Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series

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Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series Page 50

by Kira Blakely

  She rolled her eyes. “You were right,” she mumbled just to mess with him.

  “One more time for these old ears?”

  Shawna pushed up on her stool until her elbows rested on the counter and pushed her cleavage practically under his nose. “You. Were. Right.”

  “That’s better.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a brat?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Tall guy looks just like me only less handsome.”

  “I guess he would know best,” she answered but the mention of Ryker had changed the mood. “I’m going to clean up this mess and pack the cookies. You should go check your luggage. Evie said the car will be here at seven.”

  “Shawna,” he began, but what would he say?

  “It’s fine, Gage. I think we both needed the reminder. This week will be stressful enough without us blurring the lines. Again.” Slowly, she walked around to where he sat and wrapped her arms around his neck, her spicy floral scent mixed with vanilla and sugar to lure him in. “Thanks for dinner and good conversation, Gage. You keep surprising me.”

  The kiss started out slow, tentative and gentle. It was meant to be a peck, a light affectionate peck, but soon their undeniable chemistry turned the heat up until the kiss was explosive.

  Her hands speared through his hair, gripping hard and pulling him closer as his hands went to her ass, pulling her into the “V” of his legs until she was snug against his erection. They were hungry for each other, hot and horny with no reason at all to slow down and every reason to take this heated moment to where they both wanted it to go. Him deep inside her while she screamed the roof down with her pleasure.

  Except Shawna was right. This week was important to him. He couldn’t afford for her feelings to get involved and then hold him hostage before sticking to their agreement. “I hate it when other people are right,” he said against her lips.

  She laughed and pushed at his chest. “Of course. It would be you, of all people, to make me lose my good sense.” Shaking her head, she grabbed his plate and made for the sink.

  Gage wanted to ask what she meant, but he knew. Their chemistry was off the charts, burning hotter than it ever had with any other woman. And she wasn’t happy that she shared it with him.

  She looked at him over her shoulder with an understanding smile. “It’s nothing personal, Gage. You really are a good guy; you just don’t let people see that part of you.”

  “Then what is it?”

  She sighed and turned to face him but wisely leaving the distance and the large countertop between them. “It sucks to have this kind of chemistry with a guy and know there’s absolutely no chance at forever.”

  His shoulders fell in disappointment because there was no chance of forever with them. None at all. Yeah, that does suck.

  Chapter Ten

  St. Lucia was beautiful, more beautiful than any place Shawna had ever seen in person. The moment she stepped off the plane, she’d been captivated by the colors. The blue water reminded her of Gage’s eyes, and she turned to him to measure his blue against the water’s, but the overwhelming scent of the flora and fauna had captured her imagination. But now she was staring at the breathtaking resort.

  “This place is fantastic, like a mystical land of fairies and magic.” She turned toward the sound of the deep belly laugh and found a man she figured to be Mr. Wilde since he was wearing a ridiculous Hawaiian print shirt as Gage said he would be.

  “That’s exactly the reaction I was hoping for, darlin’. You must be Gage’s girlfriend.”

  She accepted his outstretched hand with a smile. “Shawna. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Wilde. This place is fantastic. How does anyone get any work done around here?”

  He laughed and wrapped an arm around her. “Living on an island isn’t cheap at all and living on an island paradise like this costs even more. But days are short and nights are very long. And romantic. We do a pretty good honeymoon business, don’t we, Barbara?” He addressed a woman with short blonde and silver hair who simply smiled and nodded.

  Shawna could imagine that being in a place like this with someone you loved was as close to paradise as any human would ever come. “Sounds wonderful. No wonder your wife looks so young and vibrant. Every night is a chance to fall in love.”

  She gave him a knowing smile and the older man just blushed and laughed. “As beautiful as the day I met her.”

  “You’re a lucky man, Mr. Wilde.”

  “Please, call me Steve, and let me introduce you to my children, Amber and Brady.”

