The Dragon Men ce-3

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The Dragon Men ce-3 Page 13

by Steven Harper

  The trip to Peking was difficult and stressful. They were forced to walk most of the way or beg for rides on the back of farm carts because Cixi didn’t want to call attention to herself by hiring a carriage or a palanquin, and Su Shun would watch the trains. They also had little money. Cixi risked selling the hairpin in Jehol but got only a fraction of its worth because a woman in maid’s clothing selling a noblewoman’s pin must have stolen it, and she could only approach a stingy black market buyer. Cixi didn’t dare sell any more jewelry for fear the jeweler, already nervous, would call a guard. As a further disguise, Cixi traded the maid’s clothing and Zaichun’s eunuch’s clothing in favor of simple peasant garb.

  Peking was more than a hundred miles from Jehol, and the journey would take at least two weeks on foot, but there was nothing for it. To stretch out their meager supply of cash, they slept on the ground and begged food from other travelers. It had also been years since she had been required to perform even simple tasks like urinating without at least three maids in attendance, let alone walk so many miles without aid. The hunger and the dust and the unrelenting heat sent Cixi straight back to her youth. What made things worse was the constant fear that a troop of soldiers would descend on them and haul them back to Jehol for a long, painful death.

  Zaichun, for his part, became surly as he became hungry and tired, and when at one point he started to complain-and no doubt say something that would have revealed their identity to the farmer on whose cart they were riding-Cixi slapped him hard, as any peasant mother would.

  “Shut your foul mouth,” she snapped. “Do not complain when this honored farmer has given us a free ride.”

  Zaichun stared at her. No one in his life had ever given him a direct order. To him, it was more shocking than the slap, as she intended. It sharply brought his attention back to their position.

  “Yes, Mother,” he said, both sullen and meek, and neither of them spoke of it again.

  They finally arrived in Peking through the peasant’s gate, the ill-kept one that was open for only a few hours a day and for which there was no charge, but which carried with it a long wait on the hot, dusty road. Cixi carried the sack now, unwilling to let it out of her sight. It would require money to take back the throne, lots and lots of money, and she would need every tael.

  They walked down the streets of Peking, among the market stalls and braying donkeys and oozing sewage and press of people. News of the emperor’s death two weeks ago had reached the city, and everywhere Cixi looked, people who could afford it wore white. A constant parade of mourners made a wailing train of ghosts through the city and would continue for a full hundred days after Xianfeng’s death. No musicians performed in the streets, no acrobats or tumblers, no singers or dancers. Theaters bore padlocks. All the men looked strange-their heads and faces were covered with untidy fuzz because for one hundred days they were not allowed to shave as proper men did. The emperor died; performers and barbers starved.

  A number of buildings lay in ruins from the war, though as Cixi had predicted, people were already rebuilding, and the city echoed with the sounds of hammering and sawing and the thud of stones being set. A nobleman on a horse trotted down one byway, causing everyone to dive out of his way. The horse kicked up manure that spattered Cixi’s cheek. She wiped it away with her dusty sleeve and pulled Zaichun along. He followed like a wax doll, dull with fear and hunger. She felt the same but didn’t dare give in to it.

  After what felt like hours of walking, Cixi and Zaichun finally arrived at a luxurious mansion compound with red peaked roofs and gutters surrounded by a high wall. The front gate was actually a section of wall that had been pulled back to create entrances to the left and right-demons and evil spirits traveled in straight lines, so gates into houses forced a turn to deflect them. A pair of brass lions stood guard.

  “The emperor is dead. There is no work,” said one of them said in a rumbling voice. “The emperor is dead. There is no work.”

  “I have a delivery,” said Cixi, holding up the sack. “It is for Prince Kung.”

  “Deliveries are at the back gate,” said the lion. “There is no work.”

  Peasants did not enter at the front gate. She had forgotten. Cixi took Zaichun’s hand. The mansion grounds were enormous, and it took a long time to walk around to the back. The sun was setting, and the alley was already growing dark. Here there were no lions, but bars forbade entry through the gate into the courtyard beyond. Cixi pulled a cord and heard a bell ring inside. Moments later, a plump woman rushed to the bars. She wore a white tunic that made her look like a snowball.

