Carter's Flame: A Rescue Four Novel

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Carter's Flame: A Rescue Four Novel Page 12

by Tiffany Patterson

  “The door. You just opened. Didn’t check the peephole first.”

  “I knew it was you.”

  I hadn’t finished the sentence before he was shaking his head, his lips forming into a thin line. “Safety first. Check the peephole always.”

  I pulled my head back slightly to get a better view of him. “I’ve lived on my own for more than a decade.”

  “Good. Then checking the peephole from here on out won’t be a problem.”

  My response was cut off by another kiss. He released me and stepped back, licking his lips as if he was tasting me all over again.

  “You look beautiful, by the way.” He grinned and his eyes shone, relaying the honesty in his words. I forgot whatever comeback I had for his comments on the peephole just that quickly.

  “Where’s the little guy?” he asked, looking around.

  “Out with my mother.” I turned back and saw the disappointment on Carter’s face. “Why?”

  I watched as his hand went into his pocket and he pulled out a toy fire truck.

  “Brought this for him. He asked for one. It’s signed by all the guys at the station, too.”

  I took the toy from his hand and looked it over, noting the different signatures.

  “He’s been talking about firefighters and firetrucks for the last two weeks.”

  Carter’s smile grew.

  “You didn’t have to do this.” I held up the truck.

  “’Course I did. Little guy was asking about it last time I was here.”

  “Thank you.” I placed the toy truck on the glass table that sat next to the couch a few feet from the door. I pulled the light spring jacket I opted to bring with me, along with my black clutch.


  “All set,” I responded.

  Carter stepped out ahead of me and I locked the door and closed it behind me. I watched, confused when he reached around me and twisted the knob, ensuring it was locked.

  “Can never be too safe.” He winked at me, pulling my hand in his and bringing it to his lips. Those damn butterflies started moving in my belly again, or maybe they’d never stopped. I wasn’t too sure of anything at that moment, accept that the way he looked at me was the way I always wanted to be looked at. Especially by him. Only him.



  I am a man of my word. I had to keep reminding myself of that. I had told Michelle that I intended to keep my hands off of her until after dinner. Those were my intentions. But when I pulled out the chair for her in the seafood restaurant I’d chosen, and the scent of sweetness wafted past my nose, my entire body went rigid.

  “Thank you,” she said just above a whisper, once she sat.

  I made my way around the table, putting much needed space between us if I was going to keep my promise.

  “Have you been here before?” she asked, her gaze bouncing around the dining room.

  “Few times.”

  “What do you recommend?” She flipped the menu open and began scanning it. I simply stared, mesmerized.

  “Carter?” she called, and I snapped out of it.

  “The sea bass is pretty good,” I answered her earlier question.

  We ordered our food and talked about our weeks until our meals came. Michelle asked me about work and I told her of a couple of calls we’d had that day. She did this often when we talked, asking to hear about the calls we went on.

  “You love what you do,” she commented.

  I shrugged and tossed my napkin onto the table, finished with my meal. “It pays the bills.”

  She gave me a deadpan expression. “Be serious. You love being a firefighter.”

  I planted my elbows on the table and stared at her. “I do.”

  “What made you become a firefighter?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You really want to know?”

  Another stern look. “No, lie to me.”

  I shook my head, chuckling. I peered back up at her and in all seriousness said, “I was tired of killing people.”

  Shock moved across her face, replacing the deadpan expression from just a few seconds prior. “Killing people?”

  I tilted my head in a nod. “In the army. We protect and serve, and a lot of times that means neutralizing anyone or anything that may be a threat to our nation.”

  “Neutralizing means killing.”


  Her eyes fell to her now empty plate. I could see her processing what I’d just shared. I wasn’t ordinarily so blunt with women on dates, but like I’d told her on my parents’ property, I wanted her to know everything about me. Good and bad.

  “Does that scare you?”