  She greeted them both as they approached the group with a friendly smile and already she pegged Brady as a handful. Amber was a pretty blonde in jean shorts and a rainbow bikini top. She had a slender but alluring figure but her casual style wasn’t what Shawna had expected from the daughter of a millionaire. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

  “So, you’re the girl who finally snagged Gage,” Brady sneered and shoved a hand through his short blond crop, his gaze taking in a little too much detail for her liking. She was sure those hazel eyes of his were picturing her topless, given the way he licked his thin lips in her direction.

  She frowned. So, little Brady had claws. That was fine; she’d financed her education by making spoiled rich guys feel special.

  She turned back to Steve with a bright smile. “Did you say something about a tour?” She ignored the groan from Brady and Gage and let the older man guide her to one of the golf carts in front of the resort.

  “This is the main resort with 120 rooms, and we have a few acres with another twenty-five bungalows. One and two bedroom. Every bungalow has a beach view but some are better than others.” He winked and chuckled.

  “I love the idea of listening to the waves crash as I fall asleep.” Hopefully her next move would put her closer to the ocean. She’d been landlocked all her life. It was time for a change.

  “Then you will love the bungalow I’ve got for you. It’s cozy, romantic and right over the water. You’ll hear enough waves to grow sick of it.”

  Her smile was real and bright. “I can’t imagine we’ll be here long enough for that to happen. It could take years.” She liked Steve and his wife Barbara, and she could understand why a man like him would be worried about Gage’s reputation. A small pang of something that felt like guilt turned over in her belly. Does Gage deserve Steve’s business? She knew that wasn’t her concern, but spending time with this man and his beautiful family under false pretenses felt… wrong.

  Steve turned the cart through a winding path that was practically in the ocean. “Our bungalows stretch up that rise to the end of the island.”

  Shawna stepped from the cart and inhaled the flowery ocean air. Gage’s warm hands settled around her shoulders, his hard chest pressed against her back. She stiffened and then relaxed into him, closing her eyes and letting St. Lucia—and Gage—seduce her other senses. Gage blended in to the island, shared his scent with exotic plants and flowers, the strong beat of his heart accompanied the chorus of birds and waves and wildlife. This is heaven.

  “This is gorgeous,” she said on an excited breath, smiling at Barbara and Steve, who were embracing and smiling proudly over their legacy.

  Barbara smiled at her. “It really is.” Barbara obviously loved this resort and this island. Almost as much as she loved her husband.

  Steve let out a chuckle and clapped his thick hands together loudly. “Let’s get you lovebirds settled in and relaxed before dinner. Tonight, we’re having cocktail hour at my baby’s request.” He pulled Barbara in close and pressed a kiss to her neck, making her blush.

  Shawna was glad for the reprieve after the long journey to the island. A long hot shower and maybe a glass of wine or a cocktail and she’d be ready to slip into the role of perfect little girlfriend. Again. Not that it was so hard to pretend to adore Gage, because he was quite adorable when he wasn’t being a demanding jerk. Or a presumptuous one. “That sounds great. What time should we come over?”

/>   “Don’t you know, sweetheart? These bungalows come with butler service, and he’s been instructed of your needs.” Steve parted with a wink and a smile.

  “You were great,” Gage said from behind her as soon as the Wilde family was out of sight. “But maybe you could kick it up a notch?”

  She counted to ten to avoid shouting at the dim idiot. “That’s not necessary, Gage.” She took her case and set it on the bed, pulling everything out in her frustration. Why did she expect just simple gratitude? It was silly because Gage was who he was, brash and commanding and arrogant. “Whatever you say.”

  Apparently, he hadn’t heard her. “I think we need to come up with a really great story about how we met. How you saw me from across a room, where we were…” He began to pace the bedroom. “Someplace exotic with you in a bikini. Say you fell for me right away.”

  She scoffed. “Because that’s not something your flighty bimbos would do?” The last thing she wanted was to come off like his typical woman.

  “We need to really sell this, Shawna. I want this resort and all the others.” His dark gaze was intense. Intimidating.

