Draco: Book Two of The Stardust Series

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Draco: Book Two of The Stardust Series Page 8

by Autumn Reed

Suddenly feeling shy, I replied, “Nice to meet you. I’m Haley.”

  “Haley, you’re friends with Theo? Why haven’t I seen you around before?”

  My throat closed up with nerves as it always did when I had to talk about myself with a stranger. “Oh, um, I just recently moved to town.”

  “Well then, where is our Santa Cruz hospitality? We can’t let a pretty girl go thirsty, and I noticed you need a refill.” Devin motioned to my empty glass.

  He held a short glass with reddish-pink liquid and a lime wedge. “It’s a vodka cranberry. I’m told girls love them,” he said with a big smile.

  Not wanting to appear rude, I accepted the drink, and he took my empty glass from my hands.

  “Thank you.”

  I played with the straw, wondering what to say next. It wasn’t that I felt the need to escape. In fact, I was surprised by how much I was enjoying myself. I was beginning to think that I had overreacted about this whole party thing. Why had I thought it was so hard to talk to people?

  I started to take a sip of the drink when all of a sudden, a hard, muscular arm wrapped around my waist, and a hand plucked the drink from my hands. Inundated with a familiar masculine scent, I knew at once it was Knox.

  He growled in my ear. “No accepting drinks from strangers, Haley.”

  Devin scowled at Knox. “What’s your problem, dude?”

  “My problem is that I don’t know you. Come on, Haley, I’ll get you another drink.”

  Knox put his hand on my lower back and directed me through the crowd. I looked back at Devin and shrugged my shoulders. There was no stopping Knox when he had his mind made up.

  “You should probably just have another mojito. You don’t want to mix liquors when you’re not used to drinking. And seriously, Haley. Never take a drink from someone you don’t know, and don’t leave your drink unattended either. Got it?” His forehead wrinkled with concern, and I had to hold in a laugh. He was so darn cute in overprotective mode.

  “Yes, Knox. I got it.”

  He looked through ingredients on the bar, mumbling under his breath. Does he even know how to make a mojito?

  Liam appeared, shooing Knox away from the bar. “Please do not tell you me you’re trying to make Haley a drink.” He faced me, flashing his brilliant smile. “What’ll it be, love?”

  “Oh, thank god,” Knox muttered, before sending me a small grin and walking away.

  “A mojito, please.”

  “Excellent choice.”

  As he gathered the ingredients, he gave me a long look. “I’m glad we finally get to spend time together. You’re the belle of the ball with all the attention you’re getting this evening.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve basically only talked to Jackson, Knox, and Theo. Well, and Devin, but that was only for a minute.”

  Liam laughed. “You’re so adorable. You have no idea how many guys have their eye on you, do you? Not that I can blame them. You look bloody sensational in that dress.”

  I blushed. Again.

  A pretty blonde displaying a shocking amount of cleavage interrupted us, and I was almost grateful for the distraction. Almost.

  “Hey, Liam,” she purred as she leaned over the bar, showing off even more of her considerable assets. “You got something back there for me?”

  Surprisingly, Liam barely spared her a glance before shooting a half-hearted grin. “Sorry, my bartending skills are reserved for Haley tonight.”

  She cut her eyes to me, assessing, before turning back to Liam. “Too bad,” she said with a pout. “Come find me if you change your mind.” She sauntered off, her hips swaying with exaggerated movement.

  I snapped my jaw shut. “Wow, is that normal for you?”

  Liam just shrugged. “I’ve told you. The ladies love me.” Handing me the completed mojito, he changed the subject. “Why don’t we try to finagle a quiet spot over there,” he said, pointing to a couple of unoccupied chairs in the corner.

  Once we were seated, he angled his chair so that our knees just barely brushed. “Do you have your phone?”

  I very obviously looked down at my dress and then my hands that were only holding my drink. Sarcasm oozed out of my voice when I replied, “Yes, just let me retrieve it from my back pocket.”

  Liam ignored my tone. “That’s okay, I’ll show you on mine.”

  “Show me what?”

  “How to take a selfie, of course. You need to be able to send me pictures of yourself . . . the less clothes the better.”

