School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5)

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School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5) Page 19

by Jessie Wolf

  “Take him out the back door and place him inside one of the Troop Transports out front. Don’t worry as those belong to House Nakatoma and anyone foolish enough to try and break him out will not live to regret it.” The fact was that all House Nakatoma Troop Transports were armed with four; twin Vickers fifty caliber laser turrets. Unless they were wearing power armor, those gun turrets would turn anyone into a bloody smear on the ground. “As a matter of fact use the one for holding him in helping to round up the rest.”

  Both men grab Bronson off the floor and head out. As we pass through the outer office of the Security Office I notice that everyone there was a Death Dealer. For some reason none other AIs pinged me or mama when we walked in here. Then again these men were security specialists they would never give away who they were without reason. I hadn’t noticed when we first came, but the desk area was setup like what you would find in a Military Police Station. The desk officer was a young Corporal by the name of Thorn. That fact he only had one name was not surprising, what was, was the fact he is a clone.

  Oh, sure must people would not catch on to this fact, but just about every Death Dealer out there knew the signs. Six feet six inches tall, blond hair, blue eyes, perfectly symmetrical face, and the blue skin, well not really blue; but so white it had a bluish tint. This marked him as being from Freeza four, one of the coldest planets in all the Empire. They were another of the planets that practiced cloning to keep the planets population going. Only there they didn’t try for the ‘perfect children’, no they kept enough variety to insure a health population. They only used cloning for their soldiers. All of whom were free people with the right to choose how they wanted to live their lives.

  When it came to the Death Dealers these men were some of the most feared. Thank the Goddess there were only so many of them to ever come out of the cloning facilities. There was like one in every five hundred clones who became a soldier. Top Ripley called out to him as they pass. “Thorn, get Delta and Foxtrot teams on the horn. Tell them operation Redemption is a go. They are to rally at the Troop Transports at the front of the main building in ten minutes in full tactical gear.”

  “On it Top. Damn, why is it that all the good stuff happens when I have desk duty.” everyone in the room laughed at the corporal’s complaint. “Do you realize just how much paperwork this is going to create? Damn it, I’ll be here all night just handling the equipment requests.” By this time everyone was laughing. I could tell that Thorn was a well-liked and respected NCO. The type that care for and look after the men under his command.

  “Well, corporal, if you don’t get a move on it you’ll be here until tomorrow morning handling that paperwork.” Sargent Major Kingston told him. When Thorn heard this he groaned dramatically. The clowning around was just what was needed to break up the tension in the room. These men were professionals and knew their jobs well. Top Ripley had told that the conspirators would be rounded up by dinner time and they would be. I could already see eight of the FAVs moving across the campus grounds from the far side of it on the main display screen.

  As I look at the main display I notice that they have a map of the entre campus. They had a layout of the buildings and surrounding grounds. There were five buildings that were marked as temporary where the two teams of FAVs were coming from. They were also marked as being the billeting and motor-pool for the Security force. As I look over the map of the campus I saw there was already an area marked out for the new Temple of Ida-ten. Off to one side was an area for what looked like an obstacle course and training area. The more I saw the more I realized that I had right here in this office something I didn’t realize I was missing. Fully trained Death Dealers. These men can help me train the members of the new orders in how to use their AIs and advanced Death Dealer abilities.

  The more I thought about it, the better the idea became. If I could convince these men to help train all of the new orders, I would have a military force that would exceed even the Death Dealers themselves. Oh, they will always be the most feared of military forces because of the second generations coming online, but the orders of Ida-ten will be true Peacekeepers. That is why I need these men to help me train the followers of Ida-ten. I waited until Sergeant Major Kingston returned from helping Top Ripley with Bronson before bring up the subject to them.

  “Sergeant Major, may I ask you a question?”

  “Of course Lady Maiha. What is it you would like to know?”