  Her eyes met mine again, and she hesitated before answering. “It should. Most people might not think twice about dating someone with your background, but I …”

  “You what?” I leaned into the table.

  “I’ve been hurt in the past. I’ve seen what men with power can do when they want to.”

  “I’m not a man with power.”

  Her eyes ballooned. “You’re kidding, right?”

  I shook my head.

  Her eyes rolled up to the ceiling. “You’re a Townsend, you’re former special forces, and now you pull people out of fires for a living,” she began ticking off each item on her fingers. “And to top it all off, you’re the only man in a very long time who’s had the ability to make me go against my instincts.”

  “How so?”

  “I’m here with you.” She held out her hands. “I promised myself my only focuses would be my son and my career. And now here I am, falling in … dating you.” She hesitated, clearing her throat.

  “That’s a bad thing?” I grinned across the table, knowing she’d almost slipped up and admitted to falling in love with me. Nothing else she could say would matter more than that.

  She sighed. “Just don’t hurt me.”

  Her eyes penetrated mine and I could feel the depths of her fears.

  “Sugar, I’d much rather cut out my own heart and feed it to the sharks. Hurting you isn’t even an option for me.”

  She nodded and reached across the table, bringing her half-empty wine glass to her lips. I swallowed at the same time she did, watching the minute movements of her jaw and neck as the wine moved down her throat.

  “I want you to meet some people.” I stood, and held my hand out for her. I clasped hers tightly when she accepted, and pulled out her chair for her to stand.

  “You’re not taking me to another rooftop, are you?”

  “If memory serves, you had fun on the last rooftop I took you on.”

  My cock jolted in my jeans when her usually caramel cheeks brightened a little with redness as she dipped her head.

  I placed a few bills on the table to take care of the check, and then put my hand at the small of her back to walk us both to the door.

  “No rooftops tonight. We’re going to Charlie’s,” I explained.

  We made it to the bar in under twenty minutes, and lady luck must’ve been on my side because it was easy enough to find a parking space right outside of the bar.

  “You said your squad member’s wife owns this place?” Michelle questioned, looking at the bar through the window as she took off her seatbelt.

  “Yeah, Angela,” I replied, and got out of the car to open the door for her.

  “And your entire squad is in there?”

  “Most of ’em.” I looked back at her, clasping her hand in mine. She ran her teeth along her lower lip. “You’re nervous?”

  “No,” she shook her head, “but meeting your squad isn’t the definition of going slow that I had in mind.”

  I stopped us right in front of the door of the bar, cupping her face in my hands.

  “Excuse us, buddy.”

  I shifted to see over Michelle’s head and glared at the asshole who’d just interrupted us. “Wait a fucking minute,” I growled.

  Michelle’s fingers wrapping around my wrists brought my attention back
to her.

  “Anyway.” I quickly glanced at the jackass waiting impatiently but quietly now, behind Michelle. “I’d thought I made it clear to you, this is going slow enough. Besides, you’ve met all my squad before.”

  “Yeah, but that was different. It wasn’t us socializing together.”

  “Dating,” I corrected. “We’re not just socializing. We’re dating.”

  Her smile grew and I licked my own lips at the sight of it.

  “Okay, dating.”

  Hell, even the word dating was too minimal to describe what was happening between us.

  “The guys already know you and I are seeing each other. They’ve already met you. Hell, I’ve nearly lost it on two of them already just for joking around about you. We’re not a secret, sugar.”

  She blinked and her eyes averted. I noticed the nervousness in that small expression and I’d definitely be checking in about it later.

  “Let’s go.” I took her by the hand and led her into the bar. As soon as we stepped over the threshold, we were greeted by semi-loud pop music and even louder voices from the numerous customers inside. I glanced to the left where the bar sat and smiled when I noticed Angela dancing it up behind the bar as she made drinks. As usual these days, Lieutenant Eric Kim was front and center at the bar watching over his wife.

