Alistair’s Bed

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Alistair’s Bed Page 2

by Susan Hayes

  “Please tell me that isn’t your breakfast.”

  “Um, yes?” Keri answered the voice, not at all certain who she was speaking too.

  “That’s not food, that’s a gastronomic abomination.” A cheerful face framed in silver curls appeared around one side of the lilac, grinning. “Hi, sorry if I startled you. I was just chasing down today’s batch of eggs and I noticed you coming outside. “I’m Samantha Evans, your neighbor and a dietary busybody.” Samantha appeared to be in her late fifties, smiling as she offered her hand, the other carefully holding closed an apron full of brown eggs.

  “Hi there, I’m Keri Anderson, nice to meet you,” she took the offered hand and laughed, feeling foolish in her bare feet and worn out t-shirt. “Sorry, I’m not really dressed for visiting.”

  “Oh I know who you are, the whole place is abuzz with the news that Tammy’s granddaughter has finally come back to the island. And don’t you worry about your dress style dear, this is the island, you know that doesn’t matter. We moved in just last year, your grandmother was always talking about you.”

  Samantha winced. “I’m babbling aren’t I? Sorry, I’m just so pleased to meet you. There aren’t too many folks up this way and some days I just get a little squirrelly with only my husband to talk to. If I get to be too much of a bother, you just let me know.”

  “Did you use to visit my grandmother?”

  “Every day she’d let me. We’d sit and trade stories about who’d heard from which of their families and wonder what the gossiping gals in town were going to natter on about the next time we set foot in Ganges. You know how it is.”

  Keri laughed and nodded. “I remember. Are you the one who left the note saying you’d take care of the place for me?”

  “That was me. I thought you’d have enough to do without worrying about things here.” Samantha reached out and patted Keri’s arm. “Tammy was worried about you, after the divorce. She’d be very happy to know you’d come home.”

  Without warning she changed the subject, reaching into her apron and handing Keri a pair of still warm eggs. “Now, you head on in and make yourself a proper breakfast. You’ve got an open invitation to come over and visit any time you like, and if you find any of my girls nesting on your property, just take the eggs as rent.”

  “Thank you,” She gave the older woman a grateful smile, warmth blooming in her chest at the woman’s simple but generous gesture. “For everything. I’ll come by as soon as I’ve gotten myself sorted out, I promise.”

  “You do that dear, and welcome home.”

  Keri headed back inside, set the eggs down on the counter and started rummaging through the fridge, her breakfast bar forgotten. She was going to make herself a proper island breakfast, hold the guilt; and then she was going to start putting her life in order, starting with her new bed.

  After a breakfast of fresh eggs, island cured bacon and thick slabs of buttered toast, Keri eased herself back onto the floor and picked up a rag from the pile she’d brought in for the next stage. “Time to burn off some of that breakfast!”

  The hours had flown past as she buffed and polished the entire frame again, her fingers brushing over the intricate carvings with the appreciation only another artist can have for such work. Just touching the carvings made her itch to begin carving again, a feeling she hadn’t had in a very long time. Every inch of the wood she was polishing had been worked into complex patterns that were almost hypnotic if she stared at them too long. She’d polished the silver inlay too, admiring the depth it gave the wood. Someone had taken a great deal of effort to make this bed into a masterpiece, and she couldn’t believe it was hers.

  The one odd thing she’d discovered was the silver medallion embedded into the top of one of the columns. There was only the one, and none of the other columns appeared to have been made to hold one. The lack of symmetry didn’t seem right to Keri at all.

  “Why just the one?” She wondered aloud. “And why such an ugly thing on such a beautiful bed?” She stared at the disc, wrinkling her nose in distaste at the image it held. A man’s form was carved into the metal, his limbs bound with chains and his mouth open in a silent scream.

  “Very creepy, but if I remove it I’m likely to find out someday I destroyed a priceless heirloom, so I guess it stays. At least I won’t have to look at it once this is all back together.”