  “I don’t know how to ask this so I’ll get straight to the point. As you know there are now over one hundred and thirty new Death Dealer AIs being hosted by the students and faculty here? I need people to train them in their use of those AIs.”

  “And you were wondering if any of the men assigned here have the background to train them?” At least he didn’t make me drag it out. “As a matter of fact, three of our senior NCOs all did time as Drill Instructors.”

  Now this was an unexpected bonus, however Drill Instructors might not be the best choice when dealing with young girls. Before I can voice this concern mama steps in voicing her concerns. “Do you think that those men will have problems understanding the minds and hearts of young girls Sergeant Major? I mean after all even if they were Drill Instructors for young men, there might be problems. A great many of these girls have suffered at the hands of abusive men all their lives.”

  “Lady Dai Etsu, I give you my word that the men who would be sent to train those young ladies have their head screwed on straight or I’ll personally remove them. I have read that folder and know what these girls have been put through. I will not allow any more harm to come to them by any of their instructors. However I will tell you this, I will personally oversee their training and the training of the other orders of these new Death Dealers. Yes, I know that they will belong to the Temple of Ida-ten, and as such are not really Death Dealers; but that is what they are. I and my men will make them the best damned trained Peacekeepers that have graced the Empire since the time of the Knights of the Republic.”

  “Excuse me Sergeant Major, but how do you know about the Temple of Ida-ten?” mama asked him. “We have not yet made that public knowledge yet.”

  Laughing he said. “Lady Dai Etsu, if you want to keep something secret first tell only one other person, then kill them. If more than one person knows something the greater chance of people finding out. All I had to do was ask one of the construction crews what they were here to build this morning. They were more than happy to tell me all about the new Temple their Mistress was building for the orders of Ida-ten.” He was smiling when he finished. There was something going on here and I wanted to know what it was. Thankfully he did not make me ask. “For too long the Death Dealers have been used in the place of the Knights of the Republic. The Temple of Ida-ten has always been missed by the Military Police and civilian Peacekeepers. They were a shining example for those of us who are in Law Enforcement. Too often the Emperor is forced to use a tactical nuke to kill a fly, if you know what I mean. If there was a separate force of Peacekeepers to go in before things get too far out of hand, then the Death Dealers could focus on our true job of protecting the Empire from outside threats.”

  As I listened to the Sergeant Major give his little speech I realized that I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. Looking around the security office I see that they all feel the same way. It was as if the Goddess herself had guided me to these men, or they to me. I do not know, and I doubt that I ever will. On more than one occasion Matsu and mama had told me never to question the will of the Gods and Goddesses. To do so is to invite insanity. Personally, I’m crazy enough already, I don’t need any more help from the Gods. Of course Dee De couldn’t let this thought go by without comment.

  Just because you hear voices doesn’t mean you’re insane. (Dee De)

  “Oh shut up you pain in the ass.”

  (Giggle (Dee De))

  There are times when having to share one’s head with another is a chore. However that is the cost of being the host for a
Death Dealer AI, and I have two in my head. Thankfully Charlie is still young enough yet to not have become as twisted as Dee De. I don’t think that I could handle two of them like that right now. By the time Charlie gets to be like Dee De I might have enough experience with two to handle it. Of course Charlie just had to put in his two cents the moment I finished that thought.

  Not hardly, commander, not hardly. (Charlie)

  (Giggle (Dee De))


  I turn my attention back to Kingston and have to smile. “Thank you Sergeant Major. I would welcome any help we can get. As it is we have one hundred and thirty plus students who need training in the use of their AIs. I fully expect that by the end of the week that number will have jumped to at least three times that number or more.”

  “Excuse me, Lady Maiha, but just how large of a force do you expect to form?”

  “If, and this is a big if, my estimates are correct. There will be a total of around eight hundred new second generation Death Dealer AIs joining the Temple of Ida-ten.”

