The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1)

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The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1) Page 11

by R. L. Weeks

  ‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the evillest of them all?’ Lori asked the mirror. The mirror warped into a face.

  ‘You are, your Majesty,’ it replied before moulding back into a silver framed mirror.

  Lori fell to her knees, letting the heart roll out of her hands. Blood covered her dress and arms. Tears fell onto the dusty floor. ‘I never wanted to be this person. I shouldn’t have cursed him. I should have let him go,’ she sobbed.

  Henry watched as the Queen showed remorse and regret. Both of which were a first. ‘My Queen,’ Henry started, but was lost for words, they both were.

  Lori wept and looked at Henry with an unbearable sadness. ‘I need you now more than ever. I need you to help me kill Edward.’

  Henry raised an eyebrow. He had met Lori after Mary died. Henry moved into the woods and Lori had taken pity. They both had one enemy in common; Edward. ‘But you just said you never should have cursed him?’

  ‘But I did,’ she stated and stood up. She took her hair down and let it fall around her shoulders. ‘He has shown no remorse, nothing. He, he is the evillest of them all and I will destroy him for good. He killed your love, do you not want him dead?’

  ‘I do, I did,’ he hesitated, looking out of the smeared window. ‘But, I now have someone to look out for, someone to love for,’ he replied.

  ‘Snow,’ she said. She couldn’t hide the envy lacing her words.

  ‘She is sixteen. Now that her grandmother is dead, it won’t be long until she takes the throne. Once the King dies, she will be alone. She will need me.’

  Lori smirked. ‘Ah yes, the king. He is looking to wed again is he not?’ she asked.

  ‘He wants only the fairest of them all,’ Henry replied.

  ‘They all do,’ she groaned. ‘Am I not fair, Henry?’ she asked.

  ‘You know you are enchanting. But, in more of a seductive way, not in an innocent way. The late Queen was innocent, beautiful, and kind.’

  ‘I can be those things,’ she said, smirking. ‘Maybe I should become Queen. A real Queen.’

  ‘Queen of Passion is still a queen,’ he pointed out, as she had done so many times before. ‘And you are a princess of Forosh.’

  ‘Yes, but as Queen of a land, I will have access to an army. I’ll find a way to kill Edward and defend myself against Stilt. He will come for me now I have taken the heart of his wife.’

  ‘I can see why he would,’ Henry said bluntly.

  Lori shrugged. ‘Yeah, me too. At least people will know not to go against me. Once word gets out, everyone will know what I am capable of. Except for here. This is a kingdom that knows little of magic. It is the only place where I am safe.’

  ‘For now,’ Henry said and looked out the window to the apple tree. He realised how evil he had been. To allow him to stay there, he had agreed to help Lori find victims to eat her cursed apples. But now he was tired. Tired of magic. Tired of games.

  ‘I want no part of this,’ he stated.

  ‘You made me a promise,’ she said and walked over to him. Dried blood filled the gaps of her fingernails, and he had to hold back a gag. ‘I will rip Snow’s heart out if you don’t obey me.’

  ‘You love her too,’ he shouted.

  ‘No, dwarf,’ she shouted. ‘I envy her. Her beauty. Her charm. I’d have no problems killing her. Do you really want to call my bluff?’ she asked.

  He gulped. ‘No.’


  ‘Prince Edward,’ the old Queen greeted him. She placed her wrinkly hand out for him to kiss. He hesitated and kissed her ring instead. She seemed pleased enough with that and summoned him to the castle. Her eyes mirrored Lori’s, which made sense considering she is her grandmother. Still, being back in Forosh brought back a flurry of memories that he would have rather kept buried. He followed the Queen into the royal carriage. Coated in gold, with small windows and red curtains, was a reminder of how rich their country was. Although, it was not as rich as Dolorom. No country was.

  Pear trees surrounded the entrance. A moat with floating lily pads and flowers circled the castle. On the drawbridge, yellow and purple streamers hung from the iron gate.

  ‘We have just finished celebrating Forlod, the national holiday celebrating independence from…’

  ‘My country,’ he stated. When he stayed in Forosh, they had reminded him almost daily that they had defeated Dolorom and gained independence. ‘I know. Two-hundred years. You must be proud.’

  ‘That we are,’ she said. Her voice was shrill and slightly nasal. ‘We must feast.’

