The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1)

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The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1) Page 16

by R. L. Weeks

She swam back under the lake and made her way past the tall seaweeds without getting herself tangled, again, then over to the rocky wall to the kingdom. The sound of music carried through the water.

  ‘The show,’ Ariel said and gasped as she realised why there was music. That was the song that was to play just before the main event and she was the main event.


  Belle looked at Lori with disgust. ‘You’re not wearing that, are you?’

  Lori looked down at her dress and shrugged. ‘What’s wrong with it?’

  ‘You look like you’re attending a funeral. Let’s add some colour,’ Belle said brightly and walked over to Lori with one of her own yellow dresses. Lori backed away.

  ‘No, no, no…’ Lori repeated as Belle got closer. ‘I’m not wearing that. Look, black is my colour.’

  ‘At least try it!’ Belle begged.

  Lori’s face twisted into one of disgust. ‘No, it’s just so… colourful.’

  Belle laughed. ‘That is the point.’

  James popped his head around the door. ‘What’s going on?’

  Lori turned and sat at her dressing table, brushing her long dark locks. ‘Your mother is trying to make me hideous!’

  James looked at his mother questioningly.

  ‘I’m trying to make her look less morbid,’ Belle said.

  James laughed. ‘Yeah, right.’

  ‘Enough,’ Lori huffed. ‘Have you managed to use your powers properly yet?’

  James sighed and sat on the footstool. ‘Only managed to turn an apple into a worm. Considering that is all I have to practice with here!’

  ‘You managed to transfigure an item into a living creature? James that is incredible!’ Belle praised.

  ‘Yes, yes. Incredible,’ Lori said dismissively. ‘With more practice, you will be able to do things you couldn’t have imagined in your wildest dreams.’ Her eyes were greedy, locked onto James. He was the key to ending Edward’s miserable existence for good.

  ‘I just want to wake Snow up,’ James admitted. ‘I’ve failed her.’

  Belle patted his shoulder. ‘You’ll find a way sweetheart. I have complete faith in you.’

  ‘We must discuss, first, our plan,’ Lori said. She placed her black birdcage veil on, which covered one of her eyes. ‘The King’s army will not invade Dolorom unless Dolorom is an immediate threat. The King will not allow it, which means, I need to bribe more of the guards. I need to infiltrate the Kings guards and Lords of the land. Once I have them on my side, we can overturn the Kings decision. Unless, he dies first, of course!’

  ‘Lori,’ Belle gasped. ‘You wouldn’t? He’s your husband.’

  ‘I wouldn’t allow it,’ James said, brandishing his sword.

  Lori rolled her eyes. ‘Put your weapon down, for goodness sakes. I’m not going to kill him,’ she lied. ‘I need you to leave,’ she said to Belle.

  ‘Leave?’ Belle and James chorused.

  ‘Yes,’ Lori answered. ‘I need you to go to Merlin. A powerful sorcerer. I need him on our side. We don’t have what you would call a good history. But, he will listen to someone like you. Kind, beautiful, innocent.’

  ‘Where does he live?’ asked Belle.

  ‘The centre of Cantata.’

  ‘The centre of our world?’ Belle repeated.

  Lori rolled her eyes. Living with Belle meant that she would probably end up with her eyes stuck in her forehead. ‘It’s in the Enchanted Forest next to Dolorom.’

  ‘I will go. What do you want me to say?’ asked Belle.

  Lori handed her a rolled-up piece of parchment. ‘Give him this. It’s a letter detailing our plan. Also, entertain him. Make him like you. We need him on our side Belle, do not let us down.’


  ‘Prince Eric of Milborn,’ a guard announced. A handsome man around twenty-five walked out, sporting a devilish smile. ‘Good to see you, old friend,’ Eric said. His voice was light and fun. Edward remembered back to when he was young. Eric was fifteen the last time he saw him.

  ‘You’re all grown up,’ Edward said, grinning.

  ‘And you’re looking older too. What are you now? Forty?’ Eric joked.

  ‘Thirty-nine,’ Stilt replied, grumpily. ‘Lovely reunion, but we have things to get on with.’

  ‘Who’s the old guy?’ Eric asked. Stilt huffed.

