School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5)

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School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5) Page 21

by Jessie Wolf

  “Just what would that be, Maiha?”

  “Think about this mama. Right now there are one hundred and thirty new Death Dealers in this school. Now, they may not be full members of the real Death Dealers, but they will be looked upon by the men who are as younger siblings. The more students who join our Knights of Ida-ten, the more the potential for the bond of ‘family’ to grow. If the Temple of Holy Light was truly smart they would fold now and walk away from the table. Because if they push it and try to wipe us out. They will not be facing the younger brothers and sisters of the Death Dealers. They will face the unholy fury of every Death Dealer for twenty quadrants.”

  “Do you mean to say that if we lose, they will avenge us?”

  “Mama, it won’t be vengeance, it’ll be revenge pure and simple. Remember, the Death Dealers have no love for the Imperial Temples. The destruction of a Temple full of Death Dealers, especially with all these young and idealistic new sisters and brothers, will be seen as a direct assault on them. There is a saying amongst the Death Dealers. ‘No one is forgotten, and all are avenged.’ People wonder why Death Dealers rarely lose. It’s because when we do, we go back with ten times what we had before to win. If that doesn’t work we go back with a hundred times that. The Death Dealers never give up and never surrender. Now, do you see why I want the good Cardinal to come at us with everything at once?”

  “Let me think about this for a moment.” I can see mama going over the information I have given her. It takes her a few minutes, but I can tell she is running multiple scenarios by her AI. Whatever her AI was showing her must have changed her mind about something. “Then, let us pray the Cardinals arrogance is as great as I believe it is. Because, I will not let our most honored of warriors go to war over revenge.”

  It took her a few minutes but she finally understood just how precarious our position really was. For the first time in history the deadliest military force known to man had its own Temple. I think it is time for mama to learn more about the men and now women of the Death Dealers. I sent a quick message to Alice, Fuyuko, and the twins to head over to the dorms and start talking to the girls who had not come with us on the trip. Looking over at mama I ask her if she would like to learn the history of the Death Dealers. When she says yes, I wave for her to have a seat. I sit down next to her on the office couch, once we are both comfortable I began to download for her the complete history of the Imperial Death Dealers. It is no small file. Almost a full Terabit in size. When I finish with the download mama has this look of surprise on her face.

  “Maiha, I have always held the Death Dealers in the highest of esteem, but in all my years I would never have thought I was falling short in that esteem. All those years you wore the Imperial Black and never once did I realize what was behind it.”

  “Don’t worry about it mama. Like I said earlier, Death Dealers do not seek the lime light, or glory. For us the fact that we will be remembered by our brothers is all the reward we need.”

  “No child that is not what I am talking about. Oh yes, that is a great part of the mythos of the Death Dealers, but it’s the pride of thousands that backs it. Until now I did not know of the true lengths that Death Dealers have gone to, to protect the Empire and its citizens. As the Reverend Mother for the Daughters of the Dragon, they shall learn of their forebear’s history. They shall know where they came from, and the history and traditions they shall be expected to up hold.”

  “Mama, do you really think that is necessary? I don’t want these kids to think that they have to be like the Death Dealers. I want them to be something other than just warriors.”

  “Yes, Maiha, I do think it is necessary. Before you go questioning my motives I want you to think about something first. Are not all of those kids as you put it second generation Death Dealers?” I nod my head yes. “Do you think that they should just blindly accept the training from those same men on how to work with their AIs?” I thought about it and shook my head no. “Would it not be wise to let them understand the history behind those proud men?” it took me a moment to realize she was right. “Would it not be best for our new Brothers and Sisters to know of their forebear’s history, besides those of the Temple orders they have given their lives to?” I really have to think on this one, but again I have to agree. “Now, lastly, I want you to think about what you, yourself said earlier. How they are the first true Temple for the Death Dealers in all of history. Do you really think that our students won’t go looking for this information themselves? Would it not be better for them to learn it from those who understand it, and not some outsider?”

  “As always mama, you have seen and understood more than I have. Yes, it would be better if they learned the history from an insider.” I gave a sigh as I realized just how right she was. These young men and women of the new Temple of Ida-ten were Death Dealers, and there was no denying this fact. I was the one who had set all this in motion, so I damned well better do it right.

  Maiha, I hate to tell you this, but I just got a report back from one of the new AIs. (Dee De)

  “How bad is it?”

  Ummm… We might not have enough armor plate for the conversions. (Dee De)

  “Excuse me what do you mean we might not have enough armor plate for the conversions? There is enough armor plate out there to reskin an entire company of assault class APS’s.”

  Incorrect commander, there is only enough armor for three platoons of heavy APS’s. (Charlie)

  “Charlie that is beside the point. There should be enough armor plate to take care of all the students at this school. They only need two hundred pounds per student.”

  Commander as of this moment, between the four schools there are over the original estimate of eight hundred volunteers. (Charlie)

  “What the hell do you mean four schools?” I must have said this out load as mama gave me a strange look. And asked what I was talking about. I quickly told mama what Dee De and Charlie had told me.