  ‘Of course,’ Edward replied. ‘You have the most beautiful castle I have ever seen. Although I have seen it before, it still entrances me with its beauty.’

  She looked at him tight-lipped. ‘Trying to charm me won’t work. Double or nothing, as I have said. I will accept nothing less.’

  The subject of Lori hung in the air and Edward worried that he would see her soon. ‘We are willing to offer you an additional two thousand gold pieces, no more,’ he stated in a monotone voice.

  ‘Then I am afraid that you have wasted a trip.’ They stopped by the great hall. The Princess and her ladies blocked their path.

  ‘Princess Isabel,’ Edward said as she curtsied. He bowed his head and looked up. Their gazes locked and she grinned. ‘It has been a long time,’ she said, with an eastern accent.

  ‘I have missed you,’ he admitted. She blushed and put down her white lace parasol. She looked amazing. Especially since the last time he last saw her. Well, she was only fifteen at the time. Lori’s little sister. Now she was twenty. Her amber hair fell in ringlets from her messy bun. Little roses dotted the bun carelessly. Her emerald green eyes were enticing, shown off by her thick black lashes, complimented by her olive skin.

  She bit down on her lip. His heart raced as he watched the colour change from a pale pink to a rosy red. They were so plump, so kissable… ‘Edward,’ she said, snapping him from his train of thought. ‘Are you coming to feast?’

  ‘Of course,’ he replied. ‘I’m glad you’re here.’

  ‘I had to come and greet you when Grandmother told me you were arriving,’ she admitted. ‘I didn’t believe that you had returned. You are more handsome than I remember,’ she admitted.

  He blushed, which was a rare occurrence. But they, Isabel, Lori, their mother, and their grandmother were all daughters of passion; a type of deity. This meant that they were almost irresistible to men. However, Isabel had her own charm about her, a kind of kookiness that attracted him.

  They walked behind the Queen, just enough that they couldn’t be heard. Edward leant in toward Isabel. ‘Your grandmother is getting old. You will become a queen soon, are you nervous?’ he asked.

  ‘If Lori comes back, she will be Queen. She is the eldest,’ Isabel pointed out.

  ‘Comes back? You mean she left?’ Edward asked. The sound of her name twisted his stomach.

  ‘No one knows why she left like she did. But she did…’ Isabel blinked back tears. ‘She loved you. You must know. Please, tell me,’ Isabel pleaded.

  ‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘I haven’t heard from her since we, er, broke up.’ He adjusted his collar. Did it suddenly feel warmer?

  ‘Neither have I,’ a teary Isabel admitted. ‘Maybe you were made to forget what happened? I mean, you two were close. There is no way she would have just left and not told you.’

  Isabel gasped and ran up to her chambers leaving a confused Edward behind. He walked to the feast alone feeling slightly smitten with Isabel. He had never felt smitten before, and she was the most beautiful woman he had ever encountered. However, being back at the castle, made him feel a little nauseous over.

  Memories swamped the halls. He could hear Lori’s laughter. Picture them as they ran around the orchard. How they sat side by side in the great hall. He knew, of course, that he had laid with another woman. That would be why Lori had disappeared, after cursing him to be a frog. But since then, he hadn’t heard from her.

sp; Isabel reappeared with a pink sparkling potion. ‘It’s a memory potion,’ she said, answering his unspoken question. ‘Take it.’

  It wouldn’t change anything. He honestly knew that the reason Lori left was probably down to him. He rolled his eyes and drank it, then fell to his knees, clutching his chest as the memories swarmed back.

  He remembered Belle, at the castle. Someone had made him forget. Stilt had made him forget her! Now it made sense to why he was missing time, why it had been five years since he had been gone. He had been made to forget his time as a beast.

  ‘I must find Belle,’ Edward said and stood up.

  ‘Do you remember anything about my sister?’ Isabel asked, hopeful.

  ‘I’m sorry, no,’ he admitted. He gave Isabel a quick hug. ‘I must go. I’m sorry,’ he said apologetically and ran out of the castle. Memories of his one true love filled him up. The heart-wrenching thought of her alone after their kiss, pained him. She must have thought that he did not love her. He had to set things right. He got onto the ship immediately. Fortunately, they hadn’t taken his luggage to the castle yet. He ordered his men to sail home immediately.

