Catching Fire: Educating Ellie (Billionaire Romance Series Book 1)

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Catching Fire: Educating Ellie (Billionaire Romance Series Book 1) Page 8

by T. N. King

  Morgan approached her and sat on the bed next to her. He looked straight ahead, as he spoke, “Look, last night was great, but, I’ve got to get back to work, okay.”

  Ellie lurched as a horrible feeling spread out from the pit of her stomach. She did know this already, so why did she feel like this? Reality was such a bitch. Just keep yourself together in front of him, Ellie. You have that left, defense is the best offense. She suddenly only wanted for him to leave so she could yell and scream.

  Morgan took a deep breath. He then sighed before standing and kissing her on the forehead as an afterthought. Without even so much as one of his signature, award winning smiles, he left, leaving Ellie confused, hurt, and all alone.


  His drive back to New York was a sobering one. Last night was like being on ecstasy—he completely gave in to his deepest desires and Ellie totally fulfilled them. And then he broke her heart. He grimaced as he gripped the wheel.

  He couldn’t even remember his reasoning for thinking that he needed to trick her like that. Sure, Ellie occupied a lot of his time but she kept doing so, even now and he knew she would continue to do so. Why? He’d thought once he had her, got his fill then he would be done and back to his old self.

  Goddammit! Because he loved her. He beat the steering wheel and shook his head. Why did he think he could just slake his lust on her and be done? If anything, it only made him want her more.


  He pulled over to the side of the highway, leaned his head back in his seat, and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. As the realization of what an ass he’d just been came crashing down on him, he knew he’d have to make it right. He only hoped that Ellie would take him back.

  He pulled his cell phone out and called his assistant back in New York. “Yeah. It’s me. Cancel my appointments,” he said when she answered.

  “But sir, you have an important meeting today with the Helix Group,” she advised.

  “Cancel it. Better yet, get Chance to cover for me. He’s been dying for the opportunity. And…” he hesitated. “I’m going to need you to do some research for me, today. I’ll need a listing of available apartments in the area, and local universities. Send me the current status of the Hunt Industries Scholarship Fund. I’ll need to you be on call for me today. I have a very important project in mind.”

  Morgan ended the call and made a U-turn. He now headed back to Philadelphia to go car shopping. If he couldn’t convince Ellie to take him back, he’d at least see to it that she had everything she needed in order to be successful. It was the least he could do.


  After essentially being dumped early this morning by Morgan, Ellie took a bus back to her apartment and crawled into her own bed to indulge in a few hours of self-pity and loathing. How could she have been so naïve to think that a sexy guy like him would want anything more from her than just sex? She was flattered that he thought her to be that hot, but sickened that she’d just given herself over, all while thinking it would be fine and she’d known that he might just dump her afterward. So, why did she react like this? She knew better, or so she’d told herself. Worst of all, her heart ached because despite knowing all that, she still had feelings for Morgan.

  She sighed.

  She dreaded going in to work tonight. Joanna would ask her how her date with Morgan went, and she’d be forced to tell her that the guy she thought was genuinely nice, actually turned out to be the worst. She felt so stupid. How could she not have seen right through him all along? He had planned to fuck her and leave her. Like a conquest. She fought a war within herself. She really shouldn’t feel so hurt, she’d known there was possibility of this. Just—well, he had seemed so nice, then the sex? Then the things he said about them being perfect together. Mind blowing was the words she came away with.

  He was good in bed and in most of his deeds. That’s why she felt the loss so deeply, despite saying to herself she’d gone into it with her eyes open. Stupid, stupid girl. Even after finding out he only intended to have sex with her, she found it hard to admit that she felt regret over sleeping with him. She didn’t feel any regret at all about this. He’d been amazing and managed to unlock her deepest desires so easily.