  It took her over an hour to wrestle the various parts back into place, what had seemed simple when it had been explained to her the previous day proved to be a whole lot more challenging when it was just her versus a lot of heavy, awkwardly shaped bits of wood.

  It had taken her another half an hour to drag her new king sized mattress out of the hallway and into place, and by the time she was done she was ready to fall onto of her new acquisition and sleep for a week. Breathless and sweating, Keri leaned back against the door frame and grinned. It was perfect.

  With the last of her energy she cleaned up the rags, drop cloths and other supplies, still hardly able to believe that it had taken so little work to bring wood back to its glory.

  “I think I’ve earned a nap.” Stripping her clothes off into a pile Keri launched herself into the middle of the bed and fell back, spread-eagled. She burst out laughing as she realized that at five foot three the bed was so massive she couldn’t touch the edges. “What was I thinking buying the biggest, most sinfully beautiful bed in the world so I can sleep in it alone?”

  That single thought reminded Keri of just how lonesome her new life was. There wasn’t a soul in the world she could even call to share her excitement over her new bed, or her plans to take up woodworking again. Some of the dazzle left her day and she curled up under the covers, pulling one of the pillows lengthwise beside her body, wrapping her arm around it and resting her cheek on cool cotton. When a single tear of loneliness trickled down her cheek, she ignored it and willed herself to sleep.

  It didn’t take long for her to fall into a dream, one that felt terribly familiar. It should, she’d had it countless times in the last few months. She was walking alone on a beach she had never seen in life. The ocean was the color of granite and the waves crashed high on the sand. She had lost something, something precious, but she didn’t know what it was, only that it was gone and she needed it back.

  She started to jog, then to run, her bare feet stinging from the stones and shells she stepped on. The wind came up and tossed sea spray in her face, blinding her. Unable to see she tripped and fell to her knees with a sob.

  Part of her cringed, knowing what came next: the sense of failure and then the massive wave that would rise up and crush her. The dream always ended just as the cold water surged over her, blocking out the world.

  This time though, the dream changed. Someone was with her. She felt a pair of strong hands lift her off the sand, cradling her close to a warm chest. She threw her arms around her rescuer and clung to him tightly as he carried her away from the storm.


  Deep in the void Alistair had felt her energy, savoring it like the finest of wines. It had been so long since he’d touched the essence of any woman, but this one— he could already sense her passion, her strength. His first meal in centuries would be no paltry mouthful, she would offer him a feast.

  As the woman fell deeper into slumber he sent out delicate tendrils of thought, linking her mind to his. He slid into her thoughts and touched her memories, a skill all his brethren shared. Seduction was so much easier when you knew your target’s language and customs; what they craved, what they yearned for most. He found her name, Keri. He tamped down his hunger and focused, gleaning what he needed to know before gathering what little strength he had left and weaving himself into her dreams.

  He’d never experienced another person’s nightmare before, nightmares were hardly the easiest place to start a seduction from, but he hadn’t got the energy or the patience to wait for an easier dream to step into. His gaze dropped to the red haired woman in h
is arms as he cradled her closer. It had been hard to watch her fear and pain grow, to wait for the right time to appear. The moment he’d seen her he’d wanted to save her, protect her from the darkness of her own mind. Such courage and so much sadness blended together in one beautiful package.

  He leaned down and brushed a kiss to her brow, feeling his hunger leap at even that small touch. By Styx he needed this woman, wanted her beyond anything he’d felt before and they’d only met in a single dream. What would it feel like when he was strong enough to stand in her world and hold her for real? He couldn’t wait to find out.

  He focused for a moment and let the nightmare fall away, creating a bower of sunlight and blossoms around them, warmth and softness instead of cruel wind and cold sand. Firmly in control of the dream now, he lowered her to the ground and brushed a kiss over her lips, banishing their clothing with a thought.

  Beneath him Keri stirred, her fingers stroking over bare skin and her eyes fluttering open to stare up at him in surprise. “You’re new,” she murmured.


