The Gladiator's Prize

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The Gladiator's Prize Page 5

by April Andrews

  Logan came to a stand still and gave Matt a smile. A moment later and he mouthed the words: ready to be fucked?

  Matt flicked his own whip and nodded. I’m ready, you bastard. And then he made his first move. He shrugged off his robes.

  Chapter Nine

  Logan couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The human had purposefully de-robed? What the hell was he doing? What was his plan? Logan eyed the male he so badly wanted to master and felt a combination of admiration and longing shoot through him. He had spent the better part of the night imagining exactly how Matt was going to look naked but the reality was so far from what Logan’s tortured mind had been able to conjure up. He was all corded muscles, his skin dusted by the lightest of golden curls. The sun was shining off every single one and the reflection made Matt look like some kind of golden warrior.

  The crowd loved it.

  The moment they caught sight of his erect cock springing free from a base of golden curls they shrieked and screamed for him, begged Logan to fuck him as quickly as possible. Usually the crowd liked him to draw it out. To tease and stalk. Not today. They wanted their satisfaction and they wanted it now. Logan was good with that. He was so hard he couldn’t bear the thought of waiting a moment longer to sink inside of the human.

  He lifted his whip and readied himself to strike out. He didn’t want to hit Matt, was almost horrified at the prospect of marking his luscious skin. Instead, he planned to herd him towards the centre post. It rose up in the middle of the arena and Logan had used it more than once to bind his competitors into place.

  Logan did not get the chance to make his move. Before he knew what was happening Matt’s whip was striking towards him. Logan let out a growl and dodged out of the way. He was only just fast enough, the whip practically sang as it sliced through the air less than an inch from his face.

  The crowd screamed and roared. Logan couldn’t help but grin. So Matt wanted to play it like that, did he? Gods, the human excited him!

  Another flick of the whip and this time it caught Logan on the shoulder. A sharp pain hit, but Logan ignored it and reached out to the snag the whip before Matt could pull it back. He tugged it hard and Matt stumbled.

  Logan held on to the whip as he stalked across the arena. The human’s eyes widened as he saw him coming and he attempted to pull his weapon back. Logan did not allow it. He sped up and tackled Matt to the ground. The human fell straight on to his ass and let out a cry. He struggled and squirmed and kicked out, but Logan simply swatted his fists and legs aside. The human was strong, true, but Logan was stronger.

  He grabbed the other man’s arms with one hand and pulled his wrists above his head. It stretched Matt’s body out in a delicious manner and Logan couldn’t help but dip his head and take the human’s nipple between his teeth.

  Matt let out a roar and bucked his body, but Logan held him tight. Then, reaching across the floor, he picked up his whip. The crowd was screaming now, but they were almost like a dull background noise, and that was odd. In every other fight Logan had always been conscious of the crowd. It was their screams and shrieks that he played to. He gauged their reactions, watched as they pleasured one another, pleasured himself for them. But this? With the human? Logan was interested in nothing else but him. He was focused completely on subduing him, then burying his cock as deeply as it was possible to go in the human’s smooth little ass.

  Fuck. He wanted it so bad. Never had Logan been more aroused.

  He reached up with his free hand and wound the whip around Matt’s wrists. He tied them nice and tight together, and then twirled the remaining cord around his wrist. He stood up, gave the crowd a smirk, then dragged Matt across the duty floor until they met the centre point.

  Matt was cursing him, thrashing his body, but Logan ignored it. He took the end of the cord and wrapped it around the centre post. The human was bound tight now and Logan settled back on his haunches, taking the scene in.

  “You bastard!” Matt roared and bucked, thrashing his arms and legs in a desperate attempt to get free.

  “You will not be free until I allow it,” Logan said.

  “I fucking hate you!” Matt spat.

  Logan couldn’t help but laugh. The human was everything and more than he had hoped for. “You will hate me more soon,” he said. “Right up until the moment I sink into your ass.” He paused and gave Matt a smirk. “You will love it then. You’ll beg me to do it again and again.”

  “Over my dead body,” Matt growled.