  ‘What’s happening your Highness?’ asked one of the men.

  ‘I must find my love,’ he stated. ‘I remember everything…’ He looked out at the horizon, his expression twisting into one of anger. ‘It was all Stilt. He did this. He made me forget them. I’m going to kill him,’ Edward swore.


  Edward returned into Dolorom. The familiar white cliffs and greenery greeted him. He looked at the island with cold eyes. Fury still filled him. He stomped back into the castle he had called home for a long time and packed his things himself. He wouldn’t answer anyone’s questions. He got on his horse and rode to Stilt’s house.

  When he got there, he saw Stilt through the window, crying. He was covered in blood.

  ‘What’s happened?’ Edward asked when he walked in, staring at the blood with horror.

  ‘She ripped my wife’s heart out,’ Stilt said between sobs.


  ‘Lori,’ Stilt answered. Edward’s head went fuzzy. He held onto the side cabinet for support.

  ‘She’s alive?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes, and she hates you. She is the Evil Queen. She’s coming for you,’ Stilt warned.

  ‘And I am coming after you,’ he spat. ‘You spelled me to forget Belle, James, the castle. My time as a beast!’ Edward shouted.

  Stilt sat up on the arm chair. ‘Then kill me. I have nothing left to live for anyway.’

  Edward looked around at the blood. Sadie laid on the floor. Now just an empty shell left by the crackling fire. ‘I see you have been punished enough. You just better pray that Belle and her son believe me. In fact, you’re coming with me as proof!’

  ‘I cannot,’ Stilt said, exasperated. ‘Please just leave me to grieve!’

  ‘No,’ Edward pulled the cabinet down. The glass doors smashed on the floor, ornaments cracked, and books fell into a heap. ‘Help me!’ he screamed, tears falling down his face. ‘I will use the last of my powers to get us there.’

  Stilt panicked. ‘Wait. First, we should go to the castle to check everything is okay. I added a time spell to the potion so the pregnancy would be quicker. She should be almost full term. After we check, I promise to go with you. Deal?’

  ‘Fine,’ Edward said. He wanted to say goodbye to his mother anyway. They rode back to the castle. The blood on his waistcoat dried as the wind whipped around Stilt. The castle was in sight, and Stilt tried to come up with a plan.

  Edward huffed as they rode. ‘You do have something to live for. Your soon-to-be daughter.’

  Stilt smiled, yet felt incredibly selfish to do so. ‘You’re right.’ He didn’t want to face a future without Sadie. But, the child was promised to him. She was to be his daughter, and he must take care of her. He was glad that he wasn’t cursed anymore! The love curse, to crave the flesh of those he loved, was a cruel one. Because of it he had eaten his own child. A memory that would haunt his nightmares and waking moments, always.

  When they arrived at the castle, the King welcomed them. ‘We have excellent news. We were going to tell you before you ran off in a hurry,’ he said.

  ‘What is it?’ asked Edward.

  ‘It’s definitely two girls. We have had many confirm it. Considering this, I have decided that my daughter will be crowned Queen once I die. Providing I have no more sons after their birth.’

  ‘What?’ Edward felt the colour drain from his face. ‘I mean, that’s great news.’

  Edward and Stilt went to Edward’s chambers to talk more. ‘It is supposed to be sons only. Me!’ Edward hissed once he had dismissed the guards.

  ‘And what would you have me do?’ Stilt asked.

  ‘Anything. There must be something,’ Edward said quickly.

  Stilt pondered. ‘Perhaps she could enter an eternal sleep, a death-like slumber? They will have no choice but to proclaim you a king then. My daughter will be taken away from this land so they cannot find her. Once they give her to me, of course.’

  ‘Perfect, do it,’ Edward barked.

  ‘What will I get?’ Stilt asked.

  ‘My forgiveness,’ he said.

  Stilt considered it for a few minutes. Edward was a powerful ally to have. Also, Stilt had grown fond of the arrogant Prince. ‘Fine.’

  Stilt cast the curse. ‘On her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and will fall into an eternal slumber. As with every curse, it needs a get-out clause.’

  ‘True love,’ Edward said and grinned. ‘At sixteen she will not know what love is.’

