoy, not worried about missing the lesson on setups as he sent his mental grid out to search around them. Kenn had it covered and Marc wanted to know something that he wasn’t comfortable asking anyone about, including the Indians who had chosen to stay. He wanted to know if their traitor was following and who was on duty in the rear. He had to make sure those sentries knew how close Adrian could come before they were required to shoot him. Anyone who failed to pull the trigger would wish that they hadn’t hesitated.


  Angela waved at the vet as he came from the livestock truck to complain about the wait, dingy white coat fluttering out behind him. “We’re clearing the pet store in town. Go along?”

  Completely distracted, Chris was elated to be given work and he gazed adoringly. “Yes!”

  “Good,” Angela rewarded. She hadn’t forgotten that he’d tracked her down and helped with the rescue. “Turn the animals over to someone you trust and meet a team by the livestock trailers at dawn.”

  Chris rushed off before he could do or say anything stupid, mind eased. This is the start of her using me! My gifts aren’t being overlooked.

  “You have plans for him?” Greg asked, sticking close as they traveled toward the front gates. One of the Eagles would drive her vehicle when the line finally advanced. Right now, the supply trucks were being guided into place. Angela had given them a new map for Safe Haven and while Kevin’s team had outlined it with red tape, the ease of setups had been lost. Not that it mattered. They were here for a lengthy stay and few of them were concerned over the delay.

  “I have plans for everyone,” she finally answered.

  Angela swept the site, approving of the QZ going up first. The new people hadn’t all been cleared yet, but she didn’t want them out at the same time anyway.

  Angela stopped near the gate, where a small jam was blocking the next rig from coming through. She gestured for Logan, the driver of the stuck truck, to switch with Ray, who was on gate duty.

  Logan flushed but didn’t argue. He hadn’t learned to handle the big rigs yet.

  Speaking to Greg, Angela pointed toward the distant shape of buildings that were a part of the Pigeon Mountain resort. “I need that area reconned and then the pet store stripped. Tell Billy I’m sending him people at dawn, and to pay special attention to pools and aquariums for fish or plants. Jerry Jones appears to be our resident fisherman. Take him along and have him put his knowledge where his mouth is. We’ll have a dumpsite waiting, but tell Billy to keep good records of what they collect.”

  Greg wrote it down and then signaled for a rookie to come over and carry the order, instead of going himself. She had snipers and men within reach, but Marc wanted someone at her side at all times.

  Quinn saw Angela’s expression as she approached and got his notebook out expectantly. He would much rather be on a run than taking notes, but at least he would be working. He’d been XO on Marc’s team, but now, no one knew what was going on with the tests or the teams. Many of them had lost someone.

  “Take Scott and Josh, and get up on this mountain. You’re searching for a clear or at least flat area to set a snow gathering operation. Gear for it is in trucks four and ten. When you find it, mark it, leave three sniper kits, and then get home for a hot meal and a good night’s rest.”

  Quinn regarded the jagged peaks and winding road that traveled to a nauseating ledge over a hundred feet up. After that, it disappeared from view. Excitement flared. “You got it!”

  Quinn left his post to his partner and went to get the other men.

  “You have too many irons in the fire,” Peggy stated as Angela and Greg entered the gates. “You need to rest.”

  “Tell Hilda I’ll knock out six a day, no matter what, once we’re inside,” Angela retorted.

  Peggy left it alone, recognizing a short temper. “I came because Doug said Adrian knows how to help the cancer patients. I want to go find out if that’s true.”

  “Permission granted,” Angela gave easily. She’d been expecting it. “Report directly to me.”

  Peggy left and two other members hurried forward for instructions and information. As Angela walked, a small group of followers formed, all wanting a minute with the boss that was given as patiently as she could. These people needed this. It reminded them of the beginning, of Adrian leading them. Angela also needed it. These moments were a reminder of a time when she’d almost felt like a whole person. With Adrian gone, so was some of her joy at being here.


  “Rookie Eagle signups are still open, with about a quarter of the slots already filled. Don’t forget to stop by and add your name to the list. We need you,” Kenn’s voice echoed steadily across the settling camp.

  Approving of Angela providing new meat for the Eagles, Marc settled onto the bed of the rear truck in the convoy, happy with the responses he’d received from these guards. None of them had forgiven their traitor.

