Carter's Flame: A Rescue Four Novel

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Carter's Flame: A Rescue Four Novel Page 18

by Tiffany Patterson


  “Thank you, Mr. Carter. I had fun today,” Diego’s sleepy voice flowed from over his mother’s shoulder. It’d been a long day for the little guy. After his nap, we decided on an impromptu visit to a local arcade where we all had even more fun.

  “So did I, little guy. We’ll have to do it again sometime. Your mom tells me you like football.”

  “Yeah, I do,” he answered.

  “Well, I know someone who likes football a lot, too. Maybe you can meet him one day.”

  “I’d like that,” he exclaimed.

  “Let me take him down to his bedroom,” Michelle stated.

  I nodded and went to settle on the couch to wait for her. Five minutes later, she returned, a smile on her lips and her eyelids drooping slightly.

  I stood. “You look just as tired as the little guy.”

  Her smile grew and she laid her head on my chest. “I am. It’s been a long time since we spent an entire day out like that. I forgot how fun it was. Thank you for showing my son and I such a great time.”

  “Don’t thank me for doing what comes naturally.” My family. Those two words came to me like a lightning bolt. Michelle and Diego were my instantaneous family.

  “Tyler’s season starts in early September but he has practice over the next two months in preparation. My family sometimes goes to his practice for family day. I want you and Diego to come.”

  Her head rose from my chest and I missed her warmth immediately. “You want us to come with you to your brother’s practice?”

  “I sure do. And his games.”

  Her eyelids fluttered. “Maybe,” she sighed.

  “I’ll let you know what–” My question was cut off by the ringing of her cell phone.

  “Hang on,” she stated, moving to the door where her purse hung to pull out her cell. Her lips turned downward as soon as she saw the name of whoever was calling. She tossed the phone on the couch, not bothering to answer.

  Just as I was about to ask who that was, she stated. “I had a great time today.” She came over to me and I took her hands in mine. Her lips found mine this time and I got swept up in the kiss, forgetting all about the caller.

  “I need to go before I forget we’re not alone.” I hated to pull back but it was for the best. “Make sure you lock the door behind me.”

  She giggled. “I’ll remember to do that.”

  I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Good.” We said our good-byes followed by another lingering kiss before I had the strength to break free and step over the threshold to the hallway. I paused, waiting to hear the click of her lock and the chain slide across before leaving. When I didn’t hear the second sound, I knocked on the door. “Chain, too!” I said loud enough through the door. I heard her giggle before the chain slid across the door.

  “Happy now?” She opened the door as much as the chain would allow to question.

  “Yes, now go back inside.”

  She grinned and shut the door again, locking it. I continued down the hall, making a mental note to call my brother, Joshua, the next morning to ask about interior decorators he had on staff.


  “The hell are you calling me so early for?” my second to youngest brother growled into his phone.

  “Good morning, Joshua.”

  “Fuck you very much. This better be an emergency. I mean a real goddamn emergency. Like, Townsend Manor on fire type of emergency!” he snarled.

  It was five-thirty in the morning. After working the night shift, I’d just gotten back to the station from our latest call and decided to call my brother. He hated early mornings and I loved calling him as early as I could just to piss him off.

  “First of all, watch your goddamned voice when you’re speaking to me. I’m still your older brother and I have no problem kicking your ass all over Townsend Manor or any place else.”

  “Fuck you, Carter,” he mumbled around a yawn.

  I chuckled. “Get your lazy ass up.” I’d never understand how my brother was so successful in the real estate market but hated getting up early.

  “What do you want?”

  “Glad you asked. I need the name to your top interior designer.”

  “It’s about damn time you decided to decorate your place. It’s only been two years,” Joshua grumbled through the phone.

  “Mind your goddamn business about my house. I just need a fucking name. Matter of fact, give her my number. I need to set up an appointment.”

  “Who says she’s available for you right now?”

  “Make her available.”

