School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5)

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School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5) Page 9

by Jessie Wolf

  It was quiet little Nanase who summed it all up for us. “Then we make sure that they die for their faith first. Mama how long do you think we’ll have to train our new Sisters and Brothers before the Cardinal can get a force ready to hit us?”

  Mama smiles down at my little sister. “That will depend on whether or not this cell got out a signal to their main Temple. If I had to guess it’ll be at least ten to twelve weeks as your sister said. However I believe it will be closer to more like four to five months. Hear me out, Maiha. The reason for this is one you do not have knowledge of. No matter how powerful Cardinal Richelieu has become he must still petition the Imperial Temple before deploying the Military Orders. Oh he will send them, but he must still try to spin it as a worthy cause. That will take time as he cannot just send them a signal over the net. He must go before a full counsel of the elders, and that takes time to form.”

  “In my past and now I have always hated politics, but for once I am glad for them. Ok, let’s say he gets his go ahead for attacking us, that still gives us four months to get everyone trained up as operational Death Dealers, five at the most before they get here.”

  “No, daughter, you misunderstood me. I said it will take him four to five months to get ready to dispatch his troops. It will take another two to three months to assemble them and then five weeks of travel time before they can even be within reach of Hades or the Death Gates system. So to add it all up you’re looking at a minimum of eight months before they can be here. Realistically nine months, before we actually have to square off against the Black Rose and Crimson Shield. As for what type of forces we’ll be facing I would place their number and types as follows. Four battalions of light Infantry, two battalions of heavy Infantry, and one battalion of AI tanks.”

  As mama was listing off the assets for the Black Rose and Crimson Shield I noticed that they were basically a Light Infantry Division. When she failed to list any APS units I knew something was up. “Mama, don’t they have any APS units?”

  “No, child that is the one thing they have been forbidden. Even the tanks are a new addition to their numbers.”

  “Mama, how many of those units can they realistically bring to bear on us?” Nanami beat me to that question by mere seconds.

  “Thankfully, only the four light battalions are any real threat. For the Temple elders to release any more would bring down the wrath of the Emperor, and his vaunted Death Dealers.” The fact that they would be worried over the Death Dealers getting involved in this was interesting. I needed more information on this if I am to form a battle plan.

  “Mama, why do they fear the Death Dealers involvement?”

  “This one here is just one of the reasons. While we and our new Sisters and Brother may be cybernetic to a point, we are still over fifty percent human. Look at those who were able to get within the Temple, Maiha. They are far beyond what the law will allow.” As if to prove her point she walked over to the one that I had dropped on my way to help Fuyuko. I had not realized how deep my blade had cut him or the fact that it had cut his spine in half, along with most of his torso. The man was as much a cyborg as Maxwell was. “I had to guess I would say that almost every man and woman within the Black Rose and Crimson Shield are close to eighty five to ninety percent cybernetic. Then there is the fact that of all the military units only the Death Dealers can operate anywhere within the Empire. Even the Imperial Space Navy must answer to the Earth Prime High Command and First High Lord of the Military. Death Dealers only answer to First High Lord of the Military and the Emperor. These two facts would be enough for most military units, but for the military arm of the Imperial Temple that is not enough. To them the fact that the Death Dealers do not have Spiritual advisors is a sin before the eyes of the Gods. A sin that can only be corrected by the Death Dealers being placed under the direct control of the Imperial Temple.”

  “By the Goddess! Don’t they realize that Death Dealers come from every part of the Empire? Can’t they see how having Spiritual advisors goes against everything the Death Dealers stand for? Can they be so blinded by their faith that they miss the fundamental fact the Death Dealers belong to no one House, planet, or system?” I had not noticed Alice or the others enter the Temple until Dana voiced her questions.

  Mama turned and gave her a look of understanding. “No, Child of the Spirits, as they cannot see what so many do. They fear that which they cannot control. For centuries these orders have seen themselves as Holy Crusaders. When the old Knights of the Republic orders faded into legend they continued to recruit members with the promise of glory and fame. They lost their way, and became something dark and twisted. Cardinal Richelieu has only been their leader in the past forty years, but he is just the newest pretender to the Holy Seat and Imperial Throne. In the past three thousand years there have been eight such men and four women who have had this desire. Each time this Temple has risen up to stop them.”

  “Excuse me, mama, but are you telling that this is not the first time our family Temple has raised and trained an army to fight the Black Rose and Crimson Shield? That can’t be right? Our family has only been here what a thousand years?” I was really confused over the fact that this Temple could have raised an army twelve times over the past four thousand years.

  “That is true my daughter, but the Temple of Inari Ōkami has been around for more than seven thousand years. This Temple has existed since long before the First Empire of Humanity. It is time you learned of our family’s history with this Temple. When our ancestor Nobuo Norio Nakatoma founded our family dynasty he swore our family to the service of the Goddess Inari Ōkami. We have been the foxes in the hen house, within the Temple System ever since. For as long as humanity has spread through the universe, we have been the protectors of the Temple’s and the Imperial Family. As I have said before if the current Imperial Family should pass away without an heir the Throne will come to us, or if we should feel that they have broken trust with the people. Those are the only two times that our family will lay claim to the Imperial Throne. We earned that right during the time of the First Empire and have held it ever since. Only the Holy Seat can take our place as the next in line for succession.”