  “That’s Angela there.” I jolted my head in the direction of the bar, showing Michelle. “And there’s Eric.”

  “’Bout time your ass showed up!”

  Feeling a smack on my left shoulder, I turned to spot Corey’s goofy smile.

  “I know you’ve met before, but Michelle, this is Corey.”

  His dark eyes gleamed as he stepped around me to stand in front of Michelle.

  “I’d never forget a face like that.”

  Michelle chuckled. “They must train all you firefighters on the art of flirting and charm in the academy.”

  “Absolutely not, sweetheart. This here is all natural.” Corey wiggled his eyebrows, causing Michelle to laugh out loud.

  “That’s enough of that bullshit.” I pushed him by the chest so he had to take a few steps back. I wrapped my arm around her waist.

  “This one’s been getting a little protective lately.”

  I cut my eyes at Corey who then held up his hands, one of which held a beer bottle. “I’m just fucking with you, Carter. Rest of the team’s over there.” He jutted his head to one of the back tables. Sure enough, a group of about six firefighters from Rescue Four sat.

  “Look who’s here!” Corey yelled as we arrived at the table.

  A round of cheers greeted us. I pulled out a chair and sat, chuckling when Michelle yelped as I pulled her onto my lap.

  “You’re sticking close to me for the night,” I told her in her ear.

  She gave me a flirty smile over her shoulder. “What’s the matter? Think I’m going to run off with one of the other firefighters?”

  My mischievous grin widened. “The only firefighter you’re running off with is me, sugar.”

  I pressed a quick kiss to her lips. Her gaze lingered on me, reading me for what I wasn’t sure but I let her.

  “Michelle, do you drink?”

  Her head turned toward Don who’d asked, breaking our eye contact. A wave of anger passed through me at the interruption. I was growing greedier and greedier with her time.

  “Sure, I do. Thanks, Don.”

  Don nodded at Michelle before handing me a bottle as well. We all hung out and talked about all kinds of shit. Most of the women at the table were interested in hearing story after story of the brave men who walked into fire to pull people out. And the guys ate that shit up. Hero worship. I’d seen it plenty of times. Hell, I’d even gotten plenty of pussy from it. But when I adjusted Michelle in my lap, encircling her lush body with my arms, I knew hero worship couldn’t compare to what this was.

  “Are you okay?” she questioned, staring down at me.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve been sitting on your lap for a while. I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable. I could grab a chair if–” Her statement was cut off when she tried to stand up. I pulled her back onto my lap.

  “You’re not going anywhere.” I relaxed when she fell back against my chest, arm around my shoulders.

  “Hey, Michelle. You’re an event planner, right?” Corey called across the table.

  She nodded. “I am.”

  “We were just discussing the annual firefighter picnic earlier. Rescue Four didn’t attend last summer, but we’re thinking of hosting it this year.”

  “Annual picnic?”

  “Yeah,” I interjected. “Each year one squad from the department hosts the picnic at a local park. All the squads in attendance compete against one another for prizes, but it’s mostly for pride.”

  “No shit it’s for pride!” Don belted out, pointing his beer bottle in my direction. “Rescue Four has been jipped for the last five fucking years. And since we didn’t have enough lieutenants last year, we opted out.” His eyes shifted over to Eric. “Now that Harvard’s got us back in the game with lieutenants …”

  “Sean, too!” Angela added, speaking up for her brother while she sat on Eric’s lap.

  Don nodded. “Sean, too. We got enough lieutenants and we’re going back for that damn trophy.”

  “There’s a trophy involved?” Michelle questioned, excited.

  “Prettier than the Stanley fucking Cup.”

  “Watch your goddamn mouth when speaking to my woman,” I shouted at Don.

  He merely winked at Michelle, his dark eyes gleaming.

  “So, what do ya say, dollface? You willing to help us bring that trophy home where it belongs?”