  Logan laughed again. “And yet you’re hard. Look at you. Your prick is already weeping from the slit.”

  Matt looked down and let out a curse. There was no denying that he was aroused. His cock head was reddened and swollen, the pre-cum leaking from it.

  “I claim you as the spoils of this battle,” Logan said loudly. “Do you object?”

  “I object!” Matt roared. “I object!”

  Logan grinned. “I was hoping you would say that.”

  He pulled on Matt’s legs until the human was flat on his back. Matt tried to lift them and kick out, but Logan laid a hand on the inside of each thigh and pushed them down until he was nice and wide. His cock was right in front of Logan’s face, and he breathed in deeply, taking in the scent. The human’s arousal was obvious, a heavy musk filling Logan’s nose.

  “Golden curls,” Logan breathed. “Just as I knew there would be.”

  Matt squirmed and tried to shift away but Logan held him tight. He knew exactly what he wanted to do, had thought about it over and over and now, at last, was his opportunity. He leaned forward until Matt’s cock was mere inches from his mouth then paused.

  The crowd gasped in shock as they realized what Logan planned, exactly as he knew they would. In every battle they had seen him fight Logan had never, never, sucked another male’s cock. It was his trademark almost. He mouth fucked them, ass fucked them, but he was never penetrated. Never.

  Logan did not give a shit what they thought; if anything he loved the fact that they were shocked, their gasps and shrieks echoing through the arena. The human’s erect cock was simply too much temptation. He longed to take it into his mouth, to flick a tongue over the wet slit and taste the human’s cum. And why the hell shouldn’t he? He wanted it so bad.

  Hands tight on Matt’s thighs, Logan leaned forward and captured his cock head. The moment it hit his tongue he groaned in pleasure and felt his own cock thicken to the point where it strained the vee of his pants.

  He suckled Matt’s in slowly, wanting to enjoy every single moment, every single sensation. It felt fantastic. Like he was doing exactly what he should be doing. Pleasuring his male…

  “Ah, Gods, no!”

  The groan came from Matt and Logan looked up until he was eye to eye with him.

  “Please,” Matt begged his eyes filled with a combination of panic and desire. “Don’t!”

  Logan took more cock, running his tongue across the base of the shaft, shuddering from the feel of it. He took inch after inch until his throat opened, and then he took inches more. Grinding his hips, Logan suckled Matt’s cock; he licked it, and he swallowed every single drop of pre-cum Matt released.

  Despite the human’s protests, there was plenty.

  Matt groaned and squirmed, begged Logan to stop again and again. Logan did not. He throat fucked Matt until the human was bucking his hips upwards, until his thighs relaxed to the point where Logan no longer had to hold them down.

  Hands free now, Logan pushed one under each of Matt’s ass cheeks and lifted the human so that he was several inches off the floor. From there Logan was able to thrust Matt in and out of his mouth. Gods! He loved how it felt. Loved the feel of Matt’s dick swelling in his mouth. Why had he never done this before, Logan wondered.

  Because none of them were him…

  At that thought, and with Matt’s breaths coming in a series of rapid pants, Logan pulled back. The human’s cock slipped from his mouth and the crowd screamed. Logan took a moment to look
around and was unsurprised to see they were already fucking one another. Cocks plunged into asses and pussies, females fell to their knees before other females and one man was being double fucked by two other males.

  Logan grinned his approval but in truth he didn’t need the crowd to excite him. Matt was more than enough, and Logan was so ready. He ran his hands down the human’s legs, marveling at the dusting of golden curls, and then slowly, he undid his pants.

  Chapter Ten

  Matt had never been so turned on. Never.

  He’d had his cock sucked before, many times in fact when he was younger, but Logan, Gods, Logan was a pro. He lavished attention on Matt’s dick, suckling and licking it in the exact right way. Matt wanted to come, no, he needed to come. His balls were aching, his length desperate to be rubbed, but Logan did not allow it. He took Matt to the edge time and time again but would not allow him to cross the precipice.

  When Logan pulled away from him Matt couldn’t help but groan in protest. His cock head was tingling from the wet heat of Logan’s tongue and as the alien undid his pants Matt was practically begging for him to do so.