  “My, my, aren’t we insistent?” He paused. “Two years with no talk of decorating a fucking five thousand square foot home and all of a sudden you call at five fucking thirty in the morning, demanding I make my top designer available?” He stopped again. “What’s her name? No, wait … is this over the chick I had to practically pry you off of Tyler over? And the one you stormed Townsend Industries ready to take Aaron’s head off over?”

  I sighed, eyes narrowed. “Glad to see my family knows how to keep things private.”

  “Oh, we know. It’s just a little difficult to keep each other out of the loop when you’re storming around threatening anyone who even gets near her. She’s your third rail, bro. What’s her name?”


  “Michelle. Pretty name.”

  “Joshua,” I said his name menacingly upon hearing the smirk in his comment. “Do yourself a favor and don’t even mention her name in that fucking tone again.”

  “Aaand, now I’m the final brother you’ve threatened over her. Lastly, it’s Father. I bet you even threatened the guys at the station for fucking with her.” He was laughing like this shit was a joke.

  “Can’t even call this asswipe for a damn referral,” I grumbled to no one in particular. “Give the interior designer my contact information and tell her to get in touch with me ASAP, asshole!” I grunted before hanging up on my now laughing brother.

  “Hey!” I called to Corey who’d just walked past my cot. “What’re you up to?”

  His dark eyebrows raised, creasing his cinnamon-colored forehead. “It’s damn near six in the morning and we’ve been on ten calls over the last seven hours. I’m getting some fucking sleep.”

  “Wanna run drills?”

  “You’ve got to be fucking playing with me?” He looked at me as if I had two heads. But after speaking with Joshua I had extra tension I needed to burn. Michelle had indeed become my third rail, even with my family. And now, I included Diego on that list as well. They both were off limits to anyone.

  “Fine. How about we spar?” The station housed a gym in addition to the outside area where we ran drills. The gym had a boxing ring where we often boxed or sparred with one another. Just about all of the guys had undergone some sort of self-defense training. Either from past military experience like myself or from on their own, having fancied themselves tough guys. We all did.

  “Sure,” Corey reluctantly agreed. He was one of my favorite sparring partners because he was the quickest. The guy was naturally light on his feet, which not only made him good in the ring but one of the best firefighters you’d want to have at your back while walking into a fire or a rescue.



  “Natoi, how many RSVPs have we received for the Williams & Brodsky event?” I questioned my assistant as I stood at the entranceway of my office door.

  “Um, so far we’ve got two hundred and thirty-three.”

  “Okay, we’re expecting at least a hundred and fifty more. Can you start making calls to those who haven’t sent in their RSVPs to just make sure they received their invites. Kind of nudge them to send it back. You know what to do,” I told her. We’d done this process dozens of times before. I waited for her to write my request down before turning to go back to my desk. The Williams & Brodsky dinner was just over three weeks away and I was looking forward to wrapping it up as soon as possible. I hated Gabriel being the point of contact for
this event and the power that it made me feel he had over me. And he had no problem holding it over me either. Anytime I denied even a minute request of his he threatened to go to Nancy. I wanted this event done and hopefully I wouldn’t have to hear too much out of Gabriel for a while. But I knew eventually he’d show up out of the blue again just to make my life as miserable as possible.

  Just then the glass door opened, catching my attention.

  A woman who appeared to be in her mid-fifties brushed through the doors, smiling at Natoi. “I have a two o’clock appointment with Michelle Clarke.”

  That certainly grabbed my attention. I hadn’t been expecting anyone that day. I wondered which event this woman was from.

  “I’m Michelle,” I greeted, stepping out into the main lobby of the office, extending my hand.

  “Pleasure. I’m Diane.”

  I squinted.

  “Wallace. Diane Wallace, the interior designer you requested.”

  I searched my memory bank, trying to figure out which one of our events was being hosted by an interior designer, but came up blank.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Wa–”

  “Diane. Please.”

