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Christmas at the Second Chance Chocolate Shop

Page 16

by Kellie Hailes

  ‘You’re amazing, Ritchie Dangerfield. You always were. Nothing ever got you down. Not for long anyway.’

  ‘Well I always had you by my side to keep me up. It’s time I returned the favour. So, again, I ask… what’s next?’

  What’s next? Serena bit her lip as emotion coiled low in her belly. Longing. Desire. Craving. For the man standing before her who was willing to put his drama aside to help her achieve her dreams.

  ‘I don’t know how to make chocolates without you, Serena. But I’m willing to learn. I’m willing to try.’ Ritchie cupped her chin. His thumb ran over her bottom lip. ‘If you’ll let me.’

  Serena inhaled, long and slow, breathing in the rich aroma. Damn chocolate. No wonder it was called an aphrodisiac. But it wasn’t the chocolate seeing her sway towards Ritchie. She knew that. It was his pure essence. The musk, the leather, the hint of salt that settled on his skin after a long day. And the way his eyes twinkled and his smile widened, drawing her in.

  She took his free hand and pulled him towards her. Their hips meeting. Fusing. Pushing. His desire obvious against the soft cotton of her skirt.

  ‘What’s next is you come upstairs with me.’ She kissed his lips, soft. Tender. A promise.

  ‘Sleep. We need sleep. That’s what we agreed on, right?’ Ritchie grinned, his eyebrows raised as she dragged him towards the door, and up the stairs. That led to her bed.

  ‘You can call it whatever you like, Ritchie Dangerfield.’ She stuck her tongue out and was rewarded with a low and husky laugh. A kiss on the nape of her neck as she opened the door sent a white hot line of electricity down her spine, erupting in the lowest, most intimate, part of her body.

  She pulled Ritchie into the lounge, then spun round to face him. Her hands roamed over his chest, relishing the way his nipples crinkled under her fingers. ‘We need to get this blouse off you.’

  Ritchie took a step back, his hands finding the top buttons, and yanked, sending buttons flying in all directions across the room.

  ‘I really liked that blouse.’ Serena mock-pouted.

  ‘I’ll buy you a new one,’ he murmured into her neck as he kissed and licked. Slow. Deliberate. The heat deep down reaching tingling inferno levels. ‘Ten new ones.’

  ‘I love this better than the damn blouse,’ she gasped and pressed into him, wanting to feel his skin against hers. ‘It’s time you abandoned that skirt.’ She pushed it over his hips and let it fall to the floor. ‘Thank God for elastic.’

  Holding onto his shoulders she walked him backwards into her room, towards the bed and pushed him onto it, crawling over top of him. Hovering inches away.

  ‘Who’s got too much clothing on now?’ Ritchie reached down and undid her jeans button, unzipped, then wiggled the trousers down, enough to get access.

  Serena arched as he found her hot spot, and began to play. ‘Ritchie, God, slow down. It’s been forever.’

  Ritchie grinned and continued to stroke her softly, then began rolling the pad of his thumb around and around. The way he knew she liked it.

  Every movement, however slight, sent a new flush of molten heat low, causing muscles to tighten. Hotter. Harder. Until …

  ‘Really, Ritchie. Stop. I’ll…’ Waves of ecstasy rolled over her, rendering her speechless, apart from her cries of pleasure filling the room, until she peaked and collapsed onto Ritchie.

  ‘Damn you. That was too fast. Too easy.’ She grabbed his hands and brought his arms above his head, wiggling into him. Loving how he groaned at her teasing.

  ‘I can’t believe you’re angry about having an orgasm.’ Ritchie rolled his eyes. Serena thrust her hips against his. ‘And don’t stop doing that. Actually. I take that back. Do stop.’ He whipped her arms low and flipped them over so he was on top. Rising up, he shimmied her jeans and knickers off, then pulled his boxer briefs down and kicked them off. ‘That’s better.’ He lowered himself down and began to nibble and tease his way along the line leading from her belly button, up towards her décolletage, her neck, her mouth. ‘Delicious. God, I’ve missed you, Serena.’