  I smacked him on the arm, and his responding grin was mischievous and ridiculously appealing. “Kidding, kidding.”

  Using his iPhone, he explained the steps for taking a selfie and then suggested we take a practice shot. Liam moved his chair next to mine, then with one arm outstretched and the other wrapped around my back, he held the phone out in front of us and snapped a photo. I stayed surprisingly calm despite being practically cheek to cheek with Liam.

  When I saw the resulting photo, I had to admit that we looked cute. With Liam in his white shirt and me in my sapphire dress, we could easily be taken for a couple out on the town.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll text it to you. I’m sure you’ll want to save it as your wallpaper.”

  “Geez, Liam. I almost forgot how conceited you are. Thanks for reminding me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  When Liam became suddenly quiet, I wondered at the shift in the atmosphere. Twirling his signet ring, he stared down at it like it held the answers to global warming. What is going on with him? Deciding to wait it out, I took a sip of my drink and smoothed out the wrinkles in my dress.

  He finally spoke, and his words stunned me more than his silence had. “Haley, I wanted to ask you something.” He paused, “Will you accompany me to a fundraising gala on Halloween? It’s a work function, but there will be dancing, and you will get to wear an elaborate costume.”

  Shocked silent, I stared at him. Was he asking me out on a date? It sounded like it, but he also referred to the gala as a work function. Either way, I needed to give him an answer.

  Saying the only thing I could think of, I responded, “I don’t know how to dance.”

  Liam smiled one of his dazzling smiles. “I’ll take that as a yes. And don’t worry about the dancing; I’m great at leading.”

  Still surprised by his question, I couldn’t think of another excuse to refuse. Am I really going to a dance? With Liam of all people?

  I sensed a presence nearby and looked up to see Jackson watching us. “Liam, can I speak with you?”

  “Sure. Haley, you staying here?”

  “Actually, I’m going to head to the restroom. Would you mind holding my drink?”

  Reemerging from the hallway into the main living space, I was struck by the loft’s dramatic transformation. The lights were dimmer and the music louder. Full of people and noise, it was no longer my quiet escape, my home. Whoa, did I just call the loft my home?

  I didn’t have long to dwell on it because Knox nearly ran me over, and he did not look happy. Used to seeing him in jeans and a T-shirt, I was struck again by how good he looked tonight. Sure, his business casual attire was nice (and I had yet to see him wear the suit I found in his closet the day I was snooping around the loft), but the black motorcycle boots, leather belt and bracelets, and black button-down shirt rolled to the elbows suited him to a T. His dark jeans hugged his muscular thighs without looking tight or trendy, and man, did his butt look good.

  He passed by quickly, barely noticing me as he marched off. Knox is kind of hot when he’s angry; well, when he’s not angry at me. I smirked. No, even then.

  Alone for the first time in a while, I took advantage of the opportunity to people watch once more. On closer inspection of the crowd, I noticed a shift since the last time I had looked around. Several couples had paired off, and Theo’s raven-haired friend was selecting records to play and dancing around the coffee table.

  I turne
d my head when I heard the chanting of, “Shot. Shot. Shot. Shot.” A few seconds later, Theo and several of his friends downed a small glass of liquor before banging their glasses on the counter. Most of the food was now gone, picked over, and the kitchen was littered with an assortment of items, the normally clean counters cluttered.

  When Theo spotted me looking at him, he called out to me. “Haley! Come over here,” he said, as he waved me over with an overly dramatic movement. He was even more enthusiastic and happy than normal, and I wondered just how much he’d had to drink.

  I hesitantly walked over to Theo and his group, hoping they wouldn’t try to make me take a shot. Theo smiled and extended a hand, palm upturned in invitation. I placed my hand in his before he raised my arm over my head and then spun me around to do a twirl before pulling me in close to his body. It was such a fluid, almost automatic motion, that it seemed natural.

  With his arm wrapped around me, and the heady combination of his woodsy-citrus scent, I was speechless. I stood transfixed by his freckles, and with those fiery green eyes and russet hair, ugh, he could make a girl weak at the knees.