  All the plans he had constructed to best Logan, all the ideas to get free, they were lost, licked away by Logan’s tongue, caught and thrown by the cloud of desire that had settled on Matt the moment Logan had tackled him to the floor. Right now he was simply too aroused to think past the orgasm that was going to come. And though it pained Matt to admit it, Logan had been right. He wanted to be fucked by him. Wanted to be claimed. Whatever was going to happen after had to be ignored for now.

  There was no other choice.

  Logan released his length from his pants and Matt gasped as he watched several pearls of pre-cum drip from the slit. He knew what was coming. Knew what was about to happen…hadn’t he seen it just a few days ago? He remembered thinking then, wondering even, why the other alien had allowed himself to be subdued so easily.

  The answer was obvious now.

  Logan was just so male. Everything about him screamed sex and upcoming submission. Poised above Matt he masturbated his cock and Matt watched, dry mouthed, as it thickened even further. He was as impressive up close as he had been from a distance. At least eleven inches of hard, throbbing dick, the alien took himself in hand and slowly pumped himself until more pre-cum leaked from his slit. As he did so he licked his lips and locked eyes with Matt.

  “I claim you as spoils of this battle,” he said, but he didn’t shout it this time, he almost whispered it. “Do you object?”

  Matt couldn’t help the gasp that left his lips, or the fact that his ass was clenching in anticipation. The audience was nothing more than a background noise now. Matt knew they were there, could hear them screaming and chanting, and he knew he should be more concerned about the fact that they were there. But it was almost as though there was just he and Logan.

  Everything else was fading away.

  He swallowed, his chest heavy, a strange tingling sensation running through every single cell. “I don’t object.”

  The smile Logan gave him at those words was not triumphant or even just satisfied…it was tender…almost grateful.

  “I want to undo your hands,” Logan said slowly. “Stay still.”

  He reached up the pole and untied the cord of the whip. Blood rushed back into Matt’s arms, though in truth he hadn’t even realized how uncomfortable the position had been. He’d been too busy concentrating on the fact that the big, powerful alien was sucking his cock. Gods, he had never felt anything even half as good.

  He moved his hands to the side, his fingers twitching with the need to touch, and eyed Logan from beneath his lids. He had an idea of what was going to happen next so when Logan reached down and caressed the outside of his thighs he inhaled sharply. The alien did not flip him over though, as Matt had expected. Instead, he pushed Matt’s legs open, held his gaze, and leaned forward until he nudged his cock against Matt’s pucker.

  Despite the fact that he was stiff, that his prostate was tingling, and Logan’s pre-cum lubricating his hole, Matt felt a moment’s hesitation. His last ass fucking had been many, many years ago. He’d been a teenager then and his partner had been the only other human Matt had ever met in person. They’d spent one long Alpha Twelve summer fucking one another with abandon, but it had all fallen apart when Robbie had been captured by a group of Alpha Two aliens. They’d auctioned him off before Matt could do a God damn thing to save him and the only thing that Matt had fucked since was his own hand or the odd whore. No one had fucked him.

  Almost as if he had read his mind Logan placed a kiss against his cheek, before moving upwards to whisper in his ear, “Have you been fucked before?”

  “Many years ago,” Matt said honestly, shivering from the feel of Logan’s big body covering him. “Almost a lifetime ago.”

  “How many men?” Logan demanded, his nostrils flaring.

  “Just one.”

  “Then I am almost your first,” Logan breathed. “The honor…oh, Gods, I am going to make you come harder than you ever had. You will scream your pleasure into my mouth.”

  He captured Matt’s lips in a kiss and it made the human’s head spin. He squirmed beneath Logan and clutched at his shoulders. Blood raced through his veins, his cock begged for relief, and by the time Logan began to penetrate him Matt was ready. He lifted his knees and allowed the alien as much access as he needed.

  Matt expected Logan to thrust hard, but he didn’t. He penetrated inch by torturous inch. It would be a lie to say that Matt took him easily, because he didn’t. Logan was painfully large and Matt gritted his teeth against the combination of pleasure and pain.

