Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time

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Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time Page 4

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Hearing Thoth speak, Elric couldn't help but wonder if the ancient one was speaking from experience. But he refused to back down, and he rose to his feet, looking down his nose at the wizard in princely fashion. “Just make sure Rena is safe, and keep those incubus lowlifes away from her.”

  As Elric made his way back to the kitchen, Thoth noticed a short ebony woman enter the diner, and watched as she approached the man cautiously. Noticing Elric's aura changing from mystical purple to fiery red (the color of raw passion, his eyes narrowed. Focusing his attention on the woman, he could clearly make out the blue and green shades of her aura, which implied sadness and mistrust. A moment later, and the young woman handed Elric what he guessed was an application for employment.

  As the woman turned and left, he watched Elric closely, noting the wistful look on his face. “Seems you're as lonely as I am, young prince. After the Ball, I may do a little overtime matchmaking.” he muttered. Snapping his fingers, a black envelope with gold lettering materialized. Placing the envelope on the table, he snapped his fingers one more time, then placed the hundred dollar bill on top.

  Rising to his feet, Thoth slid the sunglasses back on and left. He had several more stops to make in the next few days, concerning the upcoming Ball.


  Chapter 4

  Smiling to herself, Rena still couldn't believe it. She, a slightly chunky 'nobody' waitress, was going to the most exclusive party in town, a Ball held only once a year, at Halloween. After her boss Elric had (surprisingly) encouraged her to accept the invitation and attend the event, he had even given her an advance so she could afford a nice costume. Now all I need to do is get a costume together that will look halfway decent on me! She thought. Finally making it to the top landing, Ms. Skeet appeared almost out of thin air, making her yelp in surprise.

  “Did you forget I have something special for you, baby?” The old woman's sherry eyes twinkled mischievously.

  Putting her hand on her chest and hoping to calm her racing heart, Rena thought for perhaps the hundredth time that Ms. Skeet had a knack for sneaking up on her. Even at her advanced age, the woman could tread more lightly than a cat. “Hi, Ms. Skeet. No, I didn't forget. Anyway, Elric whipped you up something special.” she said, holding up a large, greasy brown bag. “Fried catfish, hush puppies with onions, cole slaw, baked mac and cheese, and blackberry cobbler. He said he has to keep his favorite girl-girl healthy.” she laughed, thinking about how ever since Elric had first met Ms. Skeet, he had always seemed to go out of his way to make her something special. And free of charge, to boot.

  “Lord bless him. I think that big white man's got a little soul in him, too.” the older woman chuckled. Reaching up, she patted the younger woman's cheek gently. “Honey, you're such a treasure, always making sure I eat and get what I need. Very soon you'll be rewarded.” Taking the bag from her, she used her free hand to grab Rena's, leading her into the apartment.

  Following her inside, Rena marveled (as always) at the frail looking woman's strength, watching as she placed the greasy bag on the coffee table.

  “Come, I have something for you, I was just rummaging around in my trunks before you came.”

  “Trunks?” Rena asked.

  “Things from my sideshow days, back when I had a nice set of curves like yours.” she chuckled again.

  Ambling along behind her to the back room, the usual scent of sweet honey (with a touch a spice) relaxed Rena. It was an amber resin the older woman burned often, and she had always loved it.

  Releasing the younger woman's hand, Ms. Skeet leaned over an open antique trunk and plucked up a beautiful white dress. Trimmed in gold, the dress was slit up the thigh, and with the attached veils, Rena guessed the garment would touch the floor if she put it on. It was stunningly gorgeous, and reminded her of a painting of a Greek Goddess she had seen long ago at an art exhibit.

  “I wore this during my readings, thought it gave me a more mystical look.” Ms. Skeet laughed. “Not only that, but the young fellas would be drooling when they saw me dolled-up in this get-up. I know you'll have them chasing you in this, too. And if you release your beautiful cloud of hair with this, you would look like a Goddess. I always wanted to save this for a daughter, but, well... you're like a daughter to me, so...”

  Humbled and touched by the woman's words and generosity, Rena accepted the gift reverently, gazing at it as if seeing The Hope Diamond for the first time.

  Reaching back into the trunk, Ms. Skeet produced a golden Tiara (which was crafted after grape leaves), which she also handed to Rena.

  “Ms. Skeet, I'm touched, and I want you to know that you're family to me as well, but I can't accept this, really.” she stammered. “These should be...I don't know, heirlooms or something, kept only in your immediate family. You speak so fondly about your travels and adventures with the sideshow when you were younger, you or one of your real descendants should be cherishing these.”

  “Child, if I didn't want you to have them I wouldn't have given them to you.” she replied firmly, then shuffled back into the living room with Rena in tow, where they both sat on the couch.

  “Well, thank you, thank you so much! As a matter of fact, not only will this be perfect, but the timing was perfect as well.”

  “Perfect timing?” the older woman queried.

  “Ms. Skeet, I was going to tell you earlier, before you gave me this. I got an invitation to the Whitman Plantation Halloween Ball!” she gushed, pulling an elegant black envelope with gold lettering from her pocket.

