ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance)

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ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance) Page 2

by Natalie Frost

  Once they reached the center of the room, he pulled her into him. “I’ve never met anyone like you before,” he leaned in and whispered in her ear.

  The feeling of his warm breath against her skin sent a shiver running down her spine.

  “I could say the same,” she replied, breathless.

  “You skin is so soft,” he observed, running his hands up and down her arms.

  She pressed herself into him. She could feel his heart beating in his chest—or maybe it was hers.

  “Something about you makes me want to devour you,” he whispered harshly.

  “Then do it,” she dared him playfully.

  He pushed her back and held her at arms’ length, “take off your clothes,” he ordered her.

  Her hands shaking and her heart nearly beating out of her chest, she did as he said. She liked his authoritative air. It only served to cause her attraction to him to stir even more deeply inside her.

  She quickly began to undress, letting her clothes fall to a pile around her, revealing her naked body to him.

  He ran his fingers over her skin, starting at her shoulders, and slowly making his way down her body. He stopped, momentarily, when he reached her breasts, taking them in his hands, and running his thumbs back and forth along her nipples. A tingling sensation filled her, and she let out a soft gasp.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this, you know,” he said, leaning in to once again whisper in her ear as he let his hands slide further down her body.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, breathless with anticipation.

  “It’s one of the rules. We’re not supposed to engage in relations with the subject.”

  Wrapping his left arm around her waist, he let his right hand fall to the place between her legs. She was thankful that he was holding her because the feeling of pleasure that consumed her almost made her knees buckle.

  “But I don’t care about the rules right now,” he said, his voice low. “I want you, Chelsea.”

  Her breathing heavy she tried to focus on his words. But, she couldn’t. The feeling of his touch was causing her to shake and her body filled with an insatiable lust.

  “Why me?” she finally asked, almost breathlessly.

  “I told you,” he said, pulling away from her and once again observing her, naked and shaking in the soft light, “you’re different.”

  “Oh,” she said as he began to pull his shirt off over his head. His strong, defined chest and perfectly formed abdomen only caused her longing to be with him to increase.

  He reached out and pulled her to him, lying back onto the soft, grass ground. The sky above them was filled with stars, but she didn’t notice.

  All she could think of was the feeling of his warm skin pressed against hers. She reached her hand down, slowly undoing the snaps of his pants. As she did, he kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear. The feeling of his breath against her skin again made it hard to focus on anything else.

  “Let me,” he said, reaching down and finishing her work for her. Once he had slipped out of his own pants, their bodies came together again. When he pushed himself inside her, she felt warmth explode through her.

  As he brushed against every possible part of her, she felt her toes begin to curl and the air around them become filled with a charged heat. She dug her nails into his back, pulling him down closer to her. Sinking her teeth into his shoulder, she felt her body shudder with release.

  The experience of being with him was unlike any she had before. He left her weak and numb, unable to move and not wanting to. She just wanted to lay there, his arms wrapped around her, her face buried in his chest. She barely knew him, but in that moment all she wanted was to stay with him forever.


  Silas began to come to her room every day. He could never stay for long. He explained that that would cause too much suspicion.

  “I can’t stay away from you,” he confessed to her. “My kind we’re always serious, focused and dedicated. When I’m with you, it’s like I’m relaxed—for the first time ever.”

  She laughed a lot with him, and he even started to smile more frequently. They talked about her, mainly. She shared her life story with him, talking about her family, and where she grew up. She ended with the depressing reality that was her current situation.

  She found herself missing him when he wasn’t there. She thought about him at night, and she had wanted to ask him more about himself, and his kind. The only things he ever said about them were almost haunting.

  She couldn’t be certain that they had always been such a hard people. Silas did know that since the crisis on their planet started, over a hundred Earth years prior, survival became the only thing that mattered.

  She had been on the ship for, what she guessed to be, two weeks. Their arrival to their planet was abrupt. She got no warning or indication that they were getting close. She became suspicious when Silas stopped his visits. Her thoughts were confirmed when the women who were seeing after her came to her room one day, and, without a word, ushered her away.

  As they walked slowly down the long hall, others fell in line with them. They were all whimpering, crying, and asking what was going to happen next. She exchanged glances with a few of them, their eyes filled with terror. Why wasn’t she scared like they were? Should she be?

  She didn’t have time to consider these questions further because she was pushed outside a large door, and down a long, wide ramp. The air outside of the ship was fresh and light. It had the same, if not more intense, sweet taste that she experienced upon waking up.

  Looking around, Chelsea was awe-shocked by what she saw. It was beautiful—simply breathtaking. Everywhere she looked she saw color—green, orange, red, purple. It seemed like there were plants everywhere, some of the most beautiful plants she had ever seen.