  Serena arched up as his fingers caught in her hair. His heart quickened, in perfect timing with her own, as they joined as one. ‘I’ve missed you too,’ she breathed, lost to his touch, his scent, his voice. I don’t want to miss you ever again.

  And just like that she was hooked, again.


  Ritchie took the steep stairs two at a time. Sleep in his eyes, combined with the early hour of the morning, made the trek down to the kitchen treacherous. The joy and adrenaline fizzing in his veins halted any attempt at caution. He reached the bottom and ran his hand through his waves in an attempt to tame them.

  Dear God, he was nervous.

  Nervous to see his wife. Who knew he’d ever feel that way?

  He pushed open the door to find Serena working, syringe in hand, squirting a rose-red jelly into chocolate after chocolate, her eyebrows bunched together in concentration.

  She didn’t look up or acknowledge his presence.

  He lounged against the door, folding his arms over his chest in an attempt to keep the chilled air out, and took a moment to enjoy the view.

  With her tangled curls scraped back into a lopsided bun, her yellow and orange plaid trousers skimming her curves, and what looked to be one of her father’s woollen beige jumpers on, she was at her most beautiful.

  His girl. His woman. His sweet thing. His.

  He relished the word. Rolled it around his head. Allowed it to warm his heart, his mind, his soul.

  There was no doubting what they had shared last night. It transcended all the time they’d previously spent together. The bond they shared had strengthened, so much so he was sure it was unbreakable. And he wasn’t going to do anything to test that theory. His mind was made up. He was going to do everything it took to keep Serena and today, while she worked, he was going to put into action the plans he’d made while she’d slept in his arms.

  He wasn’t letting her get away ever again.

  ‘Hey.’ He kept his tone low so as not to frighten her. ‘You were meant to let me help, remember. I said I wanted to. Although making chocolate covered nuts is one thing, what you’re doing over there looks a bit out of my league.’

  Serena glanced up from the squirting, her eyes shining in the lamplight. ‘You could do this. Easy. It’s peanut butter and jelly filling. I’ve been meaning to give it a go for a while. It reminds me of when we moved to the States and I tried my first peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Remember how much we laughed when I realised the jelly was just like jam, but without all the bits in it? Jelly sounded so much more exotic. I’m thinking of doing a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff version too, because those sandwiches were amazing. Our favourite.’

  Ritchie’s determination to do right by Serena grew stronger. She was creating a chocolate based on one of the first big adventures they’d had as a couple, and had their favourite sandwich combination in mind for another batch. Maybe it was a sign that she too was ready to continue their journey.

  ‘Anyway…’ Serena’s eyes crinkled further. ‘You looked too cute with that line of drool falling from your mouth onto the pillow. I couldn’t bear to wake a man in such a solid sleep. Besides, like you said, it’s a big day today, for both of us, and we need all the energy we can muster.’

  Ritchie strode towards her, wrapped his arms around her waist, kissed the back of her head, and grinned as she backed her arse towards him, closing the miniscule gap.

  ‘You forget I’ve spent my adult life being awake half the night. It’s my talent.’

  Serena continued infusing her chocolates with the mixture. ‘You’ve more talents than that. You reminded me of a few of them last night.’

  ‘Can’t believe you’d managed to forget. Here I was thinking I was unforgettable.’

  Serena twisted round and pecked him on the cheek. ‘Don’t want that ego of yours getting so big we lose oxy
gen. Now go shower. I’ll finish up this batch and you can help me pack up the chocolates we made last night.’ She picked up a mould and began to pour chocolate over it. ‘You got plans for today? Other than helping me?’

  Ritchie reluctantly let Serena go and backed towards the door. ‘I do. I’m meeting your mum at the hall to do a sound check. I’m going to have to call Barry and do some explaining around the skirt. Face the media. Put out a statement. All that jazz.’

  Serena slapped her hand to her forehead. ‘God, I’d forgotten all about that. How’d I manage to forget?’ She shook her head, her eyes wide in amazement.

  ‘A bit distracted I guess.’ Ritchie winked and laughed as her cheeks bloomed the same colour as the jelly she’d just piped into the chocolate cups.