  ‘Of course,’ Stilt said menacingly. ‘And only true love's kiss can break the curse.’ Green mist seeped from the room and into the queen’s stomach who was napping on an upstairs futon. Edward left the room, pleased with the curse.

  Edward packed and was rearing to leave. ‘Are you ready to go?’

  ‘Yes,’ Stilt said. ‘The girls will be born within the month. We will make it back in time for the birth.

  ‘We will,’ Edward said. ‘Congratulations.’ Although angry, he had promised forgiveness and he was a man of his word.

  ‘Thank you,’ Stilt replied. ‘I have decided to call her Cinderella.’

  ‘That’s a beautiful name,’ Edward said and took Stilts hand. ‘Do you want me to do it or do you want to?’

  ‘I will,’ he answered quickly. They vanished and reappeared at the castle. Storm clouds covered the skies.

  ‘Belle,’ Edward shouted and ran into the castle. ‘Belle, James.’

  Belle stomped out, holding her son's hand. Edward looked at them. James was a year older than when he last saw him. Yet, he looked so different. Taller, more handsome. He was at least sixteen-years-old, yet looked older.

  ‘You left!’ Belle said, tears streaming down her cheeks. ‘You shouldn’t have come back.’

  ‘I didn’t choose to leave. I was made to forget you both, and the castle. I took a potion, remembered everything, and now I am back.’

  ‘You don’t expect me to believe that, do you?’ she asked.

  ‘No, you shouldn’t,’ a familiar voice said from behind Edward. He turned and saw the Evil Queen.

  ‘Lori,’ he spluttered. He opened his mouth to say more, but couldn’t speak. He was lost for words. Sadness and guilt crept over him as he looked her up and down. She hadn’t aged a day.

  ‘Belle. Edward is a liar. I am his ex, and I am here to help you. He left you here to rot. Made up that story. I feel sorry for anyone who falls by the hands of him,’ she spat.

  ‘No,’ Edward said, finding his voice. ‘Belle, don’t listen to her.’

  Belle looked back into the castle. Caleb entered the ballroom, looking between Edward and Belle. Belle’s father walked down the middle staircase and cleared his throat. ‘What’s going on?’

  Belle look from Lori to Edward, puzzled. ‘I’m not entirely sure.’ After they all moved into
the castle, Belle’s sisters grabbed all the jewels in the castle and left for the city, leaving Belle, Thomas, Caleb, and James alone.

  James grabbed his sword which was propped up against the wall and pointed it at Edward. ‘I believe the witch.’ Lori frowned but smiled as James pointed the sword closer to Edward’s chest. ‘You’ve come back to hurt my mother again! It won’t work. Not this time.’ James looked through daring eyes and Edward back off. His hand jolted towards the hilt of his own sword but he thought better of it. This was Belle’s son.

  Edward held his hands up. ‘I swear, I’m telling the truth. I love your mother.’ His gaze averted to Belle. ‘I love you.’

  Her gaze filled with sadness and chest tightened, but she didn’t say a word. Instead, she looked at Caleb for an indication of what she should do. Caleb simply shrugged and gave her a sympathetic look. Lori stepped forward and was pushed to the ground with a thud. Stilt grabbed Edward’s sword from him and pointed it down at Lori’s throat. Lori touched the tip and heat ran up the blade until Stilt dropped it. She dodged the hot sword and jumped to her feet, throwing a spell his way, which he narrowly missed.

  James stood in between them. ‘Enough!’ His voice, although young, was demanding and authoritative. ‘I’ve had it with magic. You all need to leave.’ He looked over at Edward. ‘Especially you!’

  Stilt growled. ‘That woman,’ he spat, pointing at Lori. ‘Killed my wife!’

  Belle gasped. ‘That’s terrible.’

  ‘You did?’ Edward asked.

  Lori groaned. ‘Who cares? She was crazy!’

  Stilt clenched his fists. ‘She. Was. My. WIFE!’

  Lori looked from Belle who was looking at Edward doe-eyed, to James. She sensed something from James. Something she could use. However, Belle would never buy her story now. With a flick of her hand, a hurricane of black mist swept from the ground and circled around them. They all stumbled around blindly. Lori touched Belle’s arm and felt her beauty drain. A curse like this would take everything from her. She swept Belle, James, Caleb, and Thomas into the mist along with herself, and with a click, they all disappeared.


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