  Directly in front of them was a large cliff that seemed to reach up into the sky and disappear. There were no buildings, no cars or houses.

  “Where is everyone?” she asked the woman who was leading her towards the massive stone structure ahead.

  The woman didn’t say anything but gestured ahead. She wasn’t telling her to continue moving, though. She was giving her an answer.

  Looking in the direction she pointed, Chelsea saw that up high, tucked into the side of the cliff were caves. Inside the branches of the trees that were growing out the sides of the stone, she could see movement.

  She turned around to face the woman again, a million questions forming in her mind. As she did, her eyes landed on Silas. He was walking not far behind them, and she shot him a sly smile. His eyes lit up, slightly, although his face remained stern.

  She watched as he quickened his pace and moved to the front of the group. Once he was there, he stopped, and everyone following him did the same. He didn’t speak, but with a quick nod, all the workers on the ship stepped forward.

  The air around them suddenly became filled with a burning heat. Chelsea felt like she couldn’t breathe from the combination of the heavy, intense temperature and the smoke that seemed to appear from nowhere.

  When the air once again returned to normal, and the smoke cleared, she couldn’t believe what she saw around her. She blinked hard, trying to process it.

  Silas, the woman who was guiding them and all the others from their planet had transformed. They had transformed into dragons. They were all varying colors, sizes, and even shapes. But, there was no doubt that they were dragons.

  One of the scale-covered beasts moved over to her. The steps were heavy and shook the ground under her feet. The animal leaned forward and waited for her to climb up onto its back. She did, as did the other still human around her. And then, almost in perfect unison, they took off.

  They climbed high into the air, up the side of the cliff, and weaving seamlessly through the branches of the extremely large trees. They didn’t look so large from the ground. The wind blowing by tickled her cheeks, and the rush of the experience filled her with excitement.

bsp; When they reached the entrance to the cave where they were headed, however, a sinking feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach. She remembered Silas’ words about his kind being cruel—hardened by their struggle. Inhaling deeply, she tried to calm her racing heart and prepare herself for what lay ahead.


  Inside the cave the bright, green and colorful environment of the outside was sharply contrasted. It was dark, and the harsh stones jutting out of the sides of the walls gave it a dangerous, ominous feel.

  The cave itself wasn’t very deep, and against the back wall, Chelsea could see a small group of people gathered. The group that had escorted them to the top changed once again into a human form and began ushering them all forward. Chelsea felt her heart leap into her throat.

  In the middle of the group was a man—a large, imposing man. He turned to face them as they meekly approached him. His tan skin appeared darker, and his black eyes blacker than the others from their planet.

  Silas stepped forward. Chelsea was amazed that even he, with his massively muscular frame and impressive height, seemed to be dwarfed by the man.

  “Darius,” Silas mumbled slowly, nodding his head.

  “Silas,” the man replied, stepping up to him. “How many did you bring?”

  “Fifteen,” Silas answered.

  “Good,” the man replied with a quick nod. He stepped around to get a better look at the newcomers. He eyed them all, one-by-one, examining them slowly. “They’ll do,” he said turning back to Silas.

  Silas replied with a quick nod. Turning to face the group as well, he began, “you will all be shown to where you will be staying. In the morning, we will begin the tests.”

  With that, a murmur filled the cave, echoing off the walls and filling Chelsea with a looming sense of fear. What tests would they be doing? Wasn’t that what they were doing on this ship? The little blinking light and the data recordings?

  The woman who had led her off the ship placed a firm hand on her shoulder and began to lead her back to the entrance of the cave. Just before turning around to leave, Silas’ gaze met hers. His expression was hard and cold, but his dark eyes seemed to lighten slightly when they fell on hers. She shot him a nervous look, wishing she could run to him, ask him what was happening and let him comfort her.

  He seemed to sense her uneasiness, because his expression, momentarily, softened to one of concern. The man standing next to him began speaking in a hushed whisper, and he turned away quickly.

  Her heart fluttered in her chest as the woman continued to pull her to the edge of the cliff. She then stepped out onto the branch of one of the trees. Not waiting to make sure Chelsea was following; she began to walk gracefully and gingerly away.

  Chelsea wasn’t as sure of herself as she set a shaking foot onto the branch. She watched as the woman weaved her way ahead of her, and quickened her step to keep up. The branch was just wide enough that she could stand with her feet shoulder-width apart. One wrong move, one misstep and she would go tumbling down, probably to her death.

  The woman didn’t go far before stopping at the entrance of another, smaller cave. “You’ll be staying here,” she said, motioning into the darkness.

  “Here?” Chelsea asked, peeking in.