  Theo grinned and squeezed me lightly. “You’re so pretty, Haley,” he said before giving me a quick peck on the cheek and releasing me. Stunned by the impromptu affection, my cheeks burned as I blinked rapidly.

  Theo’s friends called for another round of shots and fortunately, Liam reappeared with my drink. I felt pleasant, like I was floating, and there was a golden glow about the room; everyone seemed so happy.

  Except for maybe Jackson. He hadn’t looked pleased when he’d pulled Liam aside earlier. “Liam, what happened to Jackson? Everything okay?”

  Liam stiffened so slightly that I wondered if I imagined it. “Nothing to worry about; just work stuff. He’s over there with Chase,” he said, pointing toward my favorite armchair.

  I got a glimpse of Jackson in the chair with Penny at his feet, but my focus zeroed in on the leggy girl sitting on the arm of the chair, leaning in so that her chest was practically at his eye level. Fortunately, he was looking the other direction talking to Chase; otherwise he’d unquestionably get an eyeful. Her intent, no doubt. What is up with the girls at this party? Or is it normal for every pretty girl to be so forward?

  “Earth to Haley!” Liam’s voice broke through my internal speculation, and I twisted my neck to look up at him; even with my cork wedges, he still towered over me. He glanced between my face then back to where Jackson was sitting. “You okay?’

  “Fine. I’m just getting tired.”

  If he noticed my fib, he ignored it. “You know, you don’t have to stay out here all night. The party will probably drag on for a few more hours. And we can’t have our party virgin overdoing it.” He smirked, and of course, I blushed at his use of “virgin.” I am so out of my league compared to the rest of the girls at this party.

  Once again proving my point at the opportune moment, a slim girl with magenta streaks in her blonde hair sauntered up to us, her sultry smile aimed at Liam. “Liam, right? We’re starting a game soon, and I’ve heard you’re quite the player.” She very obviously skimmed her eyes over his body. “You up for it?”

  His accent exaggerated, he responded, “Sorry, kitten. I’m getting ready to leave, but you have fun.”

  Without giving the girl a chance to respond, he tugged on my hand. “Come on, Haley. Walk me to the door.” Wow, did Liam blow off at least two beautiful girls tonight? He’s not exactly proving his player status right now.

  “Are you sure you want to leave with your adoring harem so willing to shower you with attention?”

  Liam chuckled, “I’m just one man; I can’t please them all.”

  He stopped near the door and leaned in close. “You know, you owe me a dinner.” He ran his fingers over a strand of my hair before resting his hand gently above my collarbone.

  My breath hitched at the contact, and I heard the tremor in my voice. “I do?”

  “Yes, it’s your punishment for having too much fun without me last weekend.”

  “So you admit that having dinner with you is a punishment?”

  Liam grinned before leaning in even closer and whispering in my ear, “Good night, gorgeous.” Without a backward glance, he opened the front door and left.


  I lingered at the front door for a moment before returning the party where everything seemed louder, more chaotic. I surveyed the scene, noticing people arguing, dancing, singing. The party was definitely starting to get out of hand, and the initial golden glow of my mojito was wearing off. My glass was almost empty, and I was very relaxed but also a little drowsy.

  Raucous laughter rang out, rising above the noise of the rest of the party. Turning toward the source, I noticed a large group sitting on the couches playing some sort of game. The coffee table was covered with bottles and glasses, most of them empty. Cards with words like “arm” and “tribal design” were strewn across the surface and scattered on the floor.

  The girl with magenta streaks in her hair leaned forward, her low-cut shirt flashing a black lace bra as a guy drew on her lower back with a marker. When I saw a box with the word “Ink’d: the Tattoo Guessing Game” it all made sense. I scanned the circle, embarrassed at the idea of the game as I noticed a number of players with suggestive tattoos drawn on various parts of their bodies.

  When a guest moved, I recognized Ethan sitting on the leather sofa, arm outstretched, glass resting in his hand. A knot formed in the pit of my stomach when I realized that a brunette girl with medium-length hair and loose waves sat perched on his thighs. I couldn’t see Ethan’s face, but from the few glimpses I got of the girl’s profile, she was certainly enjoying herself.