  “The emperor is dead. There is no work,” she said.

  “I have a delivery for Prince Kung.” Cixi held up the sack again.

  “Of course you do,” the woman said. “Everyone has a delivery for Prince Kung.”

  Cixi set her mouth. This woman had no way of knowing who Cixi was and was only doing as she was instructed. Still, Cixi wanted to order the cow beaten. “Nevertheless, it is true. I must present this to him personally.”

  The woman eyed Cixi’s filthy clothes and Zaichun’s filthy face. “Hm.”

  “Tell him,” Cixi said through clenched teeth, “the Little Orchid is waiting to see Devil Number Six and that she has a gift from the Jade Hand for him.” Here she glanced left and right to ensure the alley was empty and opened the sack so the woman could see the Ebony Chamber. The woman would never have seen the object in her life, but she would recognize the richness and beauty of the box and would know that such a thing must be highly important. She wavered a moment, then produced a key and unlocked the gate.

  “Wait here,” she said when they were in the stone courtyard. “Do not move from this spot.”

  She bustled away.

  “I remember Prince Kung,” said Zaichun. “He is my uncle. I rode his horses.”

  Cixi clutched the bag to her chest, darting uneasy looks in every direction. Prince Kung was Xianfeng’s half brother, though Cixi knew they weren’t close, and his home occupied the largest and most luxurious compound within Peking. The compound covered hundreds of acres that included ponds, bridges, trees, gardens, and elaborate fountains that gave the illusion of country life in the middle of the world’s most magnificent city. The luxury was lost on Cixi. Now that they weren’t moving, she felt exposed and vulnerable, like a piece of meat on a butcher’s chopping block.

  The snowball woman returned. “The prince will see you, Orchid. Though first,” she continued with a small sniff, “you will have to be prepared.”

  Cixi was never so glad for a bath and fresh clothes in her life. There was even a maid to help her, though throughout the process she never took her eyes from the grubby sack and the treasure within. Zaichun was bathed in another room, and although she was sure he would be safe, she insisted the doors between their chambers be left open so she could hear everything. They were even brought small plates of food, which Cixi forced herself to eat with proper decorum and manners. Zaichun gobbled his down. Their borrowed clothes were simple and white, the color of mourning.

  At last they were ushered in to see Prince Kung. He was sitting at an elaborate writing desk, murmuring to a spider, which painted his words on rice paper with blurry speed. He wore a white robe he seemed to have thrown on quickly. To Cixi’s surprise, there were no soldiers or other servants in the room. The servant who showed Cixi and Zaichun in bowed and withdrew. Prince Kung touched the spider. It shut down, and Kung turned to face them. Cixi bowed, still clutching the sack with the Ebony Chamber in it. Zaichun did not bow-he had forgotten himself already. Cixi kicked his leg. He started, then bowed as well.

  Kung was a worried-looking man who was not yet thirty. The pouches under his eyes and his slender build made him look older than he was, and his unshaven head beneath his round cap gave him a disheveled look. Cixi, newly bathed and dressed, felt better-dressed than he, though her clothes barely amounted to more than a white sheet. Kung’s tired eyes widened when he recognized Cixi and Zaichun

  “What-?” he began, so startled he didn’t even touch formalities.

  “Who is listening?” Cixi interrupted, necessity also forcing rudeness.

  Kung shut his mouth and pursed his lips. Then he reached under his desk and pulled a hidden lever. There was a cranking, grinding noise, followed by a series of small thumps. When they ended, Kung said, “The spy holes have been stopped up. We can talk freely.”

  “Not even the emperor has such power,” Cixi said, impressed.

  “I am not the emperor. Nor do I wish to be.” He gestured at a laden table. “Please, sit. There is food. You will have to feed yourself, I’m afraid. Even food spiders may carry messages. And you are safe here, Orchid.”

  Cixi almost wept with relief at those words. She and Zaichun gratefully sank to the pillows and took up chopsticks. It felt so fine to be clean and sitting down, with food on a table and fresh clothes on her back. In that moment, if Kung had requested it, she would have offered herself to him as a concubine in his household.