  “It’s too much,” Matt whispered. “Too much.”

  “And you’re too tight…” Logan groaned. “Too fucking tight.”

  He pulled back out, leaving Matt’s ass to both clench and relax. It was the oddest sensation because although Logan’s penetration had hurt, Matt wanted him back in. He needed to feel the friction of the alien’s length, and he needed to rub his dick against Logan’s hard stomach muscles.

  But Logan didn’t pull away completely. He reached around to the back of his pants and pulled out a tiny vial of liquid. He poured the liquid over his dick so that it glistened and shone in the light of the arena.

  The people in the crowd were shrieking now. They had no time for tenderness. They wanted Logan to fuck the human hard, whether he was lubricated enough or not.

  “Fuck him. Fuck him,” they chanted.

  Logan did.

  This time his cock slipped in straight away. Matt hissed in a sharp breath as he felt the full force of Logan’s invasion. He lifted his hands to clutch the other male’s shoulders and tilted his hips. The angle allowed Logan’s cock all the way in, but also meant that Matt’s was rubbing against Logan’s muscles.

  Pleasure raced through his channel and wrapped around to his dick. It was both too much and not enough at the same time. Logan fucked him slowly, allowing him time to get used to him, but Matt wanted more. He was stretched so far, and yet the nerve endings in his ass were quivering with pleasure.

  Gods, he needed to come!

  “Please,” he begged. “Please.”

  “You never need to beg me!” Logan grated. “Never, human, never.”

  He sped up, thrusting in and out of Matt with a relentless rhythm. His cock was so large that it caught Matt’s prostate when he pulled out, almost like it was caressing that little bundle of never endings. The crowd roared their approval, but it meant nothing to Matt. His entire being was focused on one thing and one thing only.

  When Matt came he did so with a cry that made the crowd scream. His cum shot out across Logan’s belly, waves and waves of it. The orgasm was the most intense that Matt had ever felt. He rode the crest of pleasure, his cock throbbing, his ass muscles clenching around Logan’s cock, pulling in as much as they could.

  The alien came in an instant.

  His hoarse roar brought the crowd to its knees. Me
an and women surged forwards, trying desperately to get through the barriers surrounding the arena. Watching was no long enough for them. They wanted to be part of the lovemaking they could now see on the arena floor. They wanted to experience it for themselves.

  Matt saw all of this through a pleasure-induced haze. His orgasm was finally abating and he could feel Logan’s cum dripping from his ass, lubricating him further, and allowing the still hardened alien to thrust in and out slowly.

  With each slow thrust the reality of the situation began to nudge its way into Matt’s mind.

  On the arena floor.

  Being fucked by the strongest gladiator in the system.

  And you loved it…

  He let out a shaky breath, wrapped his arms around Logan’s neck, and pushed his face into the alien’s chest. Logan responded with a growl and a shudder.

  “Mine, human,” he whispered. “You are mine.”

  Matt closed his eyes and tried to order his thoughts, but it was impossible. The crowd was too loud, Logan’s dick was too hard, and Matt’s body was too replete. Only one thought was clear and ringing in his mind, and it was one that Matt did not want to face.

  You’ll never manage to escape now.

  Chapter Eleven

  Logan was trembling from the pleasure he had just experienced. Trembling! But was that any wonder? The sensations that had raced through his body were like nothing he had ever known, and there was no doubt in his mind that no other male would ever be able to make him feel the same way. It was as he had suspected. Matt was meant for him. Matt was the male he had been waiting for year after year when he hadn’t even known he was waiting!

  Matt was his.

  Still buried deep within the human, his cock stiff as a pole, Logan shuddered and tried to get a grip on both his emotions and his thoughts. Matt still had his arms wrapped around Logan’s neck and his ass was clenching and unclenching in time with Logan’s slow thrusts. He was completely sensitized now, groaning from Logan’s cum tingling along his nerve endings. Any pain he might have felt from the initial invasion would be swept away. Right now, Matt James was nothing more than a bundle of feelings and pleasure.


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