  She rolled over in her bed and grabbed the pillow next to her. If at least he’d have been awful in bed, she might not feel so bad, but he’d been wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Commanding, yet allowing her to take the lead when she’d felt brave enough to do so. He’d opened up a window inside her and she saw herself more clearly than ever in her life. This went deeper than the sex. Deep as she’d ever gone with a guy.

  “Stop it, Ellie!” She beat the pillow. “No more of this nonsense, okay?”

  She shot up out of bed and headed into the shower. It was almost noon and she had a ton of things to do before work. She wasn’t going to allow herself to mope around all day long anymore. A man wasn’t worth it, even an angel who’d grabbed her up from a fire, only to plunge her into another kind of fire. She should learn from her mistakes, and she promised herself to never fall for a charmer like him again.

  When she did go into work that evening, Joanna inevitably asked her how it went. Realizing that she didn’t need to get into specifics, she just told Joanna that it was a nice dinner, and that was it, but this shorthand information only made her want to pry some more. Luckily, the dinner rush was just about to start and she could avoid Joanna’s questions, at least for a while. That was until Morgan actually showed up.


  He knew when he showed up at Ellie’s work, not to expect the best reception. In fact, he was prepared and willing to accept the worst kind of reception from her, but he needed to make things right. He had to let her know that he was wrong. He did have feelings for her, after all. He was a fool for not realizing it sooner. He would take whatever she threw at him because he knew now that he couldn’t live without her. He’d been so amazed at the sex they had, the power she made him feel. He’d had women before, but none fit him so well, in so many ways. He then tried to conceal this fact from himself. Tried to get back on the path of well….I have had her, now I am done with her.

  No, his heart got caught up in it. He realized when he’d plucked her from that fire…was the moment when the fire almost caught up with him. It even now, it licked at him like a teasing flame as he stared at the petite Ellie even when her stare was a cold as ice. Those bright powder blue eyes, so round in her sweet porcelain face. That chocolate hair swirling around her cheeks. He also knew if he stepped closer, he would be able to smell her sweet scent. Oh, it may have bee shampoo, or body wash, but he knew better, when he’s tasted her close up, he found she had this scent that enticed him, made him rock hard as if he had no control over his response to her. When had that ever happened in his life? NEVER. That what’s when. He loved women and left them. As simple as that.

  Though this? Whatever this was—wasn’t simple at all.

  When he came in through the diner door, she stood behind the counter brewing a fresh pot of coffee. Then when she looked up and their eyes clashed, she quickly turned her gaze away from his.

  He knew he need to do as always and meet this head on, Morgan went straight up to her. “Ellie, please, we need to talk.”

  “Oh, I think we spoke enough already. I don’t have anything more to say to you.”

  Determined, Morgan insisted, “Look, I want to apologize for this morning. I was an idiot.” Dammit, had she gotten even cuter when she was mad? It turned him on as well. He wanted to grab her up and show her who was in control. God! She brought the beast out in him. The Dom, he always knew he was. He also knew he might just be insane to be standing here in a diner in downtown Philly trying to get his girl back, when all she’d done was mess with his life.

  Ellie dropped her hands to her side and looked at him. “No argument there,” she said. Referring to him acting like an idiot.

  He offered her a brilliant, but
solemn smile. “I miss you. Can we please just talk about it?”

  Ellie looked lost for a second as if she didn’t understand, she then gazed around and saw Joanna and the other two waitresses staring. “Fine. I get out at eight,” she said. “You can come back, then.”

  Morgan let out a sigh of relief and said, “Actually, I have some things that I need to finish up online. I’ll just wait, if that’s okay with you?”

  “Suit yourself,” Ellie said, giving Morgan the impression that she wouldn’t be so easy to charm this time around.

  That was okay, because he had a backup plan. He could close this deal too. He’d just never thought it would be a deal involving his heart. How could he have fooled himself like that? No matter, his foolishness was over.

  He found an empty table in Ellie’s section by the window and set himself up with his laptop.