  Where did I conjure him up from? Keri wondered as she took a moment to appreciate her own imagination. He was gorgeous. Powerful shoulders and a broad chest loomed in her vision, and she could feel the hard muscle and sinew that moved beneath her fingers as she touched him. His face could have been sculpted by one of the great artists, strong lines and bold features set off by a pair of golden brown eyes that seemed to shimmer with heat as he watched her from behind a lock of dark hair that fell over his eyes.

  “Aye, I am new, my name is Alistair.” She could hear the laughter barely restrained in his voice as he leaned down to kiss her again. “I thought you needed a bit of help back there.”

  “I did, thank you.” She reached up to his cheek to cup it gently. “I like this ending much better.” He kissed her a third time, this time holding nothing back as his lips slanted over hers, laying claim to them with a kiss that sent her heart racing.

  “I promise this isn’t the end, just the beginning.” He pulled back just enough for them to catch their breath, his hands gliding over her shoulders and down to cup her naked breasts. “I want to savor you, taste you.” He stole another kiss from her lips before letting his mouth wander, blazing fiery trails along her jaw and down towards her captured breasts. “May I Keri, please?”

  Her body answered before she could dare speak the words, arching herself up to him in clear invitation even as her fingers tangled in his dark hair, tugging his mouth nearer.

  “Say it Keri, say the words.” He urged her, his breath warm as it flowed over her bare skin.

  “Please, taste me.”

  Heat flared in his eyes at her words. “Taste me Alistair.” He prompted her.

  “Alistair please.” She whispered her plea, “Taste me, touch me.”

  His head dropped to her breasts, nibbling and nuzzling them with a low groan. “So sweet.” He drew one hardening nipple deep into the heat of his mouth, teasing her with his tongue. “You are making me hungry Keri.” He muttered against her skin. With one last flick of his tongue he released her breast and moved to the other one his movement bringing his rapidly hardening cock up against her hip.

  She shifted her body, turning so her soft thigh brushed against his hot, hard length. Her hips moved slowly, their bodies brushing together with a light friction that only made her crave more of him. He groaned, apparently unable to resist her unspoken invitation as his hand left her breast to glide down her body. Flank, hip, thigh, his fingers slowly circling back up to brush against the soft curls at the apex of her thighs. “Yes, please.” Keri heard the decadent words and realized she had spoken them aloud.

  Her dream lover tore his lips from her breast as his fingers moved to part her folds, stroking her with bold confidence as he found her mouth with his and branded it with a kiss that stole the breath from her lungs. She opened her mouth to his, her tongue darting past his lips to taste the dark cavern of his mouth.

  “Alistair.” Keri whispered his name against his lips, arching her sex into his questing fingers. He nodded in understanding and slipped his fingers deeper into the slick heat of her folds, pressing into her clit with his fingertips. She moaned and bucked against his hand again, increasing the pressure. Desire bloomed deep within her, a firestorm of need for his touch, for his lips. His fingers slid deeper still, burying themselves in her channel and she cried out as an orgasm ripped through her without warning. Nothing had ever felt like this, waking or dreaming.

  He kissed her again, his mouth drawing in her low moans of pleasure as if he were savoring each and every one. It was though he were feeding on her sighs, drinking her in like a fine wine. While her inner walls still pulsed around his fingers his thumb sought out the hidden pearl of her clitoris and stroked it firmly, sending another ripple of need through her body.

  Keri panted and mewled as he touched her, her fingers skimming across the flat planes of his chest, tracing the hard lines of muscle under his skin. She lowered her lips to his shoulder, drawing in his scent; a subtle mix of spices and musk. His mouth stole downward again, leaving her lips to brand a chain of kisses back to her breasts. He buried his face between them, drawing another soft cry of need from her sweet mouth as his warm breath fanned over her skin.

  He moved lower, over the lush curve of her stomach and down until his breath flowed over the fiery red curls that hid her mound. He inhaled her sharply as his fingers moved, withdrawing to expose her every secret to his gaze.