  “Wait a minute here, mama. How many people know of this?”

  “Far too many, Maiha, especially among the Temple Elders and Heads of Orders.”

  Son-of-a-bitch, no wonder Cardinal Richelieu wanted my family dead, and the Princess Daniella out of the way. With us gone he can put his ass on the Throne moving the Imperial Temple from an impotent advisor to the real power within the Empire. The more I learn of the Imperial Temple system, the more I realize how far the corruption has spread throughout the Empire. These were supposed to be men and women separate from the government. They have used their influence over their congregations to manipulate the system.

  “Then it is time for us to show these sorry excuses what it truly means to be Temple Guardians, and Keepers of the Peace.” I look around us at the one hundred and thirty six cocoons. Each one holding the hope of a new future for the Empire. It was in one of these cocoons that the Heir to the Empire had sealed herself. All of these girls had joined the Sisterhood in the hopes of changing their future and the future of an Empire. If what Doctor Brim and Mr. Lenard said was true of the boys in our brother school, and our own school, then our numbers will triple or more come three days from now.

  “What do we do now, sissy?” Nanase was quick to figure out that I had a plan for what was to come.

  “It is simple, little sister. We return to school, and begin to train our new Sisters and Brothers. Then when the time is right we tear the heart out of the old order and return the Temples to the people. We have eight months to get them ready, and for us that is more than enough time.” The fact that I just told them that I was going to war with the other Temples did not seem to faze them one bit. Then again they know that I have no tolerance for corruption and oppression. “Within three days word of our new Orders and what we hope to become will have s
pread through every school on this planet. I fully expect for our numbers to swell well beyond just three times our current number. However, I believe that the majority of our numbers shall come from JES and JS. These two schools have become holding pens for the unwanted or embarrassing sons and daughters of the rich and powerful. Sent here to be kept out of sight until they are old enough to either be of use or shoved out on their own.”

  “But sissy, there isn’t a Brotherhood for the boys.” Fuyuko just gave me the lead in I needed.

  “Fuyuko, if you’ll please go find Brother Yumi for me and bring him here?”

  She was out the door like a shot. I know that she will find the man over in the garden at this time of day. Everyone knows that at this time of the day he will be in his Zen garden. The fact that I asked for him was not lost on mama.

  “So child, you will bring the old man out of retirement. I had wondered who you would find to be the Reverend Father for your new Brotherhood. Do you have anyone in mind for the other heads for them?” mama once again showing why she is a true Reverend Mother. When I did not supply her with any names she quickly took over. “Nanami, as the Keeper of Names, I need you to go find Brother Felix for me, Nanase go to the records room and find Brother Mathew, once you girls have found them bring them here.” Both girls took off as fast as their sister to find both men. “So tell me daughter, what do you plan to name this new Brotherhood?”

  I giggle before I tell her the name. When she hears it she has a hard time keeping a straight face as well. Mama just shakes her head at me while repeating the name. “Ordonnance du Grand Richard. You do know that name will give them a swelled head?” I just nod my head and giggle. However Alice and the others did not get it. The only exception is little Dana, who is laughing her ass off.

  “Ok, Short Shot, what’s so damned funny?” Taylor maybe a giant, but he ain’t dumb. He wouldn’t have survived Jump Infantry training if he was. “Just what does Ordonnance des Boules en Laiton mean?”

  Dana does her level best to regain control of herself but just can’t. So I save her the trouble. “In the words of a good friend Order of the Brass Balls.”

  Chapter 5

  I just smile as everyone around me just bursts out laughing. The fact that I would call a religious order Brass Balls was way too funny. However, I could not in good consensus go with that name, but it might be something to have around as a reward for those who do something truly crazy or stupid brave. Besides the look I was getting from mama told me that I really should change the name. I waited for when everyone to regain control before broaching the subject.

  “To be honest with you all I have no flipping clue as to what to name it. So if any of you have a suggestion?”

  After a few minutes of rapid discussion among my family and friends while waiting for the three monks, we came to a conclusion. We would let them name their new order. After all they would be the ones who would have to live with it. Well, that continues until Taylor made a crack that caught my imagination.

  “If those kids are anything like you, Lady Maiha, you’re going to have some real dragon slayers on your hands.”

  Mama must have seen the look in my eyes as I thought about a long dead order of knights. Young men who have not been heard from for over seven thousand years. They were heralded as the finest swords-men to ever grace the battle field. Their orders coat of arms was a knight slaying a dragon. More than befitting a group of young men who would slay the dragon of corruption within the Empire. Mama leans over and whispers the name in my ear. “The Black Swords of Saint George.” I nod my head to let her know that I understand.