  She tried to focus back on her other tables, but found it impossible with Morgan watching her every move. To make matters worse, Joanna had informed Sue about Morgan being the anonymous donor who’d got the diner back in working order so fast. This information only made Sue want to know why he was here now, and why Ellie looked so upset about it.

  “It’s a long story,” Ellie tried to tell Sue in the hopes that she would get the hint and drop it. But it was a pretty slow night after the dinner rush, so there was plenty of time to kill. Realizing that it would be best if she got her version of the story, first, she caught Sue up to speed with only the pertinent parts.

  At the very least, it distracted her from the fact that Morgan was here. While it was a surprise to see him, she was still mad at him for the way he just thought he could dispose of her. But she’d known he might, right? Still, he could have handled it a lot better. She tried not to cut him any slack. She’d already given him far too much and now that she had, it had somehow made her feel more confident. How odd was that? He’d given her new strength while at the same time insulting her? Regardless, he was here now and it had to mean something. Ellie fought hard to try and ignore this fact. She remembered her promise to herself from earlier. She wouldn’t fall for his sweet talk again. She needed to realize he had just walked away after that amazing night they both had. After saying they were so perfect together?

  As the night began to wind down, Joanna asked Ellie if she’d like to cash in on a few extra hours. “You can close up tonight. Maybe have a cup of coffee with your admirer over there,” Joanna said pointing a pudgy finger towards Morgan and smiling.

  Ellie rolled her eyes. She definitely needed the money though, so she agreed. Morgan could wait if he was truly sincere, but she figured she would be nice and at least let him know that it would be a while. She expected he might just take the easy way out and leave. Maybe he just felt guilty, after all he was nice guy, right? A very good looking nice guy, too. That little voice nudged her. Like she needed reminding. She rolled her eyes. “I have to close,” she said unceremoniously from where she stood at the edge of his table. “It’ll be a few more hours.”

  “I’ll wait,” he said in his usual calm demeanor.

  She hated that even now, he could be so sexy and cause her stomach to feel like it was in knots. She remembered that same sexy voice from last night, only it hadn’t been calm, it had been growling, groaning, demanding. STOP! You need to try and forget all that sexiness. It had been just sex to him. She shrugged and started to turn to leave.

  “You can get me a coffee, though. Black, no sugar,” Morgan called out from behind her.

  Ellie turned slightly and nodded without lingering, then went to get his coffee. She hoped he was squirming after the hell he put her through. But she asked herself. Hadn’t she realized that before the dinner, before the sex? She had known. Oh, she felt so confused. Did she really have the right to say anything? He hadn’t committed anything to her. It was just hot fiery, amazing sex. She needed to remember this and shut her heart up. Sighing and taking care of her side work, she knew the facts were not penetrating her heart even if her brain was well aware of them. She could give him the benefit of the doubt but she didn’t have to let him know that just yet.

  When she returned to his table with his coffee and handed it to him, he made an effort to touch her hand. Ellie noticed but didn’t let on and instead, immediately turned away to check on her other tables. She needed to not cave in so easily. She jumped in bed immediately. Gave him everything she had immediately—and look what happened?

  She damn well hoped he was worried. Him showing up though, sent her mind in a whirl. What did it mean? He wanted to apologize but it did not mean permanent relationship. She was a fool and she knew it. Giving him a chance would be yet, another bad idea. Look at what going out with him had done to her, thinking she could just be fine when he walked away?

  When there was only a half hour left before midnight, and it was just her and Morgan left in the diner, she figured he’d waited patiently long enough. She had to give it to him…he could be patient as a saint, or as patient as an angel. She shook all that away. Look at what lie beneath that calm exterior. His power over her in bed. Yet, it had empowered her too. Damn, why did he have to be the perfect guy? Then again, look at the mistake he’d made. She didn’t know which was the real Morgan and she was already eaten up with curiously as to what he intended here too.

  Now, is the time to find out, Ellie.

  She grabbed a cup of coffee for herself and took him another cup, too. After setting his cup in front of him, she took a seat and said, “Okay, I’m listening.”