  Clapping her hands with all the excitement of a school girl on prom night, Ms. Skeet motioned for her to show her the invitation. “Wonderful! Let me see. How did you get it? “

  Handing her the envelope, Rena explained the evening's events to her, culminating with, “And then this dashing older gentleman by the name of Thoth Crowley came into the diner. Long story short, he gave it to me. It was weird, really. He...”

  The radiant smile falling off the older woman's face at the speed of light, she gasped, “Thoth? Thoth came into the diner? He was the one who gave you the invitation?”

  Nodding, Rena smiled a bit uneasily, alarmed by her friend's reaction. “Yes. Why, do you know him? He's very handsome, and a real flirt, too.” she replied, her face heating up at the memory of the man's bold sexual innuendos.

  “I met him some time ago. I guess you could say it was a lifetime ago.” she replied grimly as a faraway, yet sad look suddenly clouded her features. Shaking her head after a moment, she appeared to be gathering her thoughts. “Well, enough of that. Anyway, I think that dress and tiara will be perfect. You can go as a Goddess, and we can finally show off that beautiful hair of yours. I always thought you should wear it free, not bound up like an old spinster. Maybe some high heeled gold shoes too, and some sexy underthings.”

  Suddenly feeling giddy again, Rena gushed, “We can go shopping tomorrow, get the extra things I'll need. Somehow I sense it's going to be an evening I'll never forget as long as I live.”


  Chapter 5

  Climbing the wide, steep stairs, Thoth suddenly felt his true age for the first time in eons, as the knowledge of his mission weighed heavily on him. Although he could have easily teleported himself to wherever he needed to be, the mundane tasks of doing physically demanding things (such as simply climbing a steep flight of stairs) had always kept him 'grounded', oddly enough.

  As he made his way inside the mansion, his extraordinary sense of hearing picked up snippets of conversation from every direction, chatter about the party, coming from the staff he had hired, all of them excited about what would take place, and the roles they would each play. There was always a buzz about the Ball, in fact, several far-traveling guests had already arrived, excited at the prospect of possibly meeting their true mate. Several had chosen to stay in the cottages out back, cottages that were once slave quarters, and that he personally had had renovated.

  Making his way to the private library on the second floor, where he knew his friend would be waiting, he reflected on the fact that it seemed to be the only place on the plantation the man seemed to be able to find some small measure of peace. My friend, I'm sorry you've been bound here for so long…He thought.

  The click of his expensive loafers echoing off the lavishly adorned walls, he finally came to a stop at the second heavy oak door on the right. Closing his eyes, he could sense the presence of his friend inside. Opening the door, he stepped inside and shut it behind him. Beginning to chant, he felt his powers building. His powers, his birthright as the child of a human warlock, and his mother Hecate, an ancient one who was said to be in control of death and life. It was also said she had been tricked into conceiving him, by Sethos, an evil warlock.

  “Guardians of the Spirit realm, hear and

  guide my plea. Bring my friend Gavin

  to me.

  Other souls who hear my call are not

  welcome in this place. Only the one

  known as Gavin St Cloud may enter the


  Guardians allow him to roam on until the

  Witching hour on All Hallows Eve.” He chanted.

  The room suddenly reeking of sulfur, the temperature dropped so much so his breath came out in subzero puffs. In the blink of an eye, a tall, ruggedly handsome man appeared out of nowhere.

  “Why do you insist on bringing me to this realm every bleeding Halloween? I do NOT wish to take part in your fanciful party. I'm not one of your monsters, I'm not even real!!” Gavin huffed.

  Smiling, Thoth held out both arms, ignoring his friend's anger with good humor. “It's been a year since you materialized on this plane, and do you greet me properly? No. Instead, you appear like a whining shrew during childbirth.” Motioning his hands towards the man that had become the closest thing to a friend he had had in countless ages, he laughed, “Come on, give us a hug and tell me how much you missed me.”

  Glowering, Gavin growled like a wounded animal and said, “Like hell I'll hug you, you north-end of a south-bound jackass! Why can't you understand my pain!”

  With a heavy sigh, Thoth's arms dropped to his sides as he made his way to the large, gold Queen Ann chairs that sat by the fireplace. Gazing into the roaring fire that had been set to ward off the autumn chill that tended to settle in the large mansion, he muttered, “I was hoping this year you would want to take part in the Halloween merriment. It's time to love again my friend, you deserve that.”

  Hearing the sadness in his friend's voice, Gavin was silent for a moment, then spoke with equal sadness. “My chance at love died over one hundred years ago, when that harlot Mariotte murdered the woman I loved, and forever bound me to this place.” Making his way to the fireplace as well, one calloused hand rested on the mantle as he too watched the dancing flames.

  Seating himself in one of the chairs, Thoth replied in a soft, yet agonized voice. “If I had known my step brother was consorting with Mariotte, I would have put a stop to it. That night one of my acolytes informed me of.... what they were doing. I got here as quickly as I could, but unfortunately, not soon enough to stop them from feasting on Knorr's soul.”