  “Thank you, Corporal Taylor, you just named the new Brotherhood. Dana, can you do me a favor?” the young lady smiles and nods her head. “Please go find Brother Timothy for me. I believe you’ll find him over in the central courtyard.” She never gave me an answer, she just took off at a dead run.

  Alice gives me a strange look before asking “Maiha, why in the world are you sending for him? I mean why do you want the Beagle?” I just look at her for a few seconds, and then start to giggle.

  “Alice, think about something for me. Of all the APS pilots within our House Military, besides Raygel here, who was it that gave you the most trouble?”

  It takes her a few seconds before she starts to giggle herself. “It would have to be Brother Timothy. Before he joined the Temple he was one of the finest APS pilots I ever had to face off against. I’m just glad it was all in the simulator and not real combat.”

  “Before you go any further why did you call him the Beagle?”

  “Oh, we called him that because of the APS he piloted.” At my look of confusion she giggles then answers. “It was an SN0-0PY, Sopwith Camel, a forty ton Scout Suit.”

  I still didn’t get it but then there have only been two AP Suits that I ever really cared about. The Grim Reaper will always be my first, but Vicky will always hold a special place in my heart. “Now, love, can you tell me who was the hardest pilot for anyone to defeat?”

  “Kitten, that one is easy, the Gray Ghost. Everybody has zero chance against him. That was one pilot no one wanted to face off against. Two he could make an APS do things that were beyond reason. Three personally I have always believed that he is a computer generated AI, because there was no way that a real flesh and blood pilot could do some of those things.” I looked over at the Misfits and see them agreeing with her. “Even Col. Fujiyama is unable to beat the Ghost, and he is without a doubt the most experienced pilot in all of our House Military. If I had to rank the pilots within our House they would be top down Fujiyama, Brother Timothy, Prince Raygel, Sargent Major Smyth, and then me as the top five. Sorry, kitten, but I can’t rank you as you’re outside of the normal chain of command, the same goes for our family. However if I did include you all, we would fill the top eight stops with you, me, and mama tying for the number fifth spot. I mean I have faced off against the Ghost thirteen times and never got a win. It has to be a computer AI plain and simple.”

  “What if I told you that the Gray Ghost was a real human, and not an AI? That he along with one other former member of our House Military are on their way here now as we speak?”

  “I would say you’re fibbing and nuttier than a rabid squirrel on Charles M. Schulz.” The look she was giving me caused me to start giggling. “Ok, just who is the Gray Ghost?”

  “The Gray Ghost is Brother Yumi. Before he joined the Temple here and took his current name he was known as Colonel Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr. and before you ask the other two monks also changed their names before retiring to take up the monastic life.” It was Prince Raygel who was the first to question my selection of these men.

  “Lady Maiha, I know it is not uncommon for military men to seek out this life after they retire. Why I know for a fact that there are more than just these four men with a military past at this Temple. May I know why you have chosen these four?”

  “The answer is simple Prince Raygel. All four of these men were lance mates at one time. They were so feared that even the youngest of them challenged the best this House had to offer.” I heard my sisters and Dana returning along with the four men I had sent them to get. “Ladies and gentlemen I give you the command lance for the VMA-214. Their commanding officer Colonel Edwin Aldrin call sign ‘Gray Ghost’, Group Captain Douglas Bader call sign ‘Phantom Rider’ or as you know him Brother Mathew, Major Gregory Boyington call sign ‘Black Pirate’ who you all know as Brother Felix, and finally Major Robert Neale call sign ‘Fat Friar’ as you all know as ‘Beagle’ or Brother Timothy.”

  “Holy Shit! You mean to tell me that I have been facing off against the members of the Wild Hunt.” Alice screamed at me then turned to face the four men who approached us. If one were to look at the four of them they would see something very unremarkable about them all. They all appear very, ‘normal’, nothing out of the ordinary about them at all. If you were to run into them on the street by accident you would forget what they looked like by the time y
ou turned around. As a group you would see them as four middle aged men, all in reasonable shape, and easy on the eyes to look at.

  The oldest of the four looked over at his fellows and chuckled. “Looks like we didn’t hide as well as we thought, boys.” Looking up at me Brother Yumi, the eldest of the four, smiled and then bowed. “I take it, my Lady, that you were the one to piece together our true identities. What is your price for keeping this knowledge secret?” I’ll give the man this much, he is as blunt as his reputation says.

  “You know sir; you have a habit of upsetting your commander.”

  “I find it hard to respect someone just because they outrank me, my Lady.” I start to giggle at his very honest answer. I too have had the same problem in my own past. “I must admit though, that I find you to be one of those rare few that I respect upon first meeting. You are very much like your grandfather Lord Owens. How may the Wild Hunt be of service?”

  “Gentlemen, I have need of four honorable men to be the Heads of a new Brotherhood. This brotherhood will operate besides the Dragons Daughters and act as Guardians for the Temples and peacekeepers throughout the Empire.” I was stopped from going further when Brother Yumi held up his hand. I nodded for him to go ahead with what he had to say.


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