  Edward laughed. ‘A friend, we have business to attend too. I just wanted to stop by and say hello while I was in the kingdom,’

  Eric raised an eyebrow. ‘What do you want from me?’ He asked, knowing Edward all too well.

  ‘Have you married yet?’ asked Edward.

  ‘I haven’t found anyone that I love yet,’ admitted Eric. He leant in closer to Edward and whispered, ‘they’re all so prudish and boring around here.’

  ‘Know what you mean,’ Edward admitted. ‘Well, I have someone I’d like you to meet.’

  ‘Who?’ asked Eric.

  ‘A little mermaid,’ Edward replied, grinning.

  Eric scoffed. ‘A mermaid? You’re kidding, right?’

  ‘Nope,’ Edward replied.

  Eric walked them into the castle. ‘They are half fish,’ Eric said as he walked next to Edward.

  ‘Just meet her, once. As a favour to an old friend?’ Edward persisted, looking around at the white walls. Everything in the kingdom had a seaside feel to it. The shell ornaments, the pillars, statues of Neptune.

  ‘I’ll meet her, but I will not marry her!’ Eric said and brushed down his white blazer in which gold buttons ran down the centre.

  ‘Thank you,’ Edward said.

  ‘What about you?’ Eric asked. ‘A lucky girl managed to snatch you up yet?’

  ‘One,’ Edward admitted then looked at the ground solemnly. ‘Unfortunately, she has been taken from me.’

  ‘Sorry to hear it,’ Eric said and slapped Edward on the back. ‘So, when will I be meeting this mermaid?’

  ‘Now,’ Stilt said, who was walking behind them. ‘We leave now.’


  Ariel hid behind the large pillar that held up the front of the palace. The seashell opened, and she wasn’t in there. She had to improvise. If not then her father would be so mad.

  She swam out to where everyone was watching the show. She was behind them. Her father looked furious as everyone looked blankly at the empty shell.

  ‘As I entwine myself in the seaweed of power,’ she sang. Everyone turned and smiled. She swam through them. Most thought it was part of the act. Her father, the king, knew it was down to lateness.

  ‘I look out at the blue abyss,’ she continued. Her voice was beautiful. Light, powerful, and it had the slight sound of bells ringing to it.

  Ariel’s sisters joined her and harmonised with each other. Ariel had the best voice in the kingdom. The subjects clapped as the event finished and the shell closed.

  ‘Ariel,’ her father’s voice boomed once they were alone in the palace hall. She hid behind a pillar. ‘You were late, again!’

  ‘Sorry Father,’ she said and swam out. ‘I was exploring.’

  ‘Always exploring. Start acting like the princess you are!’ and with that, he swam off. His massive blue tail disappeared around a corner.

  Cullum swam out from behind some seaweed. ‘You okay Ariel?’

  She huffed and sat on the white marble seat. ‘No,’ she admitted. ‘Maybe he’s right.’

  ‘No, he’s not,’ Cullum protested. ‘You’re fun; you’re different. There is nothing wrong with that.’


  ‘Want to watch the people?’ Cullum asked, hoping it would cheer her up.

  ‘Don’t feel like it,’ she admitted and swam off, humming the tune from the show. She moved effortlessly through the water. Ursula watched Ariel through her magic orb.

  ‘Soon, when he fulfils his promise, Ariel will have no choice but to accept my offer. I will bring them all down,’ she said to the eel.

  ‘How do you know it will work?’ Hissed the eel.
  Ursula laughed evilly. ‘He will bring me a prince. I will make it so he falls in near to Ariel. Being Ariel, she will save him. I will make it so they fall in love. Then I will offer her the deal. She has always said no to me, through distrust, but this will tip her over the edge.’

  ‘Then you will kill her?’ The eel asked. It swirled around the cave; it’s black body slithering slimily.

  ‘No,’ Ursula said, smirking. ‘Queen Josephine made a deal with The Evil Queen, so if Ariel ever takes a potion to become human, then she would turn to sea foam if she didn’t return to the lake for good after three days. I will make a deal with the King and Queen. I will make it so she cannot return to the lake unless they give me their crown.’

  ‘I love it,’ the eel hissed.


  James felt his powers grow stronger every day that Snow was in her slumber. He often sat by her side, feeling totally helpless. Even if he was the key to waking her up, he didn’t know how. His powers had just surfaced, and if he used them wrong, he was worried what damage he could do to her.