  “Diane. I’m sorry, Diane, but I can’t place the event you’ve hired us for,” I stated apologetically, fearing my forgetfulness would reflect poorly on the company.

  “Event?” The space between her eyebrows wrinkled. “I don’t need an event planner. I’m the interior designer hired by Mr. Townsend for his home in Cedarwoods.” She pulled a planner out of the large bag that hung over her shoulder. “I hope I have the right … oh yes, I wrote it down.” She looked up at me, satisfied with herself.

  “Let’s step inside my office.” I held my arm out for her to pass me. My gaze swept past Natoi who was giving me a suspicious look. I knew I’d have to fight off her questions about this whole thing later. But I couldn’t answer anything until I fully understood what was going on myself.

  “Please accept my apologies, Diane.” I shut my office door behind us. “I had no idea you were coming. I was never informed.”

  Unperturbed, Diane brushed it off. “No matter. Mr. Townsend specifically requested my services and he was adamant that you were to have anything you wanted. There is no price limit.”

  I was still so confused. I palmed my cheeks with my hands and looked around my office.

  “How about I set up some design ideas on your table here? He said you had a farmhouse theme in mind. I’ve pulled up some possible sketches to draw inspiration from.”

  “S-sure, you do that. I just need to make a quick phone call. I’ll be right back.” I moved behind my desk, removing my cell phone from my drawer, and made a beeline for my office door, passing Natoi’s desk and through the doors until I was out of the office entirely, standing between the elevators. I pressed the button to ring Carter’s cell phone. I was angry, thrown off and in a little bit of shock.

  “The person you have reached is not avai–” I pressed the end call button before the voicemail message could even complete. I knew he was at work and possibly on a call so I opted to send a text message.

  You sent an interior decorator to my work? Are you out of your mind!!??

  I stood there staring at my phone screen for a few moments, willing it to light up with a response, but it never came. And I had to get back to my office. I had work to do. I turned back to head to my office and found a spread of photos and some sketches all over the circle table in the corner of my office. Diane’s head rose and her eyes shone.

  “Shall we get started? Mr. Townsend did say he didn’t want to interrupt too much of your work day. Our next appointment will have to be in the evening or over the weekend.”

  “Our next appointment?” My eyebrow rose.

  “Yes, he wants this done as soon as possible.”

  “I’ll bet he does.” I turned back to the table, intrigued by some of the pictures I saw in spite of myself. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look a little bit. I’d consider it a late lunch break for me since I hadn’t taken one earlier. But I promised myself I would speak to Carter about his presumption.

  ~ Chapter Sixteen ~


  “Mama, come on!” Diego rushed me, excitement filling his voice.

  I looked over at Carter who seemed to be just as excited as he stared at me with the same impatience as my six year old.

  “Nobody told me we’d have to walk on wet grass,” I hissed at both of the impatient males in my life. We were at Williamsport Football Field for family day at Tyler’s football camp. Apparently, he’d healed up from his injury and had invited the entire family for a visit. I’ll never forget Carter’s response when I told him that I thought it might be best if he just let the visit be amongst family.

  You and Diego are my family.

  He’d said it with so much steadfastness in his voice, those blue eyes pinning me, that the thought of turning him down after that wouldn’t have even occurred to me.

  “I told you to wear sneakers, sugar.”

  “I hate sneakers,” I snapped at Carter’s teasing.

  “Want me to carry you?” He didn’t even finish his question before he was bending low as if preparing to pick me up.

  “Don’t you dare! Your family’s right there.” I would not have him carry me around as if I were too prissy to walk on a damn football field. Especially not in front of his entire family. I was nervous enough about that.

  “Don’t be nervous. You’ve met them all already, remember?”

  I glared at him. “I was working for them when I met them all. This is entirely different. Plus, I obviously didn’t make a good first impression on your mean brother, and Tyler probably still thinks I’m some loose floozy!” I whispered the last word, not wanting Diego to hear what I was saying.