  The woman didn’t respond, but turned and continued delicately making her way deeper into the thickening leaves and branches.

  Chelsea had to make a small leap to get into what was apparently going to be her temporary home. The air inside the cave was cold and refreshing. It was dark, but as her eyes adjusted she saw that it was somewhat furnished. There was a bed, a table, and a chair.

  She walked over to the small, hard bed and sat herself down. Burying her face in her hands, she let the tears begin to flow. She didn’t want to go home; surprisingly enough, she didn’t miss anything about her life back on Earth. She was scared, though. She found herself thinking of Silas and once again longing for his presence.

  Curling up and lying back, she realized how exhausted she was. She hadn’t been able to sleep much the night before, due to the abrupt arrival to their planet. Closing her eyes to stop the tears from flowing, she found it extremely difficult to open them again. Before she knew it, she was drifting off to sleep.


  She was awoken suddenly when the room became filled with a soft, but noticeable heat. Sitting up quickly, she looked to the entrance of the cave. The sun had gone down, and the night sky had a soft green glow. It was beautiful, and she would have loved to have enjoyed it, but the feeling that she was not alone kept her frozen in place.

  A movement in the far corner drew her eye. Immediately she recognized Silas’ outline.

  “Sorry I woke you up,” he said as he crossed the room slowly and stood next to her bed.

  “I’m glad you did, actually,” she said, wiping the sleep from her eyes and letting the comforting feeling of having him there wash over her.

  He shifted his weight around, nervously. Staring down at her, his dark eyes seemed to sparkle in the soft light pouring into the space.

  “I won’t be able to come see you as often, now that we’re here,” he began.

  Her heart sank slightly at his words. “I think I’m starting to become afraid,” she confessed to him softly.

  “I understand that,” he replied sitting down on the bed next to her. “I wish I could say I’ll protect you, that I won’t let anything bad happen to you, but I can’t. I can’t promise something like that.”

  A shudder ran through her. “At least you’re honest,” she said with a sigh.

  He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him. She rested her head on his chest and let herself become enclosed in his strong frame.

  “So, you’re a dragon,” she whispered in the most light-hearted tone she could, not wanting to talk about her situation anymore. She just wanted to enjoy the moment with him. There was a good chance they wouldn’t have many more.

  He let out a soft chuckle, “yes, I am. We all are.”

  “That’s pretty interesting,” she said with a wry tone.

  “I suppose if you’re not used to it, it would be.”

  She turned her face to look up at him. He was smiling down at her, the same smile that was so rare, but so beautiful on him.

  “When you’re here, I’m not scared,” she confessed. “Maybe I should be. I really don’t know that much about you. But still, you make me feel happy.”

  He kissed her forehead and squeezed her tight. “You’re the only thing in my life that has ever made me feel happy, Chelsea. Before you, all I cared about was my duty—my responsibility.”

  “And now?”

  “Now, I don’t know. You came along and everything became less clear. It’s not that I don’t still want to find a way to save my kind. It’s just, suddenly, that’s not the only thing on my mind anymore. It’s like I’ve found this other thing that’s slowly becoming just as important to me. I found you.”

  “Me?” she asked, feeling her heart quicken in her chest.

  “You’ve made me realize something. What’s the point of saving our people if our people don’t even enjoy life? The existence we have isn’t fulfilling. It’s empty. My life was empty before you.”

  He reached down and nudged her chin, causing her to look up at him again. He leaned in and kissed her, slowly. She returned the kiss, with passion and desire. All she wanted, in that moment, was to be with him.

  He had also given her something more in life. Back on Earth, she had nothing. Here, she had him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself on top of him, her legs straddling his waist.

  Already her body was filled with a lustful longing to feel his touch again. She pushed herself back and rested her hand on his chest. His heartbeat was strong and his breathing heavy.

  She leaned back and lifted the shirt off over her head. He sat up and buried his face in her breasts, kissing them greedily. His lips against her skin sent a shiver of desire surging thro
ugh her.

  Slipping quickly out of her shorts, she waited while he did the same. When she returned to her position on top of him, he slid his member inside her slowly. She leaned forward, the feeling of satisfaction consuming her. He wrapped his arms around her back and held onto her tightly as he lifted his hips, driving himself deeper inside of her.

  In the soft light, his body seemed to shine, covered in sweat. The lines of his chest and stomach muscles were even more defined, and the chiseled features of his face seemed even more predominant. But still, there was something soft in the way he looked at her.

  As their bodies moved together, she felt a connection with him. It was something that she didn’t quite feel the first time. Before, being with him was a simple act of lust. Now, it was filled with passion, desire, and caring. It was a longing to be close.


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