  “Please tell me what really happened at the Cool Hall in Jehol,” Kung said as they ate. He clearly wasn’t hungry, but he nibbled a cake and sipped tea to be polite. “I only hear official stories, and my spies are giving me conflicting information.”

  Cixi obeyed, omitting no details. To her surprise, she found herself choking a little as she described the death of the emperor. She hadn’t realized she felt enough attachment to him to grieve. Zaichun stared fixedly into his lap, and a tear dropped onto his knee. Cixi ignored this breach, trying to keep herself under control. But as she told the story, her sorrow dissolved into an anger that hissed like a serpent, and then roared like a dragon. At one point, there was an odd snap, and she realized she had broken an ivory chopstick in two. Embarrassed, she set it aside and stopped eating.

  “You acted with admirable forethought,” Kung said when she finished. “I can think of no concubine who would do what you have done.”

  “Thank you,” she said, surprised at the praise.

  “You may know that I have long felt that the empire’s policy of antagonism and isolationism toward the West has been a bad idea.”

  “One has heard,” she murmured. Kung’s ideas about peaceful contact and exchange of ideas with the West were actually considered scandalous by Xianfeng’s advisers, and they had convinced Xianfeng to push his half brother to the margins, leave him with a largely administrative post in Peking, and all but banish him from the Forbidden City. However, over the years, he had cleverly consolidated his position into one of great power. The emperor ignored Peking itself in favor of the Forbidden City, which meant every time he left for Jehol or the Summer Palace, Peking was basically left in the charge of Prince Kung. He’d had little power within the Imperial Court, but outside it, he was arguably the most powerful man in China. He also did not get along with Su Shun, which was why Cixi had come to him in the first place.

  “The continual conflict we have with Britain drains treasure and people on both sides,” Kung said. “Imagine what we could accomplish if we worked together! The British are making extraordinary leaps forward in the fields of medicine and public education, for example, but their people starve in the streets because British farmers are ignorant of agricultural secrets we have hoarded for centuries. Yet we fight and keep our people apart because we look different and act differently. Foolishness!”

  “I met a few bar-Westerners when I was younger,” Cixi said. “They don’t have proper manners, you know. It makes it very difficult to talk to them.”

  “They say the exact same thing about us,” Kung replied. “Do you think we Chinese are so stupid that we can build a wall halfway around the world but we cannot learn to talk to Englishmen? Or that the English are so stupid that they can build ships to fly through the air but cannot learn proper etiquette? No, both sides are narrow-minded, and it costs us dearly.”

  “I do not disagree,” Cixi put in. “I lived on the streets of Peking as a child, and I have lived in the Imperial Court. From these vantage points I have seen how. . insulated our society has become. The emperor is-was-a symptom of that. We seal ourselves off as we sealed off the emperor, and the only thing that gets in is sickness.”

  “Exactly! When the emperor is sealed off, he stagnates like bad water in a pond. You yourself saw the proof. We need someone to sit on the throne who is willing to listen to new ideas.”

  “But not you,” Cixi said.

  “By the heavens, no.” Kung drank tea in obvious distress. “I have more than enough difficulty with Peking, let alone an entire empire.”

  “You would make a wonderful adviser to an emperor,” Cixi said. She hesitated a moment. Bluntness was never a part of politics. No one at the Court was ever able to speak in private, and everyone’s words were quickly spread by spies and servants throughout the Forbidden City, which meant all comments had to have multiple meanings-one for the spies and one for the actual recipient. It made for twisted, difficult negotiations that lasted days or weeks. But here there were no listeners, and the longer they delayed, the longer Su Shun had to consolidate his hold on the throne. She decided to plunge ahead. “You could also be an adviser to a regent. Even if that regent were, say, a mere woman.”

  Kung looked at her for a long time. Cixi looked back. “Yes,” he said at last. “That’s true. I think that would be a fine idea. A woman who ruled from behind a silk curtain, as the saying goes.”

  “But not alone,” Cixi added quickly. “As I said, this woman would need advisers, generals, trustworthy eyes and ears. No one can run an empire alone.”