  ‘You can wake her up with a kiss,’ a man said, who appeared in the dimly lit room. ‘True loves kiss.’

  James pulled out his sword and stood up slowly. ‘Who are you?’

  The man stroked his beard, which James noticed, was tied in segments and sported a lot of purple beads. ‘I’m Merlin.’

  ‘The Merlin?’

  ‘So, you’ve heard of me,’ Merlin stated.

  James looked at him questioningly. ‘Of course. Who hasn’t?’

  Merlin sat down next to the bed. He crossed his legs under his long purple robe. ‘Thank you.’

  James put his sword back into the scabbard and sat down by the lit fire. ‘Lori told me about you. You’re a legend.’

  Merlin laughed throatily. ‘Was. I had that pointed out to me recently. Anyway, I am here on business.’

  ‘What do you want?’

  Merlin sighed. ‘Some are making waves in the world of magic! Waves that have and will continue to destroy lives. I would like to put an end to powers that are outside of my domain.’ He looked down at his gold pocket watch. ‘I cannot control what I do not have access too.’

  ‘Stilt, Edward, and Lori?’ James asked, knowingly. ‘

  Merlin nodded. ‘I need you to learn control of your powers.’

  James scoffed. ‘I can’t use my powers to wake Snow up. Let alone to help anyone else.’

  Merlin shook his head. ‘I want you to come with me. Let me help you with your powers, then take Stilt down with me. Along with Edward, and eventually Lori. Although, she will be the hardest to break.’

  ‘What will I get in return?’ James asked, arching an eyebrow. ‘Asides from you helping me to control my powers. I have much to do here, battles to fight alongside Lori. I promised Snow.’

  ‘Well, I have told you how to wake Snow up. True loves kiss-,’ he pointed out.

  ‘I don't-’ James started but stopped on seeing Merlins knowing look, he bent over and brushed his lips onto Snows. They were plumper than he thought they’d be. He stepped back and her eyes flung open.

  ‘What happened?’ A breathless Snow asked, clutching her chest. James rushed to her aid and helped her sit up.

  ‘You went into a slumber,’ James informed her. ‘Like a coma. We don’t know how, but we will find out!’ he promised.

  Snow looked around, puzzled. ‘So, I just randomly woke up?’

  ‘Uh, yes,’ James lied. She jumped off the bed and looked around, noticing Merlin for the first time.

  ‘Who are you?’

  ‘Merlin,’ he replied.

  ‘Why are you here and what do you want?’ she asked, cutting straight to the point.

  ‘James,’ he admitted. ‘I need his help to take down two men.’

  ‘Stilt, Edward, and Lori,’ James told Snow.

  Snow grinned. ‘We already have a plan for that. And one to take down Lori!’

  Merlin smiled. ‘Care to tell me this plan of yours, Snow?’

  Snow looked at James. He nodded. ‘Fine, sit down.’


  ‘Here we are,’ Edward said as they appeared on the pebbly bay.

  Eric looked out over the waters. ‘Where is this mermaid?’

  Stilt walked over to the water and turned to Eric. ‘Stay here. Edward and I will be back momentarily.’

  Edward walked over to the edge of water. Stilt waded through until he was submerged and set off a spell. He reemerged with wet hair covering his face. He moved it out the way and joined Edward at the water’s edge.

  Shortly after, Ursula appeared. ‘Did you bring a prince like I asked?’

  ‘Yes,’ Edward replied. ‘He is waiting in the bay. He’s happy to meet this mermaid you mentioned.’

  ‘Idiot,’ she spat. ‘You weren’t supposed to tell him. I needed him to fall into the lake near her so she would save him from drowning. I cannot have her know this was planned.’

  Stilt growled. ‘You’re the idiot. You should have said.’

  She frowned. ‘It was implied.’

  Edward sighed. ‘I will take the prince, wipe his memory of our conversations, and throw him into the lake.’

  Edward stepped forward. ‘Make sure he doesn’t drown. He’s one of the few people I actually like,’ he admitted.

  ‘Aww, you have a caring side. Who knew!’ Stilt said sarcastically. ‘Let’s get Eric, wipe his memories of us, and throw him to the fishes. Then we can go!’

