The Outlaw Takes A Bride: A Historical Western Romance (Bernstein Sisters Historical Cowboy Romance Series Book 5)

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The Outlaw Takes A Bride: A Historical Western Romance (Bernstein Sisters Historical Cowboy Romance Series Book 5) Page 64

by Amy Field

  “To go to a really well known institute?” she finished the sentence for him. “My family isn’t that well off and I didn’t want to add a burden to their finances, so I opted for alternative methods to get my degree.”

  “That’s very noble.”

  “Not really. I take life as it comes. Like they say in poker, you play the hand that you are given and nothing more than that.”

  “That’s a good philosophy.”

  She averted her gaze and stepped away from him. “You’ve had it lucky, a prestige school, Harvard University. The talent seekers fought tooth and nail to get you for their team... but you’re throwing it all to the wolves. Why?”

  He got closer to her and took her hands.

  “I guess fame got the better of me, but ever since I’ve met you, my perspective has changed. Like I said, you make me want to be a better man.”

  She squeezed his hands and said, “I can only lead the horse to the water, you have to make the changes, but I’ll try to help as best I can.”

  He smiled relieved, and she whispered, “I don’t have to go to work today and I make a killer scramble. How about some breakfast?”

  He mussed her hair and nodded, admiring her back as she headed back into the room to get dressed.

  Sixth Play

  It was a full house.

  Tammy couldn’t help but feel pride as she looked back at the audience. They were ready for the game and so was she. Robert was trying to get her attention, but she was listening vaguely to him, her attention consumed by the thought of Wade. He would do good wouldn’t he? He had done very well during the last three games and she was thrilled to see the improvement in him. She had to admit that she had her doubts after his promises but she was happy that she was wrong.

  Wade had done everything to the tee. He had cut down on his drinking and his practices seemed to go well. On her advice, he had made amends with Jordan, coming back to her place with a bruise on his cheek. When she had asked about it, he had said it was a small price to pay for what he had done to Jordan. She assumed that everything was okay between them.

  Tammy went about her job before the start of the game and got an interview with Coach Matthews. He was cautious as he talked to her and she could tell that he was under stress. He admitted that he was nervous about Wade losing his temper again, but was hopeful since he had changed his routine. He commented on the fact that Wade’s attitude had been slightly adjusted. But only she knew why. To date, they could keep their liaison under wraps and no one suspected anything.

  The game was about to start, and Tammy and Robert went to take their front row seats near the box. It was after they sat down that Robert leaned forward and said,

  “Wade seems to be behaving himself.”

  “You think so?” Tammy said carefully.

  “Yeah, he doesn’t seem to make nearby as many headlines as he usually does. Looking at him, someone would say he was whipped.” Robert looked at her, as if he expected her to spill, but she only smiled and kept her eyes on the court.

  She knew Robert had his suspicions, especially after Wade rescued her from him, but she wasn’t willing to divulge any information to Robert. She had both their reputations to think of and it would not help either of them if this particular morsel of news hit the headlines.

  She was eager to see him appear on the court. Being who they are, it wasn’t easy to spend time together. Wade had to bribe her night guard to keep quiet about his nightly visits. And although they often went to Big Joe’s for dinner, they had to stick to the rule; no touchy feely. To the public, she was a reporter, and he was her target. As long as the public believed that, the gossip columns would remain oblivious to what’s going on behind closed doors.

  The players jogged onto the court and Tammy had to control herself from getting up to see him. Wade grinned in her direction, but in such a way it seemed as though he was smiling at the crowd. She heard Robert muttering beside her but she didn’t care about what he was saying. She was only focused on the game and on Wade.

  The game buzzer signaled the start of the game, and she kept her eyes on him. He had a look of ease on his face as he took the ball from the opposition, making sure it reached his teammates. Within minutes it seemed that they had scored two points. Tammy had her notebook out and pretended to make notes instead of cheering him on as she wanted to. The game went smoothly for them and by half time; they were leading by eleven points. It was a small lead, but she knew it would increase steadily. It was looking good for the Florida Eagles.

  To appear neutral, she interviewed the players of the opposition who hoped for the win. She went over to their captain, Andrew Jenkins who was still clinging to hope.

  Half time ended, and it was time for them to go back onto the court. This time, Tammy was on the edge of her seat. This would fix the win for them and she was breathless as she watched Wade maneuvered the ball smoothly, letting no one but his teammates touch it. As a sports fan, she was riveted by the display of skills from the entire team, but it was Wade that kept her attention.

  She spotted a couple sitting a row in front of her, they seemed so happy, clinging to each other like two newly weds and her heart cramped. Although Wade and her were intimate, there was really nothing substantial between the two of them. They were nothing more than consenting adults sneaking around and playing nookie when they got the chance. What future would she possibly have with Wade? The thought of it, stifled her excitement, and she sat down. Wade had told her he was seeing his therapist and mentioned in passing that the therapist was treating him for a sex addiction, but after sleeping with her, he hadn’t had the urge to sleep with anyone else. Initially she was flattered that she somehow tamed the beast, but what if this was all a novelty, and once it wore off, he would be back to his old antics?