  Their easy intimacy made me uncomfortable. Does she really need to sit on his lap? They weren’t the only ones that looked cozy; a glance around the room revealed a number of couples leaning close together, touching and even kissing. Since I was pretty sure Ethan arrived alone, perhaps he had just met up with her tonight. Awesome. I had successfully managed to make myself feel even worse about the situation. I rolled my eyes before turning away. Whatever.

  My desire to be pleasant and talk with strangers was fading quickly. Unfortunately, the girl that had been buzzing around Theo all night walked up to me. Feeling slightly awkward about the peck and wondering what exactly their situation was, I braced myself for whatever conversation was coming.

  “Haley, right? I’m Kenzi.” I nodded and tried to smile.

  “Your hair is so pretty. Are those highlights? I love the brown with red coming through when light shines on it.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled, “just my natural color. Actually, I’ve been admiring your flawless makeup all night.”

  She grinned and looked downward, almost demurely, before speaking. “You seem so close to Theo; I’m surprised he’s never mentioned you.” She smiled as if she was being nice, but it was a little too forced, and I could read between the lines.

  “We haven’t known each other very long. But you know Theo; he’s never met a stranger.”

  “That’s true,” she said as I saw her peer in Theo’s direction. She sighed. “I just worry that his friendliness can sometimes give the wrong impression.” I didn’t like her tone, and I wasn’t in the mood to play games.

  “Really?” I smiled sweetly before continuing in a level voice. “Theo can be pretty vocal about his opinions. I should know—he tries to barge into my closet and select my clothes every morning.” I had the satisfaction of watching her jaw drop as I turned to walk the other way. I bit my lip; I had just been catty for the first time in my life, and I didn’t like the feeling.

  My initial ideas about tonight were correct—partying wasn't for me, and I had stuck around longer than was perhaps wise. I was tired of the party and tired in general. Figuring I made enough of an appearance to satisfy Theo, and positive he wouldn’t even notice my disappearance in his current state, I decided to sneak off to bed. I glanced around once more, sha
king my head at the scene. Definitely time for bed.

  Looking forward to stretching out beneath my clean sheets, I moved wordlessly through the crowd, trying not to attract notice or conversation. But as I walked toward the hallway to my bedroom, a sight on the upstairs walkway stopped me dead in my tracks. I did a double-take, hoping I wasn’t actually seeing Knox, but his broad shoulders and dirty blond hair were unmistakable.

  With one arm on the banister, the other encircled the waist of a tall, curvy blonde in a short, tight dress. Their bodies were pressed together, his lips hovering close to the bombshell’s ear as she leaned into him. The sight made me recoil like I’d taken a punch to the gut, and when I heard the girl giggle loudly, I forced myself to look away.

  I didn’t want to see any more and stalked off down the hall to my room, more than ready for the night to be over. But when I twisted the handle, I found the door locked. Refusing to return to the party and frustrated that I couldn’t even retreat to my room, I stomped out to the back patio, hoping it would at least be empty. All the while, I felt like I was going to explode.

  Pacing around the patio, my cork wedges pounded the pavement beneath me as my dress swished dramatically about my thighs. Sheesh, Haley. What did you expect—that you were living in a perfect little bubble with six super hot guys that only have eyes for you?

  If their assignment to find my dad hadn’t gone so wrong, I would never even have met Ethan, Knox, Jackson, Liam, Theo, and Chase. I often thought about how they crashed into my life, but I failed to consider that I had also invaded theirs. Tonight’s party made that abundantly clear; no matter how much I saw them as my guys, they weren’t.

  Sure, Liam had invited me to the fundraising gala, but that was a work function, so it didn’t seem right to call it a date. And Theo kissed me on the cheek, but he was so tipsy by that point, he probably would have kissed the refrigerator and called it pretty. I had to remind myself that to them I was an obligation, and for me, this was a temporary stop on the road to finding my dad.

  My mind spinning in circles, I flung my hair back from my face before extracting the remaining strands from my lipgloss. I sucked in a deep breath, releasing it with a loud sigh. What they did with other girls was none of my business; I had no real claim on them, no right to be upset.


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