  “How can I help?” Michelle’s brows were furrowed in the cutest yet sexiest way I’d ever seen on a woman. She leaned an elbow on the table.

  “We need you to plan the event. Make it all pretty like, so when we kick those fuck … squads’ asses, they’ll at least have pretty memories of the event.” Don grinned.

  “Don’t ask my woman to do any extra work for you. She’s busy enough.”

  “It’s not just for me. It’s for Rescue Four, which includes you, too, Richie Money Bags.”

  I growled, hating it when Don taunted me with my family’s wealth.

  “Richie Money Bags?” Michelle leaned back, laughing eyes looking down at me.

  “He’s a prick.”

  “Be nice. You know he teases because he knows it gets under your skin.”

  “Only where you’re concerned.”

  Her smile softened and she cupped the side of my face, leaning in for a quick kiss. My temper deflated instantly.

  “I’d love to help organize the annual picnic.” She turned back to Don by that point.

  I just wondered how long it’d be before I could get us out of here and alone.

  ~ Chapter Eleven ~


  I felt like a total fucking heel for bringing her here. The condo. The bachelor pad as my brothers often referred to it as.

  “This is your place?” Michelle asked, as we strolled toward the elevator.

  We’d just come from Charlie’s and in my anxiousness to get her alone for the rest of the night, I’d brought her here.

  “Yeah, kind of.” I punched the elevator button for the penthouse suite and then stuck in my key card that granted only a handful of people in the world access to this part of the building.

  “Kind of?” She eyed me suspiciously. “What? Don’t tell me, you own the entire building not just the penthouse suite?” She laughed.

  “No, definitely not that.” I shook my head. My family’s company owned the actual building, but I decided that didn’t need to be said. Instead, I pinned her back to the wall of the elevator, dipped my head in the crook of her neck, and inhaled, letting my lips brush up the side of her neck. I grinned when I her entire body shuttered in my arms.

  “Did I ever tell you, you were dangerous?” She

  “Maybe.” I planted a kiss everywhere, until I finally reached her mouth, drawing her tongue into mine, sucking on it. Another moan from her caused my entire body to inflame.

  Before I could get too carried away, the elevator buzzed and the door opened to the living room of the suite. I stepped aside, and watched as Michelle’s eyes bulged. Her jaw dropped slightly as her enlarged eyes scanned the shiny, hardwood floors, spacious living room, decorated modern furnishings of earth tones.

  I took her hand in mine, guiding her out of the elevator and down the three stairs to the actual living room.

  “This is quite a place,” she stated, looking around at the grand piano that sat in the corner by the floor to ceiling window. I’d been telling Tyler to get rid of that fucking thing for more than two years now, but he insisted that women loved it. “Do you play?”

  I let out a deep laugh. “Not since the fifth grade when I stuck a frog inside the sound band of my teacher’s piano. My mother got the hint after that and let me drop the lessons.”

  Michelle gasped. “You didn’t!”

  “I did. And I have absolutely no regrets about it either.”

  I pulled her by the arm to me, placed her hands on my shoulders, and let my own hands fall to her wide hips, squeezing them. “Did you have a good time at Charlie’s?”

  She nodded and leaned into me.

  “Good.” I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket, pressing the button for the bluetooth to connect with the system that had been installed in the walls of the condo. Moments later, soft music filled the room.

  “We never did get to finish that dance at my parents’ place.” My voice was low in her ear.

  “I didn’t know firefighters could dance,” she teased.

  “Sugar, I can do anything you want me to.”

  A soft giggle poured from her lips. When her tongue darted out to moisten her bottom lip, the need for words ceased, and the demand for action became paramount. Dipping my head, I captured her lips with mine. Caught by surprise, her gasp left her mouth open for my assault. My tongue rolled over hers, my hunger growing by the seconds. My cock began straining against my jeans, seeking the one place that had come to feel like home. Michelle’s hands tightened around my shoulders, pulling me even more so with the same urgency I felt.


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