  Carter’s gaze narrowed and his face hardened, taking me by surprise.

  “Tyler knows I’d end his football career before he’d ever dare say anything so tasteless about you. Aaron’s been taken care of. He’ll be on his best behavior.”

  I sighed, and flattened the front of the Williamsport Panthers jersey I wore. Carter had told me as much at least five different times. I was just feeling uneasy about this entire ordeal. Like I was totally over my head by agreeing to attend family day for our city’s famed football team.

  “Diego will have a great time. I told Tyler all about him and you.”

  “Okay.” Pushing out a breath, I took Carter’s extended hand. Still uncomfortable from the way my feet slipped around in the flip flops I wore due to the wetness of the grass. It’d rained earlier that morning but the sun was shining brightly by nine a.m., promising another scorching summer day. It was perfect for family day, and hearing the giggles of Diego as he looked around the field and saw all the play areas and obstacle courses they had set up for the kids, my heart lightened a little.

  “Thank you for inviting us.”

  Carter stopped and began to say something but I pressed a finger to his lips. “Don’t tell me not to thank you. Just accept it, okay?”

  His lips spread underneath the pressing of my finger. “Kiss me,” he growled.

  I quickly glanced over his shoulder and saw Diego was distracted, playing with another little boy.

  “Kiss me,” he insisted again, this time pulling me into him.

  I angled my head and let him take what so obviously was his. I was no longer in denial about that fact. The kiss, just as always, melted away any worries or insecurities I had. Nothing could withstand the heat of one of his kisses and I quickly lost all mind of where I was, aside from the comfort of knowing I was in his arms.

  “At least somebody’s getting some action while on the field.”

  I pulled back from Carter at the interruption from his younger brother. I was met with a pair of sinful green eyes. They almost reminded me of Carter’s. Apart from the color difference, those eyes also held an intense … something. That seemed to be a trait of all the Townsend men as far as I’d seen. The feroc
ity in their eyes and the freckles were the commonalities that tied them altogether.

  “Next time you wait until I’m finished kissing my woman to interrupt, jackass.” Carter’s voice was harsh as he wrapped an arm around my lower back.

  I’m sure his tone alone would’ve scared the hell out of anyone, but Tyler laughed. He seemed the type to push everyone’s buttons at every opportunity. Like he poked the sleeping bear to see just how far he could get, and then poke some more once it finally awakened. Those types were dangerous in their own right.

  “Michelle, great to see you again. Though I can’t say I envy your position right now. My older brother seems to be on edge when he’s not putting out fire … or starting them.” Tyler winked at me.

  Oh, he’s definitely dangerous in his own right.

  “Pleasure to see you again also, Tyler. Thank you for having us at your team’s family day.”

  “No problem.” He extended his hand, lifting mine to bring to his lips. The man to my left made a sound at the back of his throat, pulling me impossibly tighter into him.

  “Don’t put your lips on my woman. God only knows where those fuckers were last night.”

  Tyler frowned. “My lips were safe and sound last night, thank you for your inquiry. No ass getting while at camp, bro.”

  “That wasn’t the case a few weeks ago.”

  Tyler’s eyebrows dipped as he tried to pinpoint Carter’s reference.

  “Ah, I was on the injury list then. Free to partake in all the pussy I wanted!” He laughed.

  “Watch your goddamned mouth in front of my woman and her son.”

  “Son? Where is the little guy?” Tyler questioned.

  “Diego!” I called, getting his attention and waving him over.

  “Hi, Mama! I made a new friend, his name is Michael. He said his dad catches the ball for the team,” Diego went on excitedly, barely pausing to take a breath.

  “He’s called a wide receiver, little guy.” Tyler stooped low to get even with Diego. “You must be Diego. I’m Tyler.”

  Diego grinned widely. “I know, I have your poster on my wall! Nice to meet you. And you’re Mr. Carter’s brother. Right, Mr. Carter?” Diego looked up to Carter for his approval.


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