  Closing his eyes, Gavin touched his chest over the spot where his aching heart was beating. “Feeling this is why I never wanted to take physical form! I hate coming back year after year, knowing my Knorr can never come to me.”

  Silent for several moments, Thoth recounted the events of that tragic evening, and just as he did every year, wondered what he had did wrong, and how he might have prevented it. “Sadly, the power my step brother Erebos bestowed upon Mariotte drove the hag mad. She fed on the souls of the slaves. If I hadn't stopped to bring Lilith back, I may have been able to save Knorr. I'm so sorry, my friend.” he said. After he had saved the beautiful slave woman, Lilith, he had then searched for his brother, and, finding him years later, had imprisoned him in the lowest level of the Underworld for taking Knorr's soul.

  Looking at him, Gavin was silent for several moments as well. The immortal wizard, he had learned over the past century, had existed for thousands of years as a black wizard, the most feared in his own realm, but was now an equalizer of sorts between the forces of good and evil. He had been banished to this earthly plane after he had fallen in love with a mortal woman. He had chosen a mere human over a powerful enchantress, who had taken great offense to him choosing a human over her. She had murdered the woman, then lured the unsuspecting, grieving Thoth into a trap, binding him here just as surely as he himself was bound. However, after learning the truth, Thoth had (with the help of another powerful wizard) in-turn tricked the murdering enchantress himself, casting her into the same level of Hell as he had his brother. He also suspected that the wizard (understanding his own pain) had secluded himself, except for this one event every year, hoping to figure out a way to save Knorr. Which he knew was hopeless. Her soul had been devoured, literally, over a century earlier. “My friend, it was good you saved Lilith, it would have been Knorr's wish for her sister to survive that horrible night.”

  “Just as well, I'm sure it would have been your sweet Knorr's wish for you to find love and peace, to be released form this place.” Thoth countered in a soft voice.

  Not knowing what to say, Gavin was silent again.

  “If you open your heart to love just one more time, I can use the resurrection spell. It's the only way to release you from this place, my friend. But you MUST open yourself, I cannot do it for you. Think of it, you too would be physically immortal, and so would your mate. You could be away from here, free to love, and have a family.”

  Shaking his head sadly, Gavin didn't think he had the ability to love again, and doubted any woman could reawaken his soul. “No, I couldn't do that to Knorr. She gave her soul for me. How could I love another when she gave her very soul for me? To save ME!” he nearly wailed.

  Frustrated, Thoth wanted more than ever for all the cursed and the damned (of a benign spirit) to have a mate. He himself knew how lonely it could be on this realm, but immortality without love could drive even an immortal insane. “Look, just... mingle at the Ball, enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. I know a succubus or two who can please you in ways you never dreamed were possible. They can be a bit clingy, but I can and will protect you. Or how about a trio of wood nymphs, they're always up for anything.”

  “Enjoy your Ball, my friend.” Gavin sighed, then slowly disappeared. Although he possessed a physical body, at least until the clock struck twelve on All Hallows Eve, he could choose his form at will in the meantime.


  Chapter 6

  Halloween Evening

  “Now, this is a special mixture that was passed down to me from my mother, it's a special rose water, with Cardamom, patchouli, and sandalwood. Women in my family have been using this for generations, and it's guaranteed to get any man’s attention. It's very subtle, not like those skunky perfumes they sell these days. One day I'll pass the means of making it down to you.” Ms. Skeet told Rena as she held out a tiny, but exquisite bottle with a round base and a stunning gilt porcelain stopper. Embossed here and there on the bottle itself were tiny yellow peach roses.

  “It's beautiful. It looks so old.” Rena said, running one finger carefully over the porcelain container, fearing she would accidentally break the keepsake.

  Pulling the stopper off, the older woman closed her eyes she and inhaled deeply, then released a pleasurable sigh. “The bottle itself here is a gift from an old admirer. He said the peach roses painted on the bottle reminded him of me. He told me they symbolize modesty. That it was a bashful modestly that needs to be expressed, the delicate feeling of traits those many years ago.” she smiled, finally handing the bottle to Rena. “Yes, it seems like a lifetime ago.

  “That's beautiful, sounds like he was a romantic man.” Rena replied in a soft voice. Taking a sniff of the subtle perfume herself, she smiled. The old woman w
as right, it smelled almost intoxicating.

  “Now that you've taken that milk bath, your skin will be soft as a baby's behind. Just pour the rose water in your hands, then rub it all over your body.” Waving for her younger charge to get busy, Ms. Skeet said, “We still have to curl your hair and get you dressed, the Limo your Mr. Thoth is sending will be here in about an hour and a half.”

  With a vigorous nod, Rena set about preparing for what she sensed would be an unforgettable evening.


  Later, at The Whitman Plantation

  As the convoy of limousines (hers being the seventh of twelve) arrived at their destination, Rena's mouth fell open as she took in the sight of the beautiful mansion. On the large front lawn were dozens of brightly lit jack-o’-lanterns of various sizes, some of them sporting humorous faces, others frightening.


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