  The game passed too quickly, and they had won. This time, Tammy let a small cheer escape her mouth which made Robert stare at her suspiciously before heading for the winning team. The coach was grinning now, and he answered all of their questions easily.

  When she interviewed coach Matthews, he had his hand around Wade and he said, “All thanks to all of us and thanks to Wade. You outdid yourself man,”

  “Don’t be stupid, we did it together.”

  Wade reached out to pinch her back, which made her almost turn to him to give him a scolding but she was in her reporter persona so she couldn’t say anything about the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

  “Hands off Conley,” she muttered in a professional tone before walking away from him and letting him celebrate with his team.

  Robert and Tammy left together, heading for the van. She had to make the stop at the station to deliver the footage after which she could go home and wait for Wade. She was almost certain he would come unless he went to celebrate with everyone.

  “How do you feel now?” she heard Robert ask.

  “I am sorry?” she said.

  “I heard you retching a lot in the bathroom over the last few weeks and I was worried about you,” he said but there was no sincerity in his voice. In fact, he looked predatory as he spoke.

  “I am completely fine, just a stomach bug,” she said shakily.

  “I don’t think so, stomach bugs don’t make you gain weight do they? And you have gained a bit in the last three months.”

  “I don’t know where you are going with this,” Tammy repeated.

  She hadn’t gained a lot in the last four months. She had squeezed in an appointment with a doctor who said it was normal not to gain any weight in the first few months. The bump actually became noticeable during the sixth month. Until then, she had gone under the radar by wearing looser clothes but she knew she couldn’t keep it up for long. Sooner or later, she would have to tell Wade as well and the thought scared her.

  “We can cut to the chase. I know you are pregnant and that you have been hiding it from everyone,” Robert said.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Denying it is of no use. I
can go ahead to the boss and tell him about it. He wouldn’t think twice about replacing you.”

  “What do you want Robert?” she asked straightforward.

  “I want you to do something for me. Something that’ll stop me from spilling, a bit of extra incentive if you will,” he said sleazily.

  Tammy hated him then, for the look in his eyes, his demeanor and for cornering her. She wanted to say no but she couldn’t. Her job meant everything to her, if she was fired, she wouldn’t be able to do anything. She would be unemployed, what would she do then?

  “I want to come by your house after we drop the footage off,” he continued.

  Another stab to her gut and she could only nod, making him smile in victory as he packed everything in. Tammy felt sick as she got in, hating herself for what she was about to do.

  As the car started, Tammy felt like she was riding towards the end of her morality.

  Seventh Play

  “Great job today Conley,” Coach Mathews said with a wide smile.

  “Thanks coach.” Wade grinned widely, happy at all the compliments he was receiving.

  All around him, there were cheers resounding in the locker room. His teammates were congratulating each other, and he felt proud of himself for having helped in the victory. It was Tammy’s influence of course, she always brought out the best in him. He couldn’t help but feel thankful to her for it. She had helped him so much throughout these last three months. She had cheered him on and helped him go through all the temper tantrums. He had found many reasons to love through these months, for her unwavering loyalty and patience for him. He was proud that he had behaved himself and he wanted to go to her but he had to stay with his teammates for now.

  They cheered each other but when everyone invited him to go out with them and have some drinks with them, he declined. He didn’t want to wait any longer. He looked at the clock and saw it was near ten which meant that she would be back home from the station. Just to make sure, he took out his cell and placed a call to her.

  Usually they talked all the time and texted each other. He smiled as he remembered one of her texts telling her to always be calm. She was thoughtful that well. She always answered his call on the second ring but today she was late and it worried him for a brief second until she answered.

  “Hello?” she said.

  Wade frowned as he heard the tension in her voice. Had something happened at work?

  “Hey, it’s me.”

  “Right, hi,” Her voice had no enthusiasm which surprised him.

  “So, I am done here. Can I come over?”

  “Actually don’t because I have a lot of work to take care of.”

  The tone of her voice raised an alarm, and Wade frowned. Something wasn’t quite right. She sounded out of it, and it wasn’t like her to act this way.

  “Are you sure? I could really use your input tonight.”

  “Not tonight. I have work to do,” she snapped and hung up.

  He refused to accept that, he would see her whether she liked it or not. Wade rushed to get going. His mind was completely preoccupied by his thoughts. Maybe she had work stress, and he knew exactly how that could affect a person. He understood the struggle she had to go through because she talked about it with him and he had shared some of his pains as well. When he had first joined, he had been regarded as the runt for being as young as he had been so he could understand her struggle to make a name for herself. He was willing to help her in any way he could. That was something he had promised himself.

  Recently though, he had noticed detachment from her and it felt as if she had something on her mind. He hadn’t pressed, knowing that she would tell him when she was ready. Truthfully he didn’t care what she would say, there was nothing that would change how he felt about her. That was something he was sure of. His love for her had grown and nothing would decrease it.