  Thorn blurted out what everyone else was thinking. “Holy shit! That is two full battalions of untrained recruits if not more. My God! If the Imperial Temple finds out about this they’ll not be happy, and neither will the Parliament.”

  I look over at the young corporal, smile and hand out a very blunt challenge. “What’s the matter corporal, afraid of a bunch of religious nuts?”

  I watched as the young man’s clone programing kicked in. “I am the fifteenth of my line. Thorns do not run from any fight. The Imperial Temples hold no mysteries for me, and neither do their dogs, the Black Rose and Crimson Shield. I will help train your Peacekeepers, Lady Nakatoma.”

  “Thank you Corporal Thorn, I knew I could count on you and the rest of the Death Dealers here.” Turning back to Kingston. “I’ll get back with you and Top Ripley on just how many Instructors I’ll need. I figure that I can break down the new Sisters and Brothers into units for training once I have the total number of new members.”

  Thorn stopped me with a question I had hoped to keep quiet on. “Lady Maiha, have any of the new Sisters shown signs of splintering?”

  “That will no longer be a problem among those who wish to become Death Dealers, corporal. In fact thanks to the nanites and their programming it has become a thing of the past.” Mama just didn’t know when to keep certain things under wraps. I did not want this public knowledge yet. I stepped in before anymore could be said about it.

  “This is Top Secret, level Ultra Violet, Rainbow Authorization only.” Once I had their undivided attention I went on to explain what we had figured out about the second generation of Death Dealers. Once I had finished I took in the looks on all their faces. One of the greatest fears for all Death Dealers was developing a split personality and going on a rampage. The fact that this was no longer a fear for the second gens was not lost on them. It was Thorn who expressed everyone’s feelings.

  “No one will learn of this from us, my Lady. If they do break this trust they will find Hell a welcoming experience compare to what I’ll do to them.” they were nodding their heads in agreement.

  “Now, that that is out of the way. Are you men ready to help with the next generation of Knights of the Republic?”

  They all look at me and then reply with the Death Dealer battle cry. “Whoraw! Death is dealt by our hands!”

  Chapter 10

  I waited until mama and I were alone again before I let the tears fall. The pride I felt when those young men gave the Death Dealer battle cry. It has been a truly long time since I heard it that I had forgotten what it truly meant to be a Death Dealer. Mama must have been worried about my mental state as she shepherded me into what would be her office at the school. Once there she didn’t waist anytime in asking what was wrong.

  “Nothing mama, I’m fine. Trust me, right now; I’m on top of the world.”

  “Then why are you crying child?”

  I look over at her and realize that she didn’t know the history of the Death Dealers and what the battle cry meant. Wiping away my tears and blowing my nose, I smile at her as I feel myself slipping into teacher mode.

  “Tell me mama. What do you know of the history of the Death Dealers?”

  “Why only that it was Katsuo Nakatoma my ancestor who first came up with the idea of using surgically implanted AIs to help soldiers on the battlefield. Well, that and the fact that only the Nakatoma family has ever had total control over the technology.”

  “When the very first Death Dealer units were formed they were treated as bastard children. No one wanted the cyborg freaks within their Militaries. If it had not been for the Emperor Nicolai and an invasion by the Golf Union the Death Dealer may have been nothing more than a footnote in history. A company of Death Dealers were on Fair Cry Seven when they attacked. The Gelf’s killed every last human military unit that faced off against them. All but one was defeated within the first two days of the invasion. That one lone unit was the Death Dealer Company. We didn’t even have a name at that time except for Experimental Command Group two eighteen. For one hundred and twenty one days that one company used every dirty trick in the book plus made up a few new ones. Those men gave the Empire what it needed most at the time. They bought them the time to organize the military to fight back and force the Gelfs to the bargaining table. When asked why they never advanced further than Fair Cry the Gelf Leader said, and I quote, ‘We could not let the dealers of death win.’ When asked who they were talking about the Gelfs said it was the ECG two eighteen company. They were confused by the fact that no one at the truce talk had never heard of them. When the relief force arrived on Fair Cry they found just two platoons of the original Death Dealers. All the rest had died fighting the Gelfs.”