  “And this woman would want peace with the West, not war as Su Shun does.”

  “I imagine she would.” Cixi found she couldn’t quite bring herself to be completely blunt after all. “Especially if working for peace meant she enjoyed the support of important people.”

  “It would.” Kung drummed his fingers on the tabletop. “If we want to put the proper heir on the throne, we need proof that Xianfeng intended this heir to sit there.”

  “Unfortunately,” Cixi said, “he made no such declaration. Many, many witnesses know this. And the Ebony Chamber”-she gestured at the sack on the floor beside her-“was empty.”

  “Hm. And I am even farther from the throne than we knew. Did you know I was in charge of the army that defended Peking from the British?”

  “I thought it was Prince Cheng.”

  “It was. Su Shun wrested that honor away from me and gave it to that toad Cheng-”

  “In order to take credit for it because Cheng always does as he is told and never speaks for himself,” Cixi finished for him. “Yes. I wondered at that.”

  “For once Cheng will be rewarded.” Kung sighed. “Su Shun intends to give my position as governor of Peking over to Cheng. He is handing out many civil positions to military friends of his without regard to their skill at administration. I have been deliberately excluded. My influence at this new Imperial Court is nonexistent.”

  “If we have no heir and no paper, we will need the Jade Hand,” Cixi mused. “Though acquiring the hand will be much the same thing as assassinating Su Shun.”

  Kung nodded. “There is another factor. You know of the cure for the blessing of dragons.”

  “The one carried by that Western woman, Lady Michaels. Yes. She is the main reason Su Shun has continued to seal the borders-he does not want the cure to enter and wreck the Dragon Men. She is the most dangerous person in the world right now after Su Shun himself. Su Shun has put out an enormous reward for her capture so he can personally ascertain her identity and see to her death.”

  Kung toyed with his teacup. “It may interest you to know that Alice, Lady Michaels, was captured not long ago in Tehran. In a fascinating turn of events, she turned herself in and claimed the reward for herself.”


  “My sources are impeccable. Imperial troops are escorting her to Peking even now.”

  Cixi realized her thumb was in her mouth and s
he was gnawing on the nail, a habit her mother had long ago broken in her. She put her hand down. “I think,” she said slowly, “that if Su Shun wants her so badly, we cannot afford to let him have her. I also think that whoever controls Michaels Alice controls the empire.”


  “Think of it. Releasing her cure would abruptly put our empire on equal footing with the West. It would destroy Su Shun’s chances of going to war. The cure destroyed the British Empire’s ability to fight us, after all. Since he is using this war on the West as a distraction from his weak hold on the throne, no war would mean we would have a better chance to unseat him.”

  “I concur. And, my lady, I must say I like the way your mind runs. You think on a grand scale, and that is what we need for an empire.”

  “Thank you, my prince.”

  Zaichun, who hadn’t spoken a word, had finished stuffing himself and was now drooping over his plate. Cixi laid him down on the pillow as she had done many times before with the emperor. He sighed and fell more deeply asleep. Cixi drank more tea.

  “So,” she concluded, “we need to divert Lady Michaels and bring her here. Can this be arranged?”

  “I will see what I can do,” said Prince Kung.

  Chapter Nine

  The border guard was a serpentine mechanical dragon, long and segmented and at least a hundred yards in length. Smoky steam puffed from its nostrils, and a metal beard dripped from its chin. Its jaws could easily bite a man in half. Gavin couldn’t see any human controlling it, though he supposed one might be inside. Like the nightingales, it skimmed with lithe grace when it moved. The birds pulled the Lady down to the sands, and the dragon raised its huge head to peer onto the deck. Steam puffed across the ship like a locomotive’s. The whirligigs and spiders made yipping noises and scampered belowdecks. Gavin automatically backed up a step and put his hand on his cutlass, though the glass blade had as much a chance of harming the beast as did a pin of harming a turtle.

  Yeh stepped fearlessly up to the dragon, bowed, and spoke to it while the birds huddled in the rigging and on the deck. Once again, Gavin caught words, the same ones as before, and this time emperor, permission, and cross.


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