  “Maiha, do you remember when the Headmaster for Jacob Salomon asked if you were going to include the colleges?” I thought back to that conversation and quickly remember the reference.

  “Oh shit! Mama, I think this whole experiment just started to snowball on us. But how did the older girls and boys find out about what we’re doing here?” Dee De gave me that answer by flashing an inter-school e-mail between the students. I quickly sent it to mama so we could both read it at the same time.

  To: all students

  From: the Daughters of the Dragon

  Subject: Do you want your Freedom?

  For the past thirty years we have suffered at the hands of our parents, the so called legal system, the local crime bosses, and most especially the Imperial Temple Elders. We have been told that we are worthless. That we are to never been seen or heard. We have had our rights trampled upon. To this we say no more.

  If you would gain your freedom from those who would be your oppressors then come and stand by our side. Join with us in the service of the Temple of Ida-ten in one of its four orders. Use your right to Religious Awakening to escape the bonds of slavery and oppression.

  If you would be a Brother or Sister post your name at the web-link listed below. Before you do, understand this is a calling, we are not out for revenge. If that is what you seek go elsewhere. The Temple of Ida-ten is dedicated to the pursuit of Justice. We have no place in our ranks for the cruel and power hungry. We seek Balance, not to Rule. We are Healers, not destroyers. We seek Peace and Harmony, not war. We do not make war for war sake, but to restore Peace. If these are what you seek then stand before our Holy Reverend Mother’s and Father’s and ask for their blessings to join us.


  Daughter of the Dragon, the Imperial Princess, Grand Duchess of Isère, Baroness of the First Light

  Daniela Novena Della Dan

  “Oh Shit!” we both said at the same time as we read the e-mail. The look I got from mama matched the one I was giving her. Almost as one we both engaged the link to the respons
e site. What I saw there made me want to crap my panties. I don’t know when, where, or how they had the time to do this, but I can only guess that it was Susan who setup the site. Going across was the names of all four of the original orders, and what they stood for. And what they want to accomplish with the reforming of the Temple orders.

  “Dee De, give me a count on how many are on those four list’s.”

  At current there are six hundred and five, with all of the students from JES already on either the Nightingale or Dragons Daughters list. So far there are only two hundred and thirty eight boys from JS. Of those one hundred and eight have joined the Brotherhood of Balance, while the rest have signed up to be members of the Black Swords. (Dee De)

  I think it over for a minute then make up my mind.

  “Dee De, place a fifth column up on the site for only one hundred and fifty members. Name it the Order of Mars and open it up to the following people only. They must be nineteen years of age, have one year of college, and a basic understanding of APS and halo piloting.”

  I watch as Dee De makes the requested changes to the site. Even as I was dictating the changes to Dee De the two columns for the Brotherhoods added at least another hundred names. At this rate every last student from the two regular schools will have signed their names to those lists. If the college students start to sign up it will boost our numbers beyond my wildest imagination. Looking over at mama I can see she doesn’t approve of using the network to recruit the members for our Temple of Ida-ten.

  “Well, mama, you did say we needed an army to correct this mess. It looks like we are about to get one, wither we want it or not.”

  Chapter 11

  By the time for dinner had rolled around all five columns were full. The fact that there are one hundred and fifty college age students who were qualified Power Suit and Halo pilots did surprise me. These were not the normal occupations for High Family children. Sure some would learn how to be APS pilots, but most would never see the inside of the cockpit for one of those war machines. They would be doctors, lawyers, anything, but a soldier or common laborer. Oh no that is beneath them. How dare they look to be something outside of what their families have decreed for them to be?

  At present the potential members for the five orders is well over fifteen hundred. In short the entire student body of all four schools. If I had enough AP Suits and Halo aircraft I could put two whole Calvary Regiments in the field. How in the name of the Nine Hells did this get so out of control? Then I remember what got all this started. The Cardinal Richelieu and his private army known as the Orders of the Black Rose and Crimson Shield. That man has been the bane of these young men and women for far too long. I wonder how many of them took their own lives just to escape his manipulations.

  As I and mama walk toward the dining hall we see some of the freshman students outside directing everyone toward the gymnasium. When we get to them I ask what they are doing.

  “Mrs. Nakatoma’s, the Headmasters for our school and Jacob Solomon have decided to hold a joint dinner this evening in the gym. This is so everyone who has signed up to join the Temple can meet the two of you and the rest of the new Sisters. Oh, and Doctor Brim has asked that the two of you, your family, plus the current members of the two Sisterhoods all wear your ceremonial robes and swords.”

  Looking over at mama and her looking at me, I shrug my shoulders and head back to my room to change. We find Alice, Fuyuko, and the twins along with Gin, Kina, and Nia already there waiting for us. Once inside I decide to get some answers that my little sister should be able to provide, starting with that damn e-mail.

  “Alright you three, which one of you put the bug in Daniela’s ear for the e-mail? Don’t bother with trying to con your way out of it, Daniela, Susan, and Lisa, won’t even think about something like that without asking me first. So I know that it was one of you three who gave the go ahead, so start talking.”