  “MY Goddess! You mean to tell me that, that one company of men held up the Gelfs for so long that they forced them to talk peace? How in the world did they do that? I mean all the Gelfs had to do was leave a force behind to deal with them. Why did they pour so much into trying to destroy them? Why did they not just bypass them altogether?”

  “That is where we got our name and battle cry from. You see the commander of that company was given a choice of surrendering or being destroyed. Well, he turned and asked the men of his command what they wanted to do, but before they answered him, he told them that he was going to fight to the end no matter what. Upon hearing their commander his men decided to stand with him and fight. So when asked by the Gelfs what his answer was he said ‘Come and fight! Death is dealt by our hands.’ The amazing thing was by this time they had all learned how to work with their AIs. Between that and their physical enhancements they had become far deadlier than any normal soldier. To be truthful no one really knew just how deadly they had become. After destroying the first Gelf units outright they went on to organize a full scale rebellion against them by using the local population. Soon the Gelfs were facing more than just the Death Dealers, but the entire planet.”

  “So that is where the battle cry came from but what about the name?”

  “The locals had heard of the young captain’s reply to the Gelfs. They were the ones to start calling us Death Dealers. That’s right mama, the people who they were trying to free gave us that name. At first it was an insult as we felt that we were more than cold blooded killers, but it was a young child, nobody knows if it was a boy or girl, that made it mean more to them. The child said that when they grow up they wanted to be a Death Dealer. As news of this child’s dream spread amongst the very first of our brothers they took up the name as a sign of respect for that small child.”

  “So they took an insult and made it an honorable name. No wonder you were so proud to wear their uniform. Yes, James I still remember that cocky young man who won the heart of my sister all those long years ago. Why is it that this story is not taught to our young? I mean the Death Dealers are such a valuable part of the Empire. Why does no one outside of them know of the part they have played in our Empires history?”
r />   “Mama, you have to understand something about the Death Dealers. We go out of our way to avoid the stop light of fame and fortune. The men who serve in the Death Dealers look to a more simple life when they muster out. They do not serve for the same reasons as others do. For them it is more than an occupation. It is very much like being a …oh …oh… I don’t know I can’t think of a civilian equivalent. All I can say is what it was for me. When I joined them it was the first time in my life that I felt at home. Like I had a true calling in life. It was as if…” I had run out of words trying to explain what it meant to be a Death Dealer. However mama was not at a loss for words, but knew exactly what to say.

  “You had a Religious Awakening the day you joined. The Death Dealers became your faith and your temple the battlefield. Oh you may hate war child and all it entails, but you’re a High Priestess of Mars. Let us not kid ourselves about this fact. The Death Dealers are the Brotherhood of War. No, none of you ever take some kind of vow pledging yourselves to that ancient God. None the less that is what you and they are. However, like you, the Death Dealers strive to protect the innocents no matter where the battle takes you. The men, and now women, who would follow you are of a caliber that only the finest of humans can reach. They know the price of keeping the Empire free and gladly pay it. Child, please understand what you do here with these young ladies and men has far reaching consequences. Like those earlier Death Dealers, they are the birth of a new legend. One that will resound throughout history. Just as they gave birth to the traditions and ceremonies of the Death Dealers, so will your new Knights of the Republic.”

  The fact that mama would compare the Death Dealers to a religious order was not something I would have ever expected her to say. Then again she would look at what I had said from the point of view of a Reverend Mother. Until I came back into her life all she ever really knew was the Temple. Sure she may have been the acting Head of House, but she had no real grasp on the real world. That was how the traitors of Houses Light, Daniels, and Moore took advantage of this and did all they could to tear down a proud and noble House. They would have succeeded if not for me.


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