  Stilt took Edward’s hand before he could protest and they reappeared by Eric’s side. Stilt, with a wave of his hand, took Eric’s memories and pushed him into the lake. Ursula swam over and nodded at Stilt, then dragged Eric down into the murky depths. She took him back to the surface for air before dragging him underneath again near to where Ariel was. She left him in the water and swam off, smiling.


  ‘Oh my,’ Ariel said when she saw the man who was trying to swim back to the surface. Eric managed to get to the top, but a wave pushed him back under. Ariel swam over to him with a frantic Cullum by her side. She placed her arms around his waist and swam to the surface. She made sure to keep his head above water as he spluttered, until they reached the rock that she would watch the people from. Eric coughed as he laid on the rock before looking up. His eyes, she noticed, were a rich green. He had laugh lines and his hair, though wet, was the most adorable shade of brown. His outfit told her that he must be royal.

  ‘Can you hear me?’ Asked Ariel. He fell back unconscious after seeing her red hair. She took him to the bay and laid next to him, half in the water, so her tail wasn’t on show.

  Cullum bobbed a few feet away. ‘I-is he alive?’ She placed her ear against his foot. ‘I can’t hear a heartbeat,’ Ariel said, panicked.

  A seagull flew down from the sky and landed next to her. ‘Hey, Ariel,’ it said. Most couldn’t hear animals, but being one herself, she could.

  ‘This man,’ Ariel panicked. ‘He fell in the lake. I think he may be dead?’

  The seagull stroked its beak. ‘Did you check his pulse on his foot, like I always told you too?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes, no pulse.’ Suddenly the Prince woke up, coughing again, and turned on his side. The seagull, Jack, flew over to another rock and remained out of sight.

  ‘What happened?’ Eric asked. He looked up at the girl with wet red hair and smiled. She was beautiful. Her eyes were the colour of the lake and twice as enchanting. Her pink lips shimmered in the sun. Her sun kissed skin paired well with her bright red hair. Although and odd combination, she pulled it off incredibly well.

  ‘I couldn’t hear your pulse. I thought you were dead,’ she admitted. Her voice, he thought, was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard.

  ‘I was dead?’ Asked Eric, shocked.

  ‘Yes, I took your foot and listened for your heart beat and heard no-.'

  Eric laughed. ‘My foot? Why would you ever think to listen through my foot?’ he asked, looking
at his bare foot. ‘You listen through someone’s chest.’

  She blushed and looked over at Jack, annoyed. He shrugged and flew off. ‘Sorry,’ she mumbled. ‘A friend told me that was how to listen for one. Oh, sorry. You lost one of your Crockhoppers in the lake.’

  ‘My what?’ the prince asked, still laughing.

  ‘You know; you wear them on your hands to keep them warm.’

  ‘You mean gloves?’ Eric asked.

  ‘No, well, you were wearing them on your feet,’ she pointed out. ‘They’re supposed to be worn on your hands.’

  ‘My boot, you mean.’ He raised an eyebrow. ‘You’re not from around here, are you?’

  ‘Not on this land, no,’ she admitted.

  He smiled. ‘Did you save me?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said and flushed pink.

  ‘I don’t even know why I was around here,’ he admitted and felt his head. ‘I must have banged by head at some point.’

  ‘Oh,’ Ariel said, keeping her tail still hidden.

  ‘I won’t forget meeting you, um-.'

  ‘Ariel,’ she said and took a deep breath. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

  ‘Ariel,’ he repeated, dreamily. ‘Well, Ariel, may I invite you to come to my castle? I will throw a feast in your honour as a thank you for saving me.’

  ‘Oh,’ Ariel said looked at Cullum sadly. ‘I’m afraid, I cannot. I must go. I, uh,’ she looked over at one of the boats on the bay. ‘I must swim back to my boat, it’s not far. Goodbye.’

  ‘What, but…’ but she disappeared under the water. He panicked, waiting to see her resurface. Finally, she did. She made sure to keep her arms, head, and shoulders as she pretended to swim out. He shouted after her until she was out of sight. He wrung out his jacket and thought about how odd all of that was. Still, he couldn’t get her out of his mind.


  ‘Bye Belle, stay safe,’ Lori said and hugged her before Belle jumped up onto her horse.

  ‘Bye, Mother,’ James said.

  ‘Take care of him,’ she said to Lori.


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