  But Shawna wasn’t swayed. “Which is exactly why we need to stick as close to the truth as possible. There’s nothing new to remember because it’s the truth with just some garnish.”

  He paused his pacing and looked at her as though she’d grown a boob out of her forehead. “Just tell him we met at work? That’s the least romantic thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Walking back from where she’d hung up the dress she planned to wear tonight, she patted his chest in a way that could only be described as condescending. “That’s because you’re a man. Trust me, the truth works.” She restrained herself from rolling her eyes at his skeptical look. The man didn’t like anything if it wasn’t his idea. “He’s looking for a reason to kill this deal, Gage, for that one moment you show him you are exactly the guy he thinks you are. You really want to miss out on this opportunity because you forgot a silly detail?”

  He shook his head stubbornly. “Just listen to me on this!” His voice sounded like he’d swallowed gravel before knocking back a shot of rot gut whiskey. He was upset. “I know guys like this, and I know what will impress him. These are my people.”

  Guess that puts me in my place. She straightened and took a few steps back before nodding. “You’re absolutely right. Tell your story, and I’ll follow your lead.” Grabbing lingerie and a robe, Shawna turned and disappeared into the bathroom.

  It was past time for that hot shower.


  By the time they sat down to dinner, Gage was happy he’d chosen to go for a run on the beach rather than argue with Shawna. Why the hell was she so upset anyway? This was his deal on the line. He didn’t need her input or her advice. He hadn’t gotten where he was without knowing a lot about people. But none of that will matter if Shawna tanks this for me. And now he was frustrated, because he knew she wasn’t the spiteful type.

  Then again, she had an advantage here. She could act like every other woman he’d ever known and extort him rather than honor their agreement, or she could just blow the whole thing up because he hurt her feelings. Gage was inclined to go with the former, since that was a problem solved with cash or jewelry. Either way, he knew he’d have to pay because she’d pretty much ignored him from the moment he entered the bungalow hot and thirsty from his run.

  As soon as they arrived at Steve’s private bungalow, she’d latched on to Barbara on the other side of the room. Only now that dinner had started was she even close enough to touch. And in that sexy bluish-green dress that cupped her beautiful tits and shaped her curves, he wanted to do a hell of a lot more than touch her. He wanted to taste her, to invade her. To consume her.

  “So, Shawna, tell us what it is you do,” Steve asked as the first course of fish and chilled soup made its way to the table. Gage froze, realizing they’d never figured out what to tell them.

  “I’m a full-time student and cocktail waitress at Gage’s casino.”

  Brady coughed. “You actually work?”

  Gage wanted to pound that fucker’s face in, but Shawna only smiled. “Yep. I find things like food and shelter essential and the last I heard money doesn’t grow on trees. Until it does, I’ll keep working.” She told Steve and Barbara about her pursuit of her MBA, and Gage could tell they were both impressed.

  “So, you slept with your boss?” Fucking Brady.

  She gave Gage a wary glance but it was too late. He would either have to create a lie right now or tell the truth. One slow blink was the only clue he could give her. She turned back to Brady with a self-deprecating smile. “I wouldn’t exactly put it that way, but that is true.” Then the room stood still, transfixed as she told their fake love story. “I’ve been working for Gage for more than two years and he’d asked me out a few times. More than a few,” she added with a smile. “But as you might imagine, I was worried about his reputation and my job.”

  “Was it those dreamy blue eyes that changed your mind?” Amber asked, blinking her long lashes up at Gage.

  Shawna laughed and shook her head. “Those made saying no very hard, but in the end, Gage came to my rescue when I really needed someone to and I got to see a different side to him. The kind of nerdy side with a hint of marshmallow.” She cupped his jaw gently, not seeming bothered at all by his flinch of surprise. “I decided I really liked that side and gave him a chance.”

  Gage was furious that she would call him a marshmallow. No one would believe that horseshit, because it wasn’t something he would ever be. Or say. Or do. Ever.

  “Oh, my god, that is so sweet,” Barbara cooed.