  ‘Just a bit.’ She waved her scraper in his direction, before using it to remove the excess chocolate. ‘Now get showered. I can smell you from here.’

  ‘You love it.’

  ‘You wish.’

  Ritchie’s heart stuttered. Had he read things wrong? Was last night just a once off? Then Serena winked and grinned.

  ‘Go wash, lover boy. See you soon.’

  Ritchie grinned in relief. Now he just had to make sure his proposal went as planned.


  Serena bagged up another purchase, totted up the total and took the money from what felt like her hundredth customer that day. ‘Thanks for visiting The Sweetest Thing. See you again.’ She waved them off with a smile, then reorganised the counter and prayed she had enough stock to see out the day. It wouldn’t be a good look to run out, although if she did there was no way she was going to feel bad about the reason why.

  Last night had been worth it.

  Every touch, every caress, every kiss, had reinforced what her gut was telling her. Ritchie was a changed man.

  Seeing him up so early that morning had proved it. Without his help she’d have no doubt run out of stock and had to shut up shop at midday. But he’d stuck beside her until opening time, bagging and arranging chocolates, and talking about the future of her business until her mother had knocked on the back door to secrete him to the hall for what he said would have to be the quietest sound check in the history of music.

  Her mother had knocked on the back door, but not wanted to come in when asked. There may have been talk of a fresh start, but it hadn’t escaped Serena’s attention that her mother still refused to have anything to do with the chocolate shop. It appeared she’d forgiven the man who’d seen Serena stay away, but her own daughter was yet to be pardoned.

  The doorbell jangled as another customer entered. She looked up expecting to see another reporter. They’d been coming in all day hoping for a glimpse of a rock star in a frock, then walking out with a bag of chocolates, a bottle of her chocolate milk, and not a drop of information, much to their disappointment, and her glee.

  ‘Jack. How are you?’ The smile she’d forced to her face relaxed into a real one. ‘What can I get for you?’

  ‘I’m good.’ He rocked on his heels, his eyes shifting about the shop.

  Was Jack nervous? He looked nervous. But what did he have to be nervous about?

  ‘Just thought I’d pop in and get some chocolates for my mum for Christmas. I mean, I got her the usual gifts. Hankies. A romance novel. Bottle of wine. But I thought I might push the boat out for her this year.’ He met Serena’s gaze, finally, and his cheeks flushed a violent red.

  Why did Serena have a feeling he was here for more than just chocolates? And how was she going to let him down gently, when gentle wasn’t exactly her style.

  ‘Does she like peppermint creams?’ She pointed out the festive-themed red box tied up with a shiny green ribbon. ‘Or maybe some chocolate covered macadamias or almonds? There’s also my adults-only range if she’s a fan of cocktails.’ Serena gripped onto the counter and stilled her mind. She was prattling so as not to give Jack a chance to talk, but he’d have to eventually. She may as well get the awkwardness over and done with.

  ‘Um, peppermint creams sound great. Thanks.’ Jack placed money on the counter and scooped the box up and tucked it in the crook of his arm. ‘So, I’m guessing you’re going to the awards tonight, since you’re nominated and all that. Congrats by the way.’

  Serena handed Jack his change, and made sure not to brush any part of her hand against his. He didn’t need to be getting any ideas. ‘Thanks – though to be fair only three of us entered that category so I was a shoo-in as a finalist. Still, I’m up against tough competition, what with Mr Thompson’s cheeses winning the last five years in a row. But if I do win it’ll give me the confidence to enter it into some of the regional awards. Maybe even national. And the exposure can only be a good thing.’

  ‘Well I’m sure you’ll do well. Who doesn’t love chocolate milk?’ Jack traced his finger over the grain of the wood. ‘Actually, I should get some of while I’m here. That way I’ll know what I’m cheering for when you win.’

  Serena waved away his suggestion. ‘That’s kind of you, but you don’t have to. It’s just milk. With chocolate. Probably no different to any other you’ve had before.’

  Jack ignored her and strolled over to the small fridge and pulled out two bottles, then returned and put more money on the counter.

  ‘No, no. They’re on the house. If you like it then tell people you like it. It’ll be like bartering. Chocolate milk in exchange for a good word.’