  The tone of my voice must have been a little harder than I meant it to be, but I was pissed. I had wanted to try and keep this small to start with just a few hundred members at first. Instead I have over fifteen hundred people wanting to join the Temple of Ida-ten. Instead of a peaceful resurgence of a once peaceful Temple, it had turned into a full blown, all out revolt to the powers to be. There is no way Cardinal Richelieu and the other Temple Elder can just let us get strong enough to challenge their power in the Halls of Temple Hill. With over a thousand members in the Temple of Ida-ten there is no way for them to deny our voice.

  “But sissy, you said that you wanted to try doing this in a peaceful manner. This way they have to let us have a voice in the Halls of Temple Hill. Don’t you see, by using their own laws against them? With this many members they can’t call us some fringe religious cult filled with nutcases. We now have true standing as a full Temple of the Empire. We past the minimum requirement when we got the one thousand members within the total orders. You almost derailed our plan with that fifth order you put up there.” Fuyuko was talking fast and furious for some reason.

  “Now, why didn’t you just tell me that beforehand? Mama and I almost wet our panties seeing that e-mail. By the way when did you come up with that little idea? There was no way you could have just thought it up on the fly, I know you three too well. That message had had way too much detail and passion in it to be thought up on the fly. So give me the full details of your plan.”

  This time it was quiet Nanami who stepped up to the plate. “Please, sissy, don’t be mad at them it was my idea for the e-mail.”

  “I’m not mad, Nanami. What I am is hurt that you three thought that you had to go behind my back with your idea. Now please explain all this to me, as I do not have your experience with the ways of the Temples or their laws.”

  It took her a moment to really grasp what I was telling her, but once Nanami understood she giggled before nodding her head. “Within the laws of the Imperial Temple there is a minimum number for all Temples. Any family can have what is known as a Family Temple like we do back at the compound; however they can only remain as free independent Temples so long as they do not exceed the twelve hundred maximum. You see most family compounds have nowhere as large a population as ours. Now, if our Family Temple was dedicated to only the following of one faith we would have to join the Imperial Temples. However as our Temple has multiple faiths that worship within its walls we have nowhere near the twelve hundred maximum of any one faith. Now, with all five of the orders that are within the Temple of Ida-ten it exceeds the twelve hundred cap. Before you ask all of the orders within the Knights of Ida-ten are followers of that God in one form or another.”

  “So you’re telling me that because we have over fifteen hundred members the Imperial Temples must allow us to join them?”

  “That is exactly what I am telling you. I am surprised that mama didn’t think of it. This way the Cardinal Richelieu can’t declare us an outlaw cult without first giving us a chance to place our faith before the Temple Elder for examination, and allowing us to defend our stance of that faith. Don’t you see we are using their own rules against them? He can’t just can’t declare war on the new Temple or outlaw it without first allowing us to state our case before the Temple Elders.” When Nanami finished I was floored by the very line of attack that they had taken. I have spent way too much time on the battlefield. The very fact that there was a way to hurt Richelieu outside of all-out war had escaped me.

  Then again they were working from an area they have far more experience in than I do. When I looked over at mama I could tell she was so wanted to do a face plant into the nearest wall. From the looks of things she hadn’t even thought of this route either. The fact that she had been the Temple voice for our Family Temple for so long that was all she thought about when it came to Temple sizes and their placement in the Imperial Temples. The more I think about what my family has managed to pull off the more I need a drink.

  “Gin, please tell me that you remember to pack at least one bottle of Scotch?”

p; Hearing this Gin just nodded her head and walked over to mine and Alice’s big closet. Opening it up, she then reached up to the back of the top shelf. I watched as she pulled out four things. A fifth of Fifty year old Scotch, two highball glasses, a pack of Empire Gold cigarettes, and a smokeless ashtray. After putting all four items on the coffee table in my room she poured both me and mama a tall glass of the alcohol. She then opened the cigarettes handing one to me then mama, after which she lit them for us before handing us the glasses of alcohol. At my look of thanks she just smiled.

  “My Lady, I thought ahead this time. I figured that sooner or later you would need one or the other, if not both, with this endeavor you have taken up. Besides, I’ll be truthful; we didn’t want to be anywhere near you with all that is going if you didn’t have these guilty pleasures.”

  It takes a few second for what she just said and its implications to sink in. once it does though my family start to giggle then laugh out load. “HEY! I am not that bad, damn it. Just because I like to sit back with good Scotch and a smoke once in a while does not mean that I use that as a crutch.”

  Kina just gives me a look that says, ‘Yeah right, pulled the other leg.’ While Gin is just shaking her head as if denying my statement like she would a small child. However it was Nia who was most vocal of my most trusted advisors.

  “Lady Maiha, a very wise man once said. ‘You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.’ Personally I prefer the words though of another great man you might have heard of General George S. Patton Jr. ‘Don’t bullshit the troops.’”

  Looking at the three of them standing there and then over at my giggling family I take a moment and think about what Nia said. “You know what you guys. To hell with it. The truth is the truth. I can be a real witch at times, and yes I do need these little breaks from the storm every now and then. Thank you ladies, once again you have shown me why a Lady never argues with her maids, especially her Lady’s maids.”


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