  “And so incredible. Like a modern-day fairytale,” Amber swooned, hands covering her heart wistfully.

  What in the hell? Both women were looking at him like he was some sort of hero. That was not how women saw him.

  “Was it like Superman and Lois Lane?” Amber was apparently a comic book fan.

  Shawna laughed. “More like Thor with his bright blond hair, but, yeah. A guy got grabby, and Gage stepped in. It was nice not to have to fight my own battle all the time.”

  “That’s important in a woman,” Steve piped in. “A good woman can take care of herself but knows our fragile egos need to be needed once in a while.” He winked at Shawna, and Gage was pretty sure he’d stepped into an alternate universe.

  “Honey, Steve was the same way. What you call a player today, we called playboys, but let’s call them what they are, womanizers. And my Steve was the king of them. But I told him I didn’t share, and he’s been mine ever since.” She leaned forward, and Steve quickly met her lips with his.

  There was too much information being offered up much too quickly for Gage to process. Shawna thought he was a marshmallow? Steve used to bang lots of chicks? He couldn’t believe either of those things.

  “You’re lucky this woman can see past your good looks, your checkbook and your whoring,” Steve added plainly.

  “You sure she’s not after his money? I mean a cocktail waitress with a body like that?” Brady asked.

  Gage would have lunged for the sniveling piece of shit if Shawna’s hand hadn’t rested on his thigh. A little too high on his thigh if anyone wanted his opinion on the matter. But it worked. Instead of beating the shit out of Brady, he was now trying to map out his casinos to calm down his growing arousal.

  “I’m a cocktail waitress because my tips have helped pay for my education, but I understand you’ve grown up wealthy so you don’t what it’s like. Trust me when I tell you that waiting tables at the steakhouse wouldn’t pay for a bachelor’s anywhere.”

  Steve chuckled. “I started making money by rehabbing old cars and used the money to pay for school.” He lifted his glass to her. “To those not afraid to work hard for what they want. May their every dream come true.”

  So, despite what Gage thought he knew about people and relationships, the evening had been a complete success. And it was all thanks to Shawna
. He tipped his glass in her direction, earning a small smile. He would be sure to thank her properly later.

  By the time they were dropped off in front of the bungalow, Gage was happy, excited and horny as hell. He wanted to bury himself deep inside Shawna and lose the night to pleasuring her. He knew all it would take was a sweep of his tongue across her neck, her bottom lip or her sweet wet heat and she would be putty in his hands.

  “That was great,” he enthused the moment the door slammed shut behind him. He wrapped his arms around her body, waiting for her to relax into him.

  She didn’t relax or melt, instead she stiffened. “I hope it helped.” Wrenching herself from his grasp, Shawna ducked into the bedroom and moments later, the bathroom.

  Despite his disappointment that the night wouldn’t end with him buried nuts deep inside Shawna’s curvy little body, he couldn’t help the smile that curled the corners of his mouth toward the sky. He couldn’t believe it. He’d obviously pissed her off in some way but still she’d put in the performance of a lifetime. And she’d asked nothing in return.

  It was odd, having a woman behave so selflessly. She’s getting something out of this, too, his conscience reminded him and Gage was glad for the reminder. Just because she intrigued him didn’t mean he had to put her above other women. She was still just a woman. No matter how different she was from his usual, she was still a woman and she still could not be trusted.

  But she was exactly the reason he’d chosen the types of women he had. Bubbly and dumb with hot bodies and only interested in a night of physical release. He knew why he’d chosen them. Simone.

  Grabbing the decanter of whiskey and taking it to the bit of beach through the back of the bungalow, Gage sat down and let himself remember why he couldn’t deal with a woman like Shawna. Simone. Back when he lived in New York, she’d been his girlfriend, his only real girlfriend since high school. He thought himself in love with her. So, when she told him she was pregnant, he’d done the honorable thing, the thing he would have done anyway because he’d been so gone over her. He wanted to marry her, had even spent an afternoon at Tiffany’s picking out the biggest, clearest rock he could find to put on her finger.


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