  ‘I’ll tell everyone I meet how amazing it is.’

  ‘You haven’t even tasted it yet.’ Serena clucked her tongue.

  ‘Yeah, well.’ Jack shrugged. ‘I have a feeling.’ He unscrewed the cap and took a sip. ‘Yep, delicious.’ He dragged the back of his hand over his mouth. ‘So I read that your ex likes to wear frocks. That must’ve been hard to find out.’

  Serena mashed her lips together. Her heart went out to Jack. He must have read the news, and figured Serena would be well and truly over Ritchie, and ready to move on. Perhaps with him. ‘To be honest, Jack, it was me who made him wear it. We were trying to keep a low profile, trying to get one over the paparazzi, so we could have dinner at Mum and Dad’s.’

  ‘Oh. You mean he’s still here?’ Jack’s lips quirked to one side.

  ‘Yeah. He is.’ Serena rubbed her forehead. All aboard, Awkwardville ahead. Everyone get your tickets and settle in for the ride.

  ‘But you’re still separated? I mean, how can you be with someone who lives on the other side of the world?’

  ‘Well…’ Serena found herself lost for words. Jack had a point. There’d been no talk about where their relationship was going. What their plans were. Ritchie’s demeanour had led her to think he was going her way, for once.

  ‘Because…’ Jack’s chest rose and fell. ‘If you aren’t seeing him, or anyone, I’d really like to take you out for coffee one day. Or a beer. Wine. Whatever you want.’

  Serena took a deep breath in and held it. Maybe if she passed out she could avoid this topic altogether. Jack’s eyebrows began to raise as she continued her refusal to breathe.

  She could feel the tightness in her chest, but not enough for her to see the room spin and stars appear. Damn it. She was going to have to say something.

  ‘Jack, that’s so nice of you to offer. But, well, Ritchie and I are coming to terms with some stuff. Working stuff out. You know?’

  Jack picked up his milk and backed towards the door. ‘Oh, yeah. Gotcha.’ He rubbed the back of his neck, as his eyes met the floor and didn’t leave it. ‘Sorry to ask.’ Jack looked up, his eyes veiled by an emotion that looked a lot like sadness, tinged with regret. ‘Um, Serena?’

  ‘Yeah, Jack?’

  ‘Could you not tell Ritchie about this? Rabbits Leap’s a small place, and if he’s going to stick around … well why make village life more awkward than it has to be, right?’

  Serena’s heart went out to him. Another time, another place, another life, who knew what might have happened? B
ut in this life, her heart belonged to another.

  She flashed him a thumbs up. ‘Absolutely. My lips are zipped. I hope your mum enjoys those chocolates.’

  She waved Jack off, then checked the time. Three o’clock. Time to close. Time to get ready for the evening’s festivities.

  A thrill of anticipation ran through her. Would she seal the deal on her future tonight? Would a win ensure The Sweetest Thing’s success in the village? Creating a base where she could take her business from strength to strength?

  Her phone vibrated under the counter. The glowing screen flashed up Ritchie’s name.

  ‘Forgot to tell you I promised your mum I’d do the milking one last time. Will meet you at the awards. See you soon sweet thing X’

  And that was the biggest question right there. Would love be the biggest winner?


  A rap on the back door startled Serena as she shrugged into her new floor-length faux-fur coat.

  ‘Who’s that?’ She called out, click-clacking her way to the back door in the black patent leather heels that had arrived by courier earlier that day, along with the coat and a cocktail dress. Thankfully they all fit. Otherwise she’d be heading to the awards in a puffer jacket, sneakers and jeans.

  ‘It’s your dad.’ Her father’s warm voice rumbled back. ‘I’m here to escort you to the awards. Mum’s orders.’

  Serena flicked the key and opened the door. ‘Geez, Dad. Don’t you look a sight for sore eyes.’

  Her father twirled around, showcasing his double-breasted navy pinstripe suit. ‘Scrub up good I do.’ He finished his twirl with a flourish of outstretched arms. ‘As do you, my girl. You look beautiful. Now it’s your turn… Indulge your old man and give him a twirl.’


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