  “Beautiful.” He whispered and then his mouth was busy, his thumb replaced by the insistent rasp of his tongue over her clit.

  Pleasure shot through her and Keri’s fingers tightened, her nail’s raking along his shoulders as she felt another orgasm build. He drew her clit into his mouth and groaned, the vibrations only adding to her pleasure. His fingers slid into her tight passage and she shuddered, arching into him with a soft cry as his fingers found their target. His tongue swirled around her clitoris again and again and then she was lost, falling into a whirlwind of pleasure that stole her breath and left her dizzy and dazed. Her eyes fluttered opened and she gasped as she stared into his eyes as they flared golden and amber with heat.

  “Give yourself to me sweet Keri.” His voice was a low growl full of need as he stared down at her, his body covering hers.

  “Given, granted, yes.” She babbled, laughing as her arms wrapped around his neck and she drew him down and kissed him. “My dream lover, you can have me anytime you like.”

  Amusement glittered in his eyes as he returned her kiss, his tongue twining with hers as he eased himself into the cradle of her thighs, one hand resting on her knee, coaxing her to wrap her leg around his hips. Thick and heavy he pressed against her, teasing them both as he spread her sex and then withdrew, only to arch his hips into her again. Again and again he teased her, each time pressing deeper before withdrawing.

  Soon she was panting, aching for him to take her completely. As he tried to withdraw again she flexed her legs and arched her back, impaling herself on his cock until he was buried to the base. With a wild cry of triumph she grinned up at him, her vaginal walls holding him tightly as she locked her legs tighter around his hips.

  “No more teasing, I can’t take it.”

  “Aye, no more teasing.” He promised and kissed her smiling lips. “Now we let ourselves go.” Without any further warning he began to move, using his powerful physique to lift them both from the bed and then down again, driving himself deeper.

  She loosened her thighs, opening space between them, space he reclaimed with every eager thrust of his hips. Around them the dream world blurred into a background of color and light, collapsing into a bubble where only the two of them existed, entwined and racing towards ecstasy.

  Every thrust drove Keri further into bliss, her body completely filled by Alistair’s impressive cock. She moaned, lifting her head to press a kiss his shoulder, craving the taste of him. Deep in her body she
could feel him, hard as marble as he sheathed himself. He groaned again, “I could stay here, inside you forever.”

  His thrusts grew faster, harder, and Keri watched the expression on his face grow more intense as he reached the limits of control just as she broke and went tumbling into the abyss. She heard herself cry out his name and then her world exploded into sensation and color and she was lost to everything but the pleasure coursing through her. A moment later he thrust into her and shuddered as he came, his roars of satisfaction as he emptied himself into her womb turning to a roar of rage and denial that quickly faded away as the dream came to an end and he was gone.

  Keri woke up, stunned. Her heart pounded and she still felt the echoes of the orgasm she’d just had. “That was one hell of a dream.” She muttered dazedly as she sat up and stretched. The sun was still bright outside her window and she realized that she’d not been asleep more than an hour or so.

  She rose and tugged on fresh clothing, still in a bit of a daze. She knew she needed groceries, so she dragged her hair back into a ponytail and headed into town.

  All through the drive her thoughts kept circling back to a haunting image of dark hair and golden eyes, watching her.



  Alistair rested in the void, gathering his newly found strength. Keri had left the small area he could sense, leaving him alone once more. He had felt her energy dancing in his awareness like a firefly in the dark, and now that she was gone he missed her presence. He laughed at himself, the captive daemon waiting in the darkness for a mere human to return. How the mighty had fallen.

  There had been a time he had travelled throughout this world and others, nearly drunk with the power he had consumed as he seduced mortal woman after mortal woman. There had been so many, their names and faces had blurred. Everywhere he’d gone there had been willing partners, cloistered daughters and young brides married to old men who could not please them. They’d been so ripe, so full of untapped passions; each one had increased his power and added to his abilities.


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