  Morgan closed his laptop to give her his full attention.

  Ellie peered at him from her icy cold perch, one that sat on top of fire, she admitted to herself.

  Morgan cleared his throat and then began, “Last night was wonderful. I just—I’d had it in my mind that you were a distraction for me. Since meeting you, I’ve been messing things up with work. I’ve been canceling meetings just to come down here and see you.” He reached for her hand.

  Yes, her first instinct was to pull it away from him, she thought better of it and allowed his touch. It was her attempt at teasing him because at this point, she really did want to hurt him back just like he had hurt her. She never knew she could be vindictive, she’d never felt the need to be, maybe?

  Morgan continued, “I wanted to return to my former self, the suave, cold businessman, but I needed to get you out of my system, first. That was my plan, but I didn’t count on it being so hard to get you out of here.” He pointed to his chest. “I genuinely have feelings for you, Ellie.”

  There was that smooth, charming talk, again. It all sounded wonderful, but she needed to be more skeptical. She pulled her hand away from his. “How do I know that you’re not just trying to have sex with me, again?”

  Morgan laughed. “I absolutely do want to have sex with you again.” He gave a slight chuckle. “But, you see, that’s what I wanted to hear. You at least thinking before you leap. Ellie, do you know that since the moment I saw you run back into a burning building, I’ve felt like your protector? You’re a smart woman, I can tell, but you’re impulsive. That’s not such a good thing.”

  Ellie raised a brow. “It was for you last night,” she retorted.

  “It was,” he agreed. “I was counting on that, though.”

  Ellie tightened her lips and looked away. This wasn’t showing her in a good light at all. But unfortunately, he was right. She just threw caution to the wind and jumped right in. Maybe she was a slut? She’d never done that before him though. She could count the three men on one hand that she’d had sex with and they never got past her panties until a month of dating. They weren’t this man though. So good looking, charming and with a helluva body beneath those perfectly fitted suits. So, to her female way of thinking it was all HIS fault. Yes, hold onto that bit of nonsense, it will help you through this, Ellie.

  “Ellie, I care about you. I’m here now because I realized that there’s something missing from my life. That something is you,
and I don’t want to be away from you.”

  She shook her head. As much as she did want to accept what he said was true, she knew it could be still just infatuation for him. He just wanted more hot sex. She had been impulsive. So maybe, Morgan wasn’t completely to blame for what happened the other night. She turned to look at him and was instantly sucked into his smoldering grey gaze.

  Goddamn those eyes!

  “You hurt me,” she retorted as tears welled up in her eyes.

  The sharpness to his features softened and he said, “I know. I will kick myself in the ass forever for having caused you even a second of hurt, but I’m here now. That has to count for something.”

  “I just don’t know,” she muttered. “What happens now?”

  Morgan brought her hand up to his lips and placed a soft, lingering kiss to her skin. “You forgive me.”

  She drew in a breath and the feel of his warm lips on her skin again, caused fire in her belly instantly. He definitely had a way with words, or maybe that was just her weakness…that voice…that smile, those eyes and let’s not forget the body he had. She was doomed and now almost regretted him showing up here, it could leave her worse off later, when he did finally get enough of her. Either way, she knew she couldn’t pretend to hold a grudge forever. Won over by his gaze and sincere words, she finally replied, “Okay.”

  Morgan pulled her onto his lap and embraced her. Ellie put an arm around him and a hand on his chest. He lifted her chin up to his lips and claimed them with a kiss.

  The kiss was deep and tender. Sealing his words to her. Then he forced is tongue in and deepened the kiss, it was suddenly a storming, a branding, as if he wanted to own her mouth. Shivering at the feelings the kiss awoke in her, she kissed him back. The kiss lasted for a few minutes and she was left utterly breathless, when Morgan finally pulled his mouth away from hers.

  When he pulled away, he gave her that smile. Then he took a look around at the empty diner. “So, are we the only ones here?”


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