Bonnie Prince Charlie: Charles Edward Stuart (Pimlico)

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Bonnie Prince Charlie: Charles Edward Stuart (Pimlico) Page 88

by McLynn, Frank

  76 For details see A E M D Angleterre 81 ff.238–48.

  77 Archives du Nord, 18H 67.

  78 Manning Clark, Short History of Australia (Sydney, 1963), p.25.


  1 ‘The ’45 was the greatest crisis that affected the eighteenth-century British state’ Jeremy Black, Britain in the Age of Walpole (1984), p.20. See also the remarks in J. C. D. Clark, Revolution and Rebellion. State and Society in England in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Cambridge, 1986) p.153: ‘Was the ’45 a last despairing, romantic hopeless gamble? Or was it the mishandled (but still extremely dangerous) culmination of widespread resentment against Hanoverian rule?’ The author leaves us in no doubt of his preference for the latter interpretation.

  2 Clark, Revolution and Rebellion, op. cit., pp.41–2.

  3 My view is strongly at variance with that of the latest scholar to write on the military dimension. See James Michael Hill, Celtic Warfare (Edinburgh, 1986).

  4 Since Bruce Lenman in his Jacobite Clans of the Great Glen, op. cit. argues for the ‘evolutionary’ theory of the Scottish clans, disrupted only by the advent of Charles Edward in 1745 (see especially p.149), it is startling to find this assessment of the prince in his earlier book: ‘lacked military ability’, ‘obstinate, insensitve egotism’, ‘the temper of a despot’ (Lenman, Jacobite Risings in Britain, op. cit., pp.240,287,288 respectively). It is possible, just, to maintain that Charles Edward was a blockhead who got a lucky break and tapped by pure chance into the latent contradictions of Scottish society. But if the clan system was not inevitably doomed to demise, then Charles Edward’s destruction of it must rank as a truly Nietzschean achievement, ahead even of anything Napoleon was able to bring about.


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  AGN, Simancas

  Archivo General de la Nación (Estado), Simancas


  Archives Nationales, Paris


  Archivio Segreto Vaticano (Vatican Archives)


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  Cumberland Papers, ed. H. R. Duff (1815)


  Foreign Office Reports. Public Record Office


  Archives du Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Château de Vincennes


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  The Lyon in Mourning, ed. Henry Patton, 3 vols (Edinburgh, Scottish Historical Society, 1895)


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