  Behind the convoy was a thinning trail of dust that Marc concentrated on. He sent his mental grid out and found his target within a mile. Adrian and his new, tiny faction of soldiers were settling in on a nearby ridge that had a clear view of Safe Haven. He would be able to use his binoculars to spy on them, on Angela.

  Marc had other plans. He’d been busy diving through the muck for the old scrolls and he’d discovered several things he didn’t care for. One of them was that he’d been lied to–again–about the bond Angie and Adrian now shared. He’d also learned how to access a new hall of doors, but hadn’t had time to explore them yet. With Safe Haven camping for a while, that would change.

  Marc made a quick note in his book and went back to studying. The road going through Safe Haven had two branch-offs, one of which Adrian had taken to get to his site.

  Marc made another note.

  The sky was gritty. Samantha had already warned them of a coming storm. They would have to check out the cliffs for a flood path.

  Marc stayed in his position, making observations until he felt Adrian glaring at him. That sensation of hatred was unmistakable now, equaling his own loathing and bitterness.

  While Adrian glowered, Marc gestured to a nearby guard, using Adrian’s Eagle code.

  I want a shooting area set up here. Have them aim where he’s standing. Marc pointed at Adrian.

  Whitney chuckled and wrote it down. People would line up all day to take turns, especially his own guys. With Kevin gone, no one knew if they even had a team anymore and the consensus was that Adrian was to blame.

  On the cliff, Adrian also copied the order, as he was meant to, and resignedly stormed to his vehicle to pick a new location. Staying close wasn’t going to be easy.

  Marc waited for the trail of dust that said Adrian was moving his site, gloating a bit as the man pulled out with annoyed gestures.

  Satisfied, Marc lit a stale smoke and made his way back to the front of the long convoy to resume his setup lesson.

  Chapter Two



  The ugliness has seeped into my soul.

  For a small while, I thought I would be able to tolerate this level of guilt and regret, but I will carry it forever and that’s a long time. Only death may provide a relief, and even that isn’t certain. The only thing I do know is that I have to find a way to shore up my soul. I have to find the light again. If I don’t, I can’t lead.

  Angela didn’t reread her notes as she used to do with her entries in Adrian’s notebooks, closing the cover instead. She had wondered about his state of mind in some places as she had gone through them after taking over leadership. Now, she understood completely how Adrian’s pain could feel so real from mere words. He bled onto the paper, so that his people wouldn’t discern his weaknesses. She was now doing the same emotional control, and she dreaded the day she would hand these books to a successor. Knowing someone else would read her entries and be horrified was ugly, but it had to happen. Without those important notes, the newcomer would have no idea how hard and se
rious this job was. They had to respect it, to be able to do it.

  Angela left her tent and stayed there for a moment, chin tilted in concentration.

  Those around to witness it assumed she was communicating with someone, but Angela was scouring the land around them for trouble. She didn’t send her witch very far; confident the problems were waiting, as they had been all along. She just needed to be positive that none of those coming battles had advanced further than anticipated during the night.

  “Things okay?”

  Angela ignored Tonya.

  The redhead waited without resentment, still missing being able to twirl her curls while she was idling. She was still working on body language and figuring out timing. It was a struggle for her some days, and part of why she’d been lurking in the dawn fog to have a moment alone with the boss.

  Angela slowly tugged the witch in, aware that her demon needed to sleep longer. The witch had expended an enormous amount of energy over the last ten days. You’ve earned it. Rest.

  The witch settled obediently into her place and fell into a thin slumber.

  Angela regarded Tonya. “Are you sure? You can’t go back on this.”

  “Yes.” Dreading the disappointment, Tonya made eye contact, positive that it was required. “Please take me off your team.”

  “I could never be disappointed in you. You’ve come a long way.” Angela smiled softly, shoving out a blast of light that enveloped the former gold-digger. “I couldn’t be prouder.”

  “Figures you’d say something like that.” Tonya wiped at her sudden tears in annoyance. “Didn’t you see my makeup?”

  Angela chuckled. “Cute.”

  Tonya’s shoulders slumped and her hands dropped to her sides. “Yeah, that’s me.”

  “Cute and a bit lost?” Angela guessed.

  “You could say that,” Tonya lamented. “I know I can’t do what you guys do. I panicked in the final chaos, and I hate the blood and dirt. But I’m an Eagle and I…” Tonya stopped, becoming aware of the whine in her tone. She didn’t want the boss to know that part of her still existed. She was working daily to kill it. “I’m still adjusting.”


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