  He was close to her place, and he parked. But as he was about to exit the car, he saw something that made him do a double take. A news van pulled up in front of her building and he saw Robert exit from it. Why was Robert here so late at night?

  Even the most heinous thought in his mind made him curse himself because he knew Tammy could never cheat on him. She wasn’t the type of person to do that. He had to know what was going on so he exited the car and followed Robert at a distance until he entered the elevator. He opted to run up the stairs because he didn’t want Robert to see him.

  He reached her ninth floor and took a few deep controlling breaths, but he remained by the stairs as the elevator doors opened. Robert walked out, looking so smug that he wanted to punch his lights out. As Robert pressed the doorbell, he headed towards the door. He wouldn’t stand by and let this happen. Tammy opened the door just as he came to view.

  “Wade!” she exclaimed.

  “What are you doing here?” Robert spat out. He turned to Tammy and said, “Is this your way of making me shut my mouth? You better tell him to get lost.”

  That confirmed his worst suspicions, and he advanced with a fierce look on his face.

  “Wade, leave please,” Tammy said softly.

  Wade wouldn’t listen to her. There was no way he was leaving her alone and without thinking twice, he drew back his fist. Before Robert could see what was happening, his fist connected with his jaw and he went down. He didn’t wait to put in a few more punches before Tammy pulled him back.

  “STOP!” she shouted but this time she was crying.

  Her tears made him stop but when Robert got back up and glared at him.

  “I will not let the same thing happen to me twice! This time I will make sure it’s on the news and your career is over!”

  He ran off leaving the two of them. Wade was breathing hard and Tammy had her hands around his waist and she was sobbing softly.

  He eased her hands off and led her inside where they sat down on her couch.

  “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

  Tammy couldn’t speak. She sobbed and buried her face in her hands. Wade waited for her to calm down because he wanted the whole story from her. He knew something was terribly wrong here from the way she was sobbing and if she told him, he would go back and punch Robert until he couldn’t stand up. He had never liked that guy. He had known from the beginning that Robert was a piece of work and if he had his way, he would never let Tammy be near that guy ever again. Unfortunately he didn’t have that kind of power so he had to suffer through it. This time, he wouldn’t restrain himself.

  “I am sorry,” Tammy choked out.

  “Please tell me what’s going on,” he requested.

  “You are going to hate me.”

  “I could never hate you,” he breathed.

  “You will because I have been lying to you.”

  Wade frowned, if there is one thing he hated, it were lies, but this was Tammy, and over the past few weeks he’d grown to love her. He would not lose his temper with her so he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her closer, letting her cry on his chest because he knew it would make her feel better. It did, and she clung to him desperately.

  “Please tell me what’s going on,” he said.

  “I am pregnant,” she whispered.

  Wade felt his breath leave his chest when she said that. For a second, he wondered if it was his and he blurted out, “Is it mine?”

  Tammy shook her head and said, “Before I met you, I made a mistake. It was a one night stand, no-one important. I was out with friends, we had a good time, I got drunk and well, one thing led to another. I never saw him again.”

  Wade had to use all his willpower to remain calm. He was disappointed, but who was he to point fingers. He had many one night stands, and for all that he knew, he had fathered more than one child in his career. What he didn’t understand is what this all had to do with Robert.

  “I don’t get it, what does this have to do with Robert?”

  “He found out I was pregnant. I couldn’t exactly control the morning sickness and I kept throwing up at
work. That’s what happened the first time I met you, I was nauseated in the locker room and I had to run from you because I couldn’t handle it. You must have thought I was just crazy,” she laughed a little at that he smiled.

  “He blackmailed me today. He said if I didn’t do what he wanted, he would tell the bosses everything. He would make sure they knew and if they found out, they would fire me. I couldn’t let that happen so I let him come over so I could talk him out of it.

  “What exactly was it that he wanted from you?”

  She gave lowered her eyes shamefully, “He wanted me to sleep with him.”

  “And you would have considered it?” Wade asked, trying his best to sound calm.

  “No!” she exclaimed. “I am a lot of things but I am not a cheater and I will never be one. I was going to convince him to keep his mouth shut until I spoke to you and to management at the station.”

  She looked at him and took in his silence.

  “I believe in the hand I am given, and this baby is part of it. At first, I thought I couldn’t handle it and I considered abortion but I already love this baby and I am not letting go.” She stood up and walked over to the window. “I don’t expect you to stick around. This would do so much damage to your career, and now you’re finally on the right track, I wouldn’t even consider letting you throw that all away.”

  Wade came to stand by her and put his hand under her chin and raised her face. Before she could comprehend it, he was kissing her, and she felt his sincerity through his kiss.

  “I don’t care if you are pregnant, and I am not letting go of you. We’ll sort this out,” he breathed and pulled her into his arms.

  Tammy cried again and Wade hugged her, relieved and happy that she had trusted him.

  “You don’t have to get involved in my troubles,” she insisted. “I’ll think of something.”

  Wade shook his head; he would not let her take the fall on her own. For now, he didn’t care what would happen to him because she was all that mattered to him. He would never forget that